Efficiency and Accuracy of the Generalized Solvent Boundary

Sep 19, 2008 - E-mail: [email protected]. ... On this basis, the overhead and the savings of the GSBP are quantified for model systems of diff...
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J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2008, 4, 1600–1609

Efficiency and Accuracy of the Generalized Solvent Boundary Potential for Hybrid QM/MM Simulations: Implementation for Semiempirical Hamiltonians Tobias Benighaus and Walter Thiel* Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Kohlenforschung, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz 1, 45470, Mu¨lheim an der Ruhr, Germany Received May 27, 2008

Abstract: We report the implementation of the generalized solvent boundary potential (GSBP) [Im, W.; Berne`che, S.; Roux, B. J. Chem. Phys. 2001, 114, 2924] in the framework of semiempirical hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) methods. Application of the GSBP is connected with a significant overhead that is dominated by numerical solutions of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation for continuous charge distributions. Three approaches are presented that accelerate computation of the values at the boundary of the simulation box and in the interior of the macromolecule and solvent. It is shown that these methods reduce the computational overhead of the GSBP significantly with only minimal loss of accuracy. The accuracy of the GSBP to represent long-range electrostatic interactions is assessed for an extensive set of its inherent parameters, and a set of optimal parameters is defined. On this basis, the overhead and the savings of the GSBP are quantified for model systems of different sizes in the range of 7000 to 40 000 atoms. We find that the savings compensate for the overhead in systems larger than 12 500 atoms. Beyond this system size, the GSBP reduces the computational cost significantly, by 70% and more for large systems (>25 000 atoms).

1. Introduction In the past decade, hybrid quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) methods have gained popularity for the simulation of biomolecules and are now frequently used for the calculation of free energy differences.1-11 In the context of this development, the treatment of long-range electrostatic interactions in QM/MM simulations attracted significant attention. The accurate description of long-range electrostatic interactions was found to be imperative for meaningful simulations of biomolecular systems, since electrostatic interactions strongly influence their structure and function.12-15 While the development of efficient and accurate methods to treat these interactions has been an active area of research in the field of classical simulations for a long time, these techniques are only recently adapted to QM/ MM methods due to the technical difficulties introduced by the QM atoms. * Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected].

For the case of periodic boundary conditions (PBC), Ewald summation is an established method to compute the electrostatic energy and forces of an infinite periodic array of systems without significant truncations.16-18 Therefore, the applicability of the Ewald summation method has been extended to hybrid QM/MM simulations with semiempirical QM Hamiltonians.19-21 Unfortunately, application of these methods to large nonperiodic biomolecules is affected by serious problems. The imposed periodicity may lead to significant artifacts22-24 and even qualitatively wrong results unless the molecule is solvated in a solvent box of adequate size.25 Thus, the number of solvent molecules is necessarily large and increases the computational costs massively, such that the Ewald summation method can only be used for small- to medium-sized biomolecules. Very often, however, one is interested in simulating the behavior of a large biomolecule in infinite dilution, and alternative approaches were devised to facilitate these computations. For biochemical reactions that proceed in a localized region of the macromolecule, boundary potentials

10.1021/ct800193a CCC: $40.75  2008 American Chemical Society Published on Web 09/19/2008

