Effect of Temperature and Cultivar on Polyphenol Retention and

Effect of Temperature and Cultivar on Polyphenol Retention and Mass Transfer during Osmotic Dehydration of Apples ...... B.; Lapierre , C.; Herve du P...
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J. Agric. Food Chem. 2010, 58, 606–614 DOI:10.1021/jf903006g

Effect of Temperature and Cultivar on Polyphenol Retention and Mass Transfer during Osmotic Dehydration of Apples EMILIE DEVIC,†,§ SYLVAIN GUYOT,# JEAN-DOMINIQUE DAUDIN,^ AND CATHERINE BONAZZI*,†,§ † INRA, UMR1145 Ingenierie Procedes Aliments, 91300 Massy, France, §AgroParisTech, UMR1145 Ingenierie Procedes Aliments, 91300 Massy, France, #INRA, UR117 Recherches Cidricoles et Biotransformation des Fruits et Legumes, 35653 Le Rheu, France, and ^INRA, UR370 Qualite des Produits Animaux, 63122 St Genes Champanelle, France

Several cultivars of apples (Malus domestica) were chosen for their variable concentrations and compositions in phenolic compounds. Cubed samples (1 cm3) were subjected to osmotic dehydration, and the effect of temperature was studied at 45 and 60 C. Water loss, sucrose impregnation, and the evolution of some natural components of the product were followed to quantify mass transfer. Ascorbic acid and polyphenols were quantified by HPLC for several osmotic dehydration times and regardless of the quantity of impregnated sugar. Changes in antioxidant components differed as a function of the nature of molecules. Their concentrations decreased in line with temperature, and few differences were observed between cultivars. Processing at a lower temperature (45 C) caused a total loss in ascorbic acid but allowed the retention of between 74 and 85% of initial polyphenols, depending on the cultivar. Cultivars containing highly polymerized procyanidins (such as Guillevic) experienced less loss. Hydroxycinnamic acids and monomeric catechins displayed the most marked changes. Leaching with water into the soaking solution was the principal mechanism retained to explain these losses. KEYWORDS: Diffusion; hydroxycinnamic acids; monomeric catechins; oxidation; procyanidins


Osmotic dehydration, also called “dehydration-impregnation by soaking” (DIS) (1), is widely employed to remove water from pieces of fruits or vegetables by immersing the product in a relatively concentrated aqueous solution of sugar or salt, or both, without any phase change. This process is mainly used for the partial removal of water, but it also leads to the penetration of solute into the product and the leaching of some natural solutes (sugars, acids, minerals, etc.) from the product into the soaking solution. The composition of the solution, and the selection of process conditions, can be optimized to maximize water removal and minimize all other transports. The cross-diffusion of natural solutes is low in quantitative terms but may have important effects on product quality (2). Moreover, when compared to conventional drying processes, osmotic dehydration is characterized by a formulation effect. However, the final products generally contain too much moisture to be shelf-stable and need to be processed, for example, using convective drying. Partially dehydrated fruits can be included in foods such as ice cream, desserts, yogurt, dairy, cereals, and confectionery and bakery products or consumed at snacking occasions (3). Fruit is an important component of a healthy diet. Metaanalyses of studies linking fruit intake to disease risk have all concluded that eating fruit can help to prevent major diseases *Corresponding author (telephone þ33; fax þ33; e-mail [email protected]).


Published on Web 12/02/2009

such as cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers, principally of the digestive system (4). According to the World Health Report 2002 (5), a low intake of fruits and vegetables (15 min, this loss decreased in line with the soaking time. This could be explained by a combination of two factors: leaching with water diffusion (a rapid phenomenon, predominant at low temperatures and due to the high degree of ascorbic acid solubility in water) and chemical degradation (enhanced by temperature) (2). One important point that may explain the difference from previous studies on tropical fruits at low temperature is that during the present study, the apple cubes were sprayed with an antibrowning solution containing ascorbic acid; even if the cubes were rinsed before soaking, the ascorbic acid content measured (initial ascorbic acid in Table 2) was the sum of the sprayed ascorbic acid that had diffused into outer layers of the cubes and the natural ascorbic acid of the apples. Spraying thus increased the initial ascorbic acid content, as shown in Table 2, within the range 150-4000% depending on the experiment, and was mainly located on the surface of the apple cubes. This supplementary ascorbic acid would leach first and very rapidly with water, thus explaining the drastic percentage reduction observed as from the temperature of 45 C. Another explanation could be that ascorbic acid plays an important role in regeneration of the o-quinones that result from the oxidation of phenols (chlorogenic acid or monomeric catechin) by polyphenol oxidase (enzymatic browning); under this hypothesis, ascorbic acid could be oxidized to dehydroascorbic acid (52). Figure 3 shows the losses affecting several polyphenol groups of compounds versus processing time and moisture content.

