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The Research Information Service offers the following statistics of doctorates in chemistry conferred by American universities during the academic yea...
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VOL. 6, No. 12




The Research Information Service offers the following statistics of doctorates in chemistry conferred by American universities during the academic year 1928-29. This is the fifth year in which this compilation has been made; previous lists have been published in THISJOURNAL, 3, 77-99 (Jan., 1926); 4, 99-109 (Jan., 1927); 4, 1303-13 (Oct., 1927); 5,145W3 (Nov., 1928). In this compilation the doctorates granted by the universities in biochemistry, engineering, and metallurgy have been listed under the separate headings, but are included in the totals by university in the statistical tables. There are fourteen universities, in place of the eleven in 1927-28, who report ten or more doctorates in chemistry. Wisconsin continues to hold first place, with Columbia second. The three universities which have gained a place in the table this year are California, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Michigan. Attention is called to the fact that the compilers have only the title of the thesis and the department in which the doctorate was granted to aid them in the subject classification. It is not always possible to classify correctly from this information, which may account for the inclusion or omission of a given thesis. Corrections' and suggestions as to this publication are always appreciated. Q Information concerning all the doctorates granted in the sciences will appear in a forthcoming publication of the National Research Council, copies of which may be obtained from the Publication Office. TABLE I D~sT~rauTro~ O F DOCTORATES mT CHEMISTRY BY UNIVERSITY, BY YEAR '20-21 '21-'22 '22-'23 '23-'24 24-35 '25-36 '26'27 '27-'28' 28-'29

American. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boston. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Bryn Mawr.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . California... . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Calif. Inst. Tech.. . . . . . . . . Catholic.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chicago................ 16 Cincinnati.............. 2 Clark .................. 3 Colorado. . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia. ........... Cornell ................. 8 Duke...



.. .. 1 8 2 . 14 3 2


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

.. ..


.. ..

.. ..




6 3

8 4

7 7


. 11






2 19 2 3

14 4








.. 2


12 1 3


1 1


1 26 4


2 1 16 3 21 3







9 6 1 19










4 1 13 4 2 24 8


15 4






'20-'21 '21-'22 3 2 - 9 8 2 - 9 4

Fordham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GemWashington . . . . 1 Harvard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Illinois. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Indiana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iowa State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JohnsHopkins . . . . . . . . . . 10 Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maryland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mass. Agr . Coll . . . . . . . . . . Ma-s.Inst.Tech . . . . . . 6 6 Michigan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mich . State Coll . . . . . . . . . . Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nebraska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 NewYork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 N . Y. State Coll For . . . . . . North Carolina . . . . . . . . . 2 Northwestern . . . . . . . . . . . . . Notre Dame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OhioState . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Pennsylvania. . . . . . . . . . . 1 Penna. State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittsburgh .............. 2 Princeton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Raddiffe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Rensselaer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Rochester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rutgers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St Louis Univ . . . . . . . . . . . . Stanford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Syracuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Virginia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wash U., St. Louis . . . . . . . Washingon . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Yale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135





'24-'25 '25-'26 '26-'27 '27-'28 '28-'29


2 1 13 18 2 6 7 10 3

....... ... 1

.. ..

.. ..

3 ID 1

.. .. 13


2 6 5 19 2 4

.. 3 18 19 1 3 4 12 1



.. 12

2 2 10 18 2 10 8 19 1 4

1 2 11 11 2 9 7 15 5 2


8 13

6 8





8 1 1 2

8 1 I 3

19 2

15 1 1 4

6 2

11 11

17 2









1 1

1 6

9 1 3 1

8 1 3 3

.. ..

.. ..




2 3

1 13

4 2 14 4

5 1


.. 5 8


1 4


.. 4 3

.. 5 5


.. .. .. .. ..





.. .. .. .. .. ..


.. ..

.. .. ..






7 4

3 4

10 4

. ..


.. ..

13 3 4 9 8 1 3

1 1


.. ..

.. .. ..






.. ..

.. ..

.. ..

1 1







1 21 8

2 26 16

24 18





6 1 4 5

15 7


14 17 194




2 13 13 157

11 13

11 7




7 8


.. .. ..


23 1

8 3 7 16 3 13 13 21 5 2


5 5


2 1 8 16 2 16 13 17 3 3


- - -





3 1

.. 2 3 2 1 3 2 1 16 12 270



3 1

.. 2

.. 1 25 19 300

.. 2 3 1 19 3 3 7 7 1 1 1

.. 3 1 9

.. .. 3 2 4 31 19 3.s


Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Columbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Chicago ................ 16

13 13 14

14 28 12

'23-'24 '24-'25

21 35 19

26 30 14



24 34 26

16 28 21

'27-28 '28-'29

25 23 19

31 25 24

VOL.6, No. 12



TABLE I1 (Concluded) '2W21 '21-'22 '22-'23 '23-'24 '24-'25 '25-'26 '26-'27 '27-'28' 28-'29

JohnsHopkins .......... 10 OhioState .............. 5 Yale ................... 13 Illinois ................. 7 Corndl ................. 8 Minnesota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . California .............. 6 Iowa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iowa State.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michigan ............... 6 Mass. Inst. Tech.. ...... 6

13 4 13 16 9 5 8


12 13 17 19 8 3 11 4

5 5

2 6

. . . .

12 14 8 19 19 9 6 3 4 11 11

10 23 16 18 11 8 8 6 7 2 17

19 11 18 18 12 8 7 10 8 13 8

15 15 12 11 16 8 16 9 7 8 6

17 11 19 16 21 15 9 16 13 8 7

21 19 19 16 15 15 13 13 13 13 11

CHEMISTRY Brown CEcn LANGFORD BROWN,''The Preparation and Properties of the Diphenyl "Reactions of Triphenyl Tin and of Triphenyl Germany1 Group." HARRYEATOUGH, "A Study of the Oxides of PotasSilicon Derivatives." ELLISFREEMANPARMENTER, RIDDERHOP, "A Liquid Ammonia Calorimeter and Some Heats sium." JOHNADRTAN of Reaction in Liquid Ammonia." Brpn M a m

