Early Merger Talks - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 12, 2010 - But, at the same time, it Avould not overlook an approach from a firm as significant as Dow. Not that Dow has made such an offer—so f...
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be beneficiated for making superphosphates. Stauffer says it does not pLan immediate exploitation of this ore b e c a u s e i t has substantial reserves of rphosrphate rock on other properties it owns o r has interests in.

Early Merger Talks D o w a n d Dobeckmipn a r e a t " t a l k i n g / ' not " n e g o t i a t i n g , " s t a g e , both say D

Eliminates all storage batteries and storage battery accessories for SPECTROPHOTOMETERS (especially the Beckman M o d e l DU)

ovv CHEMICAL and Dobeclcmim Co.,

Cleveland, confirm that they^ are talking merger in a preliminary way. Conversations have been going on for a month or so but hiive not zreactied a point where they might be called negotiations. Dobeckmun is a major producer of flexible packaging and is t h e only big independent left in the field. I t also makes Lurex metallic yarns, gift wraps, and related items. Last year- the firm's sales w e r e $45.6 mdllion, compared t o $41.8 million in 19o5. E a r n i n g s were $2.96 per share, down f r o m $3.06 i n 1955. D o b e c k m u n says it isn^t worried about doing well sas an independent. But, at the same time, it Avould not

overlook an approach from a firm as significant as Dow. Not t h a t D o w has m a d e such an offer—so far as is known it has m a d e no offer at all. The two firms may h a v e more in common than meets the eye at first. D o w reportedly sells a fair amount of saran to Dobeckmun, b u t the amount is small compared to Dobeckmun's total volume. Dobeckmun also uses a good deal of cellophane and polyethylene; D o w makes the latter. Among Dobeckmun's products—bags and roll stock, laminated and unlaminated, printed and plain—there might well be outlets for D o w products other than saran and polyethylene. Other firms have also considered mergers with Dobeckmun, reportedly including both Allied and W . R. Grace. However Allied's secretary, Richard F . Hansen, says "no unit of Allied Chemical has sought to discuss purchase with anv official of the Dobeckmun Co., and Grace refuses to comment, T r a d e talk linking Dobeckmun with Alcoa, Continental Can, and Crown Zellerbach also remains essentially firmed.

Wlore p-Xylene Standard Oil of California will build a $3 million p-xylene plant at its Richmond (Calif.) refinery. This will in-


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2 4,


Petrolite's new laboratory a t Webster Groves, Mo., near St. Louis, was opened formally earlier this month. It tiouses research facilities for Bareco, Petreco, and Tretolite divisions. Research will cover oil-treating chemicals, particularly demulsifîers, corrosion inhibitors, scale preventers, and microcrystalline and synthetic waxes, a s well a s electric-field precipitation for purifying petroleum.

«*UI Un­ tant>—\ou*ll find the nonionic or anionic that you're looking for.

Cloud TERGITOL N o n i o n i c s



P o i n t °C

NP-1 4 NP-27 NPX Anhydrous

— 20 56-60



NP-40 T/MN

100 35-37


60-65 90-100

Properties O i l - s o l u b l e emulsifier a n d d e t e r g e n t . Aromatic-soluble emulsifier and w e t t i n g agent. G e n e r a l purpose d e t e r g e n t , wetting a g e n t , a n d emulsifier. D e t e r g e n t a n d w e t t i n g a g e n t a t e l e v a t e d tem­ peratures or in presence o f dissolved salts. D e t e r g e n t and w e t t i n g a g e n t a b o v e 1 0 0 ° C. O u t s t a n d i n g nonionic w e t t i n g a g e n t with g o o d leveling r e w e t t i n g p r o p e r t i e s . O u t s t a n d i n g emulsifiers a n d l o w - f o a m i n g d e tergents.

TERGITOL Anionics Union Carbide .Chemicals C o m p a n y Division of Union Carbide Corporation 30 East 42nd Street, New York 17, Ν. Υ.

7 a n d P-28 4 0 8 a n d EH

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agents. Ask for F-5900. Address Union Carbide Chemicals Company, 3 0 East 42nd Street, Department H, New York

17, N.Y. In Canada: Carbide Chemicals Company, Division of Union Carbide Canada Limited, Montreal. JUNE

2 4,

1957 C&EN



crease its output by 25 million pounds a year. T h e new unit, scheduled to be ready early next year, will b e built next to the company's present p-xylene unit. Engineering design is in progress, and site work is expected to begin soon. Standard says that growing demand for p-xylene in making synthetic fibers and plastic packaging materials has dictated construction of this new unit. Its first unit at Richmond was completed in 1950. Another p-xylene unit was completed at El Segundo in mid-1953. Also in the works is a polybutane expansion at the Richmond refinery. The company's executive committee has just approved the program and sent it to the engineers for planning. Cost of this program would b e around $1.75 million.

This could h a v e been avoided ... witii


ÀEC Extends Time Delays in A E C s H o m o g e neous Reactor Experiment p r o g r a m cause c h a n g e in its third invitation to industry

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Write today {company letterhead, please ) /or your copy oj this new book which contains complete information on all Glidden Industrial .Maintenance Coatings.

THE GLIDDEN COMPANY INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE HEADQUARTERS 900 Union Commerce Bldg. · Cleveland 14, Ohio SALESOFF1CES A N D F A C T O R I E S : San Francisco, Los A n g e l e s , C h i c a g o ( N u b i a n D i v i s i o n - 1 8 5 5 IMorlh L e d a i r e A v e . ) , M i n n e a p o l i s , St. Louis, N e w O r l e a n s , C l e v e l a n d . A t l a n t a , R e a d i n g . In Canada: Toronto a n d M o n t r e a l ·




2 4, 1 9 5 7

INDUSTRY will b e given at least another year's extension to t h e required completion date for full scale atomic power plants using fluid fuel reactor systems. AEC has modified its third invitation to industry for participation in its Power Demonstration Reactor Program to extend this date from June 30, 1962 to at least June 3 0 , 1963. AEC says this extension is necessary because of delays in its research and development program. It is this program which is expected t o yield t h e basic information necessary t o construct full scale plants. There has been a prolonged delay in starting u p the Homogeneous Reactor Experiment No. 2 at Oak Ridge. There are nonnuclear defects consisting of microscopic cracking in the leak detector system and in t h e flanges in the high pressure system t o which t h e leak detector system is connected. Time h a d not permitted a n evaluation of the full significance of these problems in relation to building a large scale aqueous fluid fuel reactor when AEC issued its third invitation on Jan. 7. These delays have not affected AEC's belief that construction of this type of demonstration project is warranted and desirable. If industry does not submit acceptable proposals, AEC says it will request funds t o build full scale plants involving reactor types it