Electronically Excited Aromatic Carbonyl Compounds in Hydrogen

Miss Thelma J. Davis and Mr. John Robertson, also of these laboratories, made the infrared measure- ments. The tetra-tert-butyl dye 5 was supplied by...
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3263 scheme was used t o effect this sorting as follows. On the first pass, all of the absorption data were used to obtain a first estimate of constants A , B , and C . These estimates were used in eq 1 t o backcalculate predicted values of the transition energies &. The standard deviation between observed and calculated transition energies was obtained. If the standard deviation was less than 0.5 kcal/mol, processing terminated; otherwise the difference 1Bf - E T ( was calculated for each solvent and the solvents were sorted into two classes depending upon whether the difference I& - E T /was (1) larger than the standard deviation or (2) less than or equal to the standard deviation. Absorption data for solvents falling in the second class were then used t o recalculate a new set of constants A , B, and C, and this new regression equation was used t o calculate a new standard deviation and a new set of differences i& - !,?Ti and sorting into two classes was done again. This was continued until the regression gave a standard deviation less than 0.5 kcal/mol. Three t o five regression trials sufficed to effect the regression analysis and sorting; standard deviations actually obtained were ca. 0.3 kcal/mol. Statistical analysis of the regression results gave the following probabilities that random variation alone would produce the observed number of successful predictions by eq 1 (see Figures 7a and 7b): dye 1, 0.02; dye 2, 0.05; dye 3, 0.44; dye 4, 0.48; dye 5, 0.08; dye 7,0.02. The predictions for dyes 1, 2, 5, and 7

are therefore highly statistically significant. The predictions for dyes 3 and 4 are inconclusive. Taking all six experiments as a whole, the probability is about one part in 10,ooO that four events oul of six with probabilities of about 0.05 would occur on a random basis. This analysis shows that the computer routine can identify significant mathematical structure and that the observed successes did not result from fortuitous selection of random events. The inconclusive predictions for dyes 3 and 4 arise from a n assignable cause-a factor of structure (occurrence of an N-H bond) not present in the other dyes. This assignment of cause for dyes 3 and 4 is made possible by the highly significant correlations obtained with the other four dyes.

Acknowledgments. Visible spectral measurements were obtained by Mr. Franc Grum, of these laboratories. Miss Thelma J. Davis and Mr. John Robertson, also of these laboratories, made the infrared measurements. The tetra-tert-butyl dye 5 was supplied by Dr. Peter W. Scullard. The author expresses his appreciation for their assistance, and thanks Dr. William H. Lawton for his help in the statistical analysis of the results.

Electronically Excited Aromatic Carbonyl Compounds in Hydrogen Bonding and Acidic Media Richard Rusakowicz, Gary W. Byers, and Peter A. Leermakers" Contribution from the Hall-Arwater Laboratories, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut 06457. Received September 18, 1970 In 85 HaPOl several aromatic carbonyl compounds display remarkable though often weak fluoresAbstract: cence at room temperature (Table I) and long but multiple component phosphorescent decay times at 7 7 ° K (Table 111). By subjecting benzophenone to extremes, namely nonpolar, weakly hydrogen bonding solvents and strongly acidic solvent glasses, and then many intermediate solvent conditions, a model for aromatic carbonyl solvation has been established in which the excited state (1) possesses n,x* character in nonpolar and weakly hydrogen bonding solvents, (2) exhibits enhanced T,K* character in very polar hydrogen bonding solvents, and (3) attains a protonated T,K* state in strongly acid media.


t has been reasonably established that nearly complete reversal of excited state energy levels occurs in certain molecules which are very sensitive t o moderate changes in solvent polarity and hydrogen bonding. For example, the fluorescence intensity of quinoline in solvents benzene, ethanol, and water is enhanced in the ratio 1 :50:1000, respectively. The authors concluded that the lowest n,p* state in solvent benzene is replaced by a nearby X,R* state in water.' Singlet state inversion is apparently also a property of acridine213 and pyrene 3-aldehyde4 whose fluorescence behavior is similar to quinoline. Sensitivity to moderate variations in solvent polarity is often an indication that the lowest X , R * energy level is almost isoenergetic with the n,T* energy level. Within the triplet manifuld, observations of multiple-component phosphorescence for indanone,5 VanDuuren, Chem. Reu., 63, 325 (1963). ( 2 ) R. J. Argauer and C . E. White, Anal. Chem., 36, 368 (1964). (3) N. Mataga, Y. Kaifu, and M. Koizumi, Bull. Chem. SOC.Jap., 29, 373 (1956). (4) I