Electrocrystallization of Low-Dimensional ... - ACS Publications

molecular solids with interesting electronic properties, including the Krogmann's ..... and a Panasonic A6-6010s time-lapse videocassete recorder. ...
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Chapter 17

Electrocrystallization of Low-Dimensional Molecular Solids Michael D. Ward

Downloaded by CORNELL UNIV on May 1, 2017 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: July 14, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0499.ch017

Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota, 421 Washington Avenue S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55455

The preparation of crystalline low-dimensional molecular solids, commonly is performed by electrocrystallization techniques wherein redox active molecules are reduced or oxidized at a working electrode in the presence of appropriate counterions. Very little is known, however, about the effect of electrochemical parameters and interfacial structure on the self assembly processes that lead to crystallization on the electrode surface. This work will describe the electrocrystallization of various crystalline molecular solids, focusing on the control of nucleation, growth, morphology and stoichiometry of these materials through manipulation of the electrochemical growth conditions and interfacial properties of the electrode. An increasingly popular method for the preparation of low-dimensional molecular solids involves crystallization of these materials directly at conventional electrochemical electrodes(1). Electrocrystallization is conveniently used when only one of the molecular components is electrochemically active at potentials either applied or incurred under potentiostatic or galvanostatic conditions, respectively. Oxidation of a donor molecule in the presence of an anion or, conversely, reduction of an acceptor in the presence of a cation results in crystal growth at the electrode (equations 1,2). The process is generally performed at platinum electrodes in conventional Η-cells, in which the working and counter electrode compartments are separated by a glass frit in order to minimize contamination by counterelectrode processes (Figure 1). The crystals are harvested from the working electrode upon completion. This approach is tantamount to electrochemically controlled metathesis, wherein the rate of introduction of the redox-active component can be adjusted by either the current at the working electrode. This offers unparalleled control over the solution crystallization process. For example, we have demonstrated that crystal size can be readily adjusted by the applied current density during electrochemical crystal growth(2). Electrocrystallization has been successfully employed for numerous molecular solids with interesting electronic properties, including the Krogmann's salts K2Pt(CN)4Xo.3'3H20(3), conducting and superconducting phases of ( T M T S F ) X (TMTSF = tetramethyltetraselenafulvalene; X = PF ", AsF ", SbF^, 2


0097-6156/92/0499-0231$06.00/0 © 1992 American Chemical Society

Bein; Supramolecular Architecture ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.




B F - , N 0 - ) ( 4 ) , and more recently, ( B E D T - T T F ) X ( B E D T - T T F bis(ethylenedithio)tetrathiafulvalene; X = Re04", Β1Ό4-, I3-, Aul2")(5). 4










> D+A-


--> D+A-


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D+ e-

Almost without exception, electrocrystallization has been performed using poorly characterized electrodes under galvanostatic conditions at somewhat arbitrarily chosen current densities. In fact, actual electrochemical growth conditions are rarely reported in detail and detailed mechanistic investigations are sorely lacking, unlike the numerous investigations describing electrocrystallization of metals(6). It has been our goal to investigate the electrocrystallization process in greater detail. There are numerous reasons for this interest. Firstly, the simultaneous growth of different phases is not uncommon; for example numerous polymorphs are frequently observed in the growth of BEDT-TTF salts. If preparation of a single phase is desirable, it is important to understand the mechanistic aspects that affect the growth of the different phases, and how to alter the electrochemical conditions to control growth in polymorphic or multi-stoichiometric systems. Secondly, little is known of the effect of electrochemical conditions or solution environment on crystal morphologies of materials grown by this method (the conducting low-dimensional compounds generally grow as highly anisotropic needles). Thirdly, the role of solution composition (i.e. electrolyte concentration) and counter electrode orientation has not yet been addressed. The last two aspects are particularly important for fabricating macroscopic crystals for convenient measurement of electronic properties as well as for actual applications. We also have an interest in determining the feasibility of exploiting these highly anisotropic, conducting crystalline materials as interconnects in in situ electrochemical micro-, and possibly, nano-fabrication processes. The purpose of this paper is to outline the fundamental aspects of electrocrystallization that have an impact on these issues, and to describe some recent results that address them. Elementary Steps of Electrocrystallization Electrocrystallization of low-dimensional molecular solids can be described as consisting of several elementary steps that need to be considered when synthesizing materials in this manner. One possible scheme is depicted in Figure 2, in which an acceptor molecule is reduced to its anion at the electrode. In the kinetically limited regime the rate of A" generation will be limited by ke , whereas at high overpotentials the generation of A will become diffusion limited. The generation of A may be followed by formation of ion aggregates of A", or A and A (to give mixed valent aggregates), which eventually complex with D present in solution to form ion pairs. Alternatively, A and D may form ion pairs directly. The ion pairs subsequently form aggregates; for low-dimensional molecular solids it is likely that these aggregates result from favorable charge-transfer interactions between molecules within stacks and the weaker interactions between molecules of separate stacks. Nucleation of a given crystalline phase occurs when the dimension of these aggregates exceed the critical radius of nucleation; that is, when the volume free energy becomes sufficiently large to overcome the increase in energy associated with the surface boundary of the nucleus. The nucleus evolves into the macroscopic t







