Bldg.; St. Louis 5, Mo., 10 S. Brentwood Blvd., Clayton. On West Coast; Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co., 1400 16th Street, San Francisco 19,. Calif.; 650 Wes...
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Another packaging development from Du Pont!

Special Cartons for Du Pont Nitric Acid meet all I.C.C. standards of safety. Above, carton of nitric acid is dropped a distance of 4 feet to concrete floor. Package absorbs shock, protects the bottles.

Now...DuPont Nitric Acid in Foam-Cushioned Cartons New disposable containers absorb shock, resist breakage Now, you get added safety and convenience when you order Du Pont Nitric Acid . . . thanks to new foam-cushioned car­ tons. Unique boxboard construction features an inner core of shock-absorbing plastic foam to reduce danger of breakage. Far lighter than bulky wooden crates, these rugged cartons are easier to open, take less storage space. New easily disposable cartons for Nitric Acid join a list of other Du Pont packaging developments including: Single-

trip Cartons for all reagents. Safety Crips on all heavier 5-pint bottles provide a secure and convenient hold for lifting and pouring. Dripless Sleeves of polyethylene make pouring safer, more accurate. Color Coding of labels and caps insures identi­ fication, helps prevent contamination. On your next order, specify Du Pont Reagents. E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. (Inc.), Grasselli Chemicals Department, Wilmington 98, Delaware.







THE SECRET'S IN THE CORE! "Fome-Cor" container board manufactured by St. Regis Paper Co. has shock-absorbing, acid-resistant inner core ot plastic foam. For added protection, same mate­ rial is used in construction of bottle nests.









REG. U. 5 . PAT. OFF.


GRASSELLI SALES OFFICES: Atlanta 8, G a „ 739 W e s t Peachtree Street; Boston 10, Mass., 140 Federal Street; Chicago 32, 111., 4251 South C r a w f o r d Avenue; Cincinnati 2, Ohio, 603 Terrace Hilton Bldg.; Cleveland 14, O h i o , 1321 National City Bank Bldg.; Detroit 35 Michigan, 13000 West 7 Mile Road; Milwaukee 13, W i s e , 6500 W e s t State Street; Minneapolis 2, Minn., 1207 Foshay Tower; N e w Haven 13, Conn., 46 River Street; N e w York 1, Ν . Υ., 350 Fifth Avenue; W y n n e w o o d , Pa., 308 East Lancaster Ave.; Pittsburgh 19, Pa., 1715 Grant Bldg.; St. louis 5, M o . , 10 S. Brentwood Blvd., Clayton. O n West Coast: Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co., 1400 16th Street, San Francisco 19, Calif.; 650 W e s t 8th South, Sait Lake City, Utah; Braun Chemical Corp., 1363 South Bonnie Beach Place, Los Angeles 54, Calif.; 1745 Imperial Ave., San Diego, Calif.; 2930 W e s t Osborne Road, Phoenix, Ariz.; Van Waters S, Rogers, Inc., 4000 First Avenue South, Seattle 4, Wash.; 3950 Northwest Yeon, Portland, O r e g o n ; 801 N . Washington, Spokane, Wash.; Scientific Supplies Co., 600 Spokane St., Seattle 4, Wash.; 713 S.W. 12th St., Portland,Oregon. In C a n a d a : Du Pont of Canada Limited, Box 660, Montreal, P.Q., Canada.

"Fome-Cor" is a trademark of St. Regis Paper Company Circle No. 3 on Readers' Service Carl

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