EG&G ORTEC - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Dec 5, 2011 - EG&G ORTEC. Anal. Chem. , 1984, 56 (9), pp 1089A–1089A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00273a764. Publication Date: August 1984. ACS Legacy Archive...
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Elemental analyses that mean business.

The field-proven TEFA™ Monitor energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence analyzer. The TEFA Monitor has what it takes to get down to the business of sample analysis for elemental composition, film thickness and material uniformity. Versatile, fast and accurate, TEFA Monitor nondestruc­ tive^ and automatically analyzes inorganic samples— large and small. Solids, liquids or powders with quantitative and qualita­ tive results you can trust. And the kind of reliability all types of industries have depended upon for years. Only the Monitor with computer control provides simple push-button analy­ sis...even for "unknowns'.' Unique regression analysis (ATAC) and fundamental parameter (FPT) software automatically recalibrate and determine elemental composition. With no stand­ ards, one standard or a suite of stand­ ards—within minutes.

A wide dynamic range permits analysis from a few parts per million to 100%. All data is stored for immediate recall or comparative analysis. And only the Monitor with its unique "X-Y" scanning fea­ ture can compare concentrations at one point on the sample surface with those at other points. To support TEFA Monitor for your opera­ tion, EG&G ORTEC has fully functional applications laboratories staffed by ex­ perienced analytical chemists. Answers to any question about x-ray fluorescence analysis are just a phone call away. We'd like to show you how the TEFA Moni, tor can benefit your application. Mail the cou­ pon below and we'll send an application study for your sample type. Or call (615) 482-4411. Chances are you'll want to put x-ray fluorescence to work in your business.

Π Yes! Please s e n d m e an Application R e p o r t f o r m y

• Yes! I'd like t o k n o w more about XRF and the TEFA M o n i t o r .


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Phone. Mail t o : TEFA M o n i t o r , EG&G O R T E C , 100 M i d l a n d R o a d , O a k R i d g e , T N 3 7 8 3 0

EG&G ORTEC We put x-ray fluorescence to work.