South 5th Avenue, Mount Vernon, NewYork 10550. (914) 668-9393/Cable Address: FOCIUS NY. Circle No. 132 on Readers' Service Card. See ACS Laboratory ...
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CAT. No. 5850

CAT. No. 1510

CAT. No. 5900 CAT. No. 5100

Cathetometer, Measures movements to 0.1 mm. 40 cm scale. Dynacath-Mercury Cathode Apparatus for rapid separation of metals. With platinum electrodes.

CAT. No. 7225

Floor Model Reciprocating Shaker Power Unit, 60-240 excursions, loads to 100 lbs.

Table Top Reciprocating Shaker Power Unit, 20-240 excur. per min., 14" χ 12" x 9 3 /g" high.

CAT No. 9900

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Con-Torque Stirrer for highly viscous materials 0-400 r.p.m.

Thermoelectric Immersion Cooler, portable, produces sub-zero temperatures.


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the Conference




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Circle No. 2 on Readers' Service Card

A p r o d u c t of Farrand


Co., Inc., Bronx,

Ν. Υ.

Ultra-Sensitivity, Resolution, Qualityfeatures attractive price of NEW Fonraundl MK-1 SPECTR0FLU0R0METER S E N S I T I V I T Y — F u l l scale for O.OOOl/xg quinine sulfate / m l . R E S O L U T I O N — 1 m/x w i t h s t a n d a r d g r a t i n g s . C O M P A T I B L E — w i t h m o s t c h a r t d r i v e a n d X-Y r e c o r d e r s a n d oscilloscopes. NEW COMPACTNESS A N D MANY ACCESSORIES.

Circle No. 132 on Readers' Service Card

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COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS DIVISION 535-A South 5th Avenue, Mount Vernon, New York 10550 (914) 668-9393/Cable Address: FOCIUS NY See ACS Laboratory Guide for All Products/Sales Office V O L . 4 0 , N O . 2 , FEBRUARY 1 9 0 8
