EASTMAN Organic Chemicals

We'll send you a complete list of new additions if you wish. Meanwhile, we continue to feature all of the familiar or- ganic compounds that labs use a...
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Some new EASTMAN Organic Chemicals are offered with a hint EASTMAN 4724

3-Benzoylpropionic Acid f 3.55 5g. C (! H5COCH L ,CH 2 COOH 25 g. 13.10 Chemical intermediate in the formation of 4-cyclohexylbutyric acid, 4-phenylbutyric acid, 3-benzoylpropionanilide (J. Org. Chem. 26, 2127, 1961; Ann. Chim. 51, 283, 1961). Demon­ strates some antimicrobial activity in yeasts, molds, bacteria (Biologia [Bratislava] 16, 905, 1961) as well as flower induction and inhibition in the pineapple plant (Bot. Gaz. 121, 143, 1960).


4.35 Dipropyl Phosphite 5 g. 16.70 (CH3CH2CH20)2POH 25 g. Normally trivalent phosphorus atom in phosphites here exists in a state closer to tetra- or pentavalency, according to interpretation of physical evidence in J.A.C.S. 73, 4989, 1951.




9-Hydrazinoacridine C0H4N : C6H, : CNHNH2

lg· 5g.

I 3.10 10.65

Detection reagent for streptomycin as based on a 1947 method reported in J. Biol. Chem. 170, 491, 1947. This compound as­ sumes the form of pale yellow needles in the crystalline state, is soluble in cold ethanol and Ν-acetic acid, turns intense orange and scarlet color in ethanolic solutions with benzaldehyde and p-nitrobenzaldehyde, exhibits a melting-point range of 168 to 172 degrees (J. Chem. Soc. 4653, 1965). 1,2,4-Tribromobenzene 25 g. . . $ 2.90 C(iH:iBr:i 100 g. . . 8.50 High-density, low-melting solid. Suggested for making highdensity liquids by mixing with other low-melting-point, highdensity compounds. Confirmation of the unprecedented isomerization of 1,2,4-tribromobenzene to 1,3,5-tribromobenzene is re­ ported in J.A.C.S. 85, 1891, 1963.

2-(l,3-Dioxolan-2-yl) Pyridine 25 g. .$ 8.95 Ν : CHCH : CHCH : CCHOCH2CH20

32.40 100 1 For cyclodehydration reactions leading to acridizinium salts. Produces higher quality compounds with better yields than pre­ viously used picolinaldehyde derivatives (J. Org. Chem. 28, 83, 1963).

I 4.25 2-Iodoacetamide 5g. ICH.CONH·, 16.55 25 g. Electrophoretic studies of plasma proteins reveal that treatment of proteins with this substance results in characteristic changes in the mobilities of certain components (Biochem. J. 74, 4 4 P , 1960). Various aspects of this compound have inspired an ex­ tensive literature. EASTMAN 10269

Tetramethylammonium Nitrate j c „ S10 40 (CH :! )jNNO :! 100 g. '.'. 3835 Electroinitiated polymerization of styrene is accomplished with this substance, one of a number of tetramethylammonium salts successfully employed for this procedure. High electrical effi­ ciencies and molecular weights from 15,000 to 50,000 confirm success of the methodology (Can. J. Chem. 42, 2733, 1964).




ON:C ( 1 H 2 (N0 2 )o:NO

5g. 10 g.

.$13.25 . 25.25

Complex-forming compound with aromatic hydrocarbons; a strong jr acid. It readily displaces carbon dioxide from bicarbon­ ate solutions to yield stable salts (J. Org. Chem. 30, 2407, 1965).

... and some without EASTMAN P5675

p-Anilinophenol CcH5NHC6H4OH

25 g. . .$ 3.30 100 g. . . 9.85


2-Chloroethyl Methanesulfonate 5 $ 4 25 CH3SO3CH2CH0CI 25 g. '. .' 16.55

EASTMAN 10191 Nonyl Nicotinate 5 g . . . $ 4.00 Ν : CHC [COO(CH 2 ) 8 CH 3 ] : CHCH : C H


3-Benzyl-1-p-tolyltriazene 100 g. . . $ 6 . 5 0 CH : (C G H,N:NNHCH 2 C, ; H 5 500 g. . . 27.55 Reagent for preparation of benzyl esters of amino acids. EASTMAN 756

4,4'-Methylenedianiline NH2C«H4CH2C0HJNH2

100 g. 500 g.

.$ 6.25 . 26.35

1,1,1 -Trifluoro-5-methyl-2,4hexanedione 5 g. . . $ 4.55 CF ;! COCH 2 COCH(CH:i)2 25 g. . . 18.00 Both compounds effectively serve as ligands in the formation of metal complexes. EASTMAN 10152

T h e list of E A S T M A N Organic Chemicals h a s been enriched by the addition of a n u m b e r of c o m p o u n d s , of which these are representative. We'll send y o u a complete list of new additions if you wish. Meanwhile, we continue t o feature all of t h e familiar or­ ganic c o m p o u n d s that labs use as a matter of routine. If y o u don't have o u r List No. 44 with its n e w cumulative Supple­ ment 44-2, let us know. E A S T M A N Organic Chemicals, familiar o r new, a r e avail­ able from the fine laboratory supply houses n a m e d below. O r from Distillation Products Industries, Rochester, N . Y . 14603 (Division of E a s t m a n K o d a k C o m p a n y ) , at the prices quoted above, which are subject to change without notice.

25 g. . . 15.30 EASTMAN P3880

2-Thiohydantoin NHCSNHCOCO

100g. . .$ 5.30 500 g. . . 21.50


2,4,6-Trichloropyrimidine C1C:NCC1:CHCC1:N

25 g. . . $ 8 . 0 5 100 g. . . 28.90

122 A



Allied Chemical C o r p . Industrial Chemicals D i v . W. H . C u r t i n & C o . Fisher Scientific C o . H o w e & F r e n c h , Inc. North-Strong, I n c . E. H . Sargent & C o .

V a n Waters & Rogers, Inc. G e o T . Walker & Co., I n c . Will Scientific, I n c .

