EDWIN L. WIEGAND COMPANY - Industrial ... - ACS Publications

EDWIN L. WIEGAND COMPANY. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1956, 48 (12), pp 120A–120A. DOI: 10.1021/i650564a801. Publication Date: December 1956. Copyright ...
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MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE Air Purification. A comprehensive catalog gives information on how acti­ vated charcoal can be efFectively used for air recovery, odor removal, air purification, and food preservation. The catalog tells the story of activated charcoal and how its internal black surface adsorbs odors, irritating vapors, smoke, and smog. Illustrated technical sheets, magazine reprints, cartoons, and detailed reports are included. Dept. IEC, Pur Air Division, Barnebey-Cheney Co., Columbus 8, Ohio. 19


IMMERSION HEATERS with or without built-in thermostats . . . fit the heat to your need up to 700,000 watts and 2,500 psi Full range of sizes and ratings in portable, screw-plug and flanged types. Available with copper, steel or alloy sheaths to resist corrosion. Used for heating water, asphalt, greases, molten salts, pickling and plat­ ing baths, process kettles; for super­ heating steam and compressed air; for melting lead, solder, babbit; and for a wide range of similar applications. Let the Chromalox Sales-Engineering staff solve your heating problems... electrically.

Write for your copy of Catalog 50 —tor full information on the complete line of Chromalox Electric Heaters and controls. For ideas on additional ap­ plications of electric heat, request Booklet F1550—"101 Ways to Apply Electric Heat."

Edwin L Wiegand


7511 Thomas Boulevard, Pittsburgh 8, Pennsylvania


1 EDWIN L. WIEGAND COMPANY 7511 Thomas Boulevard, Pittsburgh 8, Pa. j I would like to have . . . | • a copy of Catalog 50 Π a copy of "101 Ways" • a Sales-Engineer contact me. Name CompanyStreet City



Circle No. 120 A on Readers' Service Card, page 123 A

120 A

Caustic Soda. Do you know what to do if someone is burned by contact with caustic soda? Manufacturer has avail­ able an excellent bulletin in calendar form on how to use caustic soda safely. Instructions on what to do for burns to the eyes, skin irritation, and internal burns are provided in graphic color, and easy-to-understand, easy-to-find form. The bulletin also tells what personal protective equipment should be worn when handling caustic alkalies in solu­ tion or in their solid form. MCA Bull. SD-9, Dept. IEC, Westvaco Chlor-Alkali Division, Food Machinery and Chemical Corp., 161 E. 42nd St., New York 17, Ν. Υ. 20 Couplings. 4-page bulletin describing miniature couplings for power trans­ mission includes detailed dimensional drawings. Designed for speeds through 50,000 r.p.m., these couplings are non­ magnetic, torsionally rigid, and require no lubrication, according to the manufac­ turer's claims. Bull. MC-100, Dept. IEC, Thomas Flexible Coupling Co., War­ ren, Pa. 21 Dichlorophene. Comprehensive bibliography of the literature of this compound is presented in seven cate­ gories: biological properties, com­ patibility, patents, physical and chemical properties, test methods, toxicological properties and uses. 109 articles and 12 patents are abstracted. Bull. D-2, Dept. IEC, Sindar Corp., 330 West 42nd St., New York 36, Ν. Υ. 22 Drafting Practices. New 56-page booklet on "Standard and Simplified Drafting Practices" is available, includ­ ing 11 rules for simplified drafting, and 4 pages of helpful data on general proce­ dures. Dept. IEC, American Machine & Foundry Corp., 261 Madison Ave., New York 16, Ν. Υ. 23


Electronics Reference Book. This is a complete reference catalog of over 300 pages containing pictures of such elec­ tronic equipment as photoelectric cells, Weston meters, test equipment, capaci­ tors, and many others. Included are performance data, description of articles, and prices. Cat. No. 65, Dept. IEC, Newark Electric Co., 223 W. Madison St., Chicago 6, III. 24 Emulsifier. Technical bulletin is avail­ able describing a general-purpose, nonionic emulsifier, having a high degree of surface activity, and readily dispersible in water and many organic solvents. Acts as an emulsifier for fats, oils, waxes, and specialized products. Dept. IEC, Witco Chemical Co., 122 East 42nd St., 25 New York 17, Ν. Υ.

Equipment. A 12-page bulletin de­ scribing continuous granular fertilizer processing equipment has just been re­ leased. The bulletin covers ammoniators, granulators, continuous combina­ tion ammoniator-granulators, dryer fur­ naces, dryers, coolers, and pilot plant equipment. Dept. IEC, Edward Renneburg & Sons Co., 2639 Boston St., Baltimore 24, Md. 26

Ethyl Silicate. An 18-page technical booklet on the use of ethyl silicate for precision casting describes the hydrolysis, gelation, setting, and hardening of ethyl silicate. Also included are typical for­ mulas, precoat and investment prepara­ tion, problem solutions, and specifica­ tions. Dept. IEC, R. W. Greeff & Co., 10 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, Ν. Υ. 2 7

Glassed Steel a n d A l l o y Equipment.

Columns for fractionation, stripping, absorption, extraction, chemical re­ actions, and other allied operations are discussed in an 8-page bulletin. Both tray and packed design are described. Because of high efficiency and capacity per unit volume, the tray column is more adaptable to continuous processing. The packed column is widely used for batch operations because of its greater versatility to changing operating condi­ tions. Bull. No. 940, Dept. IEC, Pfaudler Co., Rochester, Ν. Υ. 28 Heat Exchangers. 16-page design manual gives basic information on characteristics, design, and operation of Pyrex modular shell and tube heat ex­ changer units. Bull. PE-33, Dept. IEC, Corning Glass Works, Corning, Ν. Υ. 29 Hydrazine Solution. A 3 5 % hy­ drazine solution for removing dissolved