Effects of Lipid Oxidation on Proteins of Oilseeds - American Chemical

Peanuts (groundnuts) are one of the world's major oilseeds and are grown in tropical and subtropical countries. World pro duction of peanuts is annual...
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3 Effects of Lipid Oxidation on Proteins of Oilseeds

Downloaded by MONASH UNIV on November 12, 2015 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: December 13, 1982 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1982-0206.ch003

ROBERT L. ORY and ALLEN J. ST. ANGELO United States Department of Agriculture, Southern Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, New Orleans, LA 70179

Peanuts (groundnuts) are one of the world's major oilseeds and are grown in tropical and subtropical countries. World pro­ duction of peanuts is annually about 19 million tons (1), with most of them grown in India, China, Africa, and the United States (2). The United States produces about 10% of the world supply and is the only country that consumes most of the crop as whole nut products. Most countries crush peanuts for the edible oil. Peanuts contain 50-55% oil and 27-30% protein. The major proteins of peanuts are the storage globulins, arachin and conarachin, that make up almost 75% of the total proteins. After removal of the oil, the o i l - f r e e peanut meal contains 55-60% protein that can be used to raise the nutritional quality of protein-deficient diets or to provide alternate sources of low-cost functionally useful protein. Nutrition, however, is not simply a matter of supplying individual nutrients. Good nutrition involves groups of nutrients whose functions are closely related, each providing a necessary part of the balanced diet. Storage o i l and protein in oilseeds l i k e soybeans and peanuts are in close proximity and, under normal conditions, no changes occur in either the protein or the o i l , which contains polyunsatu­ rated fatty acids. Peanut o i l contains varying amounts of oleic and linoleic acids; soybean o i l contains these two, plus linolenic acid. It is the latter two fatty acids that can be oxidized to hydroperoxides and their breakdown products ( i . e . : ketones, alde­ hydes , alcohols, etc.) which, in turn, can react with terminal functional groups of amino acids in proteins and enzymes. Such interactions of l i p i d peroxides and the secondary products with proteins can alter the functional and nutritional properties, in addition to affecting their flavor. Lipoxygenase is the principal enzyme that catalyzes oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in oiIseeds. Denatured metalloproteins are the primary nonenzymatic catalysts. Soybean lipoxygenase is possibly the most studied oilseed lipoxygenase. Peanuts also contain the enzyme, about a f i f t h of the a c t i v i t y in

This chapter not subject to U.S. copyright. Published 1982 American Chemical Society. In Food Protein Deterioration; Cherry, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.



soybeans (3, 4 ) . This enzyme acts on l i n o l e i c and l i n o l e n i c acids to produce hydroperoxides which, in turn, can react with terminal functional groups of amino acids in proteins ( i . e . : -SH, -OH, -C00H, -NH2) to alter t h e i r functional, f l a v o r , and nutritional properties. Hydroperoxides also break down into carbonyl compounds that react readily with these amino acids; especially when catalyzed by metalloproteins. Some effects of protein interactions with l i p i d peroxides and their secondary products and methods for studying them are described.

