Du Pont Instruments

"«fc-yik. Thermal analysis can help you make products safer. With the advent of federal ... (Friedberg); London (Hitchin); Paris; Mexico City; Caraca...
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Thermal analysis can help you make products safer. With the advent of federal regulations on safety, the thermal stability of many products—perhaps those you make or u s e has become a very important factor in materials processing, handling and storage. Determination of the safety characteristics of materials and processes can be done quickly and easily using Du Pont Thermal Analysis Systems. With these systems even the most unstable materials can be analyzed without fear of problems because micro-samples are utilized. Four basic techniques of thermal analysis are widely used to obtain safety information. 1. Calorimetry—to determine ignition temperature, flash point, oxidation rate, flammabilHy, energy generated. 2. Thermogravimetric Analysis—to determine the point of spontaneous combustion, evaluate flame retardants, and coupled with a photometer, measure smoke density. 3. Thermomechanical Analysis—to determine changes in structural properties of materials after exposure to heat and other environmental conditions.

4. Thermal Evolution Analysis—to rapidly measure low vapor pressures of organic materials to help control amounts of toxic compounds released into an environment. All four of these methods are becoming widely used by industry to help make products safer. For additional information on the utilization of the Du Pont Thermal Analysis Systems, write Du Pont Company, Room 2 3 5 1 1 , Wilmington, Delaware 19898. Du Pont Instruments—a broad line of scientific, process and bio-medical instrumentation growing to meet the ever-increasing demand for measurement technology. Offices in major U. S. cities and in Frankfurt (Friedberg); London (Hitchin); Paris; Mexico City; Caracas; and Sâo Paulo.


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