EDITORIALS. Summer Symposia - A Reality; Awards - Analytical

Summer Symposia - A Reality; Awards. Walter J. Murphy. Anal. Chem. , 1948, 20 (5), pp 395–395. DOI: 10.1021/ac60017a001. Publication Date: May 1948...
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Summer S ymposia-A

.Walter J. Murphy, Editor


iiiicroanalytical methods, iiiorganic chromatography, emission spectroscopy. absorption spectroscopy, fluoLASS have been completed for the first Annual rescence, and the development of varied applications of Summer Symposium sponsored jointly by the Divielectrodeposition, polarography, potentiometry, and of Analytical and Micro Chemistry and ANALYTICAL conductometry. Research will lag in many fields until CHEMISTRY, a project discussed by analysts in rather such knowledge i s widely disseminated. The summer vague terms for a number of years. Under the able symposium at Northwestern will provide the first real leadership of Philip J. Elving, chairman of the diopportunity to acquaint chemists with new techniques vision, a number of committees are functioning efficiand a familiarity with a number of new pieces of ently and a record attendance is expected a t Northapparatus. western University on August 13 and 14. The large attendances a t the recent analytical The success of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY,its symposia at Louisiana State University, Pittsburgh, local sections, and scientific divisions, is due largely to and Minneapolis demonstrate a revived interest in the enthusiasm of its members and a willingness on the analytical chemistry. To the analysts themselves must part of a large segment to devote time and energy to go the credit for these successful meetings. Annual Society affairs. This fact is evidenced in many ways, symposia jointly sponsored by the Division of Analytical by our reviewers, for example, and by acceptance of and Micro Chemistry and this publication will assist memberships on committees. materially in maintaining sustained interest. We are S. C. Lind of Minnesota has accepted the honorary delighted to add to this announcement of the first in the chairmanship of the first symposium; Clement J. series the information that the Committee on Annual Rodden, chief of the Section of Uranium and Related Symposia, headed by B. L. Clarke, has selected the subMaterials a t the National Bureau of Standards, is ject “Organic Reagents in Chemical Analysis” for 1949. general chairman; R. K. Summerbell has made availWe advise early reservations for the Northwestern able the splendid facilities of Xorthwestern; and Laumeeting, as the number that can be accommodated is rence D. Frizzell is chairman of the committee on local limited. The final program will appear in both Chemical arrangements. Associated with Rodden and Frizzell CHEMISTRY, and Engineering News and ANALYTICAL are committee members widely known in chemical together with complete details for making reservations. circles. The immediate response of these individuals is indicative of the enthusiasm of AMERICBN CHEMICAL SOCIETYmembers and the latent interest that has exHE first recipient of the Fisher Award in Analytical isted for a long time in the idea of an annual symposium Chemistry is N. H. Furman of Princeton University. on same phase of analytical chemistry. His distinguished career will be commented on in detail The subject chosen for the August meeting is a most when the award is actually presented to him at the fall timely one-“Nucleonics and Analytical Chemistry.” meeting of the Society. Rodden and his associates, G. E. Boyd of the Oak At this time we are happy to announce still another Ridge National Laboratory, D.’ N. Hume of M.I.T., award of interest to analysts-the Fritzsche Award, and I. Perlman of the University of California, are financed by Fritzsche Brothers, Inc., consisting of a arranging a two-day program of invited papers and a gold medal and one thousand dollars, to be presented display of equipment and apparatus of special interest annually for outstanding achievement in analysis, rein radiochemistry. search, and new applications of essential oils, essential Interest in peacetime applications of our present oil isolates, and related chemicals. knowledge of nuclear chemistry continues to grow. We hope we mill be pardoned for a little show of This is particularly true of the developnients in analytipersonal pride. The same editorial in AKALYTICAL cal chemistry, but as yet comparatively little has been CHEMISTRY which influenced C. G. Fisher to establish made available generally t o the analytical profession. the Fisher Award also initiated the proposal by the Certainly the instructive and entertaining talk by K.H. officials of Fritzsche Brothers that the AMERICAN Furman before the Division of Analytical and I11‘icro CHEMICAL SOCIETY administer an award commemoratChemistry at its dinner meeting in Chicago indicated ing the 75th anniversary of that company. that a number of noteworthy strides have been made in

