Editorial. Graduate Training on the Job - ACS Publications

their technical personnel to obtain advanced training in local schools, but this was limited to after hours and week ends. The employer has often paid...
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October 1962, Vol. 34, No. 11 ANALYTICAL C H E M I S T R Y Director of Publications, Applied Journals, A C S . C. R . Larrabee Editorial Director. Applied Journals, A C S , Richard L. Kenyori Assistant lo the Director of Publications, A p plied Journals. A C S , Joseph H. Kuney Assistant to the Editorial Director, Applied Journals. A C S , Rodney N. Hader Director of Editorial Research, Applied Journals, A C S , Robert F. Gould Editor.



ElDITORIAL HEADQUARTERS WASHINGTON 6 . D. C. 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Phone: REpuhlic 7-3337 'Teletype WA 23 Associate Editors: G . Gladys Gordon, Sue M. Solliday Assistant Editor: Virginia E. Stewart Editorial Assiqtant: Josephine Pechan Editorial Reference. Barbara A. Gallagher Production S t a f f -WashingtoJoseph Jacobs , A r t Director' John V. Sinnett ! A r t , Production Staff-Easton. P a . 20th and Northampcon Sts Associate Editor: Charlotte c'. Sayre Assistanf Editor. Elizabeth R. Rufe

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Graduate Training on the Job for education far too often is aroused only 1HEafter a person takes a position and finds that his limited knowledge XECESSART ISCEXTIVE

restricts his advancement. Employers for many years have encouraged their technical personnel to obtain advanced training in local schools, but this was limited to after hours and week ends. The employer has often paid part or all the tuition, if satisfactory grades were maintained. Few employees, however, survive the rigors of such a program which of necessity spreads over several years with its restrictions on a normal life. More recently. owing in part to the difficulty of obtaining top flight scientific research personnel, employers are seeking out those on their staffs who will benefit from graduate training. These are then assigned to work full time on a research project of their own choice, for a fixed period, on leave of absence from their regular duties. Such projects, often a part of the research program of the employer, permit the employee to obtain his master's degree or doctorate nithin a time schedule comparable with t h a t of a nonworking student. Usually, but not necessarily, these programs are undertaken in a local institution. A program of this type has been announced by the Research Department of Atlantic Refining in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania. Another variation is for an employer t o grant a qualified scientist sabbatical leave to do research a t an approved institution here or abroad. These programs are commendable and are initiated by the employer who selects the candidates to be sponsored. For those without outstanding research qualifications. companies encourage local studies a t universities and institutes on company time. Large companies of course have their own training program with a permanent staff. F o r those n-ith ambition and ability, advancement both in responsibility and graduate study are now relatively easy compared with conditions twenty years ago.

European FRANKFCRT,'MAIN, West Germany Siesrnayerntrasse 58 LONDON, W . l , England 77 South Audley St.

Contributing Editor: R. H. Miiller Adcisory Board: J . E. Barney 11, C. E . Bricker. D . D . DeFord, E. C. Dunlop, J. C. Giddings, R. F. Goddu, H. V. Malrnstadt, W. B. Mason, F. W. Mitchell, Jr., M. L. Moss, J. D. Neuss, L. B. Rogers, B. F. Scribner, Irving Shain, Sidney Siggia Aduertising Management REINHOLD PUBLISHING CORP. (for Branch Offices, see page 154 A)

e VOL. 34, NO. l l , OCTOBER 1962 &-3