Generalized Solvent Boundary Potential

are an especially attractive approach.26-37 Within this approach, the system is subdivided into an inner region, containing the active site and the adjacent part of the enzyme, and an outer region, containing the rest of the enzyme and the outer solvent molecules. While the inner region is simulated atomistically, the effect of the outer region onto the inner region is mimicked by the boundary potential. Ideally, the boundary potential is designed such that the statistical properties of the inner region interacting with the boundary potential are the same as those of the full solvated macromolecule. Although this may be formulated rigorously as an integration over the outer region degrees of freedom,37 an efficient implementation necessitates the introduction of further approximations. In the generalized solvent boundary potential (GSBP), developed by Im et al. in 2001, the outer region solvent molecules are described by a continuous polarizable dielectric and the outer region charge distribution by fixed point charges.38 Electrostatic interactions with the outer region macromolecule and solvent molecules are separated into a solvent-shielded static field created by the outer region point charges interacting with the dielectric, and a dynamic reaction field induced by interaction of the inner region charge distribution with the dielectric. A great advantage of the GSBP is that the dynamic reaction field term can handle irregularly shaped macromolecule/solvent boundaries. Accuracy and efficiency of the GSBP in classical simulations were validated by studies on aspartyl-tRNA synthetase38,39 and the KcsA potassium channel.38 In 2005, Cui and co-workers adapted the GSBP method to the QM/MM framework as a means to treat long-range electrostatic interactions in QM/MM simulations accurately and to describe QM/ MM and MM/MM interactions in a balanced way.40 Here, the self-consistent-charge density-functional tight-binding (SCCDFTB)41 method was chosen as the QM Hamiltonian. The accuracy of the SCC-DFTB/MM/GSBP approach was evaluated by comparison to results from Ewald/PBC calculations on small model systems. The SCC-DFTB/MM/GSBP method was found to provide quantitatively very similar results at significantly lowercomputationalcostscomparedtoEwald/PBCmethods.42-44 The fixation of the outer region atoms is a fundamental assumption in the GSBP that allows for a closed-form expression for the electrostatics.38 While this assumption is valid in many cases, the use of the GSBP was found to be problematic if the macromolecule underwent major conformational changes during the course of a reaction.44 For the investigation of localized processes in large macromolecules, the SCC-DFTB/ MM/GSBP approach proved to be an efficient and accurate method and was applied subsequently to study several biological systems.45-48 The use of the GSBP is connected with a significant overhead. Initially, the solvent-shielded static field and the matrix representation of the reaction field Green’s function have to be calculated. Computation of the reaction field matrix implies solving several hundred linearized PoissonBoltzmann (PB) equations and is therefore rather demanding. Furthermore, the accuracy of the GSBP and the costs of its overhead strongly depend on the choice of parameters that are inherent to the GSBP and the finite-difference solution of the PB equation. To the best of our knowledge, a systematic

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determination of the best parameters for the GSBP has not been pursued up to date. In this study, we determine a set of parameters that provide the accuracy that is necessary to mimic the effect of the outer region at optimal computational costs. On the basis of these parameters, we quantify the overhead and the savings related to the GSBP, and estimate the minimum system size for which the GSBP is more efficient than standard approaches using nontruncated Coulombic electrostatics. Moreover, we present improved algorithms that decrease the costs for computation of the reaction field matrix significantly. Previously, the GSBP method was adapted to the hybrid QM/ MM framework exclusively in combination with the SCCDFTB Hamiltonian for the QM region.40 In light of the success of reaction-specific parametrizations of semiempirical methods based on the neglect of diatomic differential overlap (NDDO) approximation in QM/MM simulations49-53 and the widespread use of NDDO-based QM/MM methods in general,11 we found it desirable to adapt and implement the GSBP as an efficient means to treat long-range electrostatics in NDDO-based QM/ MM simulations. This interest is further substantiated by recent findings that NDDO-based methods are more reliable for certain properties and systems,54 and that the use of SCC-DFTB may be problematic for specific systems.55 Accordingly, we adapted the GSBP for NDDO-based QM/MM approaches and present the implementation in this work.

2. Theory In this section, we briefly review the theoretical background of the GSBP for classical MM simulations38 and its QM/ MM implementation.40 Thereafter, the adaptation to NDDObased QM/MM methods and strategies to accelerate computation of the reaction field matrix are presented. 2.1. GSBP for MM Methods. Consider a macromolecule R surrounded by N solvent molecules. In a boundary potential approach, the system is subdivided into an inner region that contains the inner part of the macromolecule and the n inner solvent molecules, and an outer region that contains the outer part of the macromolecule and the N - n outer solvent molecules. Statistical expectation values depending only on the degrees of freedom of the inner region (Ri, 1,..., n) can be calculated by integrating out the outer region contributions. The influence of the outer region on the inner region can be described rigorously by means of the potential of mean force (PMF) W(Ri, 1,..., n). e-βW(Ri,1,...n) )

1 C

∫ dRo d(n + 1) ... dNe-βU(R,1,...,N)


