Effects of pH in photoreduction by hydrazine - American Chemical

Jul 5, 1978 - (30) P. B. Valkovich, J. L. Conger, F. A.Castiello, T. D. Brodie, and W. P. Weber, .... This led us to consider photoreduction by hydraz...
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Journal of the American Chemical Society

(25) B. Castro. Y. Chapleur. B. Gross, and C. Selve, Tetrahedron Lett., 5001 (1972); Bull. SOC.Chem. Fr., 3034 (1973). (26) A. Hassner and L. A. Levy, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,87, 4203 (1965). (27) S. Sato. H. Kato. and M. Ohta, BullChem. SOC.Jpn.. 40, 2938 (1967). (28) F. W. Fowler and A. Hassner, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,90,2875 (1968). (29) S. Sato, Nypon Kagaku Zasshi, 90, 113 (1969). (30) P. B. Valkovich, J. L. Conger, F. A. Castieilo, T. D. Brcdie, and W. P. Weber, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 97, 90 (1975). (31) L. A. Wendling and R. G. Bergman, J. Org. Chem., 41, 831 (1976). (32) I. Ninomiya. T. Naito, and T. Kiguchi, Tetrahedron Lett., 4451 (1970); J. Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans. 1, 1720, 762 (1975). (33) Y. Ogata, K. Takagi. and J. Ishino, J. Org. Chem., 36, 3975 (1971). (34) N. C. Yang and G. R. Lenz, Tetrahedron Lett., 4897 (1967). (35) A. Orahovats, H. Heimgartner, and H. Schmid, Helv. Chim. Acta, 57, 2626 (1974). (36) P. Claus. P. Gilgen, H. J. Hansen, H. Heimgartner, and H. Schmid, Helv. Chim. Acta, 57, 2173 (1974). (37) A. Padwa, S. Clough. M. Dharan, J. Smolanoff, and S. I. Wetmore, Jr., J. Am. Chem. SOC., 94, 1395 (1972). (38) A. Padwa, J. Smolanoff, and S. I. Wetmore. Jr., J. Org. Chem., 38, 1333 (1973) (39) N. Gakis, M. Marky, H. J. Hansen, and H. Schmid, Helv. Chim. Acta, 55, 748 (1972). (40) N. S. Narasimhan, H. Heimgartner, H. J. bnsen, and H. Schmid, Helv. Chim. Acta, 56, 1351 (1973). (41) A. L. Logothetis, J. Org. Chem., 29, 3049 (1964). (42) V. Nair, J. Org. Chem., 33, 2121 (1968); Tetrahedron Lett., 4831 (1971). (43) J. C. Dalton, P. A. Wriede. and N. J. Turro, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,92, 1318 (1970). (44) Previous work in our laboratory has shown that the relative reactivities of the nitrile yiides generated from different 2Kazirine precursors are very similar toward a given dipolarophile, thereby justifying this assumption: see A. Padwa, J. Smolanoff, and A. I. Tremper, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,97, 4682 (1975). (45) H. Jaffe. Chem. Rev., 53, 191 (1953). (46) It should be noted that the available data do not exclude the alternate electronic description shown below. However, the magnitude of the reaction


(48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53)

(54) (55)



/ July 5,1978

constant p seems to be more consistent with the ion pair description. Further experiments with 180-labeled esters are planned to distinguish between these two possibilities. All melting points and boiling points are uncorrected. Elemental analyses were performed by Atlantic Microlabs, Atlanta, Ga. The infraredabsorption spectra were determined on a Perkin-Elmer Model 137 infracord spectrophotometer. The ultraviolet absorption spectra were measured with a Cary Model 14 recording spectrophotometer using I-cm matched cells. The proton magnetic resonance spectra were determined at 100 MHz using a Varian XL-100 and a Jeolco MH-100 spectrometer. Mass spectra were determined with a Perkin-Elmer RMU6 mass spectrometer at an ionizing voltage of 70 eV. All preparative irradiations were carried out using a 450-W Hanovia medium-pressure mercury arc. W. Borsche, Ber.; 737 (1907). Q.E. Thompson, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 73,5914 (1951). D. Ben-lshai and R. Giger, Tetrahedron Lett., 4523 (1965). P. T. Lansbury, J. G. Colson, and N. R. Mancusco, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 86, 5225 11964). Owing to the extreme hydrolytic sensitivity of this system, it has not been possible to obtain satisfactory elemental analyses. The stereochemical assignment was based on the fact that proton H2 in the exo isomer (T 4.81) appears at a higher field than the related proton in the endo isomer ( T 4.25). This is compatible with the anisotropic shielding of this proton by the adjacent aziridine ring54and is also consistent with the assignments made for related azabicyclo[3.1.O]he~-3-enes.~~ K. Tosi, K. Kitahonoki, Y. Takano, H. Tanida, and T. Tsuji, Tetrahedron Lett., 868 (1965). A. Padwa and E.Glazer, J. Am. Chem. SOC.,94, 7788 (1972).

