Electroanalysis - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

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660 Noltingk, B. E., Snelling, 11.A., J . Sei. Instr. 30, 349 (1953). Normand, C. W. B., Kay, R. H., Ibid., 29, 33 (1952). Pantchechnikoff, J. I . , Rev. Sci. Instr. 23, 135 (1952). Pappenheimer, J. R., Ibid., 25, 912 (1954). Pedersen, S. R., Electronics 25, 104 (1952). Pettersson, H. J., Clemedson, C. J., Science 111, 696 (1950); J . Lab. Clin. Med. 38, 631 (1952). (88) Pfund, 8. H.. Phys. Rev. 18, 78 (1921). (82) (83) (84) (85) (86) (87)

Phillips Tech. Rev. 14, 194 (1952). Plymale, R. S.,Jr., Electronics 26, No. 3, 143 (1953). Pugh, M. D., Instrument Maker 19, 134 (1951). Radio and T . V . News 47, 15 (1952). Schwartz. S.,Physik 117, 23 (1940). Seliger, V. H., Electronics 26, KO. 8 , 164 (1953). Shive, J. N., Proc. Inst. Radio Engrs. 49, 1410 (1952). Simons, J. H., Scheirer, C. L.. Jr., Ritter. H. L., Rev. Sci. Instr. 24, 36 (1953). (97) Sinclair, D., Air Repair 3, 41 (1953). (98) Skellet, A. 11.,Leveridge, L. E., Gratian, J . IT.,Electronics 26, No. 10, 168 (1953).

(89) (90) (91) (92) (93) (94) (95) (96)

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Wallace, R. L., Bell System Tech. J . 30, 530 (1951). Ward, A. H., J . Sei. Instr. 31, 429 (1954). Webb, T. L., Ibid., 29, 265 (1952). West, C. D., Jones, R. C., J . Opt. SOC.Amer. 41, 928 (1951).

341 (1951).

Ibid., p. 976. Williams, A. J., Tardeu, R. E., Clark, W. R.. Trans. Am. Inst. Elec. Engrs. 6 7 , 47 (1948). (114) Williams, A . AI., Jr., Ibid. (September 1952). (115) Zemany P. D., Rec. Sci. Instr. 23, 176 (1952)


1 1

I Electroanalysis I



DONALD D. DEFORD Department o f Chemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, 111.


HIS review attempts t o survey the developments in the fields

of electroanalysis and coulometric titrations since the publication of the last review in this series ($9). S s in the previous reviews, only a few selected papers in the field of fundamental electrochemistry are included. However, most of the significant developments in this field have been very adequately reviewed elsewhere. BOOKS AND REVIEW ARTICLES

Delahay’s treatise (32) on new instrumental methods in electrochemistry presents the detailed theoretical background as well as the more practical aspects of a variety of electroanalytical methods. The principles and applications of electroanalytical methods have been reviewed by Smelik (140). Lleites (101) has included a brief discussion of controlled potential electrolysis in his recent book on polarographic techniques. Reviews of specific types of electroanalytical methods are mentioned later under the topics to which they pertain. THEORY

Recent experimental results and theoretical developments in the study of the kinetics and mechanism of electrode processes have been reviewed in considerable detail by Bockris (10, 11) and Grahame (56). Grahame has also included a summary of recent work pertaining to the electrical double layer. Anyone working in the field of electroanalysis will find these reviews of recent fundamental developments invaluable. Two papers b y Gerischer and Vielstich (53, 156) pertaining to the kinetics of the deposition of both simple and complex metal ions were published too recently to be included in the reviews cited. Studies on electrodeposition from very dilute solutions are of interest not only because of their direct application in trace analysis but also because they shed light on the fundamental nature of electrodeposition processes. Work in this field has been summarized in a very recent review by Rogers (126) and is not discussed here.


Mercury Cathode Separations. Bagshawe and his associates (3)have made further studies on the separation of large amounts of elements such as iron, chromium, and nickel in ferrous alloys a t a mercury cathode as a preliminary step in the determination of minor elements such as aluminum, titanium, zirconium, and vanadium. Quantitative removal of chromium is possible to achieve but only with considerable difficulty. Certain alloy steels, particularly those containing tungsten, molybdenum, niobium, or large amounts of chromium, present many difficulties. For the determination of cadmium and zinc Sakano and coworkers (108) recommend deposition of the cadmium into a mercury cathode, where it may be determined by measuring the electrical resistance of the amalgam; the zinc remaining in the aqueous solution may then be determined titrimetrically. Meites (98) has recommended the use of controlled potential electrolysis at a mercury cathode for the removal of traces of heavy metal ions from salts that are to be used as supporting electrolytes in polarographic analysis. This technique should be useful in many other cases for freeing reagents from traces of heavy metals. The quantitative deposition of manganese a t a mercury cathode has proved to be difficult with the usual types of electrolyais cells. One solution t o this problem has been offered by Coriou and his coworkers ( 2 2 ) . They found that manganese could be deposited quantitatively by using the constantly renewed mercury cathode developed several years ago ( 2 3 ) . Mercury dropping slowly from a capillary tube is added continuously to the small, shallow, mercury cathode, xyhich is maintained constant in volume through the use of an overflow device. I n this manner the manganese amalgam is continuously removed from the contact with the aqueous phase, thus minimizing redissolution of the manganese. Lasarevic (83)has proposed a n alternative arrangement in which the cathode consists of a film of mercury which flows continuously down the surface of a \?-ire and thence to a receiver outside the electrolysis cell. From the viewpoints of

