Elastin-Based Protein Polymers - American Chemical Society

Nature's Polymers: Tropoelastin and Elastin. Tropoelastin is the water-soluble precursor protein for the insoluble elastin fiber. The tropoelastin gen...
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Chapter 3 Elastin-Based Protein Polymers 1


Peter James Baker , JenniferS.Haghpanah, and Jin Kim Montclare

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NSF, Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences, Polytechnic University, Six Metrotech Center, Brooklyn, NY 11201 Department of Biochemistry, State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY 11203


The synthesis of well-defined macromolecular structures with controlled properties is critical for the production of advanced materials for biological and industrial applications. Inspired by nature's ability to create proteins with exquisite control, we focus on the applications of elastin and elastin-derived polymers for materials design. The elucidation of elastin biochemical, conformational and physical properties offers insight into the fabrication of novel biomaterials. As part of this review, we highlight some of the recent advances that permit the generation of customized elastin-based polymers. These developments provide an added level of control vital to the future construction of tailor-made supramolecular structures with emergent physical, mechanical and biological properties.

Introduction The ability to tailor functional polymeric structures is highly dependent on the level of control in their synthesis. Although tremendous progress has been made in the chemical synthesis of polymers, the degree of control and diversity of monomers afforded by protein polymers remains unsurpassed (1). Natural proteins possess precise molecular weights and high sequence specificity that © 2008 American Chemical Society In Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


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38 permits the formation of critical supramolecular structures. These molecular architectures can fold and self-assemble, often translating into unique physical, mechanical and biological properties. In particular, elastin is the major protein component of the extracellular matrix (ECM) providing the structural and elastic integrity for tissue function, the smooth movement of joints and limbs, and the elasticity of large blood vessels. The stability of elastin polymers provides the unique mechanical behavior of elastin where it can undergo a life-time of stretching and recoiling cycles without structural deformation (2). Recent advances in recombinant D N A technology have assisted researchers in understanding these structures. B y employing these techniques, it is possible to modify elastin-derived polymers with specified functional groups and designated physical properties. In this review, we demonstrate that exploiting the structural understanding of elastin polymers provides a tool-box to develop new biomaterials, three-dimensional (3D) tissue engineering scaffolds, site-specific drug delivery vehicles and protein purification as well as immobilization schemes.

Nature's Polymers: Tropoelastin and Elastin Tropoelastin is the water-soluble precursor protein for the insoluble elastin fiber. The tropoelastin gene is encoded by 34-36 exons depending on the species, and is expressed as -70 kDa monomeric protein (3). The protein is hallmarked by repeating hydrophobic and cross-linking domains. Hydrophobic domains are composed of mostly repeating non-polar amino acids, while the cross-linking domains are an alanine-rich sequence punctuated with lysine residues, which are extracellularly deaminated to form cross-links. These sequences and their arrangements allow tropoelastin to exhibit rubber-like extensible properties as well as maintain distinct morphological networks in different tissues. Elastogenesis, the formation of elastin fibers, is a multi-step process where the individual tropoelastin monomers undergo a series of post-transiational modifications to form the fibrous polymer network. To prevent intracellular aggregation and ensure proper release from the cell surface, tropoelastin is modified with a 67 kDa elastin-binding glycoprotein (EBP), which binds through the hydrophobic domain (4). At the cell membrane, two essential membrane proteins interact with the tropoelastin/ E B P complex to form a transmembrane link. At the cell surface, lectins in the extracellular matrix ( E C M ) bind to the E B P , inducing the release of tropoelastin into the E C M where the tropoelastin is used as a substrate to generate the elastin polymer (5). The molecular mechanisms involved in the transportation of the tropoelastin monomer to the growing elastin polymer are not fully elucidated. Recent investigations into the roles of fibrillin and micro-fibril associated glycoprotein ( M A G P ) suggests that the alignment of tropoelastin may be more tightly regulated than originally thought (6).

In Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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39 The cross-linking of tropoelastin is proceeded by the association and alignment of tropoelastin molecules via coacervation. Coacervation is a thermodynamically controlled and fully reversible process influenced by hydrogen bonding. The hydrogen bonding of water molecules to the hydrophobic regions of the protein keep it unfolded. As the temperature increases, there is disruption of hydrogen bonding and aggregation of the tropoelastin molecules between the hydrophobic domains (7). This aggregation mechanism can be influenced by ionic strength, pH, protein concentration and proportionality of hydrophobic residues. When released from the cell membrane, tropoelastin will experience high concentrations of tropoelastin monomers as well as the growing elastin fiber, promoting a favorable condition for coacervation (7). Coacervated tropoelastin undergoes further extracellular post-translational modifications, where the primary amines of lysine residues (in the cross-linking domains) undergo enzymatic oxidative deamination via lysyl-oxidase (8). The resultant aldehyde is able to spontaneously cross link with nearby lysines and aldehydes, exhibiting self-assembly like properties to form lysinonorleucine and allysine aldol, respectively. Further condensation of these molecules results in the formation of desmosine and isodesmosine irreversible cross-links which maintain structural integrity (Figure 1) (9). These intermolecular cross-links are unique to the elastin fiber and contribute to the tensile strength and elasticity of native elastin. Recent studies have shown that natural elastin can undergo approximately a billion stretching and relaxation cycles with minimal deformations (10). This ability supplied by tropoelastin bestows elastin with its outstanding durability. Upon stretching and relaxing, the elastin networks will exhibit unique properties. In the stretched state, elastin will stiffen and the system will be of lower entropy. Under this condition, elastin molecules will have high frequency vibrations called solitions. During relaxation, fibers will recoil back to their original unstructured conformation of higher entropy. This relaxation mechanism entails the movement of molecules in motions of low frequencies called chaos (10). Once these motions are complete, the energy expended in the deformation of the elastin will be recovered and exhibit minimal energy loss, preserving the original structure (11). Elastin is simply a network of tropoelastin monomers with uniform chain extensions arising from the cross-linked structure. The advantage of this network is that it prevents slippage when elastic fibers are subject to external forces. Elastin's high tensile strength comes from its cross-linked network (12,13). Studies oh electrospun protein fibers contradict this idea by revealing that the tensile strength for elastin is 1.6 M P a and the ultimate elongation is 0.01, while tropoelastin is 13 M P a and 0.15, respectively (14). Although tropoelastin is mechanically favorable over elastin for biological functions, it is feasible to mimic the desired properties of tropoelastin by structurally modifying elastic fibers.

In Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

In Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

Lysine 1












+ H 0






NH 3


+ H 0



j J Lysyl Oxidase HN—CH-CO





H N -

Allysine Aldol









Ç H - ^ H ^ N H ^ C H ^ H

+ Lysine - N H


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In Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

Figure 1. Elastin cross-links formation. Lysine is converted into allysine via lysyl oxidase, which leads to the formation of lysinonorleucine and allysine aldol (blue). The spontaneous condensation between lysine and allysine will generate tetra-substituted desmosine and isodemosine cross-link structures (red). All of the boxes on the top are blue and all of the boxes on the bottom are red. (8).

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Structural Understanding of Elastin The precise understanding of the structural nature of elastin remains elusive because the unusual physical properties of native elastin have prevented the use of traditional structural biology techniques. The hydrophobic domains are dominated by a pentapeptide repeat sequence of (Val-Pro-Gly-Val-Gly). This repeat sequence is believed to endow elastin its remarkable elastic properties, allowing continual expansion and contractions without loss of structural integrity (2). Pioneering work by the Alix laboratory on the secondary structure of human elastin and the solubilized κ-elastin, estimated the molecule to be composed of 10% α-helices, 35% β-strands and 55% undefined conformation. These estimations were based on Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), near infrared Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy and circular dichroism (CD) (15). To further investigate the nature of the elasticity, polypeptides of hydrophobic sequences containing exons 3, 7, and 30 of human elastin were analyzed by C D and Classic Raman spectroscopy, revealing polyproline II (PPII) helix secondary structures in both the aqueous and solid phase. Further analysis of exon 30 by FTIR spectroscopy determined that this sequence was characterized by both PPII as well as β-sheets structures (15). The presence of these structures were dependent on temperature, concentration and / or time, where lower temperatures and concentrations favored the PPII structure and higher temperatures and concentrations favored β-sheets (16). PPII helices are comprised of a left-handed, helical structure characterized by φ and ψ torsion angles of -75° and 145°, respectively (Figure 2). Unlike ahelices and β-sheets, these structures lack main chain hydrogen bonding but are sterically possible for hydrogen bond formation between side chains and nonprolyl amides (17). The lack of main chain hydrogen bonding creates an inherent flexibility which may mislead traditional methods of secondary structure spectroscopy into classifying these structures as undefined conformations. Surveys of structural databases suggest that Gly and aromatic residues are disfavored in PPII helices (17,18). Notably, peptides containing PPII helices exhibit a thermal transition from PPII helices to β-structures as a function of increasing temperature (19). PPII helices are associated with the unfolded or denatured conformations of proteins, thereby reducing the initial amount of conformational entropy of the unfolded state (20,21). Seminal work by Urry on cyclic analogs of elastin revealed a Pro-Gly type II β-turn by N M R and crystallography, which served as the basis for the β-spiral model (22,23,24). The model described a structure in which consecutive β-turns formed a helical arrangement. In this structure, there was one type II β-turn per pentameric unit of elastin, which served as spacers between the spiral turns. Further evidence for this β-spiral structure was compiled by molecular dynamic

In Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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43 simulations detailing the type II β-turn at the Pro-Gly diad (25). Although alternatives to this model have been proposed, the β-spiral model is more commonly accepted (26). β-structures are a ubiquitously found secondary structure of proteins, forming either a parallel or anti-parallel hydrogen bonding conformation (27,28). A common structural motif of β-structures is a β-hairpin turn, which essentially results in the reversal of direction of the polypeptide backbone. A typical β-turn is the result of a four residue sequence in an / to /+ 3 formation where there is hydrogen bond formation between C=0 (i) and the N - H (/+3) (Figure 2) (29). Statistical analysis of Protein Data Bank structures suggests type II β-turns energetically favor Pro in position z+1 and Gly in position i+2. This compliments structural analysis of elastin where the type II β-turns occur predominantly between the z+1 and z+2 positions (30). Pro and Gly are unique in their conformational flexibility; the side chain of Pro allows very little conformational freedom where the cis form is found at higher frequencies over the trans form. In the case of Gly, the absence of a side chain allows for the most conformational flexibility (31). Recent investigations into the stereoelectronic effect of proline analogs in type II β-turns have revealed that self-assembly properties of these molecules can be manipulated (32,33).

Tissue-Engineering Researchers have long been inspired by exploiting nature's use of selfassembly to fabricate hosts of novel biomaterials (34). Biomaterials from collagen stimulated researchers to develop materials from proteins with similar self-assembling properties. The potential of elastin, having similar non-covalent molecular interactions (hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic interactions, van der Waals forces and electrostatic interactions) as collagen, was naturally explored (Figure 3A). Simulating the appropriate size, geometry and architecture of natural extracellular matrix is of critical importance for tissue engineering and threedimensional (3D) tissue culture. Essential parameters for tissue scaffolds are microstructures, porosity, pore size, surface area / surface chemistry and mechanical properties (35). With these properties in mind, several iterations of scaffolds have been produced and evaluated. Initially, natural decellularized arterial ( E C M ) was previously used as a scaffold however, this material was found to form matrices too tight for cellular migration when seeded with cells (36). To create more porous scaffolds, pure elastin and pure collagen scaffolds derived from arterial E C M were generated. The elastin scaffolds exhibited 120 μιη infiltration of fibroblast cells in vitro and in vivo models showed improved cell infiltration and repopulation of the scaffold

In Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


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type II turn

Figure 2. Representation of a type II β-turn. The φ and ψ bonds are highlighted. Hydrogen bonding between the i and i+3 carbonyl oxygen and amide hydrogen is represented as a dashed line.

