Electronic Monitor

Dept. IEC, Rosemount. Engineering. Co., 4900 West 78th St., Minneapolis ... IEC, Philips Electronic Instru- ments, 750 South Fulton Ave., Mount. Verno...
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Chemicals & Materials Process Equipment



Oversees dangerous variables in . . . •

High temperatures

Low temperatures

• Pressures

• Flows • Levels • Contact closures f^ REAL watchdog for complex plant processes has been developed by Hagan Chemicals & Controls, Inc., of Pittsburgh. Any input that can be represented by a direct current voltage as low as 10-mv. full scale can be monitored by the Hagan AIM (alarm indicating monitor). U p to 200 points may be checked every 5 seconds on a large variety of plant operations—and alarms of several kinds can notify responsible personnel. Display lights on the AIM's control panel indicate to operators that out-of-limit conditions are occurring and indicate die name and number of the control point. A warning horn will sound when specification limits are exceeded, as well as an alarm light on the central panel. T h e horn may be silenced by an acknowledgment button, but the light will remain on until limits are not exceeded. Limits are individually set by inserting pegs in a pinboard. Alarm accuracy is ± 0 . 1 % of full scale. Detection of an out-oflimits signal is obtained by comparing the voltage from the alarm set point pinboard to AIM's direct current amplifier. If the amplifier voltage is higher or lower than the set-point reference voltage, an alarm comparator, which has a resolution to one point in 10,000 full scale, produces an alarm pulse. This pulse closes the memory relay, energizing the alarm light and the audible warning horn. All alarm functions are combined Circle No. 64 on Readers' Service Card

A I M will monitor up to 2 0 0 points every five seconds in a variety of operations

in one compact instrument. The read-out and alarm panel for one 200-point AIM will fit into a panel area of 19 X 47 inches. Precise readings over wide thermocouple ranges are accomplished by the use of range suppression and linearization. For example, temperature readings in the range of 900 °F. would show up with the lower 800 degrees suppressed. T h e operator selects the point desired and adjusts the temperature range selection switch until the meter reads on scale. A suppression increment of 900° and a scale reading of 68° would, for example, be a temperature of 968° F. Some facts on AIM are • Alarm accuracy, ± 0 . 1 % full scale •Read-out accuracy, ± 0 . 1 % of indicating scale • Set point stability, ± 0 . 0 3 % full scale • Scanning rate, 5 points per second

• Alarm comparator resolution, 1 part in 10,000 • Voltage output, 10 volts • Power supply, 110 volt, 60 cycle • Power consumption, 200 watts Simple self-checking devices incorporated into the AIM provide excellent maintenance and variation checks. A three-position switch is provided to run a complete circuit check that will verify operation of the detecting amplifier, alarm circuit, and all indicating lights. Another switch will introduce a continuity check of all input circuits and input selection relays. Two hundred point AIM costs approximately $20,000. Dept. IEC, Hagan Chemicals and Controls, Inc., Hagan Center, Pittsburgh 30, Pa. 1-1 [Continued on page 92 A) Prices quoted are those submitted by the manufacturer. They are subject to change without notice. Prices are f.o.b. point of manufacture. VOL. 53, NO. 4

APRIL 1961

91 A

Floatless Liquid Level Control A low sensitivity electronic floatless level control is designed for use with liquid of low specific resistance. New control will not contaminate products, and is particularly suitable for use in chemical

PURE LATEX TUBING .flexible— .adapfaH 8 '" •easy to «!«•

• RLP Pure Latex Tubing is ideal for temporary or initial set-ups. Because it is so light and flexible it is easy to make adjustments—easy to add or remove an element without disturbing the basic apparatus. RLP tubing is also used for its purity, its smooth, seamless construction and because it can be sterilized and used again and again. Available from your laboratory supplier in 24 standard sizes.

and processing operations. Unit's low electrode potential of 9 volts a.c, combined with electrode current of less than 26 ma., eliminates shock and sparking hazards. Prices on request. Dept. IEC, B/W Controller Corp., 2200 E. Maple Rd., Birmingham, Mich. |-2 Voltage Regulated Power Supply New power supply offers output voltage of 0 to 160 volts at 1 to 4 amperes. Input requirements are 105 to 125 volts a.c, 60V 2 c.p.s.

