pavt or in progress. The young instructor, if he serves his apprenticeship ratisfaetorily and attains professorial rank, can u ~ u a l l ylo& forward t o reasonable security of tenwe. He may take drastic cuts in pay durinp bad times, but he has fair asruranee of the continuity of hi3 work. AS a rille he need fear neither total cessation of income nor the setback t h a t comes from having to begin all over again possibly in a new line of work and after a prolowed period of idleoerr. ~ h desirable ; featuresof academic ,vork, a3 we hive outlined them, srenot universal; they may. howevu, be considered fairly repre3entative. Working condition. in some industrial firmr approximate academic eonditioos and make up whatever they may lack in the w a r of greater income. T h e report% that come to us indicate, neuerfhelers. t h a t many firmr may well consider what they can afford to d a in the wau of building up the pro!esrional pride of their chemists throvgh the provision of more agreeable worktng condifiona.