EDITOR'S column

leak-proof action. Maximum flexibility ... thumb and first finger, while resting the body at the base of ... down into body of Accropet, using thumb a...
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accr0peT PIPETTOR provides most accurate filling and discharge ! Avoid the dangers and possi­ bilities of contamination that are constantly present with conventional pipetting meth­ ods. You operate compact, in­ genious Accropet simply and easily with one hand...enjoy accurate controlled discharge and filling at high speeds! Practical, durable Accropet is' manufactured by the Manostat Corporation of high tempera-, ture poly propylene... to with­ s t a n d t e m p e r a t u r e s up to 320° F. "O" ring construction assures most accurate, positive, leak-proof action. Maximum flexibility, provided by rubber tubing connection, helps elimi­ nate pipet breakage. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS: A t t a c h o u t l e t

to p i p e t directly>

with a short length rubber tubing, or a one-hole rubber stopper. Accropet is then m o s t conveniently operated by the thumb and first finger, while resting the body at the base of the other three fingers, and using these to hold it in place. U s i n g t h u m b and first finger, rotate knob u p % turn from its deepest position. P l a c e tip of pipet in liquid, and draw up liquid by rotating knob upward. T o accurately control discharge of liquid, rotate knob down into body of Accropet, using thumb and first finger. T 2 0 3 8 S Accropet, ultramicro size. For all pipets u p to and including 2 / 1 0 c c , and especially recommended for lambda-pettes. Packaged singly or in cartons of six. Each $ 3 . 5 0 . Pkg. of β « 1 S . 8 0 T 2 0 3 8 6 D Accropet, micro size. For all pipets up t o and including 2 cc, and red and white blood pipets. Each « 4 . 0 6 . Pkg. of β «23.TO

The EMIL GREINER Co. 20-26 N. MOORE ST., DEPT. 421, NEW YORK 13, Ν. Υ. Circle No. 38 on Readers' Service Card 110 A
