Educational technology in the teaching of chemistry: An international

Educational technology in the teaching of chemistry: An international symposium takes a close look. Robert C. Brasted. J. Chem. Educ. , 1976, 53 (5), ...
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Educational Technology in the Teaching of Chemistry: An International Symposium Takes a Close Look1 It is difficult to separate the many positive features of this symposium from those of the symposium on "Chemical Education in Europe-New Approaches" which followed and was arranged by the Federation of European Chemical Societies. A factor in the success of both of these conferences was that of being housed together, and of being able to interact with members of the IUPAC General Committees and working groups. Many valuable associations and reassociations were possible. The program (developed by Dr. C. N. R. Rao, the very able and hardworking Chairman of the IUPAC Committee on Teaching of Chemistry) included presentations by representatives of the Division of Chemical Education of the American Chemical Society. Journal of Chemical Education Editor, Tom Lippincott, skillfully summarized an unbelievable volume of material covering the progress of edu-

296 / Journal o f Chemical Education


lUPAC Committee on Teaching of Chemistry

Profesor G. S. Hammond

M v . D. 0. Chisnsn British Council

MerrillCoilege Univerritvof California crur


Professor I. V. Bereein hmonmov Stat. Univenity of Maaeoa,

Professor D. VitoroviC Institute of Chemistrv F m l l t ) I I Gr r! cr,