Effects of pH in Photoreduction by Hydrazine Shai Inbar* and Saul G . Cohen* Contribiction from the Department of Chemistry, Brandeis Unirersity. Waltham, Massachusetts 02154. Received October I I , I977

Abstract: Quantum yields, cetyl, for photoreduction of 0.005 M 4-benzoylbenzoate by 0.04 M hydrazine rise from 0.1 2 at pH 5.8 to 0.35 at pH 7.3 and fall to 0.03 a t p H 12. Added ammonium ion and tert-butylammonium ion do not affect the reduction. Values of k d , from phosphorescence decay, are 5.6 X I O 4 s - l at p H 7 and 8.0 X lo4 s-l a t pH 11.2, and are concentration dependent owing to quenching by ground-state ketone, k , = 6.2 X lo6 and 8. l X l O6 M-' s-I a t pH 7 and 12. Quenching of phosphorescence, at pH 5.6-1 1.7, leads to k , , = 6.4 X lo* M-l s - I for interaction with hydrazine, and k',r = 4.4 X IO6 M-' s-l for interaction with hydrazinium ion. From the effects of concentration of hydrazine on quantum yields, ratios of kinetic constants are obtained, k , , / k d = 7200 M-I, k',,/kd = 9.9 M-l, k ' , r / k l r= 1.4 X The effects of pH on quantum yields are considered in terms of quenching and reduction by both hydrazine and protonated hydrazine, accompanied by regeneration of starting materials by oxidation of ketyl radical anion by hydraiyl radical, importantly at high pH, and by oxidation of ketyl radical by protonated hydrazyl radical, importantly at low pH. Interaction of triplet with protonated hydrazine may lead only to quenching. Free hydrazine is the major reducing agent. A detailed kinetic scheme is developed, which leads to calculated quantum yields essentially the same as those observed over the entire range of pH Earlier mechanistic proposals are corrected and remaining ambiguities are discussed.

While alcohols are effective photoreducing agents for aromatic carbonyl compounds with n,x* excited triplets, amines may be quite general photoreducing agents, acting also on the generally less reactive T-T* and charge-transfer triplets.' Hydrogen on an atom a to the nitrogen is essential for reduction, while amino hydrogen is not. W e have proposed that amines are both quenchers and photoreducing agents: the reaction proceeds via rapid initial formation, ki,, of a chargetransfer complex, CTC; this may be followed either by transfer of an cy hydrogen, rendered acidic by the radical-cationic nitrogen, or by spin inversion and return to the ground state, facilitated by mixing of the triplet carbonyl and singlet amine states, kh and k,. respectively, eq 1.2,3 Formation of the CTC facilitates both reduction and 0002-7863/78/1500-4490$0l .OO/O

quenching, and makes reduction more general, but with inherent potential inefficiency. \C=O*



