Editiorial - A New Pattern for I&EC Reviews - Industrial & Engineering

Editiorial - A New Pattern for I&EC Reviews. Will Shearon. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1962, 54 (10), pp 17–17. DOI: 10.1021/ie50634a600. Publication Date: Oc...
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Continuing adaptation to reader needs and literature and publishing problems has been the pattern for I&EC annual reviews for the past several years. For 1962, along with the entir6 new editorial program, 18rEC’s editors are providing a new pattern in these annual reviews. In October we will make available to the chemical public a 164-page book of reviews. This book, to sell for $3.50, is a two-part package. It will contain in reprint form 60 pages representing 10 months of Unit Operations reviews and Materials of Construction reviews, as published in I&EC from January through October this year. In 104 pages will be the Chemical Engineering Fundamentals reviews, the Unit Processes reviews, and the biennial Air Pollution review. These latter reviews have not been published and will not be published in any other form. During the first several years of I&EC’s reviews, they were published by groupings in specific issues. Later, as literature took enormous leaps and reader time became more valuable, they were issued as second parts, separately bound for easy filing, and accompanying the March and September issues. Reader reaction and surveys have shown that timeliness is important in reviews; monthly publication of individual review articles enables evaluation of literature much closer to date of publication of the review. Shorter reviews in which the expert review authors report and evaluate the most significant developments are an important way to reduce time demands on the already harried reader. Subjects of most interest have

been in the Unit Operations and Materials of Construction areas-hence, these were chosen for the shorter, more evaluative, published reviews. What is best for the majority of readers may put a hardship on the few. I&EC’s experiment in offering complete bibliographies of certain reviews for sale at $1 each was undoubtedly a real service to a very few, but at an expenditure of time, effort, and money that could no longer be justified. T o aid the few, we offer in the otherwise unpublished Unit Processes and Chemical Engineering Fundamentals reviews a compromise between the shorter type of published review and the longer review and bibliographies of former years. A few reviews have been modified, canceled, or incorporated into other reviews, after careful study of changing subject matter and reader interest over the years. For example, Fluid Dynamics is now adequately covered in parts of two other reviews. Molecular Transport is treated in portions of the other Fundamentals reviews. Nuclear Technology is a new area covered this year for the first time. Changing interests in materials may call for changes during the next few years in topics covered by the Materials of Construction review. Publkation of this bound booklet, including the published reviews, represents a return to the easy to file supplements and reprints of previous years. T h e success and expansion of this service will depend on the market for it. Orders may be addressed to : R E P R I N T D E P A R T M E N T ACS A P P L I E D P U B L I C A T I O N S 1155 S I X T E E N T H ST., N. W. W A S H I N G T O N 6, D . C.

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