Bein; Supramolecular Architecture ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

17. WARD

Electrocrystallization of Low-Dimensional Molecular Solids

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reference electrode

Figure 1. Schematic representation of a conventional electrocrystallization cell. In this example, donor molecules are oxidized at the anode in the presence of A", resulting in crystal growth of the electrode.

Figure 2. Possible elementary steps involved in electrocrystallization of a lowdimensional molecular conductor.

Bein; Supramolecular Architecture ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.


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crystal that is evident on the electrode surface. In general, under conditions of slow growth crystallization is observed on relatively few sites on the electrode, which probably indicates nucleation on high energy surface sites or defects where the current density is higher. In fact, whereas (pyrenefeOCU crystals are readily grown on untreated platinum electrodes, crystal growth could not be induced on firepolished platinum electrodes, indicating the need for nucleation sites (edges, kinks, etc.)(7). The role of these elementary steps is evident from general observations reported for electrocrystallization of molecular solids. There generally is a critical current density below which crystal growth will not occur; below this value the concentration of A" or subsequently formed aggregates does not exceed the solubility product at the electrode surface because diffusion of these species away from the electrode competes with nucleation. On the other hand, if the current density is too high, the nucleation rates will be rapid and microcrystalline product will result. High current densities can also result in deleterious high electrode potentials because the flux of A is not sufficient to overcome concentration polarization, resulting in overoxidation and decomposition. The following steps depend upon the electronic nature of the crystalline phase. The growth of non-conductors must necessarily proceed by reduction of A" at the electrode with migration of A" or the subsequently formed { D A } ion pair to a growing face of the crystal on the electrode. Conducting materials, however, can behave as extensions of the electrode as electron transfer can, in principle, take place on the conductive faces of these deposits. This is indicated in the scheme for a monoclinic crystal, with ket and k t the electron transfer rate constants at the fastest and slowest growing faces, respectively. Crystal growth occurs via attachment of ion pairs or aggregates to the respective crystal faces. The rates of attachment on the different faces, k ^ and k tt , will be largely controlled by the binding strength of the solution species on the different faces, Eatt and E , respectively(8). For lowdimensional conductors it is expected that ket > ket due to the higher conductivity along the needle axis of these materials (σ|| / σ± « 10 ), and katt > k tt due to the favorable intermolecular π - π interactions between stacking molecules. Both conditions favor the observed growth morphology of these materials, but the relative contributions of these factors is not yet understood. The above discussion indicates a relatively poor understanding of the mechanistic aspects of electrocrystallization, clearly suggesting opportunities in both experimental and theoretical (modeling) areas. This will require careful studies of the role of electrochemical parameters and solvent composition in crystal growth, as well as methods that can probe the influence of these factors, preferably in a dynamic fashion. +










a t t







Role of Electrochemical Parameters in Electrocrystallization The mechanism depicted in Figure 2 suggests that the relative concentrations of A and A near the electrode surface can be adjusted by changing the electrode potential. At very negative potentials the concentration of A at the electrode surface will be severely depleted and the generation of A" controlled by diffusion. At less negative potentials, however, the relative concentrations of A and A ' near the electrode will be dictated by the Nernst equation, which predicts that [A] and [A ] will be equivalent at the formal reduction potential E°, provided the removal of either of these species by nucleation and crystallization processes is not greater than k t- This suggests that adjustment of electrochemical potential during potentiostatic crystal growth can be exploited to control the stoichiometric composition of crystalline deposits. We have demonstrated potential control of stoichiometry in the synthesis of [(C6Me6)M ][TCNQ] - (M = -