V O L U M E 2 8 , NO. 4, A P R I L 1 9 5 6 efficiency and speed this arrangement was claimed to be superior to that of Coriou. Still another type of renewable mercury cathode cell, designed particularly for the deposition of the alkali metals, has been described by Oka and his associates (112). This cell consists of a glass tube, open a t both ends, supported vertically in a beaker with its lower end a few millimeters from the bottom of the beaker. Mercury is placed in the beaker to a level well above the lower end of the central tube. Water is then added to the central tube and the solution to be electrolyzed is placed in the annular space between the tube and the beaker wall. Even m-ith vigorous stirring this arrangement prevent< transfer of the aqueous phases between the tn o compartments, but the mercury moves readily between the two. Hence sodium amalgam formed in the external compartment moves into the inner compartment, where it reacts with the nater t o form sodium hydroxide, which may be determined readily by titration with acid. I n this manner milligram quantities of sodium may be transferred quantitatively from the outer to the inner compartment. Operation with a controlled cathode potential permits a quantitative separation of sodium from potassium. I t would appear that cells of this type could be used to advantage in the separation of other active metals. Small amounts of europium may be quantitatively removed from samarium by deposition into a mercury cathode from lithium citrate solution (116). Aksmall percentage of the samarium is deposited also. Because a very large excess of lithium is present in the aqueous phase, the potential of the cathode is that of a lithium amalgam electrode, of nearly constant composition, in contact with an aqueous lithium solution of essentially constant composition. Hence, this separation is in essence a controlled potential separation, even though no external potential control is employed. Schmidt and Bricker (133) have reported that microgram quantities of copper, lead, cadmium, cobalt, nickel, and iron may be separated from several grams of vanadium by deposition in a mercury cathode. A11 these metals except cadmium may then be determined by removal of the mercury by distillation, followed by polarographic analysis of the residue in essentially the same fashion as TTas reported earlier for the determination of impurities in uranium compounds ( 1 9 ) . Recovery of cadmium is low because some cadmium distills ~ i t hthe mercury. I n order to avoid this loss Radak (122) recommends that the metals be recovered by washing the amalgam with 5% nitric acid. Schmidt and Bricker ( I S $ ) , however, report that the use of chemical olidizing agents is unsatisfactory; they prefer the anodic stripping technique described below. Copper, cadmium, lead, zinc, and thallium may be recovered from dilute amalgams by electrolytic stripping a t controlled potential (24, 78, 120, 1 3 ) . On the other hand, the passive metals-iron, cobalt, and nickel-and also bismuth cannot be stripped without simultaneous oxidation of the mercury. For this reason controlled potential depositions into a mercury cathode followed by controlled potential stripping of the amalgams permit several separations-.g., iron from zinc-m-hich are not possible with electrodeposition alone. Scacciati and D’Este (132) found that trace amounts of zinc in cadmium could be determined by dissolving the sample in mercury, followed by quantitative electrolytic stripping of the zinc into sulfuric acid solution. Under proper conditions very little cadmium is oxidized, and thus a polarographic determination of the zinc is feapible. Hickling and Maxxell (63),as well as several of the authors cited above, have treated some of the theoretical aspects of the anodic dissolution of amalgams. Although they have no direct analytical applications, the studies of Lihl and Jenitschek (86) on the simultaneous deposition of two or more metals into mercury are of interest. Likewise the polarographic results obtained by Rosie and Cooke (187) with mercury pool electrodes in stirred solutions will be of interest t o anyone concerned with mercury cathode separations.


Controlled Potential Separations. Despite the fact that several excellent potentiostats have been described in the earlier literature and that these items of equipment are now available commercially, reports of new instrumentation for automatic control the electrode potential continue to appear (65,68,69,72,111,118). None of these instruments seems to offer significant advantages over others described earlier. A4 special-purpose potentiostat n ith a regulation of &0,5 mv. for currents up to 30 ma. has been described (134). Vielstich and Gerischer (156) have described a potentiostat n i t h a very fast response time; this instrument was de-igned particularly for the study of transient phenomena. Ishibashi and Fujinaga (66, 7 0 ) have found that copper can be separated fiom bismuth by deposition a t -0.30 volt zs. S.C.E. from a solution containing tartrate, succinate, and hydrazine buffered at pH 5.8. Bfter separation of the copper, bismuth can be removed a t -0.40 volt. Lead, antimony, arsenic, tin, cadmium, and zinc do not interfere. For the determination of small amounts of bismuth, lead, and cadmium in the presence of much copper, removal of the copper by the method outlined above follov ed by polarographic determination of the minor elements n a s recommended (67). Diehl and Craig ( 3 4 ) separated copper from cadmium in ammoniacal solution by controlling the cathode potential at -0.73 volt vs. S.C.E.; this separation is useful In the analym of silver solder. ilccording t o rlylmard and Bryson (Z), copper may be separated from lead at a potential of -0.35 volt using a phosphoric acid electrolyte. Lead can be depositpd after the copper, and then tin, if present, may be determined in the spent electrolyte by titrimetric methods. Oka and coi~orkers(113) have described a method for the deposition of copper from hydrochloric acid solution rontaining hydrazine, but their results are less satisfactor? than those obtained by other methods. Attempts to effect quantitative deposition of tin were unsuccessful. Lindsey and Tucker (87) have given directions for the determination, on a micro scale, of copper, lead, and zinc in brasses and bronzes. With a few modifications the method can be adapted to the determination of antimony, copper, lead, and zinc in white metals and solders (88). According to Dean and Reynolds (28) bismuth, together 1%ith copper, may be deposited a t -0.3 volt from a hot (80°C.) solution containing citrate and hvdrazine and buffered a t pH 3.0. After addition of concentrated hydrochloric acid, antimony may be plated at the same potential. Finally, tin, together with lead, may be deposited from the same solution a t -0.65 volt. Methods for the separation of the platinum metals have been devised by Bubernak ( 1 6 ) . Internal Electrolysis. Internal electrolj tic methods, in particular the application of these methods to the determination of small amounts of impurities in metals and alloys, have been reviewed by Giordani and coworkers (64). These authors recommend the use of an electrolysis cell v,hich permits continuous reneL\al of the anolyte, thus assuring a more nearly constant potential throughout the electrolysis. It is stated that this technique has a higher separation efficiency than conventional methods. Procedures for the separation of copper, cadmium, and tin are given. Rubio Felipe (130) stated that small amounts of copper in steel may be determined by plating onto a platinum cathode from acidic solutions containing hydrazine sulfate; a platinum anode and a ferrous sulfate-hydrazine sulfate anolyte were used. Serdyuk and Barash (137) reported a method for the separation of nickel from manganese using ammoniacal oxalate Bolutions. Sommer ( 1 4 1 ) has described procedures for the microdetermination of gold and silver. Okac and Sommer (114) have worked out the optimum conditions for the determination of bismuth, antimony, and copper, alone and in the presence of lead, nickel, copper, and iron. Lead or aluminum anodes coated n i t h a film of collodion mere used. The method outlined is stated to be capable of determining copper with an accuracy within &l’% in ordinary steel, but it fails for alloy steels. Schmidt and


