Electrospectroscopic Studies on Polyimides and Their Model

5. Tassi, E. L. and De Paoli; M.-A. Electrochimica Acta 1994, 39, 2481. 6. Panero, S.; Scrosati, B; Baret, M; Cecchini, B and Masetti, E. Solar Energy...
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Chapter 5

Electrospectroscopic Studies on Polyimides and Their Model Compounds Containing Trianiline Segments X . S. Meng 1, P. Desjardins, and Z . Y . Wang


Department of Chemistry, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 5B6, Canada

The electrospectroscopic behavior o f soluble, film-forming polyimides and their model compound containing amino trianiline, N , N ' - b i s - ( 4 ' aminophenyl)-1,4-phenylenediamine, was investigated. Similar to polyaniline, two typical redox processes were observed for both the polyimides and the model compound. A reversible electro-polychromic switching behavior o f the polyimide films was found and a dynamic absorption change o f the film at different wavelength during the redox process was demonstrated.

I. Introduction Extensive studies on polyaniline ( P A N I ) have been carried out in the last five years. Some unique features related to P A N I such as electrical conductivity, highly environmental stability, magnetic and electrochromic properties, and as well as availability have attracted much attention from both academic and industrial sectors (1). Among all the potential applications the most attractive one is the use as electronic devices such as electronic capacitors (2,3), sensors (4), electrochromic displays (2,3,59), and photodiodes (10,11). A l l these applications are based on its unique reductionoxidation (redox) behavior and the associated spectral properties. Electrochromic device is a generic form o f device applications based on P A N I . It may include display and optical memory devices, anti-glare car rearview mirrors, sunglasses, protective eyewear for the military use, and smart windows for car and buildings. Recent reports on flexible electrochromic device composed o f P A N I represents a new area o f applications o f P A N I (12,13). It is known that P A N I shows multiple colors depending on its oxidation state, transparent yellow green dark blue black (or dark purple) (Scheme 1) (1416). These colors corresponding to the leucoemeraldine (fully reduced), emeraldine 1

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base and emeraldine salt (polaronic partially oxidized) and pernigraniline (fully oxidized) as shown in Scheme 1.

(black) Scheme 1. The redox states o f polyaniline (Reproduced with permission from ref 14. Copyright The Royal Society o f Chemistry, 1997)

In the leucoemeraldine form the only electronic transitions present are the benzenoid centered n -> n* and since no long range electronic conjugation exists in the polymer these transitions are in the U V appearing at -3.8 e V (326 nm), making the material colourless. A t the other extreme is the pernigraniline (fully oxidized) form in which exist equal quantities o f benzenoid and quinoid rings. Here three bands appear at 4.6 (270 nm), 3.8 (326 nm) and 2.2 (564 nm) e V , and the purple colour o f this form arises from the low energy band, which is believed to be due to a charge transfer (17)


transition from the benzenoid ring to the quinoid ring. The transitions at 4.6 and 3.8 e V are localized n -> n* transitions o f the quinoid and benzenoid units respectively. The intermediate oxidation state has relatively complicated spectra, dependent upon the p H and dominated by the presence o f charge carriers (polarons) in the polymer. T w o forms o f the polymer exist in this state, each having a proposed 3:1 benzenoid : quinoid composition, the emeraldine base ( E B ) and the protonated emeraldine salt (ES). The visible spectra o f the E B form closely matches that o f the pernigraniline form since they both contain similar functional units, the only difference observed i n the band at 2.2 e V , which is red shifted to 2.0 e V (620 nm) (18). This red shift accounts for the blue color o f this f o r m The E S form has somewhat more complicated spectra, which is a direct ramification o f the presence o f polarons in the polymer since the population o f polaronic sites is dependent upon the concentration o f acid i n the solution. Generally, though the E S form possesses the following uv-vis bands, 1.5 (830 nm), 2.75-3.1 (450 nm), and 1.0 (1240 nm). The band at 1.0 e V is assigned to an intrachain free-carrier excitation, while the variable band at 2.75-3.1 e V is due to 'polaron' band and the band at 1.5 e V is the excitonic transition observed for E B (17,19). Polyaniline shows complex and irreversible electrochemical behavior i n the range o f - 0 . 2 to 1.0 V (vs. S C E ) (15). A t potentials lower than 0.5 V a completely reversible, and relatively simple behavior is observed (9). The C V o f polyaniline, scanned between 0 and 1 V (vs. S C E ) initially shows two redox couples corresponding to the leucoemeraldine - emeraldine couple (base or salt - depending on the p H ) at -0.15 V and the emeraldine - r^rnigraniline couple at - 0 . 8 V . After the initial scan, however, a new couple at 0.5 V appears which corresponds to the appearance o f a decomposition product, which Gerries et al (20-22) has been able to attribute to the cross-linking o f the polymer (22). A s the material is scanned this 0.5 V couple grows in intensity at the expense o f the 0.15 and 0.8 V couples. In non-aqueous solutions, this middle couple reaches a maximum concomitant with complete loss o f the other two couples and can be cycled with no apparent loss o f intensity. However, under aqueous acid conditions, this middle couple reaches a maximum then also decays over time, which has been attributed to degradation o f the polymer to hydroquinone, which has a redox couple at 0.5 V (23). These two proposals seem to be a odds, however it is not unreasonable to imagine that the nature o f the decomposition pathway is dependant upon the environment and that both pathways may be overlaid i n aqueous acid. The instability o f P A N I above 0.8 V aside, the redox behavior o f the first couple o f polyaniline, leucoemeraldine to emeraldine, is stable and has been exploited in E C systems (9,13,24). Thin layer electrochromic devices have been reported by a number o f groups, however despite the seemingly good results derived it would be desirable to address the pernigraniline (blue) form as well. I f it were possible to access this state reversibly, then P A N I or related materials could find utility in glare reduction applications and in smart windows since the band associated with this form best matches the solar spectrum (25). In addition to the electrochemical limitation o f P A N I , poor structural control (due mainly to inadequate polymerization methods) leading to wide variation between the properties o f individual preparations o f the polymer and generally poor solubility have prevented the commercialization o f this polymer in E C devices. M u c h effort then