Emu MARGARETDIETZ, ''High- Benzologues of Phenanthrenequinone and Authraquinone." California CHARLESDOUGLAS BARNES,"The Mechanism of the Rearrangement of AcetylBURR, "The S p t e of Aggregation of Some chloroaminobenzene." NORVALFOSTER Proteins." LESTERLAXSENHIRST, "A Method of Measuring the Vapor Pressure of "The Mercury over Amalgams a t Room Temperature." HERRICKLEE JOHNSTON, Entropies of Nitric Oxide and of Oxygen from Heat Capacity Measurements a t Low Temperatures as Bearing an the Third Law of Thermodynamics." HAMLINEMONROE MILNER, KVALNES,"Investigations with the Mass Spectrograph." REID THOMPSON "The Third Law of Thermodynamics Applied t o a Solid Solution of Silver Bromide and Silver Chloride." ROBERTCHARLES M I ~ O W"The , Reaction of Hexaphenylethane with Oxygen." W m . ~ mEarn R~SEVEARE, "The Reaction between Pot&sium Oxalate and Mercuric Chloride." DONALD MILTON SMITH. "The Effect of Oxygen upon the Rate of the Reaction between Ethylene and Chlorine." FRANK HAROLD SPEDDING, "Line Absorption Spedra in Solids in the Visible and Ultra-Violet Regions of the Spectrum." LEONAESTERYOUNG,"The Calomel and Silver Chloride Electrodes in Acid and Neutral Solutions. The Activity Coefficients of Aqueous Hydrochloric Acid and the Single Potential of the Deci-molal Calomel Electrode." California Institute of Technology ROBERT T~OUTMAN DILLON, ''Research on the Normal Butenes." WILLIAM "Equilibrium between Aluminum Carbide and Nitrogen at High BERURD Hm-, Temperature." H. DARWINKIRSCHMAN,"Analytical Studies by Potentiometric Methods." WILLIAMCOULDYOUNG,''Research on the Normal Butenes." Catholic

EDWARD RICHARDWERM, "Manpanous Oxalate as a Primary Standard and a

Study of the Volhard Method for the Determination of Manganese." JOHN REGLI HILL, "The Oxidation-Reduction Potential of the Manganese Dionide-Manganaus Ion Electrode." Chicago NICHOLASDIMITRIUSCHERONIS,"The Transformation of a-Bromobutyric Acid into 6-Bromobutyric Acid." JOHN WILLIAMCHITTUM,"The C,-Saccharinic Acids. VII. The Resoiution of dl-1.2-Dihydroxyhutytic Acid of Meltina Point 74-75'C." JOSEPHF~eoEnlcKCHITTUM,he Heat i f ~ i l u t i o nof Aqueous Solutions of Sodium COLE."The Action of Phenylmagnesium Bromide on AcetoChloride." JOHNELTON phenoneoxime. 6.6'-Diphenyl-B-hydroxyethylamine." DAVID MANUS CANS, "I. The Direct Determination of Aasorptian a t the Gas-Liquid Interface. 11. The Surface Tension of Aqueous Solutions of pToluidine. 111. Vaporization and Surface Formation in Relation t o Orientation." DELL S. GARBY,"Arsenic Derivatives of Phenylaminoacetic Acid. 11." BERNARDGINSBERG,"The Spreading of Liquids, Polymolecular Layers and Studies in the Drop-Weight Method lor Surface Tension Measurements." LUTHERORLAND LEACH,"The Relative Polarity of the Halogen in the Haloacetic Acids." DOROTHY VIRGINIA NIGHTINGALE, "Studies in the Murexide and Alloxantin Series." WILLIS CONWAY PIERCE,"I. A Further Study of the Reaction between Nitrogen Dioxide and Liquid Mercury. 11. An Investigation of the Mechanism of the Photochemical Decomposition of Malonic Acid." ARTHUR EUGENE SnEWARD, "An Scnun, "Disintegrative Synthesis of Atoms." OGDEN ELBRIDGE Attempt to Prepare Tantomeric Indophenols." WILWSKUHNWEAVER,"The Rearrangement of Methyldiphenylmethylmonochloroamine and Methyldiphenylmethylazide." Cincinnati ~


ROBERT DOMINICK BILLINGER, "Effect of Salts on the Ethyl Acetate Equilibrium." PAULE. BOWMAN, "The Effect of Organic Bases upon the Extent of the Reducing Action of Sodium Methylate on (a) Nitrobenzepe and (b) Azorybenzene." EDWARD H e r s SMOKER,"A Study of the Reactions between Sodium and Silver Iodide and CYRIL HORNING, Sodium and Manganese Iodide in Liquid Ammonia." SAMUEL THORNTON RANIER,"The Quin"Wetting and Absorption in Lithography." EDW~N hydrone Electrode in Alkaline Solution." Colorado GERARDJEAN BERCHET,"The Wurtz-Fittig Reaction in Liquid Ammonia." ARLIEADRIANO'KELLY, "A New Series of Dihydro- and Dichloroketohexahydro-atriazines." Columbia R. GRAHAM COOK,"The Principle of the Specific Tnteraction of the Ions in MixFIELD, "On the Grading of tures of High Valence Electrolytes." ADA MARTITLA H. GOLDMAN. "The Nitrocellulose Membranes of Ethylene Glycol." FREDZRICK

for the Determination of Ammonia." HARRYATHOLMURRAY,Jr., "A PhysicoChemical Study of Gum Arabic." ALANHOULDSWORTH RICHARDSON,"The SoluROLLER,"The Reduction of Pcrmanganate Ian by bility of Oxygen." PAULSALMON Chromic Ion in Acid Solution." JOHNWILPRED TEMPLE,"An Electrometric Method for the Study of Autonidation Reactions." IRA AMONUPDIKE,"The Synthesis of 2-Awl-6-dimethylaminobenzothiaz01es from 2-Amino-5-dimethylaniline Thiosulfnric Acid and Aromatic Aldehvdes."