662 Bricker (133)have pointed out that the use of internal electrolysis obviates the need for a potentiostat in carrying out controlled potential oxidation of amalgams. Constant Current Separations and Electrogravimetry. iiccording to Bommer ( I d ) , a roughened platinum plate anode is more satisfactory than the conventional gauze electrode for the deposition of lead as the dioxide; the deposit adheres much more firmly to the former. Umland and Kirchner (153) report that the optimum concentration of nitric acid for the deposition of lead dioxide lies betaeen 5 and 9% on a weight basis. Iron interferes with the deposition if present in amounts exceeding half of the weight of lead present. Xicolas (109) has reported a method for determining lead in steel by cathodic deposition from hydrochloric acid-hydroxylamine electrolyte. According to Foschini ( 4 4 ) it is unnecessary to plate the platinum cathode with copper before depositing tin or to add oxalate to the electrolyte in order t o obtain satisfactory deposits. Sakuraba (131) states that it is possible t o determine molybdenum by adding a known weight of copper t o the sample and t o deposit the molybdenum (as Rlo0.3HpO) and the added copper simultaneously on the cathode. Iron may be deposited quantitatively from oxalate solutions; however, since related elements such as cobalt and nickel are deposited along viith iron, it has not been possible to devise a practical electrogravimetric method for the determination of iron (82). Tschanun (148) has further investigated the miciodeterniination of copper and zinc in brasses and bronzes. The British Standards Institution ( 1 4 ) has published specifications for micro scale electrolysis apparatus. Whitson and Kwasnoski (157) employed electrodeposition onto a nickel disk for the recovery of minute traces of uranium from urine after first decomposing the sample by nitric acid digestion, evaporation, and ignition. Ballentine and Burford ( 6 ) detei mined radioactive cobalt in biological materials by wetashing the sample, separating cobalt as cobaltic hydroxide, and finally plating cobalt metal from a buffered fluoborate solution. The deposited cobalt was then determined by a measurement of its radioactivity. Takagi and Hirano (145) reported that the application of ultrasonic waves markedly decreased the time required for the cathodic deposition of copper; the increased speed of deposition was thought to be due t o the strong stirring action produced a t the electrode surface. The use of perchloric acid in electrocheniical analysis has been reviewed by Komitz (110); in many cases peichloric acid is to be preferred over sulfuric acid, both for dissolution of the sample and for adjusting the acidity of the final solution. ELECTRO-OXIDATION AND REDUCTION

Electrolytic Dissolution and Decomposition. Further studies on the applicability of the electrolytic method in the analysis of @elusions in steels have been made by Papier ( 1 1 6 ) and by Sicha (139). Thoburn (146)\vas able to decompose organic boron compounds by electrolysis in nitric acid solution between platinum electrodes as a preliminary step in the titrimetric determination of boron in these compounds. Despite the attractive possibilities of the electrolytic decomposition method, no other applications of the method have been ieported in the past 2 years. Elving ( 4 )has given a comprehensive report on the electrochemical fission of carbon-halogen bonds and has pointed out the applicability of polarography to the determination of organic halogen compounds. It would appear that electrochemical decomposition of such compounds could replace the usual Carius and peroxide fusion methods in some cases as a preliminary step t o the titrimetric or gravimetric determination of halogens. In some cases it would appear that selective decomposition could be achieved, particularly if the electrode potential is controlled, thus permitting the determination of individual halogenated

compounds in mixtures. There seems to be no doubt that electrolytic decomposition methods are deserving of greater attention and esploitation than they have received in the past. A number of fundamental studies on glow-discharge electrolysis and alternating current electrolysis are of interest in that they suggest possible analytical applications. Several authors (13, 27, 62, 76, 106) have shown that hydroxyl free radicals are formed when a glow discharge is set up between a solution of an electrolyte and an external electrode. Such radicals are polverful oxidizing agents. Under optimum conditions Hickling and Linacre (66)found that seven equivalents of ferrous iron could be oxidized to the ferric state for each faraday of electricity used. In the absence of oxidizable substances the hydroxyl radicals dimerize to form hydrogen peroxide; in solutions which are more than 10M in sulfuric acid, perosysulfuric acid rather than hydrogen peroxide is the main product (106). Liken-ise when aqueous solutions of sulfuric acid are electrolyzed x i t h low frequency alternating current between platinum electrodes, both of which are in the solution, significant quantities of hydrogen peroxide are produced ('71). I n this case also the formation of hydrogen peroxide is thought t o arise from 01%or H02 radicals which are formed a t the electrodes. S o application of such methods to the oxidation of organic compounds has come to the attention of the writer. Galfayan ( 6 0 ) has suggested the use of electrolytic method3 t o effect reduction of iron and titanium to the ferrous and titanous states, respectively, as a preliminary step t o their determination by standard titrimetric methods. Electrographic Analysis. No significant developments of general interest in the field of electrography have appeared, but several new applications and specialized techniques have been described. Applications to alloys in general (97), to ferrous alloys (@), and to nonferrous alloys ( 5 5 ) have been discussed. One paper has been devoted t o an extensive discussion of the uses of elect,rography in the examination of uranium niinerala and ores (20) and another ( 6 7 ) t o the detection of metal ions in sulfide ores. Structure etching of minerals and the identification of a variety of metal ions in ores have also been treated (68). COULOMETRIC TITRATIONS