Here, C denotes an arbitrary integration constant, and the primed integral indicates integration over the degrees of freedom of the outer region (Ro, n + 1,..., N) including only those configurations with all outer region atoms outside the inner region. Beglov and Roux demonstrated that the PMF is related to the reversible thermodynamic work necessary to assemble the inner region.37 W(Ri, 1, ..., n) ) U(Ri, 1, ..., n) + ∆Wcr + ∆Wnp(Ri, 1, ..., n) + ∆Welec(Ri, 1, ..., n) (2) The contribution to the PMF that arise from the configurational restrictions and the nonpolar and the electrostatic

1602 J. Chem. Theory Comput., Vol. 4, No. 10, 2008

Benighaus and Thiel

interactions are denoted ∆Wcr, ∆Wnp, and ∆Welec, respectively. U is the potential energy of the isolated inner region that includes bonded and nonbonded (van der Waals and electrostatic) terms. The goal of the GSBP is to provide an efficient and accurate approximation to the electrostatic contribution to the PMF. Therefore, the outer region solvent molecules are described by a polarizable dielectric continuum (PDC) and the outer region macromolecule by fixed point charges. The electrostatic contributions to the PMF now consist of the direct Coulombic interactions of inner and outer region (Uio elec), and the solvation free energy resulting from interaction with the PDC (∆Wsolv elec ). Representing the charge distribution of the outer macromolecule and the inner region by point charges qA, the electrostatic solvation free energy can be calculated as ∆Wsolv elec )

1 2

∑ qAφrf(rA)


∆Wiielec )

∇[(r) ∇ φ(r)] - κ (r)φ(r) ) -4πF(r) 2


with the charge density of all explicit atoms F(r), the spacedependent dielectric constant (r), and modified DebyeHu¨ckel screening factor κj(r).56 The solvation free energy term is problematic, since during sampling of the inner region configurations the PB equation would have to be solved for each configuration which is prohibitively expensive. To isolate the dynamic properties, the charge distribution is separated into an inner and outer part. F(r) ) Fi(r) + Fo(r)


Fi(r) )


The first term, ∆Woo elec, stems from the interaction of the outer region charge distribution with the self-induced reaction field and is constant throughout sampling. The inner-outer contribution arises from the interaction of the inner region charge distribution with the reaction field that is induced by the outer region charge distribution. Calculation of the Coulombic interaction of the inner and outer region can be combined very efficiently with the calculation of the inner-outer contribution to the solvation free energy.

qAφorf(rA) + Uio elec



The outer region being fixed, the electrostatic potential of the outer region charges in solution, φso(r), has to be computed only once and is valid for all inner region configurations. As


For a set of orthonormal basis functions, the expansion coefficients cn are the generalized multipole moments Qn of the charge distribution:

Qn )




Finally, the reaction field Green’s function which determines the inner reaction field potential φirf(r) )

∫ dr ′ Fi(r′)Grf(r, r′)


is projected onto the same basis set. Using Mmn, the matrix representation of Grf, the inner-inner electrostatic contribution to the PMF can be expressed as ∆Wiielec )

1 Q M Q 2 mn m mn n


This leads to the final expression for the electrostatic contribution to the PMF ∆Welec )

qAφos (rA) +

1 Q M Q 2 mn m mn n


In MD simulations employing the GSBP, the inner region atoms move on the PMF surface that is defined as W(Ri, 1, ..., n) ) U(Ri, 1, ..., n) + ∆Wcr + ∆Wnp + 1 qAφos (rA) + Q M Q (14) 2 mn m mn n A∈inner

2.2. GSBP Implementation for NDDO-Based QM/ MM Methods. Extension of the GSBP to general QM/MM methods necessitates further subdivision of the inner region into QM and MM regions, since it is natural to assume that the QM region lies within the inner region. Consequently, the inner region charge distribution splits up into QM and MM charge distributions that interact separately with the static outer region field, φso, and the reaction field Green’s function, Grf. Equation 13 has to be modified as follows to account for these changes: ∆Welec )

qAφos (rA)





∑ cnbn(r)


In consequence, the electrostatic solvation free energy splits up into three terms: outer-outer, inner-outer, and inner-inner contributions. oo io ii ∆Wsolv elec ) ∆Welec + ∆Welec + ∆Welec