V ~ L6, . No. 12



Cornell CHARLESREDMAN FORDYCE, "The Synthesis of Branched Chain Fatty Acids." DAN FOR^ RAWSON HALE,"Induced Reactions and the Higher Oxides of Iron." RAYMOND JOHNHEMPRILL, "A Study of the Effects of Various Conditions upon the Completeness and Rapidity of the Separation of Nickel from Cobalt by Hypochlorite." HOWARD LOUISHUNTER,"Germanium Dichloride: The Preparation and Study of Its Physical and Chemical Properties." N E Y T ~ CHARLES N JONES,"The Anode Reactions of Fluorine." PAULRICKER JUDY,"Halogen Substitution Products of Monogermane." THEODOREGLADDENKENNARD, "The High-Wattage Spark in Chemical Spectral Snalysis." CHARLES WALTERMORSE,"The Reduction of Nitric Oxide." MAURICE JACKSON MURRAY, "Osmoti~PT~SSUES of Acetone Solutions." LEO BOGAN ROBERTS, "A Contribution to the Chemistry of Potassium Trinitride and Azide Carbon Disulfide." W~LIM SEAMAN, "Some Aromatic Derivatives of Boric Acid." ALVINFROST SHEPARD,"Syntheses in the Furane Series." I,AVERNE HAROLDWI~.L~~IS~ORD, "A Study of the Binary System Silver-Germanium." Duke

IVEY ALLEN,Jr., "Investigation of Isoquinoline Alkaloids: The Proposed FritschPomeranz Synthesis of Papaverine." ROSE M. DAVIS,"Investigation of Isoquinoline Alkaloids: Examination of Pictet's Berberine Synthesis." D. M. Kumno. "The Possibility of Non-Toxic Lead Compounds." 0 . N. LACKEY,"Voltaic Cells with Onidation-Reduction Electrodes." Fordham

FRANCIS J. BROGAN, "New Studies on the Mechanism of the Perkin's Reaction." J o s ~ mVINCENTDEIGNAN,"The Reaction between the Binary System Magnesium and Magnesium Iodide and Benzaldehyde." SAMUEZ. LANDAU, "A Differential Preparation of the Various Reduction Products of Mono- and Dinitrobenzene by Means of Glucose and Sodium Hydroxide as a Reducing Agent."* MAX MELTSNER,"Action of Metallic Nitrates on Heterocyclic Hydrocarbons. Anthracene and Phenanthrene." J. QUINLAN, "The Action of Gomberg's Binary System, Magnesium MagFRANCIS nesium Iodide on Unsaturated Aromatic Acids."


George Washington I ~ v r v oDENISON,"The Chemical Alteration of Moscovite and Biotite in the Development of the Soil Profile." 0 . E. MAY,"The Biological Produdion of Organic Acids Derived from Carbohydrates, with Particular Reference to the Formation of a Gluonic Acid from Glucose." JOHNT. SCANLON, "The Preparation and Spectrophotometric Study of Some New Dyes of the Magenta Group." Hmard WILLIAM CHARLESCOOPER,Jr., "I. The Atomic Weight of Germanium. 11. The Aqueous Pressure of Hydrated Crystals: Oxalic Acid, Sodium Acetate, Sodium Carbonate, Sodium Sulfate, Disodium Phosphate and Barium Chloride." JOSEPH SCARBOR~UGH DE FRATES,"A Study of the Nucleotides of Yeast Nucleic Acid." MARcEr AUGUSTEFRANCON, "I. Solubility of Mercurous Chloride and Its Decomposition by Concentrated Solutions of Other Chlorides. 11. The Atomic Weight of Caesium." WnLIAiu FREDERIC HESTER,"Ketoxido Compounds and the Grignard Reagent." WESLEYGLICKLEIGHTON, "Precisian Aetinometry with Uranyl Oxalate." P ~ n m GREELEYSTEVENS,"I. The Adion of Bases on &Ladones and a-Hydroxy Ketones. 11. Isomerism in the Fluorene Series." OLUS JESSE STEWART, "The

Determination of the Atomic Weights of Praseodymium, Neodymium, Samarium and Thulium." Ulinois "The Magnetic Properties of Atomic Iodine." EUCLID DALEF u r m BABCOCB., WILFREDBOUSQUET, "Substituted Aryl Alkyl Barhituric Acids." MICHAELJOSEPH COPLEY,"Electrical Properties of Molecules by the Molecular Ray Method." STANLEY GRIFFITHFORD,"I. The Synthesis of Cydohutylmethyl Alkyl Acetic Acids and Their Bactericidal Action toward B. Leprab. 11. The Stereoisomerism of Certain Diphenylfuranes." DEFOECHILDRBSS GINNINGS, "Temperature-Conductance Curves of Solid Lithium Salts at High Temperatures." EDWINROBERTLITTMANN, "The Formation of Cyclic Quaternary Ammonium Salts from Halogenated Aliphatic Tertiary Amines." WILLIAMHIRAMLYCAN,"The Preparation of vHydroxy Fatty Acids; Syntheses of Sabinic and Juniperic Acids." GEORGERAYSHERWOOD, "Observations on the Rare Earths: Studies in Basicity." WENDEX MEREDITHSTANLEY,"The Synthesis of Certain Octadecanoic and Related Acids and Their Bactericidal .4ction toward Mycohactevium Leprae." HERMANLours TSCHENTKE, "Physico-Chemical Studies on the Mechanism of the Drying of Linseed Oil." GAILROBERTYOHE,"Synthesis of Cydopentyl Substituted Aliphatic Acids; Studies in Resolution; and an X-ray Investigation of Enantiomorphism." Indiana JACOBWILLIAMHUBER ALDRED."A Studv of Certain Pyridine Homoloas." HERSCHEL HUNT,"The Electrical Conductivity of Organic Acids in Water, Alcohols and Acetone and the Electronic Structures of the Acids." AMATA MCGLYNN."Preuaration and Evaluation of Hydmsulfites." Iowa D. NORMAN CRAIG,"The Lead Didxide-Lead Sulfate Electrode and the Electramotive Force of the Lead Storage Cell." QVID NORMANCRAIG, "Nitrogen Trichloride and Unsaturated Ketones." W u s m TALBOTDADDOW, '"Limitation of the Reactivity of the Carbonyl Group through the Proximity of Other Groups." WAYNE L. DENMAN, "Boiler Reactions a t High Temperatures." J m s FRANK EVERSOLE, "The Adsorption of Certain Dichlaro Derivatives of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons by Activated Charcoal." Lours HAROLDHOWLAND,"Action of Bromine on Certain Mixed Ethers." DAVIDMORRIS HURT, "The Conductivity and Viscosity of Solutions of Lithium Nitrate in Certain Binary Alcoholic Systems." ADoLF HENRYKUNZ,"The Onidation-Reduction Potential of the Ferric-Ferrous Electrode." GEORGEMARTIN MULLINS, "The Reaction of Nitrogen Trichloride and Organic Needs." WILLIAM RICHMOND STEPHENS, "Miscibilities of Certain Tetrahalogen Compounds of the Fourth Periodic Group with Anhydrous Liquid Sulfur Dioxide." WESLEYCARLSTOESSER, "New Halogenated Derivatives of Vanillin and Some of Their Reactions." JACOB NELSONWKKERT,"A Further Study of the Nitration of Substituted Benzanilides." Iowa State College

