Effect of Substituent Groups on Fluorescence of Metal Chelates

a convenient reaction medium. Thirty- one new compounds were prepared with various substituent groups and the fluorescent properties of their aluminum...
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RECEIVEDfor review April 22, 1964. Accepted July i , 1964. This work was supported in part by the U . S. htoriiic Energ>- Commission under contract AT(30-1)-905.

Effect of Substituent Groups on Fluorescence of Metal Chelates ROBERT J. ARGAUERI and CHARLES E. WHITE Department o f Chemistry, Universify of Maryland, College Park, Md.

b The effects of substituent groups on chelation and on the absorption, excitation, and emission spectra of more than 50 fluorescent complexes were investigated. Thirty-one 2,2'dihydroxyazomethines were synthesized and the spectral properties of their aluminum chelates in 95% ethanol determined. The fluorescence intensity increased as the f'ollowing groups were sustituted: NO2