Bein; Supramolecular Architecture ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

17. WARD

235 Electrocrystallization of Low-Dimensional Molecular Solids

(n = 2; χ = 2,4)(9). At negative potentials, fully reduced ρ = 1 phases (p = degree of charge per molecule) grew at the electrode, whereas at E p > E° the mixed valent ρ = 0.5 phases were observed (Scheme 1). In the former the T C N Q acceptors are fully reduced and singly charged, but the mixed valent phases formally contain equal concentrations of T C N Q and T C N Q ' . Therefore, the stoichiometry of the crystallized phases parallels the composition of the solution near the electrode surface. a


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. C D





NC (C Me )M2+ 6

(C Me5)Ru(22-l,4cyclophane)Ru(C5Me5>





Inspection of the crystal structures of these compounds indicates that it is likely that aggregates of [ T C N Q h formed in solution (although probably in low concentrations) are responsible for the formation of the ρ = 1 phases, whereas mixed valent aggregrates [TCNQ]2n are responsible for the ρ = 0.5 phases. The observations of both phases suggests that the products k i [ T C N Q ] 2 " and kp=o.5[TCNQ]4 are not appreciably different, but potential dependent concentration of the aggregates influences the crystal growth process. These effects have been observed recently for other organic solids(10,l 1). The potential dependent selectivity demonstrates that careful attention to electrochemical parameters can result in greater control of the crystallization process. 2 -



p =


Scheme 1 (n /2)[TCNQ] ;


ρ = 1 phase



M' 2n

ρ =0.5 phase

Bein; Supramolecular Architecture ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



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Morphology of Electrocrystallized Low-Dimensional Molecular Solids. The morphology of molecular crystals during electrochemical crystal growth has received scant attention, other than the importance of morphology in identifying different phases when multiple phases grow simultaneously. One report has commented on the effect of solvent on the quality and morphology of TTF, TMTSF and T M T T F phases(12). To our knowledge there have not been any reports describing the effect of electrochemical conditions on morphology, other than the aforementioned effects of current density on crystal size. We have begun more detailed investigations of the role of current densities and applied potential on crystal morphology, which we detail below. Determination of Morphological Index and Crystal Growth Rates. W e previously reported(13) that the electrocrystallization of TTFBro.7, a low-dimensional conductor, could be monitored readily with the mass-sensing electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM)(14). The E Q C M , fabricated from a thin wafer of piezoelectric AT-cut quartz sandwiched between two gold electrodes that serve to excite the crystal at its resonant frequency, enables the determination of mass changes at one of the gold electrodes from shifts in the resonant frequency of the crystal. This electrode can also be employed as a electrochemical working electrode, which allows simultaneous, and dynamic, measurements of mass, and electrochemical current and charge. Under most conditions, the mass change taking place at the electrode can be determined from the Sauerbrey equation (equation 3), where

2f?Am Af=-


Af is the measured frequency change, f the parent frequency of the quartz crystal, 0

Am the mass change, A the piezoelectrically active area, pq the density of quartz and μq the shear modulus. The key experiments in this study were performed by applying a double potential step waveform (+0.13 -0.2 V vs SCE; 5 sec intervals) in which TTFBro.7 crystals were alternately formed (by generation of TTF+ in the presence of B r ) and redis solved. The crystallization step was performed at low overpotential so that the amount of crystallized material was small. In a typical experiment the measured Af, which corresponds to the mass change associated with crystal growth on the electrode, increased with each successive cycle (Figure 3). In addition, the cathodic baseline return frequency gradually shifted downward, indicating a retention of mass during the cathodic step. The observed frequency responses during this potential waveform were attributed to formation of TTFBrqj (Af decrease) followed by slower removal of TTFBro.7 (Af increase). This results in persistent TTFBro.7 growth centers that serve as crystal growth sites in the following cycle; the presence of these growth centers results in large frequency changes in the following cycle owing to the larger surface area for crystal growth coupled with the lower Gibbs energy for crystal growth on these sites compared to nucleation. +0.13 V TTF -

0.7e- + 0.7Br -

> TTFBmj


-0.2 V TTFBro.7 + 0.7e" -

> TTF + 0.7Br

Bein; Supramolecular Architecture ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.


