Electron Crystal Structure Analysis of Linear ... - ACS Publications

Many microcrystalline linear polymers have been found to give good single crystal electron diffraction patterns; yet such intensity data are used only...
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22 Electron Crystal Structure Analysis of Linear Polymers—An Appraisal D O U G L A S L . D O R S E T and B A R B A R A MOSS

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Medical Foundation of Buffalo, Inc., Electron Diffraction Department, Buffalo, N Y 14203 Many microcrystalline linear polymers have been found to give good single crystal electron diffraction patterns; yet such intensity data are used only rarely for crystal structure analysis. Although the earliest assumptions made for such data are not rigorously true, the kinematical diffraction approach used in x-ray crystallography often will yield correct structural results. Thus, standard phasing methodologies—for example, use of Patterson maps, direct phasing,—can be quite satisfactory. Two important perturbations to diffracted intensities, resulting from n-beam dynamical scattering and elastic crystal bending, must be recognized and minimized to guarantee the derivation of real crystal structures. The first-named perturbation is minimized by restricting crystal thickness and/or selecting an appropriate electron wavelength. Because elastic bends of a few degrees are always present in thin molecular crystals, the latter perturbation is most noted when the unit cell length in the direction of the incident beam is large. Fortunately, a short unit cell repeat in this (fiber axis) direction is often found for polymer crystals. The influence of n-beam dynamical scattering and elastic crystal bending is demonstrated by model calculations on cytosine and representative polymer structures.

JELECTRON D I F F R A C T I O N is u s e d frequently i n p o l y m e r physics to d e termine the u n i t c e l l dimensions and symmetry for molecular p a c k i n g i n single microcrystals. A s frequently p o i n t e d out (J), the e n h a n c e d scattering cross-section o f matter for electrons (compared to x-rays or neutrons) allows the a c q u i s i t i o n of information u n o b s c u r e d b y the overlap of reflections w i t h near-reciprocal spacing found i n p o w d e r diffraction patterns. 0065 - 2393/83/0203-0409$06.00/0 © 1983 American Chemical Society

Craver; Polymer Characterization Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1983.

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D e s p i t e its popularity, electron diffraction is u n d e r u t i l i z e d b y p o l y m e r scientists. Quantitative use of intensity data for crystal struc­ ture analysis is attempted only rarely a n d then by only a very small n u m b e r of research groups i n the w o r l d . T h i s situation is difficult to comprehend g i v e n the potential for a crystal structure analysis. P o l y ­ mer crystals, after a l l , are not often grown to sizes large enough for single-crystal x-ray experiments. Reluctance to use such intensity data reflects a basic m i s u n d e r ­ standing of their d o m a i n of validity. E a r l y use of such data for organic crystal structure analysis (2), w h i c h demonstrated the promise of the technique, adopted too many assumptions used for x-ray crys­ tallography. Resultant analytical procedures seemed to vary from c o m p o u n d to c o m p o u n d . D e s p i t e this situation, the agreement be­ t w e e n observed a n d calculated structure factor m o d u l i often r e m a i n e d poor. F u r t h e r m o r e , most crystal structures reported h a d b e e n deter­ m i n e d previously u s i n g x-ray data. T h e s e factors a l l contributed to w i d e s p r e a d mistrust of the technique. O v e r the past few years, w e have sought a realistic understanding of the perturbations that l i m i t the use of such data for ab initio crystal structure determination. Although this work continues, a self-consis­ tent overview emerges that shows w h y some of the conceptual models used i n x-ray crystallography are not appropriate for electron crystallog­ raphy. O n the other hand, minimization of data perturbations allows the use of electron diffraction intensities for crystal structure analysis, as is also demonstrated b y the increasing n u m b e r of p o l y m e r crystal structures d e r i v e d from such data (3—11). η-Beam Dynamical


H i g h - e n e r g y electron beams have small wavelengths compared to x-ray$ (at 100 k V , 0.037 Â vs. 1.54 A for C u K a x-rays), resulting i n a E w a l d s a m p l i n g sphere that is approximately a plane (i.e., many diffracted beams are excited simultaneously instead of one). G i v e n the larger scattering cross-section of matter for electrons (2) (f i/fx-ray 10 ), a d y n a m i c a l description of many beam interactions s h o u l d be more appropriate than the k i n e m a t i c a l one, w h i c h assumes the i n d e p e n d e n c e of all diffracted beams (12). Unfortunately, adherence to the kinematical approximation allows the most direct determination of a crystal structure from diffraction data. E x p e r i m e n t a l conditions must be established to approach this i d e a l to ensure the success of the analysis. Originally, researchers thought that t h i n microcrystals used for electron diffraction w o u l d conform to the mosaic m o d e l used i n x-ray crystallography. E a c h microblock i n a mosaic was i m a g i n e d to be so oriented that only one strong reflection was excited from it (13) and e


Craver; Polymer Characterization Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1983.


