Electron paramagnetic resonance of a nitroxide adsorbed on silica

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G . P. Lozos and 6.M. Hoffman


Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of a Nitroxide Adsorbed on Silica, Silica-Alumina, Dlecationated Zeolites Lozos and B. M. Hoffman* Deprtment of Chemistry, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 6020 1 (Received May 28, 1974) ubhlication costs assisted by the Petroleum Research Fund

Di-tert-butyl nitroxide (DTBN) has been adsorbed on silica, silica-alumina, alumina, and decationated Y and X zeolites. The surface epr spectra exhibit well-resolved nitrogen hyperfine splittings (hfs) from DTBN adsorbed a t two distinct types of sites. One spectrum arises from DTBN hydrogen bonded to surface hydroxyls. The second arises from complexation with a surface A13+ and exhibits 27Al hfs. In some cases, the existence of a strongly acidic (Br4nsted) site is inferred. The trends in epr results observed upon comparing different surfaces are compared to trends in catalytic activity, and poisoning experiments with 602 give further connection with catalytic reactions. Surface nitroxides exhibit rotational and translational motion, and from observations of the manner in which they partition themselves between H bonding and complexation to A13+, the enthalpy change for transfer of a nitroxide from surface hydroxyl to aluminum coordination is positive and estimated to be -+5 kcal/mol.

Introduction An understanding of the structure and nature of the dative bonds formed in chemisorption is important in surface chemistry and heterogenous catalysis. Chemisorption equilibria and thermodynamics can be determined by classical methods' but investigations of catalytic reaction mechanisms also demand a knowledge of surface interactions on a molecular level. In recent years? continuing efforts have been made to obtain this knowledge by use of various nonclassical techniques.2-6 As one such method, electron paramagnetic resonance (epr) has been increasingly successful in extending our understanding of the microscopic properties of catalytic surfaces.7 These studies have the limitation that a paramagnetic species milst be present but simultaneously the virtue that the unpaired spin is selectively observed. Diatomic radicals NO8 and 0 2 - are particularly useful because of the sensitivity of their spectra to the strong local fields a t a catalytic surface. Large organic radicals have been useful in studies of motional effects or as monitors of chemical reactions. It has recently been shown that the epr parameters of adsorbed aliphatic nitroxides are sensitive to the nature and strength of the perturbation caused by interaction with a surface. Evreinov, et al., have reported studies of the adsorption of tet ramethylpiperidine-N-oxy1from benzene or toluene solutian onto y-alumina, GazO3, and NaX and NaY zeolites,'l and we reported observations of di-tert-butyl nitroxide (DTBN) ads,orbed from the gas phase onto silica and silica-alumina surfaces.l 2 The nitroxide, acting as a Lewis base, coordinates to an electron acceptor (A) through the nonbonding electrons of the nitroxide oxygen. The unpaired R electron does not directly participate in the dative bond but serves as a probe of the electronic structure of the complex. Coordination causes a redistribution in the N-0 R-electron system which is equivalent to increasing the contribution of resonance

The Journal of Phy.sical chemistry, Vol. 78, No. 21. 1974

structure I: charge density shifts toward oxygen, and spin density shifts toward nitrogen. The redistribution of spin density causes the parallel component of the nitroxide 14N hyperfine splitting (hfs), AN (see below), to increase and the change is monotonic with the strength of the i n t e r a ~ t i 0 n .The l ~ measured value of A N thus forms the basis of a scale for measuring the electron-pair acceptor strengths of Lewis acids. Such a scale is of significance because reactivity in cracking or isomerization reactions is related to surface acidity.l* In some cases, hfs from the surface site can also be observed, unambiguously identifying the coordinating atom and giving further information about bonds between adsorbate and surface. Since nitroxides also form complexes with molecular Lewis acids in free s o l ~ t i o n , ~ for ~ J the ~ - first ~ ~ time a radical may be used to compare the properties of a surface site with those of a well-defined solution species. We have now studied di-tert-butyl nitroxide adsorbed on silica, silica-alumina, alumina, and decationated Y and X zeolites. The surface epr spectra exhibit well-resolved nitrogen hyperfine splittings from DTBN adsorbed at two distinct types of sites. One spectrum arises from DTBN hydrogen bonded to surface hydroxyls. The second arises from complexation with a surface aluminum and exhibits 27Alhfs. The trends in epr results observed upon comparing diPferent surfaces are compared to trends in catalytic activity, and poisoning experiments with GO2 give further connection with catalytic reactions. Surface nitroxides exhibit rotational and translational motion, and from observations of the manner in which they partition themselves between H bonding and aluminum complexation, we further obtain thermodynamic information about relative enthalpies of interaction.