has been directed at developing synthetic protocols to produce more structurally controlled and soluble P A N I (14,26-29). These efforts however, do not remove the underlying electrochemical decomposition problem o f P A N I above 0.8 V . A s it turns out, similar E C behavior has been observed i n oligomeric polyaniline, and thus some effort has been directed toward preparing such systems as both model compounds to enhance the understanding o f the behavior o f P A N I and as E C materials (23,30-33). Although these oligomers do not produce stable films and are subject to similar poor solubility, such structures hold promise since they can be incorporated into a well behaved polymer system In this way, it may be possible to construct uniform, electrochemically stable, and behaviorally predictable films containing this electrochromic fragment. Shacklette et al (23) successfully prepared dimeric and tetrameric aniline in order to model the electrochemical behavior o f P A N I . Electrochemical studies o f these molecules were performed and it was shown that they possessed fully reversible electrochemical behavior, unlike P A N I . Furthermore, uv-vis spectroscopy with coulombic titration o f the tetramer demonstrated that it also possessed similar, but not identical, polychromic behavior to P A N I . The discrepancy in the C V was attributed to the longer conjugation length in P A N I , which affects the first oxidation couple o f the polymer shifting it to less positive potential. A s well, the uv-vis spectra o f the polymeric material, while possessing similar shape generally, is dominated by a changing background absorption for the E S form due to mobile charge carriers. Due to this changing background, no clear isobestic points were observed. In similar studies conducted by Cao et al (30) and H o n z l et al (31), i n which, they show that the spectroscopy, though similar between oligomeric and polymeric aniline, do show an overall magnitude dependence. In the case o f Cao et al, these model studies, utilizing model oligomers in various degrees o f oxidation did confirm the formation o f a semiquinone chain upon HC1 doping. The aforementioned promising results notwithstanding, the effect o f increasing scale upon the nature o f the electrochemical and spectroscopic o f these materials seems to indicate that the model compounds do not express identical behavior as that o f polymer. In our studies, we wished to investigate whether this difference was due to synergism within the P A N I created by essentially 'having a string' o f connected oligomeric. It was devised then, to incorporate an aniline trimer ( T A N I ) into polyimide to create a polymer containing many 'isolated' T A N I units. In this way the magnitude o f the aniline system could be increased without increasing the length o f conjugation. A s well, we wished to show that the T A N I unit could be incorporated into an easily processable polymeric material without loss o f polychromic behavior. Beginning with the T A N I , which is synthesized by oxidative means from aniline and 4,4'diaminodiphenylarnine, an imide model compound and several polyimides were prepared as described previously (34). In so far as is known, this is the first time such a study has been performed o n this type o f an aniline oligomer. Preliminary studies (34,35), which are described in the discussion, o f the polymer and model compounds seem to indicate that, when the TANI-polyimide derivatives have nearly identical electrochemical and spectroscopic behavior as that o f T A N I . This would indicate that, when oligomeric aniline is 'isolated' within a polymer its behavior is unchanged over that o f the discrete molecule in solution and bodes well


for producing easily processable polymeric materials incorporating aniline like electrochromic behavior. In this paper, recent results o f studies performed o n the imide derivatives o f the trimeric aniline are presented. Films o f TANI-polyimide were also prepared and their electrochemical and electrochromic