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17. WARD

Electrocrystallization of Low-Dimensional Molecular Solids

The relative rates of growth along the different crystallographic directions could be estimated by modeling this frequency response. TTFBro.7 crystallizes in the monoclinic C2/m space group and crystallizes as needle shaped crystals, with stacks of T T F molecules along the c axis(15). A model based on cylindrically shaped crystals was therefore employed to describe the growth parallel (short face) and perpendicular to the stacking axis (long face) (Figure 3b). A simulated frequency response matching the observed response was consistent with a growth rate along the stacking needle axis that was 15 times greater than that perpendicular to this direction. This value represents this best fit to the observed data. Numerous trials indicated that the increases in Af was extremely sensitive to this ratio; small excursions from the value exhibited dramatic changes in the simulations. These results demonstrated that the morphological indices of crystalline materials could be determined during crystal growth, instead of relying solely on visual inspection of the crystals after the growth process. The morphology of TTFBro.7 deposits was also affected by the applied potential during single potential step experiments. Figure 4 depicts current transients for TTFBro.7 electrocrystallization at gold electrodes held at different potentials. Upon application of the potential step, the current increased sharply, declined and then increased again. With increasing overpotential the value of the maximum current at early times increased and the time of the maximum current shifted to shorter times. This behavior can be attributed to an increase in electroactive area at early times due to the formation of conductive nuclei. When these nuclei cover the surface sufficiently or enough time elapses so that their diffusion spheres merge, the current falls due to the onset of planar diffusion. The second current increase (at long times) can be explained by an increase in the effective electrode area due to a second nucleation process and the onset of dendritic growth. The steeper rise in current at larger overpotentials is a manifestation of greater excess free energy (i.e. larger [TTF+]) and the resulting larger driving force for nucleation, which increases the rate of formation of dendrites. Under these conditions, the driving force exceeds that required for "normal" crystal growth along the preferred directions and nucleation and growth can occur on slip planes of the crystalline deposits. The role of electrochemical potential on dendritic growth in low-dimensional conductors is especially evident when electrocrystallization is performed on a microelectrode with a 10 μπι diameter. These electrodes were used in order to minimize the number of active crystal growth sites, in the hope that this would simplify analysis and interpretation considerably. When TTF was oxidized under galvanostatic conditions at a microelectrode in a solution of n - B u 4 N B r , crystal growth of TTFBrp.7 could be observed readily with a microscope. We have employed video microscopy to follow the crystallization process dynamically, and analysis of individual frames allows interpretation of the various stages of the growth process. Figure 5 illustrates one such example of TTFBro.7 crystallization. When the applied current is 1 μΑ, several crystal growth sites are evident (< 5), and the crystals grow apparently as single crystals with the typical rod-like morphology. Increasing the current to 3 μΑ results in a second nucleation event and the emergence a new crystal growth site, and the resulting crystal has a much greater anisotropy than the initial crystals. The growth of the initially formed crystals appears to have ceased along the stacking direction, but continues perpendicular to the long axis, resulting in "thickening;" that is, the anisotropy becomes less pronounced due to growth on the faces parallel to the more conducting stacking axis. At a higher current of 10 μΑ the morphology of the crystals changes more dramatically. The crystals thicken to a greater extent, and the onset of some dendritic instability, although slight, can also be observed. The reduction in anisotropy at 3 and 10 μΑ may indicate that in this range the oxidation of TTF at the crystal tip becomes diffusion limited, and electron transfer at the less conductive faces parallel to the stacking axis becomes more significant. +

Bein; Supramolecular Architecture ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.




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time/s Figure 3. (a) Frequency response of the E Q C M during repetitive double potential steps between -0.2 and +0.9 V (vs. SCE) at 5 sec intervals (t = tc = 5 sec) in 0.1 M n - B u 4 N B r / C H 3 C N containing 5 m M TTF. The indicated time corresponds to the length of time the electrode was held at -0.2 V . (b) (upper) the TTFBro.7 model used for the simulation and (lower) simulated frequency response for double potential step experiments with t = tc = 5 sec, Ν = 1 χ ΙΟ , r = 5 nm, h = 100 nm, k = 5 χ 10' ,k S = 4.98 χ 10" ,k = 3.33 χ 10" , k c = 3.03 χ 10" mol cm^sec* . The subscripts a and c refer to the anodic and cathodic potential step, respectively; the superscripts S and L refer to the short and long face of the crystal, respectively. a
















Bein; Supramolecular Architecture ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.