Experimental Section The catalysts used were silica-alumina catalysts F1-13 (13%alumina), F1-25 (25% alumina), and silica gel, grades 950 and 59, all from Grace Davison Chemical Co., y-alumina (SB catapal) from Continental Oil, the ammonium form of the Y zeolite from Strem Chemicals, and 13X zeolite


Surface Epr Spectra of a Nitroxide from the Linde Co. The ammonium form of the 13X zeolite was prepared by exchange in either NH4N03 or NH40COCH3 solution. DTBN was obtained from Eastman Organic Chemicals and purified by vacuum distillation. Sample preparation employed a high-vacuum system. A 25-50-rng catalyst sample was placed in a 3-mm 0.d. fusedsilica tube with a Teflon valve, heated in oxygen for 8 hr, and then rehydrated with water vapor at room temperature for 12 hr. As noted below this treatment was varied for the zeolites. The solid Was then heated under vacuum from room temperature to a desired activation temperature ( TA) between 110 and 500” over a period of 8 hr and held a t the final temperature for at least 2 hr. For the zeolite catalysts this produced the decationated form. An ultimate pressure of lod5Torr was obtained. An epr spectrum of the activated catalyst was recorded for reference. The nitroxide was stored under vacuum in a reservoir with a calibrated bulb. From a vapor pressure-temperature curve for DTBN,l* the calibrated bulb could be filled with a known pressure of DTBN by holding the reservoir at a fixed temperatiire (-18 to +25’). This vapor was transferred to the sample immersed in liquid nitrogen. Upon initial addition of IITBN a strong, unresolved, spin-exchanged signal was observed. To distribute the nitroxide evenly throughout the catalyst and eliminate high local concentration, the sarnples were warmed, in most cases a t about 50’. Epr spectra were taken on a Varian Associates X-band Model E-4 spectrometer. Using additional 80-Hz field modulation and phase lock amplifier, a second-derivative presentation was available. The microwave frequency was measured with a modified Sage Corp. tunable coherent synchronizer a prescailer, and a Transitor Specialties digital frequency counter. Differential g values were also determined with reference to a saturated potassium carbonate solution of peroxylaminedisulfonate standard (g = 2.0055, U N = 13.09 G)19 as described e1~ewhere.l~ Unless noted, epr spectra were taken i n liquid nitrogen (77’K). Variahletemperature studies employed a flow of gaseous Nz (100400°K). Computer simulation of axial epr powder spectra were produced by a program which assumes a random orientation of spins and performs a numerical integration over an octant of the unit sphere utilizing a Gauss-Legendre integration over thc! polar angle theta. An anisotropic gaussian line width was used. Provisions were included for adding contributions from different species with specified relative concentration.lgC Although single-crystal studies require a more complicated spin Hamil-tonia~n,~~ a randomly oriented ensemble of nitroxide free radicals exhibits a “powder” spectrum, designated type I, which may be described with the axial spin Hamiltonian

ployed, were estimated by computer simulations. Neither could be determined very accurately. Simulation of type I spectra are excellent (see ref 16b), and B N = 6 f 1 G gave acceptable results in all cases. When the nitroxide interacts with a metal nucleus which has a magnetic moment, there is an added term in the spin Hamiltonian

