Easy Access to Pesticide Facts - ACS Publications - American

Software. Easy Access to Pesticide Facts. Instant. EPA's. Pesticide. Facts. Instant EPA's Pesticide. Facts. American Chemical Society. 1155 16thSL, N...
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Easy Access to Pesticide Facts properties. There is no information about groups of words constructed using logical analytical methods for the analytical chem- operators. All text in the index, fact ist, however. To make it easier to access sheets, glossary, and acronyms and abbreinformation in other sources, the EPA viations lists can be accessed by the Shaughnessy code number and the search routine. There are, however, no Edited by Chemical Abstracts Service number are in- "wild cards" for finding any of several poscluded. The application purposes, sites, sible forms of a word. Once a group of and the method and rate of application are matches has been found for your keyalso included. Toxicological characteriswords, you can browse through them to tics, including both toxicology and routes find the information you need. of exposure, are listed, although first-aid Instant EPA's Pesticide All words that are included in the glosFacts information is absent. Environmental and sary or the list of abbreviations and acroecological characteristics are also listed. American Chemical Society nyms appear highlighted on the data 1155 16thSL, N.W. The current EPA regulations covering sheet. If you click the mouse on a highWashington, DC 20036 use and handling of the compound are dis- lighted word, the definition will appear on 202-872-4564; 202-872-6067 (fax); cussed, along with labeling requirements the screen, a handy feature. [email protected] (e-mail) for end-use products. In addition, some Bookmarks (pointers that the user cre$215, ACS member/academic single-user fact sheets contain a discussion of the ates and names) allow quick return to speversion; $240, ACS nonmember single history and background for the regulacific pages. This feature would be espeuser version tions currently in effect. Areas in which cially valuable if untrained personnel insufficient data exist to determine impor- needed frequent access to specific facts in tant effects, or in which the data are inThis package is a compilation of all EPA their jobs. Annotations can be attached conclusive, are also listed and discussed. Pesticide Fact Sheets released through to the data sheets wherever needed. April 1994. It is one of a group of products, These EPA data are made more accesThis database contains a wide range of produced by Instant Reference Sources sible through the use of a searching algo- information, including chemical descrip(Austin, TX) and distributed by the Ameri- rithm. Searching is done by words, with tion and chemical characteristics sections can Chemical Society, that includes Instant EPA's IRIS, Instant EPA's Air Toxics, and Instant EPA's Pesticide Methods. All four packages are linked to each other to allow cross-searching among databases. The computer requirements are 2 MB 2-Bromo-2-nitropropane-1.3-diol (Bronopol) extended RAM, 7 MB hard drive space, 1.44 MB diskette drive, and Microsoft PACT SHEET SUHBHP.: 32 Windows version 3.1 or higher. DATS ISSUID: A0CO5T Z, 1984 DATE UPDATED: APRIL S. iSBS The data in this software program are organized through an index and a key1. Description of Cheniael word searching mechanism. A glossary Ceaeric Bane: 2-bxoao-2-nitropxopan*-l,3-diol and a list of acronyms and abbreviations Cannon Bene: bronopol - Boot* are also included to assist in finding and Trade Hanes: Myacid* BIO, Hyaclde AS understanding topics of interest. IPA ShauahneBsy Coder zl£400 Each compound listed by the EPA as a Cnenlcnl Abstract* Servie* {CAS) Bunbex: SZ-il-7 pesticide is indexed and has an associated datafile.These files include a descripTsar of initial Aeuiatcetien: 1S94 tion of the compound and its available forPesticide Type: Bactericide mulations, its use patterns, a summary of Cnenleei penny: Alcobol EPA's regulatory position and rationale, O.S. and Foreign Producers: The Boots Co., PLC and the name and address of a contact Us· Patterns and poxnulations person at EPA. Eachfilecontains the ge- JLppiic*t ion *it«i: P*rt ir \.A* «nun.if fcCturixtg f * c i l i t i s * and n i l k neric, common, and trade names of the compound along with its pesticide type, Instant EPA's Pesticide Facts uses hypertext links and provides environmental and pesticide family name, and basic chemical chemical data on more than 200 pesticides. Instant EPA's Pesticide Facts