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Experimental Procedures Interactions of l i p i d peroxides with proteins can be measured by several methods: thin layer chromotography of the amino acids, l i p i d peroxides, and their reaction products (24); dual staining of gel electrophoretic protein patterns for both protein and associated l i p i d (13) ; and flourescence spectroscopy of the extracted proteins (23). Catalysts of Lipid Oxidation Enzymatic Oxidation. Lipoxygenase (E.G. i s the principal enzyme for catalyzing oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in vegetable o i l s . It is present in v i r t u a l l y a l l oilseeds but has been studied more in soybeans than in other oilseeds (3J. This enzyme i s substrate-specific in that i t attacks only c i s , c i s , - l , 4 - pentadiene bonds, such as those in 1inoleic and 1inolenic acids. The primary products are o p t i c a l l y active cis-trans conjugated hydroperoxides (5). Once formed, hydroperoxides can be degraded further into various aldehydes, ketones, and alcohols by enzymatic and/or nonenzymatic c a t a l y s t s . It is these secondary products, plus the intact hydroperoxides that can interact with proteins to lower both nutritional and flavor quality of a food product. Soybean lipoxygenase, because of i t s higher a c i t i v t y , has been the most completely investigated of the seed lipoxygenases (2,8,9). It is not particulate and can be extracted with water. It has a molecular weight of 100,000, consists of a single polypeptide chain, exists in at least two isomeric forms, and has a pH range from 6-9, depending upon the isomer being studied. With l i n o l e i c acid as substrate, i t forms predominantly the C-13 hydroperoxide, rather than the C-9 isomer (3>). Chan and coworkers (10,11) examined methyl esters of the soybean 1ipoxygenase-formed C-9 and C-13 linoleate hydroperoxides after thermal decomposition. The v o l a t i l e degradation products included many of the shorter chain aldehydes that have been implicated in flavor problems of plant food products. Peanut lipoxygenase has not been as well characterized as soybean lipoxygenase but various workers (4,12-17) have identified some s i m i l a r i t i e s in the two enzymes. The p a r t i a l l y purified

In Food Protein Deterioration; Cherry, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.

Downloaded by MONASH UNIV on November 12, 2015 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: December 13, 1982 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1982-0206.ch003







enzyme has a general pH optimum of 6.2 and is rather heat-labile, losing a l l a c t i v i t y at temperatures above 40°C. Sulfhydryl reducing agents (2,3-dimercaptoethanol and d i t h i o t h r e i t o l ) i n h i b i t a c t i v i t y by 55-100%. Sanders et a l . (18) isolated 3 isozymes from raw peanuts; two having a pH optimum of 6.2 and the t h i r d , at pH 8.3. Molecular weight of a l l isomers was 73,000. The alkaline pH enzyme was reported to be CN-tolerant but the acid isozymes were inhibited by NaCN i n their tests. However, work by Siddiqui and Tappel (16) and St. Angelo and Kuck (19) showed no inhibition of peanut 1ipoxygenase by CN when the system was buffered at pH 6.2 to offset the NaCN-induced rise in pH. Increasing concentration of NaCN caused a rise in pH, which then decreased a c t i v i t y of the acid pH isozyme. Nonenzymatic Oxidation. As was shown e a r l i e r by St. Angelo, et a l . (6_,7J, catalysis of l i p i d peroxidation/ degradation by nonenzymatic agents, such as hemeproteins and metals, can induce faster deterioration in a high oil/protein product l i k e peanut butter, than that caused by 1ipoxygenase. Relative rates of l i p i d peroxidation shown in Table I i l l u s t r a t e the faster rates catalyzed by metal ions, Fe and Cu, and the metalloproteins, peroxidase and tyrosinase. Depending upon the types of handling, processing and/or storage conditions, i t is these l a t t e r Table I .

Effect of various catalysts on rates of peroxidation of fatty acids in stored peanut butter


Peroxide Value (meq/kiT meq. increase 28 days initial

None NaCl (0.04 mmole) Cupric acetate (0.02 mmole) FeCI3 (0.02 mmole) Soybean lipoxygenase!/ Tyrosinase Peroxidase Boiled Peroxidase

30.0 14.3 11.8 10.3 7.0 6.3 5.4 7.3

31.1 24.9 33.1 36.8 21.0 24.9 27.0 26.6

1.1 10.6 21.3 26.5 14.0 18.6 21.6 19.3

1/ Concn. of enzymes was 0.1% (w:v). catalysts that frequently cause greater deterioration of foods through l i p i d peroxide-protein interactions. Efffects of Lipid Peroxide-Protein Interactions Advanced stages of l i p i d peroxidation cause flavor problems that are well known. Rancidity in a vegetable o i l or oi1containing food w i l l preclude any attempts to consume the food

In Food Protein Deterioration; Cherry, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.