EMERSON W. BIRD, "Adaptation of the Potassium and Sodium Electrodes t o Biological Measurements." REUBENWALDEMAR BORGESON, "Reactions of Organic R. COLLINS,"Application Compounds with Liquid Hydrogen Sulfide." EMERSON of the Quinhydrone Electrode t o Investigations on Base Exchange in Soils." WILLIAM ROBERTHARLAND, "Studies on Nicotine." WILBURLEE HOFF, "Base Replacement KmsY, "A. Some as the Cause of Adsorption of Dyes by Soils." JAMES EMORY Rearrangement Reactions of Organomagnesium Halides. B. New Organo-Lead Compounds in Anti-Knock Studies." EDMOND EUGENE MOORE,"A Conductivity

Method for the Anal"sis of Formic Acid in the Presence of the Volatile Fatty Acids Produced by Fermentation." Manjonrs BARRMOORE,"Solution Studies in Carbon Dioxide. I. The Variation of Hydrogen-Ion Concentration with Carbon Dioxide "The Action of Pressures above One Atmosphere." JULUN HARRISONTOULOUSE, Citric Acid and Its Salts in Sugar Solutions." Johns Hopgins RALPHBAnrss BAKER,"I. The Claisen Ester Condensation with Ethyl ThiolCnmEs acetate. 11. The Action of Sulfur on n-Heptane under Pressure." EDWARD BILLHEIM~R, "The Decomposition of Mercaptans in Alkali Solutions." JOHANNES HADELN BRWN. "The Isolation of Some of the Chemical Constituents of Petroleum." L m x llucn I).%wssv."The Absorption Spectrum and Photochemical Dissociation uf l1vlroacn TR ."The Hcnt Capacities of Some . . P~mxide." KORFRT I:REEMAN DKKSE. .. Aliphatic Bromides." GEORGELAWRENCE DOROUGH, "Some Isomeric Odanols." ALBERTBENJAMINFORD DUNCAN,"The Decomposition of Thallic Oxide." LINUS MARVINELLIS, "The Preparation and Properties of Certain Higher Aliphatic Mercaptans." EGBERT BARROWSFREYER. "The Sonic Interferometer. The Velocity of Sound in Some Organic Liquids and in Solutions of Certain Alkali Halides." HUGH JUANITAGREER,"Studies in BRYSON GLASS,"Some Isomeric Octanols." ELIZABETH Intensive Drying." GEORGEBASCOMB MALONE,"Some Isomeric Octanols." KLARE STEPHENMARKLEY, "The Effect of a Change in Solvent upon the Reaction of Thiocarbanilide and Chloroacetic Acid and Condensation of the Products Formed with Aromatic Aldehydes." FREDERICT ~ M AMARTIN, N "Studies on the Porous Disc Method of Measuring Osmotic Pressure. I." HBLEN ADELINE P R A ~"I. , The Effect of Electrolytes an the Gelation of Silicic Acid Sols. 11. The Preparation of Pure Sols of Silicic Acid." LAWRENCE HENRYS c m , "Studies an the Porous Disc Method of Measuring Osmotic Pressure." KENNETEHOODSLAGLE,"Decomposition G STAIB,11.. ''The Surface of Aliphatic Ketones in the Gas Phase." L ~ D W I ADOLPH Decomposition of Nitrogen Pentoxide." JOHN VICTOR VAU&AEN, "Studies on Nitrosylsulfuric Acid Anhydride." FREDERICKC ~ ~ WAGNER, E R A : Comparative Study WILLOUGABY, "Further Studies in of Some Aliphatic Snlfanic Acids." CARLEDWIN the Preparation of Osmotic Pressure Cells." Kansas Emsr. ANNJONES,"The Fusion Curves for the Systems Ammouia-Propyl Alcohols and Ammania-Butyl Aleobois." S z u - C H ~ Lm, "The Effect of the Position of Sub: stitution on the Ionization Constants of Some Aromatic Ammono Acids in Liquid Ammonia." WALTERHENRYMCALLISTER."Solubilities and Reactions of Acetates in Pure Acetic Acid as Solvent." JOHNFRAMLOLIN, ''A Study of Certain Thiourea Ethers." Maryland G. B. COOKE,"The Action of Sulfuric Acid on Methyl Isopropyl Carbinol." HORN,"An Investigation of the Proteins of the Peanut, Arackir Eypogaee."

M. J.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology KENNETHCLARKBLANCHARD, "Studies in the Urea Series. Nitrourea, Nitrobiuret and Dicyanic Acid." T s m c - S m Hsu, "A Study of the Platinum Resistance FARRIZARD,"The Reduction Potential of Selmous Acid, Thermometer." EMMETTE the Free Energy of Aqueous Selenic Acid and the Free Energy of the T.richloride Ian." Jolm GAMDEEKIRKWOOD, "An Experimental Study of the Dielectric Constant of Carbon Dioxide as a Function of Its Density." WULUM EARLMESSR, "The Re-