Electrocrystallization of Low-Dimensional Molecular Solids

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17. WARD

1.40e-3 ' 0


' 10







Figure 4. Current transients for electrocrystallization of TTFBro.7 at gold electrodes upon stepping from 0.0 V to (a) 0.2 (b) 0.3 and (c) 0.4 V (vs. SCE) in 0.1 M n-Bu4N Br7CH CN containing 5 m M TTF. Reproduced with permission from reference 13, copyright 1989 Elsevier Sequoia SA. +


Bein; Supramolecular Architecture ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



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Figure 5. Crystal growth at a 10 μπι diameter microelectrode of TTFBro.7 in 0.1 M n-Bu4N Br/CH3CN containing 5 m M TTF. The frames were taken in sequence in the order of increasing current as indicated. +

Bein; Supramolecular Architecture ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

17. WARD

Electrocrystallization of Low-Dimensional Molecular Solids


Adsorption of impurities on the short face may also be responsible for termination of growth in this direction. It should be noted that at 10 uA, the current density at a tip of a 5 μιη diameter crystal (estimated from the video frames) is 50 A cm" . Although the current is distributed over several crystal growth sites, it is not unreasonable that oxidation of TTF at the tip of this crystal becomes diffusion limited. The resulting large overpotential results in a sufficiently large Gibb's free energy, resulting in the observed dendritic instability, similar to that discussed above for TTFBro.7 crystals grown at constant potential. The morphology observed at 30 μΑ is particularly dramatic, clearly showing the dendritic instabilities that result from the large overpotentials. The dendrite formation appears to occur primarily at the crystal tips (where the greatest excess free energy is present). Dislocations along the (100) or (110) planes may also be responsible for the observed behavior. This is suggested in the frame taken at 10 μ A which indicates growth parallel to these faces along the [001] direction. Growth of the low temperature superconductor (TMTSF)2PF6 at high overpotentials also affords rather dramatic crystalline morphologies. Figure 6 illustrates that growth of this compound via oxidation of T M T S F at a 10 μπι microelectrode held at a potential of +0.7 V (vs. SCE). In this case, fractal-like deposits result; preliminary estimates of the fractal dimension suggest values in the range 1.5 - 1.6.

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TMTSF These preliminary videomicroscopy experiments indicate some key points concerning electrocrystallization of low-dimensional organic conductors. It is clear that the single crystals of TTFBro.j behave as extensions of the electrode. That is, their conductivity allows electron transport from the base metal electrode, with actual electron transfer to molecular species in solution taking place at the crystal surfaces. The electron transfer rates at the different crystal faces is expected to differ, and this may be the source of the change in anisotropy at different applied currents. These experiments also indicate that careful attention to electrochemical growth conditions is imperative if single crystal materials with low defect concentrations are desirable. If these materials are to be used to form interconnects in nano-fabrication, further understanding of the effect of various experimental parameters on morphology needs to be achieved. Experimental Section The experimental apparatus for E Q C M experiments comprised a 5 M H z ATcut quartz crystal (Valpey-Fisher or McCoy Electronics) and a homemade oscillator designed to drive the crystal at its resonant frequency. Gold electrodes (2000 Â thick) were deposited on chromium underlayers (200 Â thick) on both sides of the crystal using evaporative techniques. The frequency of the E Q C M was monitored with a Hewlett Packard 5384A frequency counter. Commercially available potentiostats (Princeton Applied Research 173 or 273) were used for electrochemical experiments. The experimental apparatus and quartz crystal electrode format have been described in greater detail elsewhere(16). Video microscopy was performed with a Wild M5-APO stereomicroscope in conjunction with a Panasonic video camera and a Panasonic A6-6010s time-lapse videocassete recorder. Single frame images of

Bein; Supramolecular Architecture ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.


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Figure 6. Crystal growth at a 10 μπι diameter microelectrode of (TMTSF)2PF6 in 0.1 M n-Bu4N PF67CH2Cl2 containing 5 m M TMTSF. +

Bein; Supramolecular Architecture ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



Electrocrystallization of Low-Dimensional Molecular Solids

the crystals were exported to a Macintosh IIx via a Data Translation Quick Capture board and were analyzed using Image, a public domain image analysis program.

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10 11

12 13




Bein; Supramolecular Architecture ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.