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Electron Crystal Structure



was used as a justification for the kinematical scattering approxima­ tion. If mosaic block sizes were large enough to cause interaction b e t w e e n the i n d i v i d u a l diffracted beams and the i n c i d e n t beam, then a two-beam d y n a m i c a l correction was made (i.e., a primary extinction correction). H o w e v e r , experimental application of this correction was inconsistent and s h o w e d a w i d e variability i n the relation b e t w e e n corrected structure factor magnitudes and the measured diffraction intensities. Sometimes mosaic block shapes were incorporated as an additional variable (14). C e r t a i n l y , organic microcrystals contain de­ fects that w o u l d account for a mosaic of domains w i t h i n t h e m , but their concentration does not appear large enough to justify this m o d e l (J5). T h e crystals used for electron diffraction experiments are largely perfect; the mosaic block size is generally larger than the coherence w i d t h of the i n c i d e n t b e a m (12). Consistent w i t h the notion of crystal perfection, η-beam interac­ tions may be demonstrated i n t h i n molecular crystals, for example, i n experiments w i t h monomolecular layers of orthorhombic n-paraffins, w h i c h may be regarded as an oligomeric form of polyethylene. U s e of such crystals has established the presence of η-beam effects i n four ways (to be discussed i n d i v i d u a l l y i n the f o l l o w i n g sections). F i t of O b s e r v e d D a t a w i t h C a l c u l a t i o n . η-Beam d y n a m i c a l c a l ­ culations of the m u l t i s l i c e type (12) or using the phase grating ap­ proximation (12) give the best explanation of specific diffraction i n ­ tensities that differ from their kinematical values. This has been shown for paraffins as w e l l as short- a n d long-chain polyethylenes (16, 17). Intensity Change w i t h Increasing E l e c t r o n Accelerating Voltage. E l e c t r o n diffraction intensities from paraffin taken w i t h beam acceler­ ating voltages up to 1000 k V are accordant w i t h the η-beam d y n a m i c a l theory (18). T h e r e is no actual realization of kinematical diffraction at h i g h voltage as w o u l d be predicted by the two-beam diffraction theory. B e h a v i o r of C o n t i n u o u s l y E x c i t e d Diffracted Beams w i t h Change of Crystal Orientation. I f a row of diffraction beams coincides w i t h a tilt axis for the crystal, t h e n the continuously excited intensities w i l l change d u r i n g tilt only i f η-beam d y n a m i c a l interactions are present. T h i s behavior was shown for t h i n crystals of a wax (17). T h e demonstration of η-beam interactions has b e e n important for the conception of a realistic crystal m o d e l . H o w e v e r , their influence on ab initio crystal structure analyses also is important. Rigorous n beam dynamical calculations were carried out for a representative molecular crystal structure, cytosine, considering a projection d o w n the shortest u n i t c e l l axis at two accelerating voltages. S u c h data were sampled at increasing crystal thicknesses and used naively as i n p u t diffraction data for an automated direct phasing computer program. A t

Craver; Polymer Characterization Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1983.

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100 k V , these diffraction data y i e l d e d false crystal structures for thicknesses above 75 Â; at 1000 k V the m a x i m u m acceptable crystal thickness is around 300 Â (J 9). T h e importance of η-beam dynamical scattering also can be as­ sessed for p o l y m e r structures solved from electron diffraction data. F o u r such structures are s u m m a r i z e d i n T a b l e I. M u l t i s l i c e n-beam calculations generally do not change the agreement between ob­ served and calculated structure factors appreciably. T h e polymers listed have far fewer repeats w i t h i n the reported crystal thicknesses than polyethylene (40 repeats for a 100-Â thickness). Therefore, the diffraction data are not changed appreciably by d y n a m i c a l scattering, e v e n though this description of the scattering process is the most r i g orous. A n exception is found for poly(e-caprolactone) for w h i c h best agreement w i t h experiment was obtained at a thickness of 156 Â or n i n e u n i t c e l l repeats. H o w e v e r , for the hkO zone, there is effectively a s u b c e l l of length 2.47 Â i n the beam direction, so that the structure factors at 156 Â thickness are indicative of 63 repeat units. T h i s f i n d i n g explains the great difference b e t w e e n the d y n a m i c a l (R = 0.16) and kinematic (R = 0.27) results. Elastic Crystal


