Editorial - Langmuir (ACS Publications) - American Chemical Society

It is with regret that I must inform the readers of Langmuir of the retirement of Dr. Alex Bradshaw as Associate Editor. Alex has filled this position...
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Editorial It is with regret that I must inform the readers of Langmuir of the retirement of Dr. Alex Bradshaw as Associate Editor. Alex has filled this position admirably for the past five years and now has decided to move back to his research and administrative duties at the Fritz Haber Institute. He was a pioneer in the experiment of having overseas editors for the ACS journals. When he joined us, the electronic communications needed to keep his office functioning smoothly were rudimentary to say the least. He patiently worked through those problems while managing to carry out his editorial responsibilities superbly. In large part, Langmuir’s active and excellent group of European authors and referees is due to his efforts which clearly demonstrated our belief that surface and colloid science is a worldwide, not national, enterprise. Our sadness at Alex Bradshaw’s retirement as Associate Editor is mitigated somewhat by the fact that we have been able to replace him by Professor Josef Holzwarth, also of the Fritz Haber Institute and the Freie University of Berlin. His scientific biography is given in this issue of the journal. We look forward very much to his contributions to the quality of the journal and to our continuation of the European office of Langmuir. William A. Steele LA962114N

S0743-7463(96)02114-2 CCC: $14.00

© 1997 American Chemical Society