actions of Certain Olefins of High Molecular Weight with Sulfuric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid and the Air." JOSEPHFREDERICWALKER,"The Oxidation of m-Xylorcinol." RALPHCHII~LINGWORTEI YOUNG,"The Influence of Structure on the Breaking by Heat of the Carbon-Oxygen Bond in Certain Ethers." Michigan RICHARD GRSSECLARKSON, "The Synthesis of a New Series of Spiranes." OSWALD HERMAN GRBAGER, "A Study of the Adhesion Tension Relationships and Correlated JOSEPHMERRILL,"Determination of AdProperties of Calcium Fluoride." ERNEST hesion Tension of Liquids against Solids. A Microphotographir Method." F . MILLER, "The Relation between Interfacial Tension, Adhesion Tension and LAVERNE Adsorption from Binary Liquid Mixtures." CARLETON NEIKIRKSMITH,"The Properties of Carbon Black as Revealed by the Measurement of Adhesion Tension SolidLiquid." FRANKLTN DANPORD S M I ~"I. , The Action of Aromatic Grignard Reagents on Arsenic Trioxide. 11. The Action of Grignard Reagents on Arylarsine Oxides 111. The Preparation and Properties of Tetraaryldiarsyls." Minnesota BUDROW, "The Action of Iodine on Anhydrous Sodium T ~ ~ o o o nTHOMPSON s EGLOPCLIPTON,"Potentiametric Studies of Sugar Oxidation. Phenolate." CHARLES A Determination of 'Active' Glucose." C m m E s GUIDOFERRARI,"A Study of the Camtinoid Pigments of Wheat and Flour with Special Reference to Flour Bleaching." WILLIAMFINDLAY GEDDES,"Chemical and Physico-Chemical Changes in Wheat and Wheat Products Induced by Elevated Temperatures." WILLIAMMCKINLBY MARTIN, "Relation of Interfacial Energy t o the Molecular Structure of Organic Compounds." WALTONBUNYANSINCLAIR,"The R I k t of Inorganic Salt Solutions on Gliadin." MURRAY M m o SPRUNG, ~ "A Study of the Piris Reaction." HOWARD OLTASTRIEOLD, "A Chemical Study of Rancidity." ?

Nebraska SEBASTIAN ANTHONY DURBAN,"A Study of the Chromic-Chromate Electrode Potential." New York WILLIAMFOWNRS HAMILTON, "The Auto-Ignition of Fuels." CLARENCE YARDLEY HOPKINS,"The Preparation of Certain Esters and Ethers of Choline." RUSSELL MCGILL,"The Preparation and Properties of Certain Onium Compounds." ARTEIUR SEA= WILLIAMS, "The Application of the Photo-Electric Cell to Colorimetric Analysis." North Carolina WILLIAM MARIONMEBANE,"The Solubility of the Phosphates of Calcium in Aqueous Solutions of Sulfur Dioxide." ROBERTDILL NORTON, "Grignard Reactions in the Paracymene Series." Northwestern

FRANK LEON COHEN,"The Pyrolysis of B,y-Unsaturated Ethers of Phenol." PAULJOHNCUIBANE,"The Effect of Suhstituents on the Replacement of Carboxyl hy Mercury." LEROY UMBERGER SPENCE,"The Pyrolysis of Selected Aliphatic Hydrocarbons." Notre Dame WILLIAM LOCAN FOOHEY, "The Catalytic Condensation of Acetylene with Glycols, Hydroxy Acids and Their Derivatives."

VOL.6, No. 12



Ohio State University CRAYTON KNOXBLACK, "Physico-Organic Studies of in seed Oil Driers." EARLE HANSR A D ~ I F FCALEY, E "The Direct Determination of Sodium." VIRGILLELAND LASH, LEY,"A Study of Foaming and Priming of Boiler Waters." MENDELELMBR MAUTZ,"Casting of Clay Slips." "Adsorption and Crystal Growth." PAUL HERMAN RAO~L LOUIS MENvnLE, "The Catalytic Oxidation of Carbon." LYLE JORDAN MICHAEL,"The Catalytic Oxidation of Carbon." CHARLESS. PEASE,"The Relation of Ultra-Violet Adsorption Spectra to Symmetry in Molecular Structure." JOHN MAYNARD PURDY,"Effect of Light of DifferentWave-Lengths on Oxidation of Linseed Oil." ROBERTKERKSUMMERBELL,"A Study of the Mechanism of the Reaction of Ethylene Oxide on the Grignard Reagent." Pennsylvania HOWARD MCWILLIAMSBUCKWALTER, "A New Procedure for the Determination of Unsaturation of Some Organic Compounds by Bromination and a. Study of Some PUGH FENIMORE."I. A Errors Which Affect Bromination Methods." EDWARD Distillation Method for the Determination of Mercury in Organic Compounds. 11. A Study of the Accuracy of Several Existing Methods for the Determination of Mercury." Pennsylvania State College PERRYGOODELL BARTLETT, "The Principles of Dyeing with Acid and Basic Colors." KARLHENRYENGBL,"A Cleavage of Dyes by Means of Sulfites." Pittsburgh JAMESMEYERDAVIDSON, "Reactions of Vinyl Chloride and Benzene in the Presence of Aluminum Chloride." DAVIDFRUSTON EDWARDS, "The Relative Heat of Reaction of Sulfuric Acid with Naphtha Solution,of Oletins and the Polymerization of Trimethylethylene." LEO PHILLIP HWRUCH, "The Electrochemical Reduction of Am Dyes to Their Respective Amino Compounds."+ ROBERTELMERMCCLURE, "The Electrochemical Preparation of Phenylhydrazine." Monnrs W. Mean, JR., "The Proteolytic Action of Clostridiurn Sporogenes and Clostridium Hystolyticurn with Special Reference to the Specific Destruction of Two Amino Acids." VICTOR ROBERTTHAYER."Measurement of the Heat Capacity and Evaluation of the Free Energy of Ethane Gas." Princeton JOSEPH CLIFTON ELGIN,"The Photosensitized and Photochemical Decomposition WILLIAMFLOSDORF, "Contributions to the Study of the Heats of Hydrazine." EARL of Adsorption of Gases and Heats of Gaseous Reactions on Catalyst Surfaces." WILLIAM CECILGARDINER, "A Study of Certain Properties of the Depolarizer of the Weston Normal Cell." ANTHONY HOWEGLEASON, "A Study of the Dehydration of o-Benzoylbenzoic Acid and Its Derivatives." DOUGLAS GREENWOOD HILL, "The Reactions of Ethylene, Hydrogen and the Saturated Hydrocarbons under the InRuence of Excited Mercury." WTLLIAM NELSONSTOOFS, "The Dielectric Polarization of Alcohols." WnLra~ ARMSTRONG WEST,"Studies in Vapor Pressures."