Both A N and g li were directly measured from appropriate spectral features. Ah1 is the parameter most sensitive to surface interactions. In order to emphasize the effects of these interactions, we frequently reference the measured values to that in the noninteracting solvent n-hexane AN^-^^^^^^^ = 34.1 G)and discuss below AAN = A N - 34.1. Because of the lack of resolution in the “perpendicular” region, g i and BI\I,which was less than the line width em-

and each of the nitrogen hfs lines is split again. For 27Al(I = 5/2) the multiplicity is 6, and such a spectrum is designat~ AN in type II spectra were ed type I1 (Figure 1B). A A and frequently difficult to measure accurately since the lines in the outer wings were broad, leading to larger errors than for type I spectra. Since B A is ~ large, splittings in the perpendicular region were well resolved and easily measured. AN, AAI,and B A obtained ~ from the appropriate spectral features were refined with simulations. Complications arise from type I contribution of less than 10%to type I1 spectra,


>-10 c




Figure 1. Epr of DTBN at 77°K: (A) type I spectrum on silica-alumina (-) and that in frozen toluene solution (- -); (B) type II spectrum on silica-alumina; (C) spectrum of the AIC13 molecular comI


The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 78. No. 2 1. 1974

G. P.Lozos and 8.M. Hoffman


TABLE I: Spin-Hamiltonian Parameters f o r BTBN Complexed on Surfaces and in Solution. ,b

Toluene AN

34.6d 2.0079 gi aANa 0 . 5

Alumina 42.5 gi 2.0058 A A ~ 14.6 BAl 11.2 aAxe 8.4 aAIB 12.3 T A ~ Q 2.3 An.

Figure 2. Type la epr spectrum and simulation of DTBN on silica-alumina (77'K): (A) first-derivativespectrum; (B) simulation with parameters in Table i and a gaiussian line width of 11 G.

and this contribution was incorporated in simulations with some improvement. The best computer fit involving an axial spin Hamiltonian is illustrated in Figure 2. Uncertainties in measuring the epr parameters resulted both from the actual meariurement errors and from a slight variation of paraimeters with sample and surface treatment whose cause was not apparent. Table I lists the larger of these uncertainties for each parameter.

Results Silica. Silica samples were activated a t either 125 or 500' with equivalent results. The nitroxide was added and distributed over the catalyst surface by gently heating while evacuating. When as few as 2 X IO1* molecules of nitroxide were added per milligram of sample, a strong epr signal of type [ was observed. Grades 950 and 59 silica gel gave essentially the saime rerrults. In these spectra, A N was larger than that for a frozen solution of DTBN in an inert solvent (toluene) (Figure l),indicating a surface interaction. The value of AN is in the range found fair W-bonded DTBN,I3 and thus we attribute the spectrum to nitroxide hydrogen bonded to surface silanol groups. In particular, AN is close to that observed for DTBN in solution with phenol. As with DTBN in hydrogen-bonding media, no splittings are resolved from the surface proton. Rehydrating with D20 instead of HzO before activation did not produce a decrease in line width, as would be expected if hfs from the hydrogen-bonded proton were a large contribui5on to the line width. Only extended evacuation a t high temperature could remove DTBN from silica. For example, in one experiment, heating a sample ( 3 >: 1014molecules of DTBN/mg of catalyst) a t 600' while evacuating for 16 hr still 1Fft a strong signal. reduced to 10%of its original value. Treatment with water vapor also did not change the spectrum, but a strong base such as pyridine displaced the adsorbed nitroxide, resulting in a room-temperature solution spectrum and liquid nf trogen powder spectrum typical for DTBN dissolved in pyridine ( U N = 15.3 6, AN = 35.2 G). Pumping off pyridine resulted iii the reappearance of the original spectrum indicating that excess pyridine is removed while the nitroxide stays behind. Silica-Alumina. Pretreated samples were activated a t 125,2 15,415, or 500'; both 13 and 25% alumina gave essenThe Journal o f Physical Chsmisfry, Vol. 78, No. 2 1 , 1974

