Du Pont Company - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Du Pont Company. Anal. Chem. , 1967, 39 (13), pp 54A–54A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50156a740. Publication Date: November 1967. ACS Legacy Archive...
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Meet the Thermograph: a new Du Pont DTA at $3,900 In the background is the all-purpose Du Pont 900 Differential Thermal Analyzer, the basic console of the most versatile thermal analysis sys­ tem there is. And not the most expen­ sive, either, by a long shot. Still, it's too much for some jobs. Many people don't really need the flexibility and modular features of the 900 for routine DTA, for teaching or for inspection of materials. So we built the Du Pont Thermo­ graph. It gives you virtually the same DTA sensitivity and resolution as the 900, but at considerably lower cost. What you give up for this economic advantage is, essentially, the flexibil­ ity of the 900 and its modules.

To get the outstanding perform­ ance of the Thermograph at low cost, we combined four basic features of modern DTA: small sample size, di­ rect placement of thermocouples in the sample, high-gain amplification and reproducible heating rates. The low temperature capabilities of the Thermograph make it extremely useful for determining hard-to-detect second-order transitions. Its high tem­ perature capability makes it possible to study thermal stability, polymer characterization, purity, oxidation, de­ hydration and many other phenomena of analytical interest. Samples may range from 0.1 to 80 mg. in size and may be in almost any


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form. They are analyzed in dispos­ able tubes, in vacuum or controlled atmospheres, at temperatures from -150°C to 850°C. Thermal data are recorded in a unique time-shared manner on a 10inch strip chart recorder. ΔΤ is dis­ played continuously for 57 seconds of each minute; in the other 3 seconds, the pen peaks at the sample tempera­ ture. Acompensated ballistic program­ mer provides reproducible heating rates of 5, 10, 20 and 40°C/ minute. It's quite an instrument, the Du Pont Thermograph. For complete informa­ tion, just write Room 107, Instru­ ment Products Division, Du Pont Company, Wilmington, Del. 19898.