presumeably due to the presences of chemotactic factors (37,38). Further, electrospun scaffolds of both α-elastin and recombinant tropoelastin seeded with human embryonic palatal mesenchymal (HEPM) cells exhibited a higher rate of cell proliferation over other scaffolds such as collagen and gelatin (14). The α-elastin / tropoelastin scaffolds retained their elastic and wavy properties after electrospinning where the other scaffolds were mostly straight, suggesting the scaffold topology may play a role in the rates of cell proliferation (14). Stable 3D scaffolds for smooth muscle cells were also generated by electrospinning elastin, in which the diameters of the electrospun scaffolds was manipulated by electrospinning different proportions of collage or elastin (39). Manipulating the diameter of elastin scaffolds could provide better control over the scaffold topology where it may be possible to fabricate scaffolds to parameters favored by individual cell types may be possible. Elastin / collagen / poly (D,L-lactide -~coglycolide) PLGA blends electrospun into fibers exhibited a burst pressure range similar to that of native blood vessels, cell attachment ability as well as in vivo biocompatibility, suggesting these materials could be useful in generating vascular grafts (40). Moreover, electrospun polydioxanone (PDO) elastin-blends demonstrated potential benefits for developing vascular grafts (41) (Figure 3A).

In Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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45 Despite the success of these scaffolds, calcification remained problematic after implantation. To address this limitation, the rate of calcification could be altered depending on the mode of elastin purification and formation (38). Elastin-like polypeptides (ELP) consisting of the sequence Val-Pro-GlyXaa-Gly (where Xaa can be any amino acid except for Pro) exhibit physical properties as the native elastin. Under changes in temperature, pH and ionic strength, they are able to undergo phase transition from a water soluble polypeptide to an aggregated insoluble form (42). This phase transition is fully reversible resulting in ELP 'smart biomateriaP properties to assemble and / or disassemble in response to environmental conditions. In addition, ELPs have a certain tunibility that is achieved by length manipulation of the repeat sequence and the 'ghost' amino acid residing in the Xaa position (35). Synthetic ELP hydrogels have been shown to exhibit characteristics similar to those of native elastin in response towards temperature and salt concentrations. Subjecting to mechanical tests, the recombinant human tropoelastin isoform SHELA26A (synthetic human elastin without domain 26A) is extensible up to four times the natural elastin. These hydrogels are able to support cellular growth both in vivo and in vitro (43) (Figure 3A). Hydrogels of ELP possess potential for 3D tissue engineering. Research on understanding the molecular mechanism that regulate cell proliferation and differentiation has been limited because of the poor topologies of twodimensional tissue culture. The 3D architecture of the extracellular matrix (composed mainly of collagen and elastin) has been shown to provide an adequate environment to reproduce the physiological surroundings necessary for proliferation and differentiation studies (44). Human adipose derived stem cells (hADAS) incubated with coacervated three-dimensional ELP demonstrated histological and immunohistological characteristics of differentiated chondrocytes (45). Although this differentiation occurs on a gelatin matrix as well, it is necessary to supplement the media with growth factors to induce differentiation (46). ELPs have also been genetically engineered for in vivo cross-linking where tissue transglutaminase (tTG) catalyses the introduction of covalent bonds, resulting in the synthesis of a stabilized 3D cartilage matrix (Figure 3A) (47).

Elastin Fusion Proteins Recombinant DNA technology not only allows researchers the ability to manipulate individual genes but to fuse genes encoding individual proteins together to develop chimeric or fusion proteins. These fusion proteins may have the function of one of the proteins, exhibit properties of both proteins, or acquire a new function altogether. The ELP sequence derived from elastin has been used

In Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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46 for a variety of functions. We will evaluate E L P fusion proteins used for drug delivery, protein purification and developing artificial polypeptide scaffolds. The control of inverse transition temperatures by sequence manipulation and biocompatibility of ELPs make them useful polymers for drug delivery. Cultured cancer cells and solid tumors in animal models uptake fluorescently labeled ELPs in a thermally responsive manner (48,49). Two major limitations in cancer therapy have been the inability of therapeutic molecules to cross the cell membrane and the target-specificity of the compounds. To overcome these limitations cell-penetrating, peptides (CPP) have been fused with ELPs (CPPELP) to develop thermally responsive therapeutics with the ability to translocate the cell membrane (Figure 3B). CPPs can assist in the transportation of hydrophilic compounds (small molecules, oglionucleotides and peptides) across the cell membrane (50). Fusing ELPs to a variety of CPPs have revealed that the peptide sequence of penetratin demonstrates the most efficient cellular uptake (51). Further, these CPP-ELPs have been fused to a c-Myc inhibitory peptide known to target and inhibit cancer. As proof of principle, these fusion proteins inhibits proliferation of cultured cancer cell lines in a thermally responsive manner (52). Protein purification is a technique required for the characterization of proteins. It is hindered by technical difficulties and high cost. To combat these problems, a variety of fusion protein methodologies have been developed (53,54). The Chilkoti group have designed a novel method of purifying proteins exploiting the thermally-responsive nature of ELPs (Figure 3C) (54). A n E L P sequence with a predictable, reversible inverse transition temperature is fused to thioredoxin, a carrier protein, and tendamistat, an inhibitory protein of otamylase. Subjecting Escherichia coli lysates expressing this fusion protein to increasing temperatures reveals an increase in turbidity due to aggregation of the E L P sequence. This aggregate can be isolated by centrifugation, resuspended and cleaved with thrombin resulting in a purified active enzyme. This methodology has been used in the purification of gpl30 family of cytokines as well as carbohydrate binding proteins (55,56). Developing this method further, a self-cleaving intein has been introduced into the fusion proteins in which a slight reduction in p H results in intein cleavage. This step is followed by another temperature cycling and centrifugation, leaving the purified protein of interest in the supernatant (57). Protein microarray technology has been limited in its progress because of technical difficulties of immobilizing proteins on a solid support. Two different methods of immobilizing elastin fusion proteins on solid support have been described in the literature (Figure 3D). Chilkoti and coworkers have generated an E L P end-grafted to a thermally evaporated nanoscale gold surface via its amine groups. The E L P - thioredoxin (Trx-ELP) fusion proteins are captured by exploting the self-assembling properties of E L P - E L P hydrophobic interaction.

In Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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47 Antibodies specific to Trx are able to bind to the complex, suggesting the Trx moiety of Trx-ELP is preferentially oriented outward from the surface. Decreasing the N a C l concentration results in release of the complex (58). This work demonstrates the capture and release properties of E L P peptides on a nanoscale. Recently, Tirrell et al have developed an artificial polypeptide scaffold bearing an E L P fused to a zipper-based protein capture domain (59). In the 'ghost' position of the E L P sequence ( V P G X G ) , a photoreactive phenylalanine analogue joara-azidophenyalanine was introduced that enabled cross-linking to the solid support upon U V irradiation. Fused to the E L P sequence is a linker element joined to heterodimeric leucine zipper. Green fluorescent protein and glutathione-S-transferase are expressed with a C-terminal heterodimeric leucine zipper complementary to the zipper of the E L P fusion. B y exploiting the high affinity of the heterodimeric leucine zipper-zipper interaction, concentrations as low as 50 n M are detected under a broad range of pH values.

Conclusions Elastin-derived proteins serve as versatile scaffolds that can be used to generate novel biomaterials for particular biological functions, therapeutic delivery, protein separation and immobilization. This is due in part from the knowledge of the basic structure and mechanical properties learned from studying such proteins. The fact that it is now possible to precisely design polymers based on elastin via recombinant D N A techniques further expands the capabilities and potential applications for such materials. This, in addition to the recent advances in incorporating unnatural amino acids, not only broaden the diversity of monomers, but also can influence the overall behavior and properties of the polymer (56,59). The installation of side chains capable of performing orthogonal chemistries and conjugation provides a handle for adorning elastinderived proteins with additional components to design complex materials that may not have been possible before. Overall these methods grant the researcher an added level of molecular control with the potential to engineer innovative supramolecular structures endowed with emergent properties.

Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge funding from Polytechnic University, the Othmer Institute (J.K.M), the Wechler Award (J.K.M.) and the Society for Plastic Engineers (J.S.H.). We also thank Dr. Victor Barinov for assistance on the manuscript. *These authors contributed equally to this document.

In Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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Figure 3. Applications of elastin and elastin-like polypeptides (ELPs). (A)Electrospun elastin, blends of elastin with collagen or polymers andhydrogels ofELP (where the addition of tTG enables crosslinking) used for tissue engineering. (B) ELP-proteinfissionsemployedfor purification. Although not shown, a cleavage site could be engineered into the sequences to remove the ELPfromthe target protein. (C) ELP fused to a cell penetrating peptide (CPP) and drug moiety usedfor drug-delivery purposes. (D) ELP fusions employed in protein capture and immobilization on chemically coated gold and glass substrates.

In Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.


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In Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.

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In Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials II; Cheng, H., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2008.