+ :NH-C-

+ [>-o-


0 1978 American Chemical Society


+I H-C-


Inbar, Cohen

/ Effects of pH in Photoreduction by Hydrazine

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quantum yields are for formation of ketyl radical. In the following the Values of k , , may be high, decreased by electron-withfirst number of each pair is pH and the second the correction factor: drawing, increased by electron-donating groups in the amino 12.0, 2.0; 11.5, 1.95; 11.0, 1.88; 10.7, 1.84; 10.5, 1.81; 10.3, 1.77; 10.0, compound, and approaching diffusion control when the donor 1.70;9.7, 1.58;9.3, 1.45;9.0, 1.35;8.1, 1.26;8.3, 1.20;8.0, 1.16;7.7, has low ionization potential and highly stabilized radical cat1.12; 7.3, 1.08; 7.0, 1.05; 6.7, 1.03; 6.3, 1.01. ion.4 In the latter case unimolecular decay of the triplet, kd, Lifetime of the 4-benzoylbenzoate triplet was determined from is unimportant and quantum yields for reduction are deterdecay of phosphorescence studied with an EG and G 549 Microflash mined by the value of the fraction r = k h / ( k h k c ) . ElecSystem, 0.5 p, 5 X 1 O7 candlepower beam. A Corning 7-60 (300-400 tron-withdrawing groups, leading to low k,,, may lead to sufnm) filter was used on the excitation side, and Corning 4-96 (350-620 ficient charge transfer to cause quenching, Ib, and to little renm) and 3-72 (440-620 nm) filters were used on the emission side. 4-Benzoylbenzoic acid was dissolved in equivalent sodium hydroxide, duction. Electron-donating groups increase k,,, but they may pH was adjusted with hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide, and stabilize the radical cation excessively, placing the C T C in a solutions were transferred to 1 X 1 cm quartz cells fitted with potential well from which exothermic decay to the ground state Fisher-Porter Teflon valves and degassed in five freeze-thaw cycles. remains facile, while proton transfer and radical formation On the basis of near unimolecular decay, values of kd(obsd) were taken require activation. Thus, in photoreduction of fluorenone by from the slopes of linear plots of In / against time. Observed slopes and N,N-dimethylaniline~,~ the p-cyano and p-ethoxy compounds values of kd(obsd) showed a small dependence on concentration of show lower and higher values of k,,, respectively, than the M, 6.12 X M, 5.8 X IO4 s-!; 1.0 X ketone: at pH 7, 5.0 X unsubstituted compound, and both show lower quantum yields 1 o ~ ~ - ~ ; ~ , o x i o - - 104s-1; 3 ~ , ~ I .. O~ Xx I O - ~ M , I I . ~104s-1; X for reduction. N,N,N',N'-Tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine, a t p H 11.2,5.OX 10-4M,8.3X 1OJs-~;1.OX10-3M,8.8X lo's-'; with a highly stabilized radical cation, and k , , essentially dif5.0XlO-3M,12.1 xlO4s-l;I.OX 10-?M,16.1 X104s-l.Thetwo sets of data led to linear plots of kd(obsd) against concentration of fusion controlled, leads to no photoreduction and acts as an ketone (CB), in accord with the equation exceedingly efficient quencher. This led us to consider photoreduction by hydrazines, which kd(0bsd) = kd + k,(CB) (2) are easily oxidized, effective reducing agents in thermal proand slopes and intercepts were obtained by least-squares treatment. cesses. Semiempirical calculations indicate that carbonyl At pH 7 the intercept, kd, is 5.55 f 0.03 X IO4 s-! and the slope, k , , triplets may abstract hydrogen from hydrazine.6a In I : 1 is 6.21 i 0.05 X I O 6 M-I s-';at pH 11.2 kd is 7.97 f 0.03 X I O J s-I water-pyridine at pH 12 hydrazine and alkylated hydrazines and k, is 8.13 f 0.06 X I O 6 M-I s-l. The value of k d at 0.003 M kewere found to act as very effective quenchers in processes actone is 7.4 X IO4 s-I at pH 7 and 10.4 X I O 4 s-I at pH 11.2. companied by very little photoreduction.6b In a study of effect Quenching of Phosphorescence. Phosphorescence intensity of 0.003 of pH on photoreduction of 4-benzoylbenzoate in water, phoM 4-benzoylbenzoate was measured on a Perkin-Elmer MPF-4 toreduction by hydrazine was inefficient a t p H 12, (n 0.02, spectrofluorimeter at 450 nm, excitation at 350 nm. Solutions were somewhat more efficient a t p H 9, p- 0.2, and more efficient irradiated in round quartz tubes, fitted with Fisher-Porter Teflon at pH 7, (n 0.3. We suggested that at pH 12 triplet intefacted valves, degassed in four freezeethaw cycles. Five concentrations of hydrazine were examined in each r u n , in the range 2 X to 8 X entirely with free hydrazine; the radical cation, HlNN+H2, M; linear plots of l o / / vs. concentration of quencher were obwas highly stabilized like that of the phenylenediamine, and tained. Phosphorescence intensities in the absence of hydrazine were this led to quenching. At lower pH, triplet might interact in the same over the pH range 6-9.7 and k d from lifetime measurement part with protonated hydrazine, H3N+NH2, and the resulting at pH 7, 7.4 X I O 4 s-l, was used in this range. Phosphorescence inspecies with radical dicationic character might protonate the tensity is proportional to the inverse decay rate, / 1 /(kd + k p ) ,and radical anion in the C T C more effectively and lead to reducwith very low phosphorescence quantum yield, kd >> k,, I 1 /kd. The t i ~ nIn. ~the work which we will describe, observation of lower phosphorescence intensity at pH 11.7 was 0.65 relative to that at lower quantum yields at pH k 5 / 2 k 1 1 ‘ / ~ k 1 4 ‘>/ ~0.5, 1.2 > k6/k5 > 0.5, 3.0 > k 1 2 / kI I > 1 .O. Reaction of two radical anions is much less rapid than that of two radicals and 0.008 > k I 3 / k l I > 0.001. A preliminary search was made for closer limits, and a new set was obtained: 0.44 > r > 0.40,0.4 > r’ > 0.0, 8.5 > pK, CBH. > 0.8,0.8 > k 1 5 / 2 k 1 l ‘ / * k 1 4 >~ /0.4,0.8 ~ > k 6 / k ~> 0.4,3.0 > k l l / k l l > 2.5, and 0.005 > k13/k11 > 0.003. Final computer analysis to minimize the difference between calculated and observed quantum yields led to a gratifyingly close correspondence (Table I and Figure I ) , with values of the parameters: R = 0.40, r‘ = 0.0, pK, CBH. = 8.2, k5/2kl111 2 k 1 4 i /= 2 0.1, k6/k5 = 0.5, k12/kll = 2.9, and k 1 3 / k 1 1= 0.004. With r f = 0, the results indicate that interaction of triplet with protonated hydrazine, eq loa, k’,,, leads only to quenching, and that formation of ketone- and hydrazine-derived radicals arises solely from reaction with free hydrazine. The positive group in protonated hydrazine, a strong electronattracting substituent, may lead to little development of adjacent positive charge and only to quenching.5 At the lowest pH studied, 5.8 (Table I), with k’kr/klr = 1.4 X IOd3, k,,/kd = 7200 M-I, and k’,,/kd = 9.9 M-I, 0.04 M protonated hydrazine and 0.000 25 M free hydrazine, 69% of triplet is trapped by total hydrazine and 3 1% decays; of that which is trapped, 18% is quenched by protonated hydrazine and the remainder, 56% of total triplet, reacts with free hydrazine. With r = 0.40, the quantum yield for ketyl formation would be 0.22; the observed quantum yield is 0.12, the remainder being lost by disproportionation of ketyl radical with hydrazyl radical cation, kg. With k6/k5 = 0.5, disproportionation of ketyl radical anion with neutral hydrazyl radical appears somewhat more rapid than that on the acid side, but a t high pH essentially no triplet is lost by decay. That k12/kl I = 2.9 confirms that disproportionation of charge and uncharged