244 A

Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 67, No. 7, April 1, 1995

that would be helpful. Chemical strucan innovative formula calculator provides tures of the molecules are not included, more than 150 functions for dynamic transhowever. In addition, the analytical chem- formation and manipulation of data. Comist will find the lack of methods for analyprehensive descriptive, comparative, and sis a limitation. To obtain this information, multivariate statistics methods are availusers might want to investigate Instant able, as well as browsers that speed the EPA's Pesticide Methods, a software pack- analysis process. Users can take advanage just released by Instant Reference tage of 40 templates for frequently used Sources. It provides almost 300 pesticide analyses and graphs or create templates method summaries and offers the same for tasks ranging from basic formatting to seamless hyperlinks to the other softcomplex analyses. No command lanware in the series. guage is needed because the templates are Overall, this software package/datagraphically created. StatView 4.1 runs unbase is a convenient compilation of the in- der System 7 or later on any Macintosh formation on pesticides that has been (LC or better recommended). It requires published by the EPA. For those who need 2 MB RAM for 680*0 Macs or 4.5 MB only a limited amount of information, or RAM for Power Macs and a hard disk information on only a few compounds, ob- drive. taining the original publications from the EPA would be less expensive, though also Un-Scan-It less convenient. Likewise, although most Silk Scientific of the information included is available in P.O. Box 533 book form in the Farm Chemicals Hand- Orem, UT 84059 book (Meister Publishing: Willoughby, 801-377-6978; 801-378-5474 (fax) OH), the software's search facility and ref- Version 3.0; $350 erence listings make it easy to find information of interest. The analytical chemist Un-Scan-It 3.0 for Windows turns a PC and may find the program interesting, even any scanner into an automatic (x,y) digithough it doesn't contain methods or spetizing tablet. It allows users to automaticific analytical data. cally digitize scanned images such as Reviewed by Lawrence R. Layman, De-graphs, strip chart output, and old graphs partment of Chemistry, Lafayette College,into the computer in (x,y) ASCII format at Easton, PA full scanner resolution. The program can also integrate peak areas, smooth data, take derivatives, enhance data resolution, edit and append data, rescale graphs, and store SOFTWARE RELEASED data in ASCII, JCAMP, or HPGL format for StatView use in other software packages. Un-Scan-It requires an IBM PC 386/486/PS2 or comAbacus Concepts patible with at least 1 MB RAM, 1 MB free 1984 Bonita Ave. hard disk space, Windows 3.1 or higher, and Berkeley, CA 94704-1038 any scanner. 510-540-1049; 510-540-0260 (fax); abacus@applelink. apple, com (e - mail) Version 4.1; $595

Chemical Inventory System Window Chem Software

StatView for Power Macintosh, statistical 420-F Executive Court North software for Macintosh, is designed to let Fairfield, CA 94585 scientists manage and analyze their data, 707-864-0845; 707-864-2815 (fax) then graph and create presentations of Version 2.0; $249 their results—all within a single application. Its spreadsheet holds up to 32,765 Chemical Inventory System, designed specolumns and more than 2 billion rows, and cifically for tracking chemicals and other

necessary supplies in the laboratory, maintains information about chemical names, CAS registry numbers, and chemical formulas, as well as vendor and catalog numbers, storage locations, and quantities of two defined container sizes (e.g., bottles and cases). Chemicals and other supplies can be sorted by name, CAS registry number, description, vendor, location, or chemical formula. Simple listings or detailed reports for any given chemical, supply, or group of items can be generated, including all relevant vendor information and on-hand quantities. The program runs on PC compatibles and requires a minimum of a 386 CPU, 4 MB RAM, 6 MB hard disk space, and Windows 3.1 or higher. A multiuser version that offers full network support is also available. Kinetics for Windows ARSoftware 8201 Corporate Dr., Suite 1110 Landover, MD 20785 301-459-3773; 301-459-3776 (fax) Version 1.0; $595, commercial; $495, academic

Kinetics for Windows is designed to model complex chemical reactions and reaction mechanisms. Its Windows interface allows users to input complex chemical systems by typing the reaction equations and associated rate constants. The program automatically formulates the differential equations that are necessary to describe the kinetics of the chemical system under study. The rate equations are then numerically integrated using a modified GEAR algorithm. Chemical systems containing up to 100 reversible reactions can be evaluated, mechanisms with individual reactions as high asfifthorder can be examined, computations on systems containing up to 50 chemical species are possible, and a plotting routine is included for viewing the results of the program. Minimum system requirements include an 80386 PC running DOS 5.0 (or later) and Windows 3.1,2 MB RAM, and VGA display. A math coprocessor is recommended but not required.

Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 67, No. 7, April 1, 1995 245 A