gil =

Silica, SilicaAlumina, Decationated Phenolc Alumina Y zeolite Type 1

38.3d 2.0072 4.2


Decationated Y zeolite Type I1 44.6 2.0058 14.8 12.5 10.5 13.3 1.5 2.0023, BK =



40-41 2 ,0072 -6.4



45.3 2.0058 16.4 14.Y 11.2 14.9

47 . 0 2.0058 14.6 16.2 12.9 15.7



6 zk 1 G

a Hfs constants in Gauss. Uncertainties in Ai = &0.5 and g = f0.0003 unless indicated. T = 77°K. bgll = 2.0023 f 0.0002 in all cases. c Reference 13. It0.2. e AN = A N - 34.1. f Corrected value from ref 12. a41 = '/3(AAl Jr 2BAl); TM= '/3(A,41 - BAI).

tially the same results. Upon nitroxide addition, this catalyst, in contrast to pure silica, exhibited both the type I spectrum and also a type I1 spectrum with hyperfine splittings from both nitroxide l*N and surface 27A1. For samples activated at 215' or above, addition of relatively large amounts of nitroxide (2.5 X l O I 7 molecules/mg of catalyst) and distribution of the radical by warming (50-80') under vacuum gave rise to the type I spectrum. The values of AN were the same as those discussed above for DTBN on silica, but the apparent line width was greater, the result either of an underlying contribution from a type I1 spectrum (see below) or of a distribution of sites with slightly different A N . At this level of loading, 10-15 times as many molecules of nitroxide had to be added to obtain the same signal strength as for silica. With these samples ( T A1 215') addition of less nitroxide (8 X loL4molecules/mg) and equilibration a t room temperature gave a broadened type I spectrum. However, subsequent equilibration at 50-80' gave rise to a type I1 spectrum, but with an overall decrease of signal amplitude. Decomposition and signal loss increased with time and temperature of equilibration. Spin Hamiltonian parameters for the type I1 spectrum are reported in Table I. A N is substantialIy larger than for the type I spectra arising from surface hydrogen bonding. Because of the resolved hfs from an I = yz nucleus, this spectrum is assigned to a nitroxide complexed with a surface aluminum ion. Table I includes for discussion below the calculated aluminum isotropic hfs, a ~ =l %(A*, 2 B ~ l ) , and dipolar interaction constant, T A=~21&4A1 - RA~). The type I1 spectrum is qualitatively similar to that for a frozen solution of the DTBNeAIClB complex (Figure IC). Some additional features of the surface spectrum can be partially accounted for by small contribution from a type I signal. Comparing the values of AAN for complexed DTBN (Table I) shows the acceptor strength of the surface alumlnum ions to be less than that of AIC13. The differences in