1 q φi (r ) 2 A∈inner A rf A

remains problematic because φrfi(r) depends on the inner region configuration. To circumvent repeated solution of the PB equation, the inner region charge distribution is projected onto a set of basis functions {bn}:


where the reaction field potential φrf(r) is the difference of a reference electrostatic potential computed in vacuum, φv(r), and the electrostatic potential computed in solution, φs(r). The electrostatic potentials are obtained by solving the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) equation

io ∆Wio elec + Uelec )

the interaction with all outer region point charges and solvent molecules is substituted by an interaction with a static potential, computational costs are reduced massively. However, computation of the inner-inner contribution


qAφos (rA) +

∫ drFQM(r)φos (r) +

1 QQMM QQM + 2 mn m mn n

+ ∑ QmQMMmnQMM,cs n mn

1 QMMMmnQMM (15) n 2 mn m

Generalized Solvent Boundary Potential

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The main issue that arises when introducing QM atoms into the GSBP framework is the representation of the QM charge distribution in the terms that describe the interaction with the outer region field and the reaction field. As NDDO-based semiempirical QM methods use only a minimum set of relatively tight basis functions, we decided to represent the QM charge distribution by a set of Mulliken charges.57 Now, the QM-dependent terms in eq 15 can be calculated in close analogy to the MM terms

∫ dr FQM(r)φos (r) ) ∑

qAMullφos (rA)



and QQM n )

∫ dr FQM(r)bn(r) ) ∑




Here, qMull are the Mulliken charges representing the QM A charge distribution, and QnQM are the multipole moments of the QM charge distribution. Still, we are facing two technical difficulties. First, electrostatic interactions at the QM-MM boundary need to be treated with special care to avoid overpolarization of the QM electron density. Thus, the QM electron density does not interact with the full MM charge distribution but with a modified one. In this work, we implemented the GSBP for use in combination with the charge-shift scheme,58 and therefore, the QM charge distribution interacts with the reaction field potential that is induced by the charge-shifted MM charges (MMcs) (fourth term in eq 15), with QMM,cs ) n




Second, using electronic embedding,59 the QM wave function interacts with all MM point charges and the PDC. Hence, the GSBP contributions have to be accommodated at the level of the self-consistent field (SCF) iterations during optimization of the wave function by addition of the following terms to the Fock matrix. 1 GSBP Fµν ) - δµν[ΩC + ΩD] 2 1 qMull[ΓCA + ΓDA]; δ 2 µνA∈QM A

µ ∈ C, ν ∈ D(19)

Here, µ and ν denote basis functions attached to the QM atoms C and D, respectively. The atom-dependent matrices ΩC and ΓCA are defined as ΩC ) φos (rC) +

∑ bm(rC)MmnQMM,cs n



and ΓCA )

∑ bm(rC)Mmnbn(rA)



Moreover, the GSBP also affects the atomic forces, and its contribution to the analytic gradient can be evaluated by taking the first derivative of the GSBP contribution to the PMF with respect to the atomic coordinates. In the case of a QM atom, the analytic derivative takes the following form


∂qB ∂ ∂ o ∆Welec ) qAMull φ (r ) + φo(r ) + ∂rA ∂rA s A B∈QM ∂rA s B

∑ mn



∂ QM MM,cs ](22) Q Mmn[QQM n + Qn ∂rA m

where the derivatives of the QM multipole moments are calculated as Mull

∂qB ∂ ∂ QM Qm ) qAMull bm(rA) + b (r ) (23) ∂rA ∂rA ∂rA m B B∈QM

In contrast to a previous implementation of the GSBP for hybrid QM/MM approaches,40 we found it necessary for NDDO-based QM methods to include the contribution from coupled Mulliken charge derivatives, ∂qMull /∂rB, to compute A accurate gradients of the QM atoms. Using only one-center Mulliken charge derivatives, ∂qAMull/∂rA, a mean absolute deviation (MAD) of the components of the QM gradient in the range of 10-3 au was observed (compared with finitedifference reference values). Incorporating the contribution from the coupled Mulliken charge derivatives reduces the MAD to the order of 10-5 au which is sufficiently accurate. Although Mulliken charge derivatives take a very simple form in the NDDO approximation