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because of objectionable odors and off-flavors. These off-flavors may or may not be 1ipid-protein interactions, depending upon the extent of the rancidity. Effects on nutritional value of proteins, however, may not be as obvious without chemical analysis of the products. In general, the protein quality of oilseed proteins i s , with very few exceptions, lower than animal proteins (20). Oilseed proteins have inherent amino acid deficiencies that d i f f e r between seeds. For example, soybeans are low in methionine but have sufficient lysine. Sesame is low in lysine but is high in sulfur-containing amino acids, whereas cottonseed and peanuts are lower in both of these amino acids (20). These deficiencies can be easily improved by blending with other proteins having the complimentary amino acid but, i f large amounts of l i p i d peroxides and their secondary products are present, they can bind to terminal reactive groups of cysteine and methionine or other amino acids (Table II) to inactivate them, i f present in enzymes, or lower nutritional value, i f present in food proteins. Table I I .

Terminal reactive groups of amino acids in proteins Amino Acid ARG, LYS CYS GLU, ASP SER, THR, TYR MET HIS

Reactive Group -NH -SH -C00H -OH -SCH =NH 2


Proteins are the most important source of amino acids. Some amino acids can be produced in the body but the essential amino acids must be obtained from the diet as protein, peptides, or free amino acids. Of these, i t is lysine, methionine, and cysteine that are most limiting in oi1 seeds and are the ones that are inactivated by l i p i d peroxides. If peroxidized or autoxidized l i p i d s are ingested, they can also bind to enzymes and inhibit their a c t i v i t y . This was shown by Matsushita (21), who examined the specific interactions of 1inoleic acid hydroperoxide and i t s secondary products with trypsin, pepsin, 1ipase, and RNase. He found a correlation between the incorporation of autoxidized 1ipids into the enzymes and their inactivation caused by resulting damage to the amino acids: aspartic and glutamic acids, threonine, cysteine, methionine, leucine, tyrosine, lysine, and h i s t i d i n e . Methionine, cysteine, h i s t i d i n e , lysine, and tyrosine were the most l a b i l e to hydroperoxide damage, whereas lysine,

In Food Protein Deterioration; Cherry, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.

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Lipid Oxidation



h i s t i d i n e , and methionine were the most susceptible to interac­ tions with the peroxide secondary products ( e . g . : aldehydes, ketones, etc.) Karel, et a l . (22) also showed that peroxidizing methyl 1inoleate could react with proteins and amino acids. They f o l ­ lowed the reaction of peroxidizing 1inoleate with lysozyme by electron spin resonance (ESR). Peroxides did not break disulfide bonds but several reaction products were identified from h i s t i d i n e , methionine, and lysine interactions. In addition to the thorough characterization of ESR signals in peroxide-lysozyme interactions, they also examined ESR spectral characteristics of g e l a t i n , bovine serum albumin, casein, lactalbumin, g l i a d i n , trypsin, several other enzymes and free amino acids. Results were similar to those obtained with lysozyme. Lipid peroxides and/or free radicals can readily abstract hydrogen from -SH groups in proteins but they do not easily break -SS- bonds. As noted e a r l i e r (13), 1ipoxygenase is the prime suspect for catalyzing 1i pid oxidation in raw peanuts but this enzyme is destroyed by roasting temperatures. In cooked or roasted peanut products, l i p i d oxidation is catalyzed by nonenzymic catalysts such as metal loproteins, free Fe and Cu. One of the primary methods for identifying 1ipid-protein interactions in crude protein extracts is polyacrylamide gel elec­ trophoresis, employing dual staining for both protein and 1ipid. Ami do Black and Coomassie Blue are ideal stains for protein, but they do not identify those proteins with associated 1ipid. Sudan stains are the principal stains employed in histochemical analyses for l i p i d s but they are not sensitive enough for oilseed proteins separated by gel electrophoresis. We, therefore, developed a pro­ cedure using Rhodamine 6G or Oi1 Red 0 stain, allowing the gels to soak in the l i p i d s t a i η at 37°c overnight. This produced satisfactory 1ipid-stained gels as shown in Figure 1. Total pro­ teins are stained with ami do black. Lipid-stained gels show only those bands that contain 1ipid material associated with protein. Only three proteins of peanuts appear to bind l i p i d peroxides. Of these, the principal protein that binds 1ipids appears to be the major storage protein, arachin. This general type of 1ipid-protein staining pattern for raw peanuts also appears in roasted peanuts (Figure 2). Peanuts that are roasted for candy or peanut butter manufacture undergo some protein denaturation, which can lower protein s o l u b i l i t y . Because of t h i s , there are fewer protein bands in gel patterns of roasted peanut proteins, but 1i pi d-stai ni ng bands s t i l l appear. Only two major protein bands appear in roasted peanut extracts (compared to three in raw peanuts) and these same two 1ipid-protein complexes are evident in Oi1 Red 0-stained gels of both raw and roasted peanuts. Lipid bands are similar in both raw and roasted peanuts, in that arachin is sti11 the principal protein that binds to l i p i d peroxides. The conarachin fraction of peanut proteins does not appear to bind to the 1ipid peroxides.

