Editorial. A Visit to the People's Republic of China - ACS Publications

pert, Edward Chait, Stuart P. Cram, M. Bonner. Denton, Raymond E. Dessy, Martin S. Frant,. Michael L. Gross, Fred E. Lytle, Yair Talmi. Contributing E...
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EDITORIAL HEADQUARTERS 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Phone: 202-872-4!j70 Teletype: 710-8220 151 Executive Editor: Josephine M. Petruzzi Managing Editor: Barbara Cassatt Associate Editor: Stuart A. Borman Assistant Editor: Marcia S.Cohen Editorial Assistant:;: Douglas L. Baxter, Rani A, George Production Manager: Leroy L. Corcoran Art Director: John V. Sinnett Staff Artist: Linda M. Mattingly Copy Editor: Gail VI. Mortenson Circulation Manager: Cynthia G. Smith Journals Dept., Columbus, Ohlo Associate Head: Marianne i3rogan Assistant Editor: Rodney L. Temos Advisory Board: Donald D. Bly, Joel A. Carter, Richard S.Dancliik, Richard Durst, Helen M. Free, Shizuo Fujiwara, Georges Guiochon, Csaba Horvath, Wilbur I. Kaye, Bruce R. Kowalski, Robert A. Libby, Richard S. Nicholson, Thomas C O'Haver, Janet Osteryoung, Robert E. Sievers, Rudolph H. Stehl lnstrumentatlon Advlsory Panel: Nelson L. AIpert, Edward Chait, Stuart P.Cram, M. Bonner Denton. Raymond E. Dessy, Martin S.Frant, Michael L. Gross, Fred E. Lytle, Yair Talmi Contributing Editor, The Analytical Approach: Jeanette G. Grasselli The Analytical Approach Advisory Panel: Edward C. Dunlop, Robert A. Hofstader, Wilbur D. Shults Regulatory Affairs, Analytical Divlslon Commlltee: Fred Freeberg (Chairman) Pubkhed by the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 1155 16th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036

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A Visit to the People's Republic of China Having recently returned from a month-long visit to several universities and research institutes in the People's Republic of China, I would like to share some observations on the status of analytical chemistry there. It is informative to reread Roland F. Hirsch's excellent REPORT on his 1980 visit (Anal. Chem. 1980, 52,1375-82 A). My comments are based on visits to Fudan University (Shanghai), Peking University, and Northwest University (Xian),as well as the Institute of Testing and Measurement and the Institute of Metallurgy (both in Shanghai), the Institute of Applied Chemistry (Changchun), and the Institutes of Chemistry and Physics (Peking), All of these institutions have strong programs in analytical chemistry. The Chinese are making a great effort to catch up after their long period of isolation during the Cultural Revolution (1966-76) by initiating numerous exchange programs with the U.S., Europe, and Japan. Chinese scientists are determined to learn about the latest developments and techniques of analytical chemistry and are inviting specialists from abroad for short or extended visits. Thus, there is a continuous flow of visiting experts from many countries around the world. I learned that a substantial number of my colleagues had just visited China, were there when I was, or would shortly arrive. Equally important, Chinese universities are sending an increasing number of graduate students and senior scientists to universities around the world to gain firsthand experience. Faculty and students in China are eager to learn and appear to be aware of current developments in analytical chemistry and instrumentation. There are a substantial number of Chinese journals, as well as copies of many foreign journals, both of which are widely read. 111addition, analytical chemists attend various conferences on special topics held in different cities in China, and local chemical societies are very active. The Shanghai section of the Society for Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, for example, has an active membership of 1200 analytical chemists. With regard to instrumentation and facilities, the universities under the direction of the Ministry of Education do not appear to compete equally with the research institutes, which are under the jurisdiction of the Academy of Sciences. Although recently there has been an attempt to acquire a limited amount of the latest sophisticated equipment from abroad, most of the instruments used in university teaching and research are manufactured in China. There is currently a great effort to improve facilities and instrumentation at the universities, but a lack of foreign currency hampers this goal. By contrast, the research institutes fare much better. I was impressed by their acquisition of some of the latest foreign equipment with associated computers. This trip provided an excellent opportunity to further strengthen the rapidly developing ties between analytical chemists in China and the U.S. We hope they will continue to grow, and we look forward to important contributions to our discipline by our Chinese colleagues.

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