@Copyright 1987 by,the American Chemical Society
Ed itorial The origin of this journal was the desire of the fuel science community for it. The expression of this desire to the ACS Society Committee on Publications was due to the efforts of Dr. Cliff Venier, then secretary of the ACS Division of Fuel Chemistry. This Editor will take it upon himself this once, and only this once, to speak for the entire fuel science community in expressing its thanks to Dr. Venier for his efforts on its behalf. One result of his efforts you now hold in your hands. When building something, it is best to begin at the bottom, and the cyclical fuel research activities are now near bottom. The importance and size of the research area are apparent in any list of the world’s 10 largest corporations. The breadth of relevant research is enormous, including catalysis, organic geochemistry, organic structure and reactivity, combustion, biomass conversion, and other areas. All of this and more will be welcomed in this journal. Our goal is to create the “core” chemical journal for fuel scientists. If successful, the most important new developments across the whole range of fuel science will be available in a single journal. Even at this low point in the research activity cycle, there is enough excellent science to crowd our pages and to invigorate our readers. As research activities increase, so will the size of this journal. Your Editor will use this column each January to report on the health of this journal and its prospects. Feeling a need to limit his opportunities to pontificate, he will contribute no regular editorial column. Occasionally, individuals will need to communicate matters of importance to the fuel science community. The editorial page of this journal may then be made available for such communications. The sole purpose of this journal is to serve the scientific community through the communication of scientific information. We welcome all suggestions for improvement of that service. They may be directed to the editors or any member of the editorial advisory board. We are committed above all else to quality. John Larsen
0887-0624/87/2501-0001$01.50/0 0 1987 American Chemical Society