Electron-transfer reactions in artificial vesicle solutions - The Journal of

Nov 1, 1987 - Electron-transfer reactions in artificial vesicle solutions. T. Ben. Chaabane, A. Bernas, D. Grand, S. Hautecloque. J. Phys. Chem. , 198...
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J. Phys. Chem. 1987, 91,6055-6060


is an azimuthal angle of the scattering vector (711

Ill - I , =

K4(m- 1)2Zo 47rr2



=) const X x Z r x u R 2 ( 8 , 4cos ) 2a sin) j3 dj3 d a = const X xZrJrcos

2 a sin3 j3 dj3 d a -

P(j3,a) (cos 2a sinZ j3) = &2r&r;

HZ,-,R2(j3,a) (cos 2 a sin2 j3) (A6) For a circular cylinder of length L and diameter D, R(j3,a) is given by



- 71 = -(-A


cos 2a sin3 j3 dj3 d a

+ 2C)


R(j3,a) = F(KD sin j3/2 sin y) E(KL sin j3/2 cos y) where a) cos 2a sin3 j3 dj3 d a =

E(#) = Jo(u) = sin u / u

27r 15

- sin2 0 cos 24

and B = C = 0 . 71, - 71 = KZL227r sin2 8 cos2 4 -5.51 sin2 0 cos 24 (AS) 3 15 Similarly one obtains 47r7i, 105.28 - 57.73(L/X)’ (‘49) For the ratio between A8 and A9 one has


with Ji the corresponding Bessel functions and K = 27r/h and cos y = sin 8 cos j3/2 cos($ - a ) -sin j3/2 cos 8. When KD