Dynamic visualization of chemical and instructional concepts and

rial: and, a todc luloriol. A lecture tool has a flexible de- sign so that the instructor can control the visualization and the pace of animation, and...
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edited by SUSAN H. HIXSON National Sdence Foundation Washington, DC 20550 CURTIS T.SEARS, JR. Georgia State Univenity Atlanta,GA 30303

Projects supported by the NSF Division of Undergrclduate Educcltion Dynamic Visualization of Chemical and Instructional Concepts and Processes in Beginning Chemistry Patrick A. Wegner and Andrew F. Montana Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry California State University, Fullerton

Students require conceptualization and visualization skills as well a s mathematical and problem solving skills to learn chemistry. Additionally, learning chemistry requires the ability to integrate different representations of chemical phenomena. Chemical concepts and processes normally are treated from several perspectives--macroscopic, molecular, mathematical (symbolic),and graphical. The understanding and integration of these viewpoints yield chemical insight. Chemistry students may have difficulty integrating these representations because they commonly are treated separately and consecutively. Apremise of our work is that if these representations are presented concurrently with their relationships emphasized, the students' ability to integrate them would be enhanced. We are developing instructional materials that will help students to 1) improve their conceptualization and visualization skills

and 2) integrate the macroscopic, molecular, mathematical and

graphical representations of chemical concepts.

Self-contained units are being prepared that treat selected topics in beginning chemistry. A self-contained unit is called a dynamic instructional visualization unit ( D m ) because animated graphics play a key role both in its preparation and function. Not only are dynamic chemical processes visualized a t the molecular level, but additionally, the other representations that are normally treated separately are presented. Hence, the acronym D I W also connotes the important capability of the materials to present concurrently "diverse uiewpoints" of chemical phenomena. D I W s have a general set of design characteristics. A DTW normally will 1) depict one or more dynamic chemical processes; 2) dynamically intraconnect some or all of the macroscopic,

molecular, mathematical, and graphical representations of the phenomena under study; 3) be interactive, responding appropriately to user choice and input, and being significantlyunder the control of the me,'.

The D I W s are designed to be easily used in a variety of institutions and in various curricular arrangements. Currently, the Macintosh platform is our focus of development; ultimately D I W s will be accessible from DOS systems as well as Indigo workstations.

Three types of D I W s are being developed: a lecture tool designed to assist the instmdor in presenting a concept; a lecture am~lificationthat elaborates the lecture tool. allowing the'st"dent to review and further explore the material: and, a todc luloriol. A lecture tool has a flexible design so that the instructor can control the visualization and the pace of animation, and highlight various sections. The unit contains minimal textual material in order to allow the instructor to provide commentary as i t is displayed. An interactive lecture amplification unit is intended for individual use by a student. It contains more textual material, a much wider range of examples showing special cases not covered in lecture, and guidance and highlights not present in the lecture tool unit. The student is able to control the instructional sequence, repeat the visualizations or any part of them, and change both the speed and pace of animated sequences. Atopic tutorial unit is a combination and elaboration of several sets of lecture t w l and lecture amplification units coupled with extended descriptions and explanations. Some topics for which D I W s have been completed or substantially developed include: the phase diagram of water; formation of hybrid orbitals; titration of a strong or weak acid using a colorimetric or a potentiometric endpoint determination; distribution of gas phase molecular speeds; a dynamic representation of water; and the dissolution of sodium chloride. A series of lecture tool and lecture amplification units on organic reaction mechanisms covering more than 35 reactions has been prepared. Topic tutorials have been prepared for the determination of a Lewis structure and the determination of molecular geometry using VSEPR theory. Acknowledgement This work has been supported under the National Science Foundation award DUE-9156047.

Environmental Chemistry in the Freshman Laboratoly Susan E. Kegley and Angelica M. Stacy Department of Chemistry University of California, Berkeley

Freshman chemistry laboratory is the first opportunity we have to catch and hold the students'interest in chemist r y Unfortunately, because of the large enrollments in freshman chemistry, we often have the students perform experiments that are designed to be "foolproof," easy to supervise, and easy to grade. While this pathway may teach students certain laboratory techniques, it is less likely to be very successful at teaching them how to think or, indeed, why one might want to think about these things in the first place. At the University of California a t Berkeley, Volume 70 Number 2 February 1993