Editorial. 1967 Review of Analytical Applications - ACS Publications

1967 Review of Analytical Applications. Herbert A. Laitinen. Anal. Chem. , 1967, 39 (5), pp 9–9. DOI: 10.1021/ac60249a600. Publication Date: April 1...
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April 1967,Vol. 39, No. 5


EDITORIAL HEADQUARTERS Washington, D. C. 20036 1155 Sixteenth W., N.W. Phone: 202-737-3337 Teletype WA 23


Associate Editor: John K. Crum Assistant Editors: Josephine Pechan, Virghh E. Stewart Editorial Assistants: Ellen J. Caldwell, Lob E. Schrnitt Contributing Editor! €2. H. Miiller Director of Design: Joseph Jacobs Production Staff-Washington :

1967 A P P L I C A T IO N S

Production Manager: Bacil Guiley Art and Layout: Herbert Kuttner Production Staff-Easton, P a : Associate Editor: Charlotte C. Sayre Assistant Editor: Elizabeth It. Rufe _ .

Aduisory Board: 0 . U. Anders, F. C. Anson C. V. Banks, R. G. Bates. W. J. Blaedel: S. Bruckenstein, A. E. Cameron Ste hen Dal Nogare, Henry Freiser, H. 'W. &abgood D. M. Hercules D. W. Margerum C. N: Reilley, R. E. dierri, D. H. Wdk&

AMERlCAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY PUBLlCATIONS Director of Publications, Richard L. Kenyon Director of Business Operations, Joseph H. Kuney Publication Manager, Journals, David E. Gushee Executiue Assistant to the Director of Publications, Rodney N. Hader Circulation Development Manager, Herbert C. Spencer Assistant to the Director ,of Publications, William Q. Hull REGlONAL EDITORIAL IBUREAUS NEW YORK, N. Y. 1001:' 733 Third Ave. PHILADELPHIA, Pa. 19107 Philadelphia National Bank 13uilding Broad & Chestnut Streeta P I m B U R G H , Pa. 15219 530 William Penn Place CHICAGO Ill. 60603 36 South Wabash Ave. CLEVELAND, Ohio 44114 1367 East Sixth St. S A N FRANCISCO, Calif. 57 Post St.

1967 Review of Analytical Applications THE ARTICLES that comprise this nineteenth Annual Review issue of

CHEMISTRY were prepared, upon invitation of the ANALYTICAL Editors, by authorities drawn from the highest ranks of universities, industry, and government. There is no doubt that reviews on timely subjects are in great demand. However, both editors and authors are constantly seeking ways to present meaningful critical reviews, especially in those areas of burgeoning research that cause one to question how any review a t all can be useful, regardless of its criticality or the care which goes into its preparation. The job of the authors in this respect is the most difficult: they must husband their resources, sift through enormous compilations for the most notable developments, and report in the briefest of forms the efforts of their labors. I n turn, the Editom must continue to seek the most appropriate topics for future presentation, and, more important, for authors with the highest qualifications to prepare the reviews. We hope you will find in this issue, as in the many that preceded it, that the efforts of the authors have led to articles of inestimable value to scientists interested in applied analysis.


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VOL. 39, NO. 5, APRIL 1967