Interest in the coulometric method continues to increase. Llany new techniques, applications, and items of equipment have been described in the past 2 years. The principles and the applicability of the method have been revieived by Bishop (9), Cooke ( $ I ) , DeFord (SO), Delahay (YZ),Furnian (@), Gauguin (51), Iiimoto ( 7 5 ) , Reilley (123), and Siiielik (140). The applicability of polarization curves ( 7 ) and of current-scan polarography ( 1 ) in establishing the feasibility of and the optimum conditions for coulometric analyse8 has been pointed out. Eckfeldt, and Kuczynski ( 3 9 ) have reiterated the pleas made earlier by others for an increased utilization of coulometry as a substitute for chemical primary standards. They point out that electrical standards are more reliable than chemical standards, and that modern inst,rumentation makes the measurement of coulombs a very accurate and simple operation. Craig and Hoffman ( 2 5 ) have redetermined the value of the faraday constant by the electrolytic oxidation of Bureau of Standards certified sodium oxalate. h mean value of 96,492 =k 3 absolute coulombs per equivalent (chemical scale) \vas found for this constant, Reilley (123) has pointed out the need for including a discussion of coulometric titrations in instrumental analysis courses and has given directions for a suitable student erperiment . Primary Processes. The significant effects of electrode preparation and of trace impurities in the solution on the course of controlled potential electrolyses have been pointed out by Baker and RIacXevin ( 4 , 6 ) . h method for the successive determination of nickel and cobalt by controlled potential coulometric analysis with a mercury cathode has been det,ailed by

V O L U M E 28, NO. 4, A P R I L 1 9 5 6 Lingane and Page ( 9 3 ) . Meites (99) has suggested the use of coulometric analysis in conjunction with polarography for the siniultaneous determination of two substances which are reduced a t nearly the same pot'ential. This method is applicable only when the ratio of the diffusion coefficients of the two species is about 1.5 or greater. Coulometric methods for the assay of trichloroacetic acid in the presence of dichloroacetic acid (103) and for the determinat'ion of picric acid (102)have been described by Meites. Tur'yan ( 1 4 9 ) has found that a number of nitro compounds can be reduced with 100% current efficiency when the potential of the cathode is controlled a t a suitable value. Tur'yan employed an electrolysis cell with a separated anode compartment where iodide ion was oxidized to iodine during the electrolysis. The number of coulombs was then measured by titration of the liberated iodine, making a separate coulometer unnecessary. Sease (136) has also described coulometric methods for t8hedetermination of nitro compounds. Marple and Rogers ( 9 6 ) have employed the principle previously developed for the determination of silver (9.4)for carrying out coulometric determinations of lead in concentrations as low as 10-*X. Yamada ( 1 6 9 ) has been able to determine 1 t,o 100 y of copper by controlled potential electrodeposition; a mercury microcoulometer ( 1 6 0 ) was employed to measure the quantity of electricity required. The method was found suitable for the determinat'ion of traces of copper separated by paper chromatography. Thwaites and Hoare (147) have reported their experiences with the anodic stripping method developed b y Kumze and Willey ( 8 0 ) for the determination of tin and of tin-iron alloy in electrotinplate. Waite (156) has reported very satisfactory results on the determination of the thickness of copper, nickel, zinc, and cadmium coatings on steel, of chromium and nickel on copper, and of chromium on copper by the anodic dissolution method. A commercially available instrument (Kocour Co., 4800 Sout'h St. Louis Ave., Chicago 32, Ill,), based upon the design of Francis (45),was employed for these tests. Lewart'owicz ( 8 6 ) has proposed a novel coulometric method for the determination of soluble oxidizing agents which have soluble reduced forms. If the system is reversible, d E / d Q (where E is the potential of the system and Q is the quantity of electricity used) is a minimum when exactly one half of the oxidizing agent has been reduced; from the position of this minimum it is then possible to calculate the quantity of oxidizing agent originally present. N o actual examples of analysis by this method have been reported, but it) w,ould appear that precision would be poor. Secondary Processes. Perhaps the most significant development in coulometric titrimetry in the past few years has been the announcement by Meyer and Boyd (104) of a method for the electrolytic generation of Karl Fischer reagent for the determination of water. This method has an absolute sensitivity of about 2 y of water and a precision within 1 to 2%. Although the method has some drawbacks, in particular a requirement of a small supplementary generation current to compensate for deconiposition of the reagent, it can undoubtedly be further refined and should find widespread utility. The halogens continue to find increased uses as coulometric intermediates. Iodine has been used for the determination of sulfides (121), thiosulfate (128), and selenium (129). Further applications of bromine in the determination of phenols (154), sulfanilimides (144), and salicylic acid ( 7 3 ) have been reported. Another report ( 8 1 ) by Landsberg and Escher on the use of the Titrilog, which employs electrolytically generated bromine, for the determination of sulfur compounds in gases has appeared. Chlorine, generated electrolytically from a solution of 0.2 to 1.234 hydrochloric acid in 80 t o 90% acetic acid, has been found a satisfactory reagent for the determination of unsaturation in long-chain fatty acids (26). Procedures for the external generation of all three halogens have been described (119).