Surface Epr Spectra of a Nitroxide aluminum hfs further indicate that bonding in the two cases is not idlentical. As indicated above, equilibration at 50-80' allows DTBN to migrate over the silica-alumina surface and preferentially bind to surface aluminum ions with at most a small proportion of the epr signal arising from H-bonding sites. If increasing amounts of DTBN are added to a given sample, both the spr signal strength and also the fraction of type I signal increase until a high-loading limit is reached where only the type 11 signal is observable. Further additions of nitroxide lead to spin exchange and loss of resolution. These results indicate that a t 50-80" complexation to A13+ is thermodynamically favored'over H bonding to the surface. Surprisingly, if a sample exhibiting a well-resolved type I1 spectrum is stored overnight in Dry Ice, the type I signal is restored. This change is reversible, for the type I1 signal returns after reequilibration at 50-80". Thus, surface migration persists tit -79' and at this temperature aluminum coordination is not thermodynamically favored. Beca w e the d a t i v e numbers of surface hydroxyl and aluminum sites IS not known, the equilibrium constant for the transfer of DTBN from surface silanol to surface aluminum cocrdina tion is not available. However, equilibration at 323°K gives about 90% type I1 spectrum, but equilibration at 194'K (Dry Ice) gives about 90% type I spectrum. Thus, the enthalpy change (AH)€or transfer to Al3+ is posit we. An esAimate of the value of AN may be obtained on the assumption that the number of both surface silanols and aluminum ions is greater than the number of bound nitroxides: AH = 4-5 kcal/mol. Only slight desorption of nitroxide from either type of site occurred u p o ~evacuation a t room temperature or 125', but addition of pyridine (or methanol) removed all adsorbed nitroxide from the surface. Pumping off pyridine regenerated only a type I spectrum with the value of AN given in Table I ; pyridine presumably poisons the surface aluminum sites irreversibly. The regenerated type I spectrum exhibited slightly reduced line widths, perhaps because of a mort. uniform radical distribution or because pyridine poisoning removes an underlying type I1 contribution to the normal type I spectrum. If a sample which exhibits the type I1 spectrum is exposed to air, thc radical is destroyed and cannot be regenerated by evatuation. If instead water vapor is added, the nitroxide bound to A.1:'+ 1s displaced with little decrease in signal, and onIy a type E spectrum remains. Reevacuation cannot restore the type I1 signal and heating causes nitroxide decomposition. COz is known selectively to poison certain catalytic sites on alumina catalysts.21 A silica-alumina sample with DTBN coordinated to surface A13+ was treated with 650 Torr of CO, and heated a t 100' without displacing the bound radical. However, pretreatment of the activated catalyst with GO2 before addition of the radical prevented DTBN from forming a surface aluminum complex. The catalyst had been activated for maximal surface aluminum site production == 500') and then treated with 650 Torr of CQz a t room temperature and evacuated. Upon exposure to a low nitroxide dose, only the H-bonded type I spectrum was observed. Activation at P2b" should remove H bonded water leaving only those water molecules bound to surface aluminum Inions. Such molecules act as strong Br4nsted teraction vvith such sites was not directly observed. How-


Figure 3. Type II epr spectrum of DTBN on alumina (77'K): (A) firstderivative spectrum with superimposed room-temperature spectrum of peroxylaminedisulfonate;(B) second-derivative spectrum with gain for parallel region increased three times.

ever, presumably because of reaction a t these sites, decomposition of DTBN on samples with T A = 125' is greater than for those activated at higher temperatures. When 3 X l O I 5 molecules of DTBN/mg of catalyst are added to such a sample, no signal is seen, and only with a total of 6 X molecules/mg is a weak type I spectrum detected. Evacuation a t room temperature produced a very weak type I1 signal with a slight background of type I. The signals could be removed by pumping atroom temperature or heating. It is particularly interesting that any type I1 signal could be seen and thus that some surface aluminum sites exist under such a mild treatment ( T A= 125'). Alumina. Samples were given the standard pretreatment and activated a t 110 or 500". For T A= l l O o , loading with 7 X 1014 molecules of DTBN/mg of sample and warming a t 50' gave only a strong type I signal with AN and line width similar to those seen on silica-alumina. Thus, by epr, the Lewis acid property of the surface aluminol proton is not significantly different from that of silanol. Essentially no decomposition of DTBN occurred, in marked contrast to results for silica-&lumina a t a similar TA. Treatment with pyridine gave the usual spectrum of DTRN in pyridine and, as for silica-alumina, evacuation restored the surface spectrum with decreased line width. A sample activated at 500' showed no visible signal with 6 X 1015 molecules of DTBN/mg, but a iota1 of 3 X 10l6 molecules/mg gave a strong type I spectrum. Conversion to a type I1 spectrum without decomposition was achieved by heating (80-100') under vacuum. Both I4N and 27Alhfs differed from those for the aluminum-coordinated nitroxide on silica-alumina (Table I). h particular, AAN shows that the A13+ of alumina is a poorer electron acceptor than that of silica-alumina. The line width in the parallel region was greater than for silica-alumina. T o measure the poorly resolved parallel splittings, second-derivative epr detection was employed (Figure 3). As with silica-alumina, surface migration of DTBN on The Journalof Physical Chemistry, Vol. 78. No. 21, 1974