NEW CRYOGENIC PUMP! For low-temperature pumping of OXYGEN, NITROGEN, ARGON, METHANE. Highly efficient. Stationary or truck mounted. WRITE FOR DETAILS. A M E R I C A N MESSER CHRYSLER BUILDING



Circle No. 26 on Readers' Service Card 92 A



Instruments cost $505 to $905 for metered models. Dept. IEC, Kepco, Inc., 131-38 Sanford Ave., Flushing 55, N. Y. |-3 Industrial Metal Detector Detection of metal chips and particles is possible with a new metal detector which is sensitive to both (Continued on page 94 A)

instrument system has no moving parts, and gives high reliability and long life. Controls are available • •»

magnetic and nonmagnetic metals. T h e unit consists of a power unit, search head, and amplifier. The search head is in the form of a window through which the product to be inspected passes either on a conveyor belt or by gravity feed. Typical installation is priced at about $1500. Dept. IEC, Instrument Corp. of America, 516 Glenwood Ave., Baltimore 12, Md. 1-4

operation, wired velocity and direction recording, traffic flow and related signal light operation, and many other simultaneous variables. Recorder is priced from $525 to $600, dependent upon specific requirements. Dept. IEC, EsterlineAngus Instrument Co., 1201 Main St., Speedway, Ind. 1-5





New analog event recorder simultaneously measures substation bus voltage and breaker operation, rate of production and feeder conveyor



New device is an solid state switching range proportional of silicon-controlled


application of to produce full control by use rectifiers. T h e

When quality is the prime consideration...Use

in capacities up to 75 amperes and 230 volts, a.c. Prices vary with capacity. Dept IEC, Stepless Controls Corp., Bear Hill Rd., Waltham, Mass. 1-6

Pocket-Size Meter


T h e Dip-Chek is a direct-reading conductivity meter designed primarily for water demineralizing and related fields. T h e 5-ounce

Mayon PURE



Non-toxic Crystal


Glass-smooth surface— e a s y to c l e a n . I n e r t — h i g h l y resistant t o chemicals Strong a n d


C a n b e sterilized A v a i l a b l e f r o m VB " to IVi " i n t e r n a l d i a m e t e r W h e n tubing of the very finest quality is n e e d e d , you'll want M A Y O N PURE VINYL TUBING . . . a product resulting from 12 years of constant research. A tubing of such fine quality it is being used the world over in leading hospitals and research laboratories. Unequalled for handling foods, chemicals, milk, beverages, and cosmetics. SAMPLES, C A T A L O G PAGES, A N D PRICES U P O N REQUEST.



Circle No. 40 on Readers' Service Card 94 A


instrument comes with scales ranging from 100 to 5000 p.p.m. as sodium chloride. Instrument sells for about $20.00. Dept. IEC, ComroeLaboratories, 5208 South Lake Park Ave., Chicago 15, III. 1-7 (Continued

on page 96 A)

Additional New Instruments

Proportioning Pumps FOR PRESSURES TO 100,000 P.S.I.

Flo-Alarm Meter utilizes photoelectric p r i n c i p l e t o p r o t e c t against h a z a r d clue to failure of flow of gas to b l a n k e t i n g or i n e r t i n g process. Dept. IEC, Waukee Engineering Co., Inc., 5150 North 35th St., Milwaukee 9, Wis. 1-8

Series PMP & PMH Pumps

Electronic Microammeter is a n ultra-sensitive i n s t r u m e n t for measu r i n g differential gas pressures of 0.004 inches full scale. Dept. IEC, Gelman Instrument Co., 106 North Main St., Chelsea, Mich. 1-9 Residual Gas Analyzer is d e s i g n e d for c o n t i n u o u s a n d c o m p l e t e analysis of r e s i d u a l gases in v a c u u m systems. Dept. IEC, Consolidated Corp., 360 Sierra Madre dena, Calif.


Electronics Villa, Pasa1-10

Compact M u l t i p o n t Recorder will scan a n d m e a s u r e 2 to 12 i n p u t sources a t a 5 second p e r p o i n t r a t e . Dept. IEC, Westronics, Inc., 3605 McCart, Fort Worth 10, Tex. 1-11

Light Weight—High Aluminum Frame



Built-in—Heating or Cooling Jackets

High-Speed Chromatographic System for direct c o n t r o l a p p l i c a t i o n s in t h e process i n d u s t r i e s is designed for use o n m u l t i c o m p o n e n t streams.