∂ Mull ∂ q )PRR ∂rB A ∂r B R∈A


their computation is complicated, since the coupled-perturbed SCF (CPSCF) equations have to be solved to calculate the derivatives of the SCF density matrix.60,61 In the case of an MM atom, the evaluation of the derivative of the GSBP contribution to the PMF is less demanding: ∂ ∂ o ∆Welec ) qA φ (r ) + ∂rA ∂rA rf A ∂ MM qA bn(rA) Mmn[QQM n + Qn ] (25) ∂r A mn



2.3. Computation of the Reaction Field Matrix. Although the reaction field matrix is formally the matrix representation of the reaction field Green’s function, the computation of this matrix follows a different approach that exploits the fact that its mnth element corresponds to the interaction of bm with the reaction field induced by bn.38 Mmn )

∫ dr bn(r)φrf(r;bm(r))


To calculate φrf(r;bm(r)), it is necessary to solve the PB equation with the dielectric boundary defined by the macromolecule, and the charge distribution defined by bm in the inner region and set to zero in the outer region, for vacuum and solvent conditions. Since a standard GSBP calculation employs about 400 basis functions,38 computation of the reaction field matrix implies solving the PB equation about 800 times. This procedure is computationally expensive and dominates the GSBP-related overhead. Therefore, three approaches to accelerate computation of the reaction field matrix are presented in this section. 2.3.1. Coarsening of the Inner Region. In finite-difference solutions of the PB equation, the boundary values are commonly set using the Debye-Hu¨ckel expression56

1604 J. Chem. Theory Comput., Vol. 4, No. 10, 2008

φi )

∑ j

qje-κrij rij

Benighaus and Thiel


that implies summation over all point charges qj for each boundary point φi. With a continuous charge distribution in the inner region, determination of the boundary values becomes computationally expensive. In the original GSBP work, a focusing procedure62 is used to reduce these computational costs. In this procedure, the PB equation is first solved for a rough outer grid (grid I) with large spatial extent. Subsequently, a fine inner grid (grid II) focusing on the inner region with boundary values defined by grid I is used to calculate an accurate electrostatic potential. However, even when such a focusing procedure is used, determination of the boundary values of grid I still has a significant share of the computational costs. Since the boundary points of grid I are far from the inner region and the “charge” in the outer region is zero, a less accurate representation of the basis function in the inner region is expected to be sufficient. Therefore, we introduce the “coarsening of the inner region” (CIR) approximation that utilizes a very rough grid (grid III) to represent the “charge” distribution that is only used to determine the boundary values of grid I. The mesh size of grid III is the product of the new CIR factor and the mesh size of grid I; i.e., a CIR factor of 1.0 corresponds to a standard focusing procedure. 2.3.2. Linear Interpolation. In view of the large distance between the boundary points of grid I and the inner region, it is evident that the boundary values are slowly varying. Therefore, we introduce a simple interpolation scheme that reduces the number of explicitly determined boundary values significantly. On the edges every second and on the faces every fourth boundary value is calculated using the Debye-Hu¨ckel expression. The remaining boundary values are determined by linear interpolation from the adjacent four or two boundary points. This scheme is illustrated in Figure 1. For an example grid with 1003 points, the linear interpolation scheme reduces the number of explicitly determined boundary values from 58 416 to 14 802.

2.3.3. Modified Stripping. In a finite-difference solution to the PB equation with zero salt conditions, the potential at a particular grid point, φ0, is updated using the potential at the six nearest neighbors, φi, the dielectric constants i at the midpoints between φ0 and φi, and the charge q0 assigned to that grid point. 6

φ0 )

∑ iφi + 4πq0 ⁄ h i)1


∑ i



Here, h is the distance between two grid points. This procedure implies 13 additions, 7 multiplications, and 1 division per grid point. Honig et al. demonstrated63 that the number of mathematical operations can be reduced significantly for most grid points. For a point with zero charge that is surrounded by a uniform dielectric constant, eq 28 simplifies to 6

φ0 )

1 φ 6 i)1 i


Updating these points requires only 6 additions and 1 multiplication. This procedure is termed “stripping” because the points are updated separately.63 As a continuous charge distribution is used in the computation of the reaction field matrix, there are no points without charge in the inner region. Therefore, we apply a “modified stripping” approach and drop the zero charge condition: for all points surrounded by a uniform dielectric constant with arbitrary charge, we simplify eq 28 as follows: 6

φ0 )

2πq0 1 φ+ 6 i)1 i 3h


Although three additional operations per grid point (one addition, one multiplication, and one division) are necessary compared to the standard stripping approach, modified stripping offers computational savings since it is applicable to a significantly larger number of grid points.

