EC in the Works - ACS Publications

Water-Retentive Hydraulic Cements . B. Wagner ... has shown the most promising results in experimental work. ... United States Rubber Co., Naugatuck, ...
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Manuscripts Accepted for Publication in Coming Issues of I/EC H o w to Predict Flammability i n Ozonization Reactions W. E. Cromwel The Welsbach Corp., Philadelphia, Pa.

A method is described for evaluating the safety of an ozonolysis reaction. Data are presented on the effect of temperature and water in preventing spark-induced flame and explosion i n ozonization reactions

Isomerization of n-Heptane w i t h Aluminum Chloride-Hydrocarbon Complex Catalyst H. J. Hepp and L. E. Drehman Phillips Petroleum Co., Bartlerville, Okla.

n-Heptane was nearly completely converted to other products at 100" F. Side reactions were substantially reduced by adding a relatively large volume of isobutane to the feed

Effect of Surface on Vapor Phase Oxidation and Nitration of Propnne Steam Injection Heating A. I. Morgan, Jr., and R. A. Carlson U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Albany, Calif.

Qualitative data presented are useful i n design of device for steam injection heating. This heating method has been used extensively in the plastic and food processing industries

L. F. Albright, S. A. Locke, D. R. MacFarlane, and Gerald Glahn Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind.

Nitration and oxidation reactions involving oxygen i n four tubular reactors and a molten salt reactor show that reactor surface has a definite effect on oxidation and nitration of propane

The Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Sodium Borohydride Arthur levy, J. B. Brown, and C. J. Lyons Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio


Desulfurization of Petroleum Coke during Calcination Franc Sef Institute of Petroleum, Zagreb, Yugoslavia

As much as 90% of the sulfur originally present can be removed from a finely ground petroleum coke with hydrogen as the fluidizing medium during the calcining step

Variables of the hydrolysis reaction are studied, a preliminary to development of a field generator for specified amounts of hydrogen within selected time periods. Application of kinetic data permits proper selection of catalyst concentration for the desired rate.

Reaction between Selenium and Barium Peroxide Powders

1. B. Lewis, Jr. university o f Virginia, Charlottesville, Va. Water-Retentive Hydraulic Cements H. 6. Wagner Tile Council of America, Princeton,


By incorporating a small amount of methyl cellulose i n portland cement compositions, a series of water retentive cements can be made which are useful as bonding and joining materials. Applications are ceramic tile, concrete, asbestos-cement board, cement and cinder block, gypsum wallboard, brick and foamed polystyrene

Need for more closely timed delay fuses requires more fundamental knowledgeof the behavior of metal-powderoxidant systems. Specifiedpreheating of mixtures of selenium and barium peroxide can give a better control over burning rate,

Removal of Molten Sodium from Reactor Coolant Systems Louis Silverman and R. A. Sallach Atomics International, Canoga Park, Calif,

A liquid hydrogenated terphenyl, HB-40, can be used to remove molten sodium from inaccessible, oxygen-free locationsin pipe lines High Pressure Hydrogen/Oxygen Fuel Cell F. T. Bacon National Research Development Corp., Cambridge, England

Describes a practical unit operating at low or medium temperatures. Unit has shown the most promising results i n experimental work. Hydrogen and oxygen are produced by the electrolysis of water

Reductive Decomposition of Gypsum b y Carbon Monoxide

T. D. Wheelock and D. R. Boylan Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa

Sulfur dioxide and lime can be produced from gypsum using newly determined conditions. Process provides a new route for manufacture of sulfuric acid from gypsum

Delayed Action Accelerators for Vulcanizing Rubber

N. K. Sundholm United States Rubber Co., Naugatuck, Conn.

Improved conditions for the preparation of N-alkyl- and N-cycloalkylbis (2-benzothiazolesulfen) amides result in purer accelerators having more effective delayed action. Article discusses conditions for obtaining purer compounds

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Handling Gaseous Fluorine and Chlorine Trifluoride in the laboratory

J. Gordon and F. L. Holloway Allied Chemicals Corp., New York, N. Y.

Here are the essential details needed for safe handling of these chemicals i n small volume i n laboratories. Proper choice of safe guards should reduce hazards and foster more widespread use of halogen compounds