Editorial. Too Big - ACS Publications

Director of Business Operations, Applied Jour- nals, ACS ... Eastern. Manager: Walter S. Fedor (New York). NEW YORK, N. Y.. 10017. 733 Third Ave. PHIL...
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ANALVTICAL C HEMISTRV E DITO RIA 1 September 1964, Vol. 36, No. 10



Director of Publications, Applied Journals, A C S , Richard L. Kenyon Director of Business Operations, Applied Journals, A C S , Joseph H. Kuney Executive Assistant to the Director of Publications, Applied Journals, ACS, Rodney N. Hader Assistant ta the Director of Publications for Editorial Derielopment, Applied Journals, A C S , William Q. Hull Director of Editorial Research, Applied Journals, A C S , Robert F. Gould Editor, LAWRENCE T. HALLEIT

EDITORIAL HEADQUARTERS Washington, D. C. 20036 1155 Sixteenth St., N. W. P h o n e : 202-737-3337 Teletype WA 23 Associate Editor: G. Gladys Gcrdon Assistant Editors: Anne Conrad, Arnold E. Levitt, Virginia E. Stewart Editorial Assictants: Patricia Banko, Josephine Pechan Production Staff-Washington. Joseph Jacobs ( A r t Director) John V. Sinnett ( A r t ) Production Staff-Easton, Po,. 18043 20th and Northampton Sts. Associate Editor: Charlotte C . Sayre Assistant Editor: Elizabeth 12. Rufe

REGIONAL EDITORIAL BUREAUS Eastern Manager: Walter S. Fedor (New York) N E W YORK, N. Y . 10017 733 Third Ave. PHILADELPHIA, Pa. 19103 1725 John F. Kennedy Blvd. PITTSBURGH, Pa. 15230 530 William Penn Place M i d c o n t i n e n t and W e s t e r n Manager: Arthur Poulos (Chicago) CHICAGO, Ill. 60603 36 South Wabash Ave. CLEVELAND, Ohio 44114 1367 East Sixth St. SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. !a4104 57 Post St. LOS ANGELES, Calif. 90005 422 South Western Ave. HOUSTON, Tex. 77002 1121 Walker St. Washington Southeastern WASHINGTON, D. C. 200:36 1155 Sixteenth St., N. W. European FRANKFURTIMAIN, West Germany 32 Grosse Bcckenheimerstrasse LONDON, W. 1,England 77 South Audley St. Contributing Editor: R. H. Muller Aduisory Board: R. N. Adams, G. H . Ayres, J. E . Barney 11, J. C. Giddinga, R. F. Goddu, P. B. Hamilton, G. A. Harlow, F. W. McLaf ferty, M . W. Mallett, G. H. Morrison, J. D. Neuss, W. H. Reinmuth, Irving Shain, J. K . Taylor, J. C. White Aduertising Management REINHOLD PUBLISHING CORP. (for Branch Offices, see page 1 6 1 A)

Too Big OCR have noticed and we have received comments on the size READERS

of the issues this year. It is truc that we have exceeded 400 pages four times during the past six months. In the last six months of 1963 we accepted more papers than usual and this has been reflected in the issues in 1964. Also, we have been niaking a special effort to publish papers within five months or less and me are glad to report that we are publishing an average of 50% within this time schedule. We are currently receiving papers a t the rate of over 1200 per year, which is significantly greater than the past 1000-per-year rate. The rejection rate is 1/3. There is no backlog and papers are not rejected on the basis that we do not have the pages to publish them. Authors should realize, however, that despite the increased number of pages, we still insist on concise manuscripts. I n some cases, manuscripts are appearing in the Correspondence section if such brevity is justified and the scope of the paper is suitable. This has resulted in a much larger Correspondence section in the last six months. V-e are receiving an increasing number of papers that do not come up to our standards and, in addition. iiiany manuscripts are niarred by undue repetition, poor organization. and figures which merely illustrate rather than contribute to the text. To our reader who must struggle through our inany pages: we expect that the issues during the next six months will decrease in size.

e VOL. 36, NO. 10, SEPTEMBER 1964

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