Interchangeable—Piston-Cylinder Assemblies

Dept. IEC, Perkin-Elmer ivalk, Conn.

Wide Pressure Range—To P.S.I.

Turbine Type Flow T r a n s d u c e r p r o v i d e s accuracy, reliability, a n d l o n g life. Instruments has no thrust bearings.


Capacities—From 1 Vz gph to 200 gph Compact Design—Only 1 2 " x 4 2 " x 2 1 " Carbide Pistons—For Heavy Service

Dept. IEC, Francisco Engineering Co., 23987 Ventura Blvd., Calabasas, Calif. 1-13 Resistance Bridge suppresses effects of v a r i a b l e a n d u n k n o w n lead resistance.

Through Type Bore—

Dept. IEC, Rosemount Co., 4900 West 78th St., 24, Minn. For unusual application or for specific information high pressure equipment, contact our engineering

concerning department.

For Latest Catalog


McCARTNEY 627 W . 12th Street Company, Inc.

I BAXTER S P R I N G S . KANSAS Circle No. 41 on Readers' Service Card

96 A


Engineering Minneapolis 1-14




Corp., Nor1-12

Electronic Circuit Panel incorporates n e w i n n o v a t i o n s a n d operating advantages. C o m p a c t instrum e n t measures o n l y 2OV2 X 51 X 22 inches d e e p . Dept. IEC, Philips Electronic ments, 750 South Fulton Ave., Vernon, N. Y. .

InstruMount 1-15

literature Flowmeter Kits. Four kits are described for variable-area flowmeters. Each kit contains meters of various sizes for a wide range of measurements. Bull. 10A1010. Dept. IEC, Fischer & Porter Co., 794 Jacksonville Road, Warminster, Pa. 1-16 Liquid Level Gage. Operation and features are described, for the Varec dynamatic gage, Series 8400, which is a high pressure, electrically powered tank gage, calibrated to V i c inch. Bull. CP3709. Dept. IEC, Vapor Recovery Systems Co., Advertising Dept., 2820 No. Alameda St., Compton, Calif. 1-17 Automatic Tank Gages. Series 2500 Varec high pressure gages are described, and installation diagrams are included. Designed for 150- and 300-p.s.i. range. Magnetic drive prevents pressurization; need for counter weight eliminated. Bull. CP3302. Dept. IEC, Vapor Recovery Systems Co., 2820 No. Alameda St., Compton, Calif. 1-18

Process Control. Components available for the recently introduced Model 184-B high speed process vapor fractometer are described. D a t a Sheets KHV11603. Dept. IEC, Perkin-Elmer Corp., Norwalk, Conn. 1-19 Process Control. Advanced chromatographic closed-loop process control is discussed, including performance of the 26-212 chromatograph with pneumatic, electronic, and computer systems. Bull. 26212. Dept. IEC, Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp., 360 Sierra Madre Villa, Pasadena, Calif. 1-20 Indicating Rotameter. Bulletin 131 describes features and operation of Model Series 1400 high pressure rotameter for pressures to 5000 p.s.i.g. at 2000° F. Drawings, dimensions, and capacity tables are included. Dept. IEC, Brooks Instrument Co., Inc., Hatfield, Pa. 1-21 Pressure Transducers. Four models of SP-2 series of transducers are described, covering a range of 0 to 300 and 0 to 5000 p.s.i.g. Glossary of definitions is included. Dept. IEC, Standard Controls, 1130 Poplar Place, Seattle 44, Wash. 1-22 For more on New Products turn to page 99 A

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(usually in dry powder form) to reduce viscosity to t h e desired consistency Only a little Marasperse is needed to reduce slurry viscosities, or to prevent micron-sized particles from settling out of suspensions. Usually less than 3%, based on the weight of the solids in the aqueous system, will do the job for you. For example, manufacturers of gypsum board require just 0.15% Marasperse in their stucco slurries to give them more fluidity at lower water contents . . . And producers of pesticide wettable powders include but 1.5% to 2.0% Marasperse in their powders to ensure satisfactory dispersion in spray tanks. What's more, the Marasperses cost only a few cents a pound! Tell us about your viscosity problem. If it's typical of one of the many that the Marasperse dispersants have licked, we'll give you specific information based on user experience. If it's something new or unique, we'll tell you h o w to test samples of the Marasperses to determine whether or not they'll be useful to you.

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Circle No. 39 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 53, NO. 4

APRIL 1961

97 A