RadclifIe MILDREDWRLTAMS EYANS,"A Study of the Raw of Dissociation of Some Dixanthyls." Rice Institute GEORGEHOLMESRTCHTER,"Synthesis in Furane Series. Synthesis of Tetrarnethylene Glycol and Chlorohydrin."



ROBERT DuBo~s,"Adsorption a t the Air-Solution Interface." WnLrs CONARD FERNELIUS,"The Chemical Reactivity of the Fused Alkali Bases of the Water and Ammonia Systems." WALLACE ALFREDGILKEY,''Some Physical Properties of Organic Gla5ses." SAMUEL STEPHENS KISTLER,"An Investigation of the Existence of Colloidal Electrolytes in Nonaqueous Solutions." CHARLES RONALD PEAKER,"Absolute Measurements of the Electrical Conductivity of Surfaces of Solutions Bounded by Glass or Fatty Acid and Their Relationship t o Electrokinetic Phenomena." PIERRE JEANVANRYSSELBERGE, "Incompatibility between Any Complete Dissociation Theory and Migration Data." HERBERTGILESTANNER."Methods for Determining the Thickness of a Layer of Gas Adsorbed upon a Plane Solid Surface." ROBERTCASE WULIAMS,"I. A Study of the Constitution of Aqueous Solutions of the Hydrogen Soap, Cetyl Sulfonic Add. 11. A Determination of the Number of Free Electric Charges on Air Bubbles and Oil Droplets Dispersed in Water Containing a Small Amount of Cetyl Sulfonic Acid." HUNG CHAUWONG,"The Study of Wheat Bran Oil." Virginia JOHN HULONMom, "The Free Energy of Formation of Lead Monoxide from Electromotive Force Measurements." NICXOLASEwrNa OGLEWY,"A Study of the Ternary System, Sodium Bicarbonate, Potassium Bicarbonate and Water." WHITING FAULKNER YOUNG,"The Synthesis of Water Vapor from Hydrogen and Oxygen in the Presence of Metallic Platinum." Washington HENRYMATTHEWBURLAGE, "A Study of Asamm Caudatum." M s n n WILLIAM DEMING,"Heterogeneous Equilibria between Aqueous and Metallic Solutions." FRANK ANDREWLEE, "A Study of the Reactiofw of Nitrasyl Chloride." VICTORELLIOTT WELLMAN, "New Studies of Factors Controlliu$Type of Water-Soap-Oil Emulsions." Western Reserve RICE

MADELINEBIXBY CAMPBELL,"Studies of Anesthetic Ethylene." JAMESMAUCARTER,"Critical Phenomena of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Mixtures." Wisconsin

NELSONWAYNEBOLYARD, "The Preparation of a Series of 1-Alkyl-4-Piperidyl Benzoates and 9-Aminohenzoates." HARRYROBERTD I ~ A R"The , Decomposition of Triphenylacetic Acid by Sulfuric Acid." RUSSELLJOHNFOSBINDER, "A Study of the Calcium Electrode with Special Reference t o Dilute Solutions." DONALD PENROSE GRAHAM, "Promoter Action in Reactions of Oxidation Concomitant with the CataTRENERY HALLETT,"The lytic Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide." LAWRBN~G Microanalysis of Lake-Water Residues." HERBERT HE~Nnrur, "On the Chemical Nature of Nutshells." REUBENG. HENRICH,"I. A Micro-Soxhlet Extractor and Its Use in the Study of Lake Plankton. 11. Studies on the Analytical Chemistry of Colomhium." LORENCUBTISHuno, "A Study of the Ammonates of Copper Selenate and Copper Selenite." EDWARD THOMPSON LESSIG,"The Decomposition of Organic Vapors a t Elevated Temperatures." ROBERTJOHNMCCWBIN,"The Oxidation of Di- and Triisobutylene by Ozone." ROBERTBETHELREYNOLDS, "The Relation of Structure to Reactivity and Affinity in the Formation of Nitroparaffins and Alkyl Nitrites." REX JULIANROBINSON,"The Quantitative Determination of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Silica in Lake Waters." HENRYM. STARK,"A Study of the Coagu"The Equilation of Ferric Oxide Sols by Gas Bubbles." PHILIPTRIMBLES~ROUP,

libria and Reaction Rates between Sodium Arsenite and Tellurate." "A Study of the Shift of the Water Equilibrium by Solutes through of Specific Heats." KENNETH MERCEWATSON,"The Dissolution of in Liquids." EARLHOLDBNWINSLOW,"A Study of the Action of Chlorine Gss an Certain Metals and Alloys."

FRANKURBAN, Determinations Granular Solids Dry and Moist

Yale ALP~EUS MESSERLVBALL,"The Behavior of Coal Near Its Softening Temperature." SIfAILER LINWOOD BASS,"The Synthesis of Some Iodated Diphenyl Sulfide Phenols and Their Bactericidal Properties." ALPREDSEELYBROWN,"The Electrical Conductivities of Solutions of Sodium Iodide in Isopropyl Alcohol." JOHNE ~ M E R CAVELTI, "The Effect of Certain Added Salt3 on the'Tra&on ~emper&re of Salt Hydrates." J A ~ KENNETE S DIXON,"The Adsorption of Benzene and Water Vapors by ~ a n g a n & eDioxide." J ~ E EVANS, T "The synthesis and Absorption spectra of Related Hydantoins and Pyrimidines." MILTONHARRIS, "Dispersed Systems of the Silk-Protein Fibroin." GEORGEHARTLANDLAW, "Synthesis of Aldehydes and Aldehyde Derivatives of Aromatic Sulfides by the Stephen Reaction." W ~ F R E D WINTERSMITH, "The Synthesis of Some Amino Ester Derivatives of Naphthalene." VANCE,"A Study of Certain Systems Containing Sodium Iodate." J o m EDWARD BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY

California LUTHERDENTDAVIS."Some Carbohydrate and Nitrogen Constituents of Alternate Bearing Sugar Pruner Associated with Fruit Bud Formation." JAMESWALLACE TIDMORE, "Phosphate Studies in Solution Cultures." Chicago


