DUPONT - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

DUPONT. Anal. Chem. , 1982, 54 (6), pp 737A–737A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00243a769. Publication Date: May 1982. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Anal. Chem...
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The Answer Instrument that keeps getting smarter.

Growing software library, superior data handling, keep the 1090 at the head of its class. The Du Pont 1090 is a complete thermal analysis system that gives you answers—accurate data that's fully analyzed, automatically optimized, ready for publication. To make your answer instrument even smarter, Du Pont produces a continuing flow of new data analysis programs on convenient, easy-to-use floppy disks. This expanding library of high quality software currently includes

programs for all modules: DSC, DMA, TGA, and TMA, as well as many special applications such as purity, partial area analysis, oxidative stability, degree of cure and percent crystallinity. The high capacity of the 1090's internal computer can handle your present and future thermal analysis needs with minimum operator attention and maximum productivity. Seven microprocessors and dual disk drives let you perform four operations simultaneously: (1) Collect data from a current experiment. (2) Play back data from a previous experiment, or send it to

Thermal Analyzers

an external computer. (3) Analyze data from a third experiment. (4) Set up the instrument for a fourth experiment. The ability to communicate with an external computer further enhances the flexibility and versatility of the 1090 system. A fully implemented RS-232-C port allows off-line data handling and remote control of the 1090. For details on the 1090 Thermal Analysis System, telephone 302-772-5488, use the reader service card, or write: Du Pont Thermal Analyzers, Room X38749, Wilmington, DE 19898.


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