G. P. Lozos and B. M. Hoffman




Figure 4. Variable-temperature epr spectra of surface DTBN: (A) type I spectrum on, silica; (B) type II spectrum on silica-alumina.

alumina is reversible. Storage in Dry Ice overnight restored the type I spectrum (-90% type I), and the type I1 could be reobtained by heating. No loss of signal occurred over a cycle. Water vapor completely displaced DTBN from surface aluminum sites without decomposition. Y Zeolite. Since the crystalline lattice of decationated zeolites may be darnaged by exposure to water vapor, some samples were given the standard calcination and rehydration pretreatment (S samples) and others were untreated (NS samples) before activation. S samples were only studied after activation at 500' and displayed no epr signals before addition of BTBN. NS samples were prepared with T A = 110, 330, and 500' and in all cases had a background spectrum with a faiirly weak multiplet near g = 2. For both types of samples considerable decomposition occurred upon addition of DTBN, and from 2 X 10l6 to 1 x 1017 molecules of DTBN/mg were required to observe a broad type I epr signal. Brief equilibration at 50' typically decreased the signal to 25% and after prolonged heating the signal completely disappeared. Nitroxides are not observed to coordinate to A13+ on the sodium form of Y zeolites.ll However, after addition of DTBN and brief equilibration a t 50°, S samples of the decationated Y zeolites gave quite broadened type I1 signals; through the use of second-derivative detection the parallel hfs constant could be measured (Table I). AN is similar to that of A13' or1 silica-alumina. Addition of water vapor displaced the DTBN from coordination to A13+, giving a slightly broadened type 1 signal with -50% decomposition. Pumping at room temperature sharpened the signal. The value of A N IS considerably larger than that observed for the DTBN hydrogein bonded on the other surfaces. The Journalof Physical Chemistry, Vol. 78, No. 27, 1974

DTBN addition to NS samples gave only very poorly resolved type I spectra. Heating degraded the signal and no type I1 signal was observed. On a sample with TA = l l O o , the signal disappeared within 5 days at room temperature. Addition of water to an NS sample with T A = 500" produced no change in signal. 13X Zeolite. Only one S sample ( TA = 500') and one NS sample (TA = 300') were examined. In both cases, only type I quite broadened signals were observed. Warming under vacuum destroyed the paramagnetic centers. Motional Effects. The spectra of surface DTBN at 77'K (Figure 1) are associated with molecules rigidly immobilized with respect to the surface. For DTBN on silica we have verified this fact by observing that the spectrum is unchanged at 4.2'K. However at temperatures above 77'K, the nitroxide exhibits a hindered rotation both when surface hydrogen bonded (silica) and when compllexed to surface aluminum ions (silica-alumina). These temperature dependences have been studied from 77 to above 400'K. In both cases, progressive decrease in observed AN with temperature and other changes in the spectra are characteristic of increasing nitroxide mobility (Figure 4).22However, even at 400'K the rotation is still relatively slow. At the higher temperatures, the low-field peak(s) begins (begin) to merge with the center region and the high field peak(s) becomes (become) very broad so uncertainties i n AN increase. Second-derivative epr detection was used to permit more accurate determination of the position of these extrema. For aluminum-coordinated DTBN, A A ~does not appreciably change from its low-temperature limit (16.4 G ) while B A ~ decreases from 14.2 to 11.5 G over the total range of observation.