3. Computational Details

Figure 1. Interpolation scheme used to define boundary values in finite-difference solutions of the PB equation. Black circles represent boundary points that are set using the Debye-Hu¨ckel expression. White circles represent boundary points that are set by interpolation.

The GSBP was implemented in a developmental version of the modular program package ChemShell.58 The energy and gradient evaluations for the QM part were performed with the MNDO2004 program that was modified locally to account for the GSBP contribution. The AM1 method was chosen as the QM Hamiltonian.64 The SCF convergence criterion was 10-8 eV. For the MM part, the DL_POLY65 code was employed to run the CHARMM22 force field.66 The PB equation was solved with our new ChemShell PB module that uses the optimal successive over-relaxation method in combination with Gauss-Seidel relaxation to compute the electrostatic potential.63,67 A convergence criterion of 2 × 10-5 au was employed for the maximum absolute change in every grid point. If not stated otherwise, the dielectric constants of the macromolecule, m, and the solvent, s, were set to 1 and 80, respectively. van der Waals radii from the CHARMM22 force field were used to define

Generalized Solvent Boundary Potential

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Table 1. Average Absolute Percentage Deviation [%] of the Electrostatic Interaction between Inner and Outer Region Computed from the PB Electrostatic Potential with Different Mesh Sizes of the Inner and Outer Grid

Table 2. Average Mean Absolute Deviation (10-4 au) of the Electrostatic Forces Computed from the PB Electrostatic Potential for Different Mesh Sizes of the Inner and Outer Grid Used for Solving the PB Equationa

inner grid size (Å)

inner grid size (Å)

outer grid size (Å)





1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.50

0.13 0.16 0.25 0.21 0.23 0.25

0.14 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.16 0.27

0.22 0.26 0.28 0.28 0.24 0.27

0.55 0.61 0.62 0.64 0.61 0.60

outer grid size (Å)

the dielectric boundary. All calculations for which timings are reported were performed serially on 2.6 GHz AMD Opteron machines with 16 GB of memory.

4. Optimization of Parameters The accuracy and the efficiency of the GSBP strongly depend on the values that are chosen for its inherent parameters. In this section, we determine a set of optimal values for the mesh sizes of the inner and outer grid, the CIR factor, and assess the accuracy of the approximations that were introduced in section 2.3. 4.1. Static Outer Region Field. The reliability of the static solvent-shielded outer region field, φso, to mimic the electrostatic potential in the inner region is judged by comparison to the exact Coulombic potential. In vacuum environment, i.e., with m ) s ) 1, the electrostatic interactions between the inner and outer region have to be identical when using the electrostatic potentials from solution of the PB equation or the Coulomb expression. A model system consisting of a threonine molecule solvated in a TIP3P water ball with 30 Å radius and 4175 water molecules was set up for this study. By means of classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulation, 10 different configurations of this model system were generated. For each configuration, the center of the inner region was taken to be the CR carbon of threonine. All molecules with any atom within 18 Å from the center were assigned to the inner region. Depending on the configuration, the inner region contained between 2858 and 2978 atoms. As the electrostatic interaction energy varies with the size of the inner region, we averaged over the absolute percentage deviation in the electrostatic interaction energy. On average, the vacuum electrostatic interaction between the inner and outer region (Uio elec) was -3096.2 ( 243.5 kcal/ mol. The average absolute percentage deviation was calculated for all combinations of outer grid mesh sizes of 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, and 2.5 Å, and inner grid mesh sizes of 0.25, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 Å. The results given in Table 1 indicate that the interaction energy calculated from the PB electrostatic potential is very accurate. All mesh size combinations provide average deviations