663 Procedures for the determination of ferrocyanide ( 5 5 ) and mixtures of iron and titanium ( 3 6 ) n-ith ceric ion have been given. Tutundzhic and Mladenovic (151, 152) have reported suitable conditions for the generation of what they believed to be permanganate ion with 100% current efficiency by electrolytic oxidation of manganous ion and have used this ion for the determination of iron, arsenite, and oxalate. Horn ( 6 4 ) independently made a similar study, but he concluded that the oxidizing intermediate was manganic ion rather than permanganate. Ferricyanide has been used successfully for the oxidimetric titration of thallous thallium ( 6 0 ) . The use of a mercury pool for the generation of titanous ion by the electrolytic reduction of titanic ion is superior to previous procedures using a gold cathode ( 1 1 7 ) . Titanous ion can also be generated SUCcessfully a t a small mercury pool in an external generation cell; titanous ion so prepared has been used successfully for the titration of a number of organic dyestuffs (116). Malmstadt and Roberts ( 9 5 ) determined small quantities of vanadium in titanium tetrachloride by hydrolyzing the sample and then titrating the vanadate with titanous ion formed by electrolytic reduction of the titanic ion in the sample. These authors were able to obtain 100% current efficiency in the reduction of titanic ion a t either titanium or platinum electrodes. Shults, Thomason, and Kelley (138) have found that uranium(1V) can be generated with 100% current efficiency a t a platinum electrode from solutions of uranyl sulfate in dilute sulfuric acid. This moderately strong reducing intermediate was used for the determination of oxidizing agents such as ceric and dichromate ions. Dunham and Farrington ( 3 7 ) have used metallic copper as a reductimetric reagent. An excess of copper is plated onto a platinum electrode from a cuprous halide solution, the sample of oxidant is added, and, after sufficient time has been allov-ed for the reaction to go to completion, the excess copper is stripped from the electrode. The difference in the number of coulombs required for plating and for stripping is a measure of the oxidant added. Lingane (91) has described methods for the automatic titration of dilute acids with internally generated hydroxyl ion. Carson and Gile ( 1 8 ) determined orthophosphate by conversion t o orthophosphoric acid in an ion exchange column followed by coulometric titration of the acid EO formed. Streuli (143) has found that hydrogen ion may be generated in acetonitrile containing lithium perchlorate (0.05ilf) and a small amount (about 0 3%) of water. Bases which are too weak to be titrated in aqueous media may be determined precisely in this solvent. Several authors (77, 89, 150) have described procedures for the titration of halide ions with electrolyticallv generated silver ion. These ions may also be determined by titration with electrolytically generated mercurous ion ( 6 4 ) ; the latter reagent appears to be superior when the amount of halide in the sample is relatively large (about 1 mole or more). B s thiourea forms a very stable complex n i t h silver ion, it mav be determined by treating the sample n ith an excess of ammoniacal silver bromide solution followed, after acidification, by titration of the liberated bromide ion by electrolvtically generated silver ion ( 1 0 7 ) . Leisey (84) has described an automatic instrument and has outlined procedures for the determination of mercaptans by a coulometric argentometric method. Lingane and Hartley ( 9 2 ) reported that ferrocyanide can be generated successfully by electrolytic reduction of ferricyanide a t a platinum cathode. This reagent a-as used for the titration of zinc (precipitation of K & I ~ [ F ~ ( C N )in~ a] ~solution ) buffered at pH 2.0. Several interesting reports on the coulometric generation of gases have appeared. Button and Davies ( 1 6 ) and Kehren ( 7 4 ) have described very similar devices for studying the absorption of oxygen by various test samples. In both cases closed systems were employed and oxygen was generated electrolytically a t a rate equal to its consumption by the sample, so that a constant pressure was maintained in the system. I n both cases the gen-


664 eration current was integrated through the use of a second electrode reaction which produced a volume or a pressure of gas proportional to the amount of oxygen consumed. Hannah and his coworkers (59) employed a similar device for studying the effectiveness of various catalysts on the rate of recombination of hydrogen and oxygen; in this case both gases were supplied by the electrolysis of water a t a rate equal to their rate of recombination. Electrolytically generated hydrogen has been used successfully for the analytical hydrogenation of a number of organic compounds (105); a n account of this work will be published in the near future. A very interesting account of the applicability of the coulometric method to titrations in microvolumes of solution has been given by Schreiber and Cooke (135). Successful titrations of microgram and submicrogram amounts of arsenic, hydrochloric acid, and sodium hydroxide in solutions having a total volume of 30 pl. were carried out. This technique should be applicable to many ultramicrotitrations. A method for the coulometric titration of oxygen has heen reported (142), but details were not available to the author. Porter and Cooke (120) have reported that metals such as cadmium and thallium can be stripped from dilute amalgams with 100% current efficiency even though a constant electrolysis current, which exceeds the diffusion current, is used. Current which is in excess of the diffusion current causes the formation of a film of mercurous chloride on the electrode. However, when the current is interrupted the mercurous chloride oxidizes the metal in the amalgam, and thus acts as a coulometric intermediate. By carrying out the stripping with successive small increments of current and allowing the potential of the electrode to reach a constant value after the addition of each increment, very satisfactory coulometric titrations can be accomplished. The end point is indicated by a large permanent change in the electrode potential. Apparatus. An electromechanical instrument which is capable of maintaining an electrolysis current constant to within 10.01yo has been described by Lingane (90). Although an instrument of this type does not respond as rapidly as an electronic regulator, its response is adequately rapid for all practical purposes. A similar instrument has been designed by Dunn, Mann, and Mosley (38) for another purpose, but it should function satisfactorily for use in coulometric titrations also. Gerhardt and coworkers (52) and Ehlers and Sease (40) have described modified versions of the Reilleg, Furman, and Adams (124) electronic constant current supply. Reilley (123) has described a simple constant current supply designed particularly for student use. Furman and coworkers (49) have described a transistor power supply which will maintain a current constant to within better than 10.lyo. The author has found that a commercially available power supply, the Model MlOA10 meter calibrator manufactured by Kalbfell Laboratories, San Diego, Calif., functions very satisfactorily as a constant current source. The Beckman autotitrator continues to find application as the control instrument in automatic coulometric titrimetry (52, 89, 91, 92, 118). Xew automatic control circuits for use in conjunction with pH meters have been described by Carson ( 1 7 ) and by Bett and coworkers (8). Richter (125) has succeeded in solving the difficult problem of designing an automatic trigger for use in conjunction with a variety of amperometric indication systems. Leisey ( 8 4 ) has described an automatic instrument, employing amperometric indication, designed particularly for the titration of mercaptans; this instrument is available in modified form from the Central Scientific Co., Chicago, Ill. Bubbles and other light-scattering bodies in the solution being titrated prevent the use of conventional photometric end-point detection methods, but Wise and associates (158) have described a differential photometric control system which minimizes such interferences. Because of the limitations of the constant current method, in