A l t h o u g h t h i n crystals used for electron diffraction experiments are often nearly perfect i n terms of defect concentration, they are also commonly deformed b y the substrate surface. E l a s t i c b e n d i n g of such crystals is observed easily i n low-magnification diffraction contrast electron micrographs taken at low-beam doses. Because such bends are only over a few degrees, this property can cause a severe change i n the diffracted intensities, particularly i f the u n i t c e l l repeat along the i n c i dent beam direction is large (20). U s i n g an analytical procedure proposed by C o w l e y (20), w h i c h considers a Patterson function altered b y a Gaussian term dependent on the crystal curvature a n d the unit c e l l length along the i n c i d e n t beam, b e n d i n g was s h o w n to explain apparent diffraction coherence restrictions from various paraffinic crystals for w h i c h the true u n i t c e l l is m u c h longer than the c h a i n zig-zag repeat (17, 21). These c a l c u l a tions show that solution growth of molecular crystals gives the least favorable projection for a n electron diffraction experiment because the longest u n i t c e l l axis is commonly normal to the best-developed crystal face. E p i t a x i a l crystal growth, w h i c h forces a shorter axis i n this d i r e c t i o n , allows the collection of diffraction data that are more representative of the total u n i t c e l l (17). M a x i m u m Patterson vector components i n the beam direction, and thus the attenuation of them caused b y the crystal b e n d i n g , are smaller. C o n s e q u e n t l y , bends have less impact on the diffracted intensity for these zones.

Craver; Polymer Characterization Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1983.

Craver; Polymer Characterization Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1983.

Best agreement (R = 0.21) at b e n d ±2° a n d temperature factor Β = 6 A ; originally c i t e d R ~ 0.25 Best agreement Β = 12 A at b e n d ± 8 ° , R = 0 . 2 5 ; significant improvement

N o significant i m p r o v e m e n t ; however, only six monomer repeats for c i t e d crystal thickness; b e s t R = 0.25 Best agreement R = 0.36 at t = 56 A (estimated thickness of 80 A only four monomer repeats); R = 0.34 c o m p a r i n g data to kinematical model A considerable i m p r o v e m e n t over the k i n e m a t i c m o d e l ; R = 0.16 compared to R = 0 , 2 7 at t = 156 A ; n i n e unit c e l l repeats

A n h y d r o u s nigeran a = 17.76 A , b = 6.0 A c(fiber) = 14.62 A

Polytrimethylene terephthalate a = 4 . 6 4 A , b = 6.27 A , c(fiber) = 18.64 A a = 98.4°, β = 93.0°, y = 111.1°

Poly(€-caprolactone) a = 7.496 A , b = 4.974 A , c(fiber) = 17.297 A


Best agreement Β = 5 A at b e n d ±3°, R = 0.23


A l s o , no real i m p r o v e m e n t ; crystals d e s c r i b e d as b e i n g particularly rigid

I n agreement w i t h original f i n d i n g , o n l y a slight improvement; however, o n l y 14 m o n o m e r repeats for c i t e d crystal thickness

a-Poly[3,3-bis(chloromethyl) oxacyclobutane] a = 17.85 A , & = 8.15 A , c(fiber) = 4.78 A


Correction for Crystal Bending


Multislice η-Beam Calculation

Table I. Attempted Intensity Data Corrections for Published Polymer Structures

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Fortunately, the fiber repeat of many p o l y m e r structures is s m a l l enough to a l l o w collection of useful diffraction-intensity data. H o w ever, for the three structures i n T a b l e I w i t h longest fiber repeats, a correction for elastic b e n d i n g p r o d u c e d a significantly i m p r o v e d fit of observed and calculated data.