In Food Protein Deterioration; Cherry, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.

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Figure 1. Dual staining of gel electrophoretic patterns of raw peanut proteins with oil red Ο (A), amido black (B), and rhodamine 6G (C). Migration is toward the anode.

Figure 2. Dual staining of gel electrophoretic patterns of roasted peanut proteins with amido black (A and C) and oil red Ο (Β and D). A and Β are freshly roasted peanuts; C and D are rancid roasted peanuts, 1 year old. Migration is toward the anode.

In Food Protein Deterioration; Cherry, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.

Downloaded by MONASH UNIV on November 12, 2015 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: December 13, 1982 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1982-0206.ch003



Lipid Oxidation



Thin layer chromatography (TLC) is another method that can be used to identify reactions between peroxidized l i p i d s and amino acids but, because of different s o l u b i l i t i e s of the amino acids and the 1ipids in aqueous and organic solvents, this technique has not been used much. Reactants had to be separated on two or more plates or in 2-phase systems to insure separation of both ma­ t e r i a l s . To avoid the use of several separations and/or 2-phase systems that required an additional development, Kuck, et a l . (24) developed a single phase system for TLC analysis of free amino acids, l i p i d peroxides, and the 1ipid peroxide-ami no acid complex (Figure 3). The developing solvent of petroleum ether: diethyl ether: glacial acetic acid (60:40:1) separated the 1inoleate hydroperoxide-amino acid complex (A), 1inolete hydro­ peroxide (D), oxidized 1inoleic acid (E), and the free ami no acids threonine and lysine (F). Β and C are unknown minor products. Identities of the separated materials on the TLC plates were con­ firmed by infrared spectral analysis and mass spectrometer frag­ mentation patterns. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and TLC therefore, can provide useful information on the effects of l i p i d peroxides binding to proteins and amino acids, but these methods do not identify changes in protein conformation by changes in size and charge of the proteins in the gels. We also employed fluorescence spectroscopy to compare fresh and peroxidized peanut proteins (23). The NaCl-soluble proteins were extracted and scanned. Figure 4 i l l u s t r a t e s fluorescence spectra of salt-soluble proteins from fresh raw peanuts (curve A) and rancid raw peanuts stored 4.5 months at 30°c ( Β ) , plus freshly roasted peanuts (C) and 12-month old roasted peanuts (D). These scans show that both raw and roasted peanuts have some natural fluorescence which can be quenched or decreased by apparent 1ipid peroxide interactions (curves Β and D). Both curves of rancid peanut proteins (B and D) showed some decrease in intensity com­ pared to the fresh samples (A and C). Malonaldehyde is one product of l i p i d peroxidation that fluoresces but this apparent quenching suggests that other nonfluorescing l i p i d peroxide secondary products may be formed in greater amounts than is malonaldehyde. Increasing l i p i d peroxidation in both raw and roasted pea­ nuts can also affect s o l u b i l i t y of salt-soluble proteins (14, 23). Peanuts were ground in a food blender to disrupt the eel 1 s and promote 1ipoxygenase a c t i v i t y on the 1inoleic acid of the storage o i l . Ground samples were stored under separate condi­ tions for 4.5 months: (1) at 4°c in a sealed glass j a r , (2) at 30°C in an open, gauze-covered j a r , and (3) at 30°C in an open, gauze-covered jar with 10% rancid o i l added to enhance 1ipidprotein interactions. Results in Table III i l l u s t r a t e the recoveries of soluble proteins from hexane-deoiled meals prepared from these samples. As absorbance ( l i p i d peroxidation) increased, so did the amounts of salt-soluble proteins extracted from the ground peanuts. Conversely, the amounts of