Surface Epr Sp’ectraof a Nitroxide


For a slowly tumbling nitroxide the separation of the extremal features in the epr spectrum decreases from the value 2AN in a rigid matrix. If ~ A N ( Tis) an observed separation, the comeliation time for rotation, 7,can be related to ~ , ~ ~ Freed and cothe ratio u = A N ( ~ ) / A ~ NIn. ~particular, w o r k e r ~found ~ ~ that for isotropic rotation T = a(1 - u ) ~ , where the values of a and b depend on the rotational model employed. Although tlhe motion of an adsorbed radical is unlikely to be isotropic, nevertheless u is still a useful motional parameter.25~26 Figure 5 is a plot of In (1 - u ) us. T-l for surface Hbonded and aluminum-bonded DTBN. The rotational behaviors in these two cases are similar but clearly not identical. The solid lines are the result of least-squares fit to the linear relationship ’.n (I - a) = C T - ~+ d (1) and the resulting parameters are given in the figure legend. Using Freed’s equation, the existence of such linear behavior over large temperature ranges is consistent with a motional process for which the rotational correlation time is governed by a single activation energy where, from substitution in eq 1, A = Rbc is the energy of activation for rotation and 70 = aebd is the correlation time at “infinite” temperature. If, for illustrative purposes, we choose the values for isotropic Brownian diffusion a = 0.54 nsec and b = -1.36,24 we obtain for surface H-bonded DTBN, AI = 1.9 kcal/mol, 701 = 0.3 nsec, and for surface AlN, AI* = 1.0 kcal/mol, TOII = 1.0 nsec. Thus, for the two types of coordination we find the activation energies A and preexponential terms T O are different. Alternatively the nature of the motional processes themselves may differ. The unusually low values of A reflect the very weak temperatwe dependence of DTBN tumbling, while the large values of T O show that the process being observed could not achieve solution-like imotional behavior even at “infinite” temperature. Fcnr the 15-bonded radical, the linear relationship is not observed for T ,< 140’K ( u 0.99). The rigidlattice limit is being reached and motion has become so slow that u 1 and log (1 - u ) can no longer be reliably calculated, For aluminum coordination the low-temperature limit is not appnoached until an even lower temperature (:f110’ K) i s reached.



Discussion Hydrogen bonding of DTBN can be seen on all surfaces studied. The H-bonded complex on silica activated at any temperature is chemically stable under vacuum at all temperatures below 600”. Indeed, a sample with DTBN on silica sealed off under vacuum and kept at room temperature for months showed no decrease in signal. The H-bonded complex forms on alumina activated a t low temperature and is also stable. In contrast, at low TA,the silica-alumina surface is quite active in radical decomposition but somewhat less so a t high Tl;r,a.In all these cases, the radical is also stable upon exposure i,o air and/or water vapor. The radical is unstable, however, on zeolites activated a t any temperature. The heat of ,adsorption for a molecule is typically 2-3 times its heat of vaporization plus a contribution of several kcal/mol if hydrogen bonding occurs.27 Since AHvapfor DTBN is -11 ltcaP/moli8 it is then less surprising to observe the tenacity with which DTBN clings to these surfac-

Figure 5. Plot of In (1 - u ) vs. inverse temperature for surface DTBN: (e)type I spectrum on silica; (0)type It spectrum on silicaalumina. Solid lines are from least-squares fitting to eq 1; c = -697“K, d = 0.40 for type I; c = -380’K, d = -0.46 for type 11.

