Purnew GC/NS
Data System has only one limitation· Your head· Free your mind to do what it does best. Interpretive think ing. Let Du Pont's new sys tem supply you with answers —not just piles of data. The Data System c o n v e r t s masses of GC/MS data to chemical answers. You can then be what you are. A chemist. Applying your cre ative energy to interpretive thought. It's easy to operate. You or your assistant can run it. It's simple, highly reliable. It opens up the whole world of GC/MS analysis to scien tists who aren't instrument specialists.
The system urges you to explore. You can automatic ally profile selected masses in each chromatogram. You can list the most abundant masses from all mass spec tra. And call for normalized mass spectra easily selected from all GC peaks in a chro matogram. All of it in charts, tables, and graphs produced in moments. So you save weeks of manual computation
The data system consists of a computer, digital tape unit, interface, and readout. Plus a full library of software based on thirty years of mass spectrometer problem solving. You get more capability than in any other system. New e c o n o m y . S i n g l e source responsibility for all products and software. The
only o p e n - e n d e d mass spectrometer and data sys tem. You can do more when you add more, according to future needs. You also get our reputation. W r i t e or c a l l U r i e McCleary, Jr. for full infor mation. 1500 South Sham rock Avenue, Monrovia, California 91016 · Phone: 213-357-2111
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Tomorrow's Mass Spectrometers tor Tomorrow's Needs. CIRCLE 45 ON READER SERVICE CARD