Our non-standard approach to the building of the pH meter we call the "Laboratory Standard." We start with a measuring circuit designed for an accuracy of ±0.03 pH, with a reproducibility of ±0.01 pH. And » we use solid-state circuitry for stability and reliability.
We use a large easy-to-read meter, graduated from 0 to 14 pH in 0.1 increments
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yfm4 ^meter We simplify operation by installing only three controls. One each for temperature compensation, standardization, and operation.
We make it easy to use all common electrodes, because our meter has an input impedance of 10,000 megohms.
Our Laboratory Standard Model LS pH Meter. $345. (With combination electrode and solutions.) 8-220
Scientific laboratory instruments, apparatus, chemicals. E. H. Sargent & Co. 4647 Foster Ave., Chicago, III. 60630
Chicago/Anaheim, Calif./Birmingham Cincinnati/Cleveland/Dallas/Denver Detroit/Springfield, N.J./Toronto, Canada
Circle No. 73 on Readers' Service Card VOL 40, NO. 8, JULY 1968
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