es, only prolonged evacuation at 600’ producing significant desorption. All the surface hydroxyls have electron-pair acceptor strengths (AAN) similar to that of phenol, with the exception of Y zeolite, for which AAN is even slightly greater than that of CsF5OH (AAN = 5.7 G).I3 The temperature of catalyst activation has no effect on the value of AN for any type I spectrum. Infrared studies have also found the hydroxyls on silica and silica-alumina to be alike.28 For alumina, however, five slightly different types of aluminols could be observed.29 Since our epr results do not resolve different types of aluminols, it appears that the type I spectrum for alumina may represent a distribut,ion of hydroxyl groups of slightly varying strengths. DTBN that is H bonded with zeolite surfaces is considerably less stable chemically. As a second kind of surface interaction, a nitroxide can act as a Lewis base and coordinate to a surface aluminum ion. The existence of these complexes is indicated by wellresolved aluminum hfs and an even larger electron-withdrawing strength (AAN) than that for the H-bonded DTBN. Coordination with surface aluminum has been detected in all aluminum-containing catalysts. The poisoning experiments with COz suggest a connection of such sites with catalytic reactions. Observation of appreciable numbers of A13+ sites generally requires high activation temperature, but on silica-alumina some are observed even with T A = 125”. On zeolite surfaces no significant interaction with such sites are observed for TA < 500” in agreement with previous ir studies.30 The initial formation of surface aluminum complexes on alumina is accompanied by some nitroxide decomposition, but the remaining radicals are subsequently quite stable. DTBN will continue to decompose on silica-alumina, and zeolites are even more reactive. The electron-withdrawing strength ( A A N ) ~ ]of surface aluminum ions is sensitive to the nature oi the catalyst. For all surfaces, AAN is substantially less than that for the AlC13 complex (Table I). The A13+ ions and Y zeolite and silica-alumina are similar, with AAN values comparable to that of TiC14(AAN = 11.1G).I3 The smallor AAN for alumina is even less than for Al(i-Bu)S (AAN = !1.2 G).I3 The variation in the aluminum hfs further demonstrates slight differences in bonding between DTBN and the surface aluminum ions of different catalyst. ‘Table I exhibits a roughly parallel trend in the spin-Hamiltonian parameters The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Voi. 78, No. 27, 1974


in the several DTBN-aluminum complexes. We see that as electron-withdrawing strength ( AA N) increases, so does the aluminum isotropic hfs ( a ~ i )while , TAI,which is a measure of the n-spin density on aluminum, decreases. Thus, the a-bonding ability of a surface aluminum progressively changes as its cr-electron-withdrawingstrength increases. A similar ordering of Lewis acid properties is observed in ir studies of adsorbed ~ y r i d i n e , in ~ ,contrast ~~ with studies of complexed carbonyl compounds32 which exhibit a weaker rather than stronger interaction with A m 3 . We have iriterprtted the enhanced decomposition of the nitroxide on silica-alumina at low T Aand the even greater decomposition seen on decationated zeolites as the result of reaction with strong Brdnsted acid sites. This is consistent with previous observations which show that DTBN can be decomposed by Brdmsted acids and further that the AlC13 complex is more stable than the protonated nitroxide.33 Some Brdnsted sites are expected to remain a t higher T A and these may be responsible for the residual decomposition observed At low TAno decomposition is seen on alumina and only slight initial decornposition is seen at high TA.This would suggest that few strong Brdnsted sites exist on alumina. Ir studies of adsorbed pyridine also indicate the existence of Rr$risted acid sites on silica-alumina and zeolites but their absence on It is interesting to note that rehydration of the complex on alumina or silica-alumina displaces DTBN from surface aluminum complexation but gives no appreciable decomposition. This study shows that transfer of DTBN from an H bond with a surface silanol to coordination with A13+ is accompanied by an enthalpy change of about +5 kcal/mol. If a surface aluminum ion is coordinatively unsaturated in the absence of adsorbate, the observed AH could be simply interpreted as the enthalpy difference between the two complexes. 1t has been proposed, however, that surface aluminum ions are an fact weakly coordinated to adjacent hydroxyl gr0ups.j In this case, ivI would include a positive contribution from breaking this bond upon formation of a DTBN-aluminurn ion complex. The fact that an AI3+ ion has a greater electron-pair acceptor strength (AAN) but higher enthalpy than a surface hydroxyl may merely reflect a specific property of the hindered Lewis base employed. Nevertheless, it is interesting to speculate that a surface site which can strongly perturb an adsorbed species as indicated by a large electron-pair acceptor strength yet exhibit a low tendency toward stable coordinate bonding might be responsible for catalytic activity. nowledgment. We are deeply indebted to Professor t L. BuirwePl, tJr., for many enlightening discussions. This work was3 supported by DA-ARO-D Grant No. 31-124 and by the donors of the Petroleum Research Fund, administered by the American Chemical Society. eferences and Notes (1) G A Somorjai, "Principles of Surface Chemistry," Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cllffs, 11 J , 1972

The Journalof Physical Chemistry, Vol. 78. No. 21, 1974

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