4495 ketyl species is somewhat more rapid than combination of the uncharged r a d i c a l ~ , land ~ * ~the ~ value of k 5 / 2 k l 1 / 2 k 1 4 1is/ 2 also consistent with this; the low value of kl3/kll indicates that two like charged species react far less rapidly, but this was built into the limits from data available from reactions of benzophenone.13s22 Some ambiguity remains. W e have attributed decreased quantum yields, at low pH to low concentration of free hydrazine, quenching by protonated hydrazine, and disproportionation of protonated hydrazyl with neutral ketyl, and, a t high pH, to disproportionation of neutral hydrazyl with ketyl radical anion. W e have omitted disproportionation of neutral hydrazyl with ketyl, eq 4d, in effect incorporating it in quenching in the CTC, k,. An alternative analysis may be made, including high yield of ketyl and hydrazyl radicals, r = 1 , with quantum yields of products decreased by disproportionation of the neutral radicals. This leads to eq 17a’, eq 17a with r = 1, and to eq 17bf,eq 17b in which k4d is added to the terms in the numerator of the fraction. Computer optimization leads to an equally good fit of observed and calculated quantum yields, and to r’ = 0.0, pK, CBH. = 8.2, k5/2k111/2k141/2 = 1.1, k4d/k5 = 1.9, k6/k5 = 1.6, kl2/kll ~ 0 . 7k13/kll , = 0.002. Our steady-state kinetics do not distinguish between these possibilities. Flash photolysis studies, which are in progress, may prove informative. Acknowledgments.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation, C H E 75-09502. W e are indebted to Dr. Abbas Farazdel for the computer calculations, and to Drs. J . W. Sutherland and P. Paysberg, Brookhaven National Laboratory, for their unpublished kinetic constants for reactions of hydrazyl radical. Supplementary Material Available: Derivation of the kinetic expression (2 pages). Ordering information is given on any current masthead page.

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