which the number of coulorilb8 is calculated from the currenttime product, increasing attention has been devoted to the development of precise direct-reading coulometers which may be used in all types of coulometric analyses. Bett (8) and Parsons (118) and their associates have found integrating motors to be very satisfactory coulometers. These devices are simple, reasonably rugged, and usually accurate to within 50.1% when operated under proper conditions. Coulombs are indicated directly by a revolution counter attached to the motor armature shaft. hleites (100) has described a coulometer which is essentially a velocity seivosystem. This instrument has an accuracy which is about the same as that of an integrating motor when the latter is operated under optimum conditions. The velocity servosystem maintains its accuracy over a much wider range of currents, but it is more expensive and more complex than an integrating motor. A milliampere-hour meter will serve as a directreading coulometer; an accuracy viithin 5 0 . 5 % is claimed for currents between 10 and 30 ma. (61). Kramer and Fischer ( 7 9 ) have described a simple electronic coulometer which is said to be accurate to within &lyoover a wide range of currents and to within a few tenths of 1% over limited ranges. This instrument is essentially a relaxation oscillator, the frequency of which is proportional to the input voltage. Franklin and Roth ( 4 6 ) have described a ‘Lcolorimetric” chemical coulometer in which the amount of some suitable colored substance produced or consumed a t an electrode is measured by the change in absorbancy of the solution. By employing acid-base indicators and electrode reactions which resulted in a change in the pH of the solution, quantities of electricity as small as 0.01 coulomb could be measured accurately. It would appear that coulometers of this type could be devised for measuring coulombs over the entire range normally encountered in coulometric titrations. By using a recording spectrophotometer it should be possible to obtain an automatic recording of coulombs as a function of time. Other instrumental methods, such as polarography (S3) may be used instead of absorptiometry for determining the changes in concentration. The L‘coulometric”coulometer of Ehlers and Sease, which was mentioned in the previous review, has since been described in detail ( 4 0 ) . Yamada and Kondo (160) have described a microcoulometer consisting of a capillary tube containing two threads of mercury separated by a small drop of electrolyte. When current is passed between the two mercury electrodes the drop migrates, and the distance of migration is proportional to the number of coulombs passing through the cell. An improved version of the DeFord (31) two-arm cell for the external generation of acids and bases has been described by Bett and co\\-orkers (8). The improved cell may be used with generation currents up to 1 ampere. A new type of single-arm external generation cell has been employed by Fuchs and Quadt ( 4 7 ) for the generation of acids and bases as well as of iodine. This cell consists of a working electrode in a porous tube, through which the generator electrolyte flows, and which is surrounded by static electrolyte in which the auxiliary electrode is placed. Ion exchange resins placed in the static electrolyte absorb products of electrolysis formed a t the auxiliary electrode and prevent their diffusion into the working electrode chamber. Improved cell designs for coulometric analyses involving reductions a t a mercury cathode have been presented by Meites (100). LITERATURE CITED

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665 (61) Heckly, R. J., Randrup, A., Biochem. Biophys. d c t a 10, 485 (1953). (62) Hickling, A., Linacre, J. K., J . Chem. SOC.1954, 711-20. (63) Hickling, A,, Maxwell, J., Trans. Faraday Soc. 51,44-54 (1955). (64) Horn, H., thesis, Northwestern University, 1955. (65) Ishibashi, M., Fujinaga, T., Bull. I n s t . Chem. Research, Kyoto Univ. 31, 254-9 (1953). (66) Ishibashi, ll.,Fujinaga, T., J a p a n Analyst 2, 342-4 (1953). (67) Ibid., pp. 344-5. (68) Ibid., pp. 345-7. (69) I b i d . , 3, 96-8 (1954). (70) Ishibashi, M.,Fujinaga, T., Kusaka, Y., J . Chem. SOC.J a p a n , Pure Chem. Sect. 75, 13-4 (1954). (71) Joshi, K. M., J . I n d i a n Chem. Soc. 31, 278-84 (1954). (72) Kaufman, F., Ossofsky, E., Cook, H. J., AI~AL. CHEY.26, 516-9 (1954). (73) Kawamura, F., JIomoki, K., Suzuki, S.,J a p a n Analyst 3, 29-32 (1954). (74) Kehren, L., Rea. f a c . med. aet., Cniv. SL-o Paulo 5, 117-26 (1953-54). (75) Kimoto, K., Kagaku no R y o i k i ( J . J a p a n Chem.) 6, 595-601 (1952). (76) Klemenc, A , Kohl, W.,Monatsh. 84, 498-511 (1953). (77) Kowalkowski, R. L., Kennedy, J. H., Farrington, P. S., AXAL. CHEM.26, 626-8 (1954). (78) Kozlovskii, AI. T., Tsyb, P. P., Speranskaya, E. F., T r u d y Komissii A n a l . K h i m . , A k a d . N a u k S . S.S.R., Otdel. K h i m . K a u k 4 (7), 255-62 (1952). (79) Kramer, K. R., Fischer, R. B., ANAL.CHEM.26, 415 (1954) (80) Kumze, C. T., Willey, A. R., J . Electrochem. SOC.99, 354-9