SAXUEL BRODY,"The Kinetics of Growth and Setlescence." HARXY FRANK CLEMENTS, "Hourly Variations in the Carbohydrate Contents of Leaves and Peticles." REEEKAHMONAOHAN GIBBONS,"The Effect of Body Build on the Specific Dynamic Action of Proteins in Dogs." HENRYNELSONHARKINS,"Add-Base and Salt Equilibrium in the Blood. I. The Chemical and Physiological Consequences of Experimental Acidosis. 11. The Chemical and Physiological Consequences of the Intravenous Injection of Chlorides and Bromides." HARALD GROTXOXHOLMHOLCK, "A Five-Year Experiment on Man in the Relation between Diet and Physiological HARRISONSEEVERS, "Acute and Chronic Narcotic Drug Efficiency." MAURICE Poisoning." RALPHGRAFTON SMITH, "Chronic Cyanide Poisoning." EUGENEUPDYKE STILL, "Studies on the Nutritional Value of Yeast Proteins for the Albino Rat." EMORY Ross STBAWSER, "On the Relation of Changes in Blood Coagulability to ProB~ ''Effect of Diets Deficient in Vitamin A or tein Shock." ADAHE L I Z A BVERDER, B an Resistance to Paratyphoid-Enteritidis Organisms." MYRONMCDONACD WEAVER, "Studies on Pancreatic Secretion." Cincinnati GARRETJ. BOONE,"The Place of Histidine in the Protein Molecule." FRANCIS HEYROTH,"The Influence of Varying Hydrogen-Ion Activity and Protein Couceutration upon the Stability of the Molecules in Certain Protein Solutions." LEONSCHIPP, "Serum Bilirubin in Health and Disease." Colorado WILLIAM ALDENPEABODY, "On the Non-Tonicity of Creatine."

Columbia ANDERSON, "A Quantitative Study of the Question as to the RACHELEVANS Storaee - of Antiscorbutic Vitamin in the Body." ESTERLono BATCHELDER,"The Effect of Successive Diminutions of Vitamin A in the Food on the Nutrition and Vitality of Albino Rats." LELAEVANGELINE BOOHER,"The Calcium Content of the Body in Relation t o That of the Food." MARY PENELOPE BURTIS,''Factors Affecting the FRANCES Accuracy of the Quantitative Determination of Vitamin A," ELEANOR CHASE,"A Quantitative Study of the Determination of Antineuritic Vitamin ( F o r B,)." M~nroNCLEAVELAND, "A Quantitative Study of the Influence of Certain Neutral Salts upon the Activity of Malt Amylase." SOPHIEL. COPPERSMITH, ''Further Studies of the Properties of the Amylase of Aspergillus Oryzae of Taka Diastase." MARIE M~LPELD "Experiments . on Blood Amylases." MARGARET RECTORSANDELS, "Relative Solubilities of the Antineuritic and Antipellagric Vitamins in Alcohol, Etc." MAXWELLPHILIPSCHUBERT, "A Study of Water as a Factor in the Hydrolysis of Sucrose by Invertase." HAZELKATHERINE STIEBELING, "Studieiof the Relation of Vitamin D to the Deposition of Calcium in the Bones of Experimental Animals with Special Reference to the Quantitative Determination of Vitamin D." MARGUERlTE GRIPPITH T n E n , "A Quantitative Study of the Influence of Acetate and Phosphate on the Enzymic Activity of the Amylase of Aspergillus Oryzae." Fordham ANTHONY M. AMBROSE, "Synthetic Processes in the Human and Animal Organism." JOHNE. BROLLES,JR., "Effect of Irradiated Yeast on Body Resistance t o Respiratory Diseases and Intestinal Conditions." PETER JOSEPH CONROY,"The Germicidal Activity of Resorcinol Derivatives." Illinois CLARENCE PETERBERG,"Studies ih Tryptophane Metabolism." ARTHURCHESDAHLBERG, "Vari~tionsin the Creaming pf Raw Milk and Their Influence During Pasteurization." ALBERTLAWRENCEELDER,"Studies on the Fate of Sulfur Compounds in the Degradation of Organic Matter." HAROLD NORRISETS,"Some Chemical Changes in Muscle Produced by Drugs." RUTHREDERST. JULIAN,"The Metabolism of Proline and Related Amino Acids." Iowa TER

JOSEPHJOHNPPIPPNER,"Chemical Studies on Blood." Iowa State College Lourse JENSION PEET,"Some Dietary Factors Influencing Lactation in the Albino Rat." Kansas J. NICK ESAU,"The Inorganic and Total Acid-Soluble Phosphorus in the Whole Blood of Dogs Suffering from Various Conditions of Parathyroid Deficiency." Michigan ROBERTHucn WILSON,"Comparative Studies of the Metabolism of Amino Acids." Minnesota HARRYORAMHENDERSON, "The Effect of Feeding Different Amounts of Calcium and Phosphorus upon the Growth and Development of Dairy Animals." JOHNGORDON MALLOCH, "Studies oh the Effect of Environment on the Diastatic Activity of

VOL.6, No. 12



Wheat." WAYNEM ~ L E R NEAL, "The Major Mineral Constituents of the Skeletal Structure of Mammals as Influenced by Age and Nutrition." AKSELGLKROGOLSEN, "A Study of the RBle of Protective Colloids in Digestive Processes." REMBERTA "The Vitamin Content of Some Marine Algae." HAROLD NOEL WESTKAEMPER, GRANTWRIGHT,"Some Physiw-Chemical Relationships between Dyes, Pr&ins, and Bacteria." VERNON YOUNG,"Chemical Factors of the Soil Which Influence the Distribution of Desert Vegetation." Missouri HUNTER,'Titamin B, as Affected by Ultra-Violet Light." JESSEELMO Ohio State

EMORY FREDERICK ALMY,"The Effect of Certain Methods of Protein Precipitation GUTFIRIE, upon the Polarimetric Determination of Lactose in Milk." JOHN DAULTON "The EfIect of Environmental Conditions on the Chloroplast Pigments." ESTER MARTHAMITCHELL,"A Microchemi~alStudy of Hemicellulose~of- Endasperms and Cotyledons." ALDENRAYMOND WINTER,"The Nutritive Value of Blood Meal Proteins for Growth." Pennsylvania WnLlAM SUNDERMAN, "The Chloride and Nitrogen Balances and FREDERICK Weight Changes during Lobar Pneumonia." Pennsylvania State College JACOBOWENELY,"Studies in Vitamin A Technic." Rutgers

CIS G w MCDONALD, "The Utilization of Calcium Citrate by the Animal Orgznism." ALWYNC. SESSIONS, "The Effect of Culture Solutions on Growth and Nitrogen Fractions of Oat Plants a t Different Stages of Their Development."