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Crystal Structure


I f the caveats m e n t i o n e d earlier are observed, the electron diffraction intensity data from t h i n organic crystals are useful for structure analysis. I n fact, the tendency of polymers to form extremely t h i n microcrystals of the order of 100 Â makes them particularly suitable. T h e experiment also i m p l i e s a m i n i m i z a t i o n of radiation damage by use of fast photographic films a n d l o w electron beam doses, as is d i s cussed often. P r e l i m i n a r y " L o r e n t z factor" corrections were not found useful (16). Intensities are taken directly from integration of densitometer scans across a diffraction film w i t h due attention p a i d to the possible errors caused b y nonlinearities, as described b y Wooster (22). Phasing of diffraction data can be approached i n as many ways as used i n x-ray crystallography. B o t h Patterson techniques and trial a n d error have b e e n successful. I f there are an adequate n u m b e r of large n o r m a l i z e d structure factors i n the experimental diffraction data for each atom i n the asymmetric unit, direct phasing methods can be used (19, 23). Z o n a l diffraction data from l i n e a r p o l y m e r crystals, however, often represent a s m a l l n u m b e r of reflections per atom. T o create a realistic n u m b e r of variable parameters for such l i m i t e d diffraction data, k n o w n skeletal structures of monomers or oligomers are assumed to be unchanged i n the p o l y m e r , but their mutual conformations are v a r i e d b y rotations about linkage bonds. I n such a p h a s i n g procedure, a match of p a c k i n g energy m i n i m u m w i t h R - v a l u e m i n i m u m is u s e d to specify the best structural m o d e l (9). Refinement of the structures must incorporate corrections for either η-beam scattering or crystal b e n d i n g , d e p e n d i n g on w h i c h perturbation w i l l have the most effect on the experimental intensities. Such corrections a l l o w construction of structural models w i t h p h y s i ­ cally realistic thermal parameters (see T a b l e I), a feature d i s a l l o w e d i n earlier k i n e m a t i c a l treatment of such data (7—11, 16), a n d stress the importance of their i n c l u s i o n i n a crystallographic analysis. F o r this refinement, however, additional information should be k n o w n about the crystals, i.e., there must be some estimate of crystal thickness a n d also diffraction contract micrographs to estimate crystal curvature. B o t h corrections i m p l y that the structure is k n o w n i n three d i m e n ­ sions. C u r r e n t l y , this third d i m e n s i o n is inferred from a structural

Craver; Polymer Characterization Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1983.



Electron Crystal Structure



m o d e l but s h o u l d be directly obtainable from three-dimensional dif­ fraction data resulting from a tilt experiment.

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Several directions for future work are clearly indicated. O n e of these areas is a c o m b i n e d treatment of b e n d i n g and d y n a m i c a l dif­ fraction to assess h o w these perturbations to intensity data may inter­ act. C a l c u l a t i o n of the η-beam d y n a m i c a l interactions from a c u r v e d paraffin crystal and representative linear polymers, now i n progress, may give insight into these interactions. A n o t h e r very important consideration is the o p t i m i z e d collection of three-dimensional electron diffraction intensities. T h i s gathering w o u l d , of course, a l l o w a m u c h more accurate determination of a crystal structure a n d , w i t h an increased n u m b e r of data, may a l l o w the general use of direct phasing methods for organic crystals, i n c l u d i n g linear polymers. A short u n i t c e l l axis i n the beam direction, posited by epitaxial growth for molecular organic crystals, or p r o v i d e d already b y the fiber repeat of many polymers, gives more confidence i n the intensity data from slightly curved crystals. T i l t of a crystal up to the commonly found 60° goniometer l i m i t c o u l d double the crystal repeat along the beam. I f this value remains tolerably small, then a threed i m e n s i o n a l data set c o u l d be used. T h e utility of such threed i m e n s i o n a l data has b e e n demonstrated already for t h i n protein crys­ tals (24). Acknowledgments Research was supported by P u b l i c H e a l t h Service Grant N o . G M - 2 1 0 4 7 from the N a t i o n a l Institute of G e n e r a l M e d i c a l Sciences and by N a t i o n a l Science F o u n d a t i o n Grant Nos. P C M 7 8 - 1 6 0 4 1 and CHE79-16916. Literature Cited 1. Brisse, F.; Marchessault, R. H. In "Fiber Diffraction Methods"; French, A. D.; Gardner, Κ. H., Eds.; ACS SYMPOSIUM SERIES No. 141, ACS: Washington, DC, 1980; p. 267. 2. Vainshtein, Β. K. "Structure Analysis by Electron Diffraction"; Pergamon: Oxford, 1964. 3. Tatarinova, L. I.; Vainshtein, Β. K. Vysokomole. Soedin., 1962, 4, 261. 4. Vainshtein, B. K.; Tatarinova, L. I. Sov. Phys. Crystallogr. 1967, 11, 494. 5. Claffey, W.; Gardner, K.; Blackwell, J.; Lando, J.; Geil, P. H. Philos. Mag. 1974, 30, 1223. 6. Claffey, W.; Blackwell, J. Biopolymers 1976, 15, 1903. 7. Roche, E.; Chanzy, H.; Boudeulle, M.; Marchessault, R. H.; Sundararajan, P. Macromolecules 1978, 11, 86. 8. Poulin-Dandurand, S.; Perez, S.; Revol, J. F.; Brisse, F. Polymer 1979, 20, 419. 9. Perez, S.; Roux, M.; Revol, J. F.; Marchessault, R. H. J. Mol. Biol. 1979, 129, 113.

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RECEIVED for review October 14, 1981. ACCEPTED December 16, 1981.

Craver; Polymer Characterization Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1983.