(81) Landsberg, H., Escher, E. E., I n d . Eng. Chem. 46, 1422-8

(1954). Lay, J. O., Metallurgia 48, 313-4 (1953). Lazarevic, D. P., A n a l . C h i m . Acta 12, 363-7 (1955). Leisey, F. A., ANAL.CHEY.26, 1607-9 (1954). Lewartowicz, E., Compt. rend. 238, 1580-3 (1954). Lihl, F., Jenitschek, P., 2. Elcktrochem. 58, 431-7 (1954). Lindsey, A. J., Tucker, E. A., A n a l . Chim. Acta 11, 149-52 (1954). (88) Ibid., pp. 260-3. (89) Lingane, J. J., -4x.4~.CHEM.26, 622-6 (1954). (90) Ibid., pp. 1021-2. (91) Lingane, J. J., A n a l . Chim. Acta 1 1 , 283 (1954). (92) Lingane, J. J., Hartley, A. M., Ibid., 11, 475-81 (1954). (93) Lingane, J. J., Page, J. A., Ibid., 13,281-7 (1955). (94) Lord, S. S., Jr., O’Neill, R. C., Rogers, L. B., ANAL.CHEY. 24, 209-13 (1952). (95) Malmstadt, H. V., Roberts, C. B., Ibid., 27, 741-4 (1955). (96) Marple, T . L., Rogers, L. B., A n a l . Chim. Acta 11, 574 (1954). (97) hlath6, I., Pasca, S.,Rev. chim. (Bucharest) 5, 76-7 (1954). (98) Meites, L., ANAL.CHEY.27, 416-7 (1955). (99) Ibid., pp. 1114-6. (100) Ibid., pp. 1116-9. (101) Meites, L., ”Polarographic Techniques,” Interscience, New York, 1955. (102) hleites, L., hleites, T., Division of Analytical Chemistry, 128th Meeting ACS, Minneapolis, Rlinn., September 1955. (103) Rleites, T., hleites, L., ANAL.CHEM.27, 1531-3 (1955). (104) Rleyer, A. S.,Jr., Boyd, C. M., U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, Rept. ORNL-1899 (May 20, 1955). (105) Miller, J. W., unpublished results. (106) Muta, A., J . Electrochem. S O C J. a p a n 17, 235-7 (1949). (107) Sakanishi, AI., Kobayashi, H., B u l l . Chem. Soc. J a p a n 26, 394-6 (1953). (108) Sakano. E., Sonaka, K., Oba, M., Takagi, K., J . Electrochem. S O C .J a p a n 21, 514-6 (1953). (109) Sicolas, H. A., Chim. anal. 36, 8 (1954). (110) Norwitz, G., Metallurgia 48, 257-8 (1953). (111) Oka, S., Iluto, G., J . Chem. SOC.J a p a n , I n d . Chem. Sect. 56, 58-60 (1953). (112) Oka, S., Muto, G., Nagatsuka, S.,Ibid., 56, 838-40 (1953). (113) Oka, S., Muto, G., Nagatsuka, S., J a p a n Analyst 2, 198-201 (1953). (114) Okac, A, Sommer, L., Chem. Listy 48, 1137-50 (1954). (1.15) Onstott, E. I., J . Am. Chem. Soc. 77, 2129-32 (1955). (116) Papier, J., Rev. met. 51, 723-34 (1954). (117) Parsons, J. S.,Seaman, W., ANAL.CHEY.27, 210-12 (1955). Amick, R. M., Ibid., 27, 1754-6 (118) Parsons, J. S.,Seaman, W., (1955). (119) Pitts, J. N., Jr., DeFord, D. D., LMartin, T. W., Schmall, E. A,, I b i d . , 26, 628-31 (1954). (120) Porter, J. T., 11, Cooke, W. D., J . Am. Chem. SOC.77, 1481 (1955). (121) Press, R. E., Rlurray, K. A., J . S.A f r i c a n Chem. Inst. 5 , 45-54 (1952). (82) (83) (84) (85) (86) (87)


666 (122) Radak, B. B., Bull. I n s t . ,Vzcclear Sci. “Boris Kidrich” 4, 55-6 (1954). (123) Reilley, C. K.,J . Chem. Educ. 31, 543 (1954). (124) Reilley, C. N., Bdams, R. K.,Furman, S . H., ANAL.CHEM. 24, 1044-5( 1952). (125) Richter, H. L., Jr., I b i d . , 27, 1526-31 (1955). (126) Rogers. L. B., Record Chem. P r o m . (Kresae-Hooker S c i . Lib.) 16, 197-205 (1955). (127) Rosie, D. J . , Cooke, W.D., ANAL.CHEM.27, 1360-3 (1955). (128) Rowley, K., Swift, E. H., Ibid., 26, 373-5 (1954). (129) Ibid., 27, 818-20 (1955). (130) Rubio Felipe, L. A., I n s t . hievro y acero 6 , 259-64 (1953). (131) Sakuraba, S., J . Electrochem. Soc. J a p a n 17, 35-6 (1949). (132) Scacciati, G., D’Este, d.,Chimica e industria ( M i l a n ) 37,270-2 (1955). (133) Schmidt, W.E., Bricker, C. E., 6.Electrochem. Soc. 102, 623-30 (1955). (134) Schouten, G., Doornekamp, J. G. F., A p p l . Sci. Research B3, 265-78 (1953). (135) Schreiber, R., Cooke, W.D., ASAL. CHE?rI.27, 1475-6 (1955). (136) Sease, J. W., Division of Analytical Chemistry, 127th Meeting, ACS. Cincinnati. Ohio. 1955. (137) Serdyuk, L. S., Barash, L. U., ‘ a u c h . Z a p i s b i Dnepropetrovsk. Gosudarst. Cniu. 43, 99-104 (1953). (138) Shults, W. D., 11, Thornason, P. F., Kelley, %I. T., ASAL. CHEW27, 1750-1 (1955). (139) Sicha, hI., Hutnicke L i s t y 9, 2-11 (1954). (140) Smelik, J., Prakt. Chem. 5 , 86-8, 95, 133-4, 253-5 (1954); 6 , 91-2. 120-2, 129 (1955).