St. Louis MILTON LEVY,"Studies on the Reaction between Borates and Simple Sugars." Washington University

EVERETT Focc DAVIS, "Some Chemical and Psychological Studies on the ~ a t u r e and Transmission of 'Infectious Chlorosis' in Variegated Plants." "Induced Oxidations and Their Rdle in Biological Systems."


Western Reserve

E L T Z A BPOMERENE, E~ "The Total Acid-Base Equilibrium in Anesthesia." Wisconsin HARRYDANIEL BAERNSTEIN,"The Conductivity Metbad and Prateolysis." ALLANDAVIDDICKSON,"A Chemical Study of Soluble Carbohydrates and Respiration in Different Strains of Zea Mays as Iduenced by Temperature." FRANKLESTER G ~ E R S O "The N , Vitamin B Content of Milk in Relation t o Diet." ARTHURALBERT "Monarde Pundata L. with Special Reference to the Non-Volatile ConHARWOOD, WILLIAMFREDERICKKLETZIEN,"Yeast as a Source of Substituents." SEYMOUR stances Antirachitically Activatable." CARLWARNINGLINDOW,"The Distribution of Manganese and Copper in Plant and Animal Materials." HENRY OTTERSON,"A

Quantitative Accounting of the Starch Fradion in Plant Analysis." HENRYTHOMAS SCOTT,"Factors Affecting Calcium Metabolism." HUGHR. STILES, "Studies in Fermentation." BYRONHENRYTHOMAS,"A Comparison of Certain Cereals and Cereal "On the OccurBy-Products in the Production of Rickets." OTTOERICTOENHART, rence of Copper in Organisms." Yale LEAH ASCHAM,"The I d u e n c e of Bulk in the Diet upon the Fecal Calcium." DEA BAILEYCALVIN,"Blood Volume Regulation and Blood Composition in Experimental Hydremia." PHILIPBISHOPC O ~ E S"Cellulose , Decomposition by Anaerobic Bacteria." FREDEnrcK WILLIAMFABIAN,"The Influence of Cations upon Bacterial FISK, "An Viability a t Various Hydrogen-Ion Concentrations." MERL EUGENIA Inquiry into the Mechanism of Water Exchange in the Animal Organism." YALE DAvm KOSKOPF,"Interrelationships of Glycogen, Glucose and Lactic Acid in the Intact Mammal." AVAJOSEPHINEM-S. "The Influence of 'Fat-Free' Diets on Growth and on the Quality of Body Fat in the Albino Rat." HARRYMORTON VARS, "The Effect of Diet upon the Fibrinogen Content of the Blood; A Study of the Dog." ENGINEERING Columbia CLEEURNEAMMENBASERE, "Fuel Briquettes from Southern Pine Sawdust." HARLAN ARMSTRONG DEPEW," 'Normal Ageing' of Compounded Rubber." LINCOLN T. WORK,"The Graphical Analysis of Fineness Distribution Curves for Pulverized Materials." Cornell

FRANKLIN TRUESDELLGARDNER,"A Study of the Comparative Efficiencies of the Components of Creosote Oil as Preservatives for Timber." J o s E ~ nHARRYWELLS, "Plasticity of Paint." ? Iowa State College GEORGEW. BURKE,"Methods of Rendering Concrete More Resistant to the Attack by Sulfate Solutious." FRANK RAYRILEY, "A Study of the Zeolitic Method of Water Softening." J a r u s LAVERNE SCHNEIDER, "Studies on Mechsnical Pulps Produced from Cornstalks and Sugar Beet Wastes." Massachusetts Institute of Technology WILLIAM V a n s HANKS,"Rate of Diffusional Interaction of Gases and Liquids." THOMASKILGORE SHERWOOD, "The Mechanism of the Drying of Solids." HENRY DAYTON WILDE,"Plate Efficiency in the Design of Petroleum Rectifying Columns." Michigan MARVINST. CLAIRCARR,"Gaseous Explosions. The Effect of Lead Tetraethyl on the Rate of Rise of Pressure." HALBEGTRUPCOATS,"Vapor Pressure of HydroROGERS,"Raoult's Law and the carbons and Complex Mixtures." MARVIN CARSON Equilibrium Vaporization of Hydrocarbon Mixtures." A n m m MATTERNWAGNER, "The Influence of Antioxidants on the Rate of Oxidation of Linseed Oil." Ohio State ARTHURRICHARDCHOPPIN, "Investigations on Methods of Defecation. Gum Determination and Utilization of Sugar Products." VIRGILLELANDHANSLEY,"A REED,"PotassiumStudy of Foaming and Priming of Boiler Waters." R m u s DANIEL

VOL.6, No. 12 Zirconium Reactions." Eutectic Basis."



HAROLDELL~S SIMPSON,"Development of an Enamel on a Pittsburgh

HAROLD KNOWLTON WORK,"Electroplating an Aluminum and Its Alloys." Wisconsin JAMESDONALDMACLEAN,"Relstion of Treating Variables to the Penetration and Absorption of Preservatives into Wood." HAROLDKARLSALZBERG, "Experiments in the Drying of Wood." METALLURGY Columbia Onnm ARTHURCARSON,"The Bronzes." Massachusetts Institute of Technology


J o m PALMER WALSTED, "The Case Hardening of Special Steels with .4mmonia." Michigan RICHARDHARRYHARRINGTON, "Thermal Analysis of the Critical Ranges of the Iron-Carbon Equilibrium Diagram." HARLEY SAMUEL VAN VLEET, "Austenitic Decomposition and the Changes in Magnetic Properties." Ohio State C m s s RICHARD HoRwEDEL, "The Diffusion of Metals into Iron." Rensselaer WALTEKA. DEAN, "An Investigation of Some Physical Properties of the IronNickel-Chromium System." + Wisconsin OESTERLE, "Composition of Blast Furnace Slags." JOSEPHFRANCIS Yale KENT R O R ~ T S OVAN N HORN, "The Plastic Deformation of a Single Crystal of Copper."