Panels a and b of Figure 3 show the results for hydroxycinnamic acids. Losses were low at 45 C: 27% in Gala and around 40% in cider apples after 180 min of soaking. At 60 C, losses increased: 78% for Gala and around 60% for cider cultivars (Figure 3a). When plotted versus water content (Figure 3b), the loss of hydroxycinnamic acids appeared to be approximately proportional to the water content. As for fructose, temperature acted indirectly by increasing the water flux. No cultivar effect was observed, except for a slight difference in Gala at 60 C. Dihydrochalcone losses (not shown here because of the small quantities detected in all cultivars) followed the same trend, with average losses of 37% at 45 C and 62% at 60 C. Because Guillevic naturally contained no monomeric catechins, panels c and d of Figure 3 show only the evolution of monomeric catechins in Gala and Marie Menard. The loss versus time curves were similar to those described for hydroxycinnamic acids, with total losses of around 27% at 45 C and around 70% at 60 C. However, when plotted versus water content, these losses were also linear, with a real difference between the two operating temperatures. Panels e and f of Figure 3 show the procyanidin losses observed. Because of the low procyanidin concentration in cv. Gala, the uncertainty regarding percentage variations was considerable and only the final values are presented. Procyanidins were the most preserved group of polyphenols, with only 15% lost at 45 C and 40% at 60 C. This may partly have been due to the polymerization of these molecules with a high molecular weight of up to 11-15 kDa (46), which hampers their migration. Another reason is that procyanidins are retained by weak interactions with cell wall polysaccharides (36). An increase in temperature from 45 to 60 C exerted a different impact as a function of cultivar. In Marie Menard, the difference was measurable only at the end of the process and was mainly due to the difference in the final water content, whereas in Guillevic, a difference was clearly observed from the beginning of the process and was actually due to the increase in temperature, regardless of the water content. Procyanidins are polymers of monomeric catechins, and the difference


J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 58, No. 1, 2010

Devic et al.

Figure 3. Losses of hydroxycinnamic acids, monomeric catechins, and procyanidins during osmotic dehydration at 45 C (full line) or 60 C (dotted line) in Marie Menard (4), Guillevic (/), and Gala ()): (a, c, e) versus time; (b, d, f) versus mean moisture content. Standard deviation = 18, 5, and 8% for hydroxycinnamic acids, monomeric catechins, and procyanidins, respectively.

between cultivars was essentially due to the number of constitutive units. Table 4 shows the time changes of the average degree of polymerization (DPn). Gala and Marie Menard had an initial DPn of 5, whereas Guillevic had a very high DPn of 63. The evolution of DPn with soaking time also differed. It remained constant, with a slight increase at 60 C for long soaking times, in cultivars with a small DPn (Gala and Marie Menard), but increased similarly and significantly at both temperatures in cv. Guillevic. Oszmianski et al. (34) also observed an increase in DPn during the preparation of apple puree. To our knowledge, no results concerning the loss of phenolic compounds during osmotic dehydration have been published to date, although similar trends have been observed during other processes: traditional sun-drying (31), conventional boiling (32), or vacuum impregnation (32). Whatever the process, the main losses concerned monomeric flavan-3-ols, as observed in Figure 3c,d, followed by hydroxycinnamic acids. When procyanidins were fully quantified (30, 31), their losses were reduced, as during the present study (Figure 3e,f). The effect of processing therefore differed for procyanidins (which are polymerized molecules) and monomeric catechins (which reacted in the same