In Food Protein Deterioration; Cherry, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.

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Figure 3. Thin layer chromatographic separation of linoleate hydroperoxide, amino acids, and their complexes. Key to spots: 1, pure linoleic acid; 2, oxidized linoleic acid; 3, threonine; and 4, lysine. A-F and the developing solvent are defined in the text.

In Food Protein Deterioration; Cherry, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.

Lipid Oxidation


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Figure 4. Fluorescence spectra of proteins extracted from fresh and rancid peanuts. Key: A, fresh raw peanuts; B, rancid raw peanuts; C, freshly roasted peanuts; and D, rancid roasted peanuts.

In Food Protein Deterioration; Cherry, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.



salt-extracted residue (oil-and protein-extracted) remaining showed a decrease. The reason for the increased s o l u b i l i t y of proteins after association with l i p i d peroxides is unknown; the amounts of bound l i p i d are not sufficient to account for the increase. Table I I I .

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Sample 1 2 3

Effects of l i p i d peroxidation on protein s o l u b i l i t y in ground-up raw peanuts after 4.5 months storage. (A) I n i t i a l recoveries. % Oil removed

% Deoiled meal

46.10 45.09 48.45

53.90 54.91 51.55

CDHP Units U )

%Protein in meal 46.64 44.47 44.16

0.53 1.21 1.89

(B) Recoveries after NaCl extraction of proteins from deoiled meals.'2)

Sample 1 2 3

%NaClinsoluble 37.48 35.80 34.30

%NaClsoluble 31.60 36.55 39.17

%Total recovered 69.08 72.35 73.47

Protein Content % NaCl% NaClinsoluble soluble 22.99 18.96 17.29

88.48 87.86 88.01

(1) Conjugated diene hydroperoxide units of peroxidation. (2) Values shown are those after dialysis and freeze-drying. Conclusions. Lipid peroxides formed by both enzymatic and nonenzymatic catalysts can react with proteins, very l i k e l y through terminal functional groups of amino acids. These 1ipidprotein interactions can be measured by gel electrophoresis, thin layer chromatography, electron spin resonance, and fluorescence spectroscopy. Lipid peroxide interactions can affect several properties of proteins. If the interactions occur through functional groups of essential amino acids, nutritional value w i l l be lowered. If the binding of l i p i d peroxides with arachin involves lysine, this would be very undesirable since lysine is already low in this protein. If binding affects amino acids in active sites of enzymes, these enzymes would have diminished a c t i v i t y . Peroxidation also appears to decrease fluorescence of oilseed proteins but i t seems to increase their s o l u b i l i t y .

In Food Protein Deterioration; Cherry, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.



Lipid Oxidation Effects


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In Food Protein Deterioration; Cherry, J.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1982.