editor's outlook - ACS Publications

The one small bit among the flotsam ofthe economic hurri- ... The business and publication offices will remain at the Fortunately the curse is ... tio...
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HANGE OF EDITORIAL ADDRESS. The one small bit among the flotsam o f t h e economic hurriUniversity of Chicago, through Dr. Julius Stieg- cane which seems worth dragging ashore. litz, has extended to the JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL There is now some indication that industry per se may EDUCATION the friendly offer of editorial quarters in cease to be regarded as an unqualified virtue. In so far Kent Chemical Laboratory. This offer has been as labor (physical or mental) is merely the means accepted. It is the present intention t o effect the of satisfying physical needs or even of acquiring the transfer during the week of the American Chemical material apparatus necessary to cultivated living, it Society meeting. Mail designed t o reach the editorial must properly be regarded as a curse upon mankind. officeson or after September eighth should be directed to The Hebrew mythologists had a much truer intuition Kent Chemical Laboratory, The University of Chicago. in this respect than many of our modern moralists. The business and publication offices will remain a t the Fortunately the curse is sometimes mitigated and ocplant of the Mack Printing Company a t Easton, casionally completely outweighed by genuine pleasure Pennsylvania. in the work performed. The exercise of skill and judgI t is not without natural regret that the editorial ment, pride of craftsmanship, and a sense of the imstaff contemplates leaving working conditions so satis- portance of the task performed are all sources of satisfactory and associations so pleasant as those which faction. Yet these are merely incidental and uncertain have been supplied throuxh the hosuitality and whole- adjuncts to economically enforced labor. There is hearted coijperation of Mr. Harvey F. Mack and other every reason to believe that they are enjoyed more members of his organization. Had not the editorial, generally and more fully in avocational than in vocabusiness, and publication departments of the JOURNAL tional pursuits. These, of course, are dangerous notions-heresies been able t o work together in closest harmony and in constant communication during the difficult reorganiza- scarcely to be tolerated-in an economic order where tion period grave errors and costly delays would inevi- there are profits to be derived from keeping everyone as busy as possible. If it becomes evident, however, as tably have marred the record. I n other than emergency periods of short duration, now seems possible, that the road back to profits lies however, it appears desirable that the editorial staff through more leisure for everyone heterodoxy will of a publication of this nature maintain some direct become orthodoxy with amazing speed. Employers contact with teaching and research. It is further de- will cease t o assure working men that release from labor sirable that editorial workers as well as teachers should leads only to boredom, and ministers of the gospel will multiply and improve their opportunities for continua- no doubt recall that the devil is a very industrious fellow tion education and for creative work. Not the least and that we would do well to be less like him. Even attractive to the editor of the features of the new loca- magazine heroines will give over demanding that protion is the possibility of closer association with Dr. M. S. spective husbands come equipped with jobs whether Kharasch, to whom he already owes much. I t has they need them or not. It is, of course, distressing to the confirmed romantibeen, in the fullest sense of anunfortunately hackneyed phrase, both a privilege and a pleasure t o collaborate cist to note the extreme sensitivity of moral standards to with Dr. Kharasch in the preparation of several minor economic pressure. Yet if one be realist enough t o acpublications. It. is our mutual hope that the oppor- cept this phenomenon cheerfully there is a certain intunity for more frequent consultation may bear further nocent amusement to be derived from contemplation of specific examples. After all, if elm must vary with fruit. * * * * u, it is probably better that m should become the variant. Better a change in moral standards than the The Chairman of the Division of Chemical Education shadow of a turning in public morality. approves the transfer of the editorial office of the B~ what diverse routes do men of divers minds some. JOURNAL from Easton, Pennsylvania, t o Chicago, Illi- times arrive upon a common ground of action! nois, and authorizes the publication of the foregoing statement by the Editor. LYMANC. NEWELL,Chairman The cover pidure, reproduced


OUCHING ON SOCIAL MORALS. The gospel according to Emerson has always seemed to us to embody a rather nalve philosophy. We have never thought it profitable to hunt toads in the hope of extracting precious jewels from their heads. As for people who consider the breaking of one leg good fortune on the ground that it is physiologically possible t o break two-we avoid their society. We sincerely hope, therefore, that we will not be misunderstood if we find

by courtesy qf the Corning Glass Works. shows e continuous a?.nealing own, through which laborntory glassware i s carried on o conoeyor. The beginnings qf laboratory glermare prodziction i n th& comtry and the comparnt i d y recent deuelopment qi the enterprise into e full-$edged industry are described by M7. F. Kraissl. Sr., who, for the most ; pert, presents an eye-witness's account. The decorative toilpiece which concludes Mr. Kmissl's article i s med by the kind fiumisrion of Merck b Co., Inc.