(141) Sommer, L., Chem. L i s t y 48, 1151-5 (1954). (142) Stephen, M. J., thesis, University of Witwatersrand, S. Africa. (143) Streuli, C. A., Division of Analytical Chemistry, 128th Meeting, ACS, Minneapolis, Rlinn., September 1955. (144) Sykut, K., Ann. U n i v . Mariae Curie-Sklodowska LublinPolonia, Sect. AA, 6 , 47-51 (1951). (145) Takagi, K., Hirano, H., J . Electrochem. SOC.J a p a n 17, 44-5 (1949). (146) Thoburn, J. M., thesis, Northwestern University, 1955. (147) Thwaites, C. J., Iloare, W. E., J . A p p l . Chem. 4,236-44 (1954). (148) Tschanun, G. B., Arch. sci. (Geneva) 6, 1 0 1 4 3 (1953). (149) Tur’yan, E. G., Zavodskaya Lab. 21, 17-20 (1955). (150) Tutundxhic, P. S.,Doroslovacki, I., Tatic, O., A n a l . Chirn. Acta 12, 481-8 (1955). (151) Tutundxhic, P. S., AIladenovic, S., Ibid., 12, 283-9 (1955). (152) Ibid., pp. 390-9. (153) Umland, F., Kirchner, K., 2. anal. Chem. 143, 259-64 (1954). (154) van Zyl, C. N., Murray, K. A., S . A f r i c a n I n d . Chemist 8, 243-5 (1954). (155) Vielstich, W., Gerischer, H., 2. physik. Chem. ( F r a n k f u r t ) (N.F.) 4,10-23 (1955). (15G) Waite, C . F., Plating 40, 1245-8 (1953). (157) Whitson, T. C., Kwasnoski, T.. Carbide and Carbon Chemical3 Co. (K-25), Rept. K-1101 (June 16, 1954). (158) Wise, E. K.,Gilles, P. W.,Reynolds, C. A., Jr., A N ~ LCHEN. . 26,779-80 (1954). (159) Yamada. T., J a p a n Analyst 3, 215-8 (1954). (1130) Yamada, T., Kondo, S., Bull. S a g o y a I n s t . Teci~nol.(Anniversary Issue) 4,232-40 (1952).



I, I I Amperometric Titrations I


H. A.


Noyes Chemical Laboratory, University o f Illinois, Urbana, 111.



H E scope of the amperometric titration method has widened considerably since the last review ( 1 1 4 ) by extension of the types of indicator electrode reactions as w l l as the types of titration reactions. Application to organic determinations has been particularly active. This review covers approximately the period July 1, 1951 to October 1, 1955. During this period, several investigators have contributed greatly to the unification of the theory of V B ~ I O U J electrometric titration procedures ( 2 , 16, 17, 28, 211, 40, 48-.51, 73, 94, 99, 163, 176). I n particular, Kolthoff (99) has clashified the various methods based on measurement of current according to whether one or two indicator electrodes are used and has thereby classified the dead-stop method as an amperometric method using t x o identical indicator electrodes. He has concluded that amperometric methods generally have advantages regarding speed, simplicity, accuracy, and sensitivity over potentiometric titrations a t zero current or a t constant current and that the amperometric method using one indicator electrode is usually superior to the two-electrode systems. The topic has been reviewed in several articles on electroanalytical methods ( 6 , 30, 107, 182, 196) as well as in more specific articles on amperometric titrations (80, 96, 100, 110, 114, 136, 187).

The scope of the present review has been extended to include methods such as the dead-atop end point and others closely related t o the amperometric method. On the other hand, the field of coulometric determinations has expanded so much that only those are included in which an amperometric end point indication was used.


A cell for titrations with the dropping mercury electrode ha3 been described by Gordon and Urner ( 5 3 ) . A simple appsratuq requiring no external amplified e.m.f. has been devised by Ishibashi and Fujinaga ( 6 7 ) . A unitized assembly for the rotating platinum electrode was constructed by Agazzi and others (4). Other apparatus involving similar electrodes have been described by Herbert and Denson (60),Grimes and others (65), Konopik ( I f f 1, l l a d e r and Frediani ( l 2 4 ) , and Seagers and Frediani (163). Apparatus involving a vibrating electrode has been used by Lindsey (124) and Harris and Lindsey ( 6 6 ) . -4pparatus suitable for dead-stop titrations was devised by Dubois, Maroni, and Walisch (38) and by van Pelt and Iceukrr (141j. Circuits designed to give warning of the approach of a dead-stop end point have been described by Collier and Fricker ( 6 6 ) and by Glastonbury ( 6 2 ) Automatic titrations have been described by Juliard and van Cakenberghe ( 7 3 ) and Stock (174). An apparatus for automatic coulometric titrations involving amperometric end points was devised by Richter (164). Kolthoff and Jordan have investigated “convection electrodes” of platinum (104) and mercury (106) which should have exceptionally favorable characteristics (rapid attainment of steady state, efficient stirring, high sensitivity, reproducibility j for certain types of amperometric titrations. ION COMBINATION REACTIONS

I n the titration of chloride with silver, the necessity of extrapolation from a sufficient distance beyond the end point to elim-