way as hydroxycinnamic acids). In the latter group, two types of mechanisms could be considered. First, because they are small phenolic molecules devoid of tanning properties, they may diffuse into the osmotic solution. By contrast, oligomers and polymers of procyanidins are tannins that are well-known for their ability to associate with cell wall components through hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonding (48). As a consequence, they weakly diffuse in the osmotic solution. This hypothesis was also mentioned in another recent study, in which increasing proportions of hydroxycinnamic acids and small flavan-3-ols were measured in the liquid phase during the cooking of pears (30). The second mechanism may be enzymatic oxidation. Polyphenols, polyphenol oxidase (PPO), and oxygen may be placed in contact during peeling and cutting or when cell integrity is injured by thermal or hydrodynamic mechanisms (31). Moreover, both chlorogenic acid and catechins are involved in enzymatic browning. PPO has a stronger affinity for chlorogenic acid (49), but the latter can be regenerated by coupled oxidation involving catechins. Renard (30) emphasized that oxidation required enzymatic activity and was therefore relevant only during the first few minutes of heating. Quiles et al. (53) studied the effects of osmotic


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Table 4. Average Degrees of Polymerization (DPn) Measured during Osmotic Dehydration at 45 or 60 C for Gala, Guillevic, and Marie Menard Applesa Gala


Marie Menard

time (min)

45 C

60 C

45 C

60 C

45 C

60 C

0 15 30 90 180

5 7 5 6 5

5 4 6 6 6

63. 62 66 66 73

58 55 60 73

5 5 6 6 6

4 4 4 4 5

a Data expressed as mean, standard deviation = 10%. -, no data obtained for this point due to experimental problem.

dehydration (sucrose 65 Brix, 25 C, apple/solution ratio=50:1) on PPO and concluded that PPO activity decreased in line with soaking duration because of shrinkage of the parenchyma flooded with osmotic solutes and a reduction in O2 availability in the microstructure surrounding the enzyme. Enzymatic oxidation was certainly reduced under our osmotic dehydration conditions because no significant changes affected chlorogenic acid between experiments at 45 and 60 C (Figure 3b). Akyildiz and Ocal (54) also showed that an increase in drying temperature from 60 to 80 C did not affect the activity of apple PPO, but only 20% of initial activity remained after 1 h and only 2% after 2 h. They also proved that enzymatic activity differed markedly as a function of cultivar. Degradation by enzymatic oxidation was certainly negligible under our conditions, and hydroxycinnamic acid and monomeric catechin losses were certainly mainly due to leaching and water diffusion into the osmotic solution. Procyanidins could not diffuse into the liquid phase because of their high molecular weight and also because they were probably linked by weak interactions with cell wall polysaccharides (34,36,47,48). Nevertheless, their content slowly diminished with processing time, and this was certainly due to a loss of cell membrane integrity after a certain period of processing. Other hypotheses could also be put forward: involvement in coupled oxidative reactions (31) or thermal degradation by acidolysis (33) splitting the terminal units of procyanidins in (þ)-catechin and (-)-epicatechin. From our study, the behavior of natural compounds in apples during osmotic dehydration appeared to differ, and their evolutions throughout the process were not all linked to the temperature applied. Water loss was temperature-dependent and positively correlated with time. Temperature had no impact on solute impregnation, which was mainly affected by the water content. By contrast, glucose, fructose, and ascorbic acid levels were mostly influenced by temperature, and losses were thus due to diffusion. Other phenomena seemed to affect ascorbic acid losses, but were of less importance. Diffusion was also the reason for losses of hydroxycinnamic acids and monomeric catechins and increased in line with soaking temperatures. Procyanidin losses could be induced by many factors but were less than those of other polyphenols because of their binding with cell wall polysaccharides. Finally, from a technical point of view, and even if water losses were slightly lower, a moderate temperature such as 45 C may be nutritionally beneficial because it reduces fructose, glucose, or ascorbic acid losses and limits sucrose impregnation. Furthermore, because soaked apples are unstable, further drying is necessary to stabilize the product. The duration of osmotic dehydration should between 15 and 60 min so that the losses of natural compounds will be reduced. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

We thank the IFPC (Institut Franc-ais des Productions Cidricoles - French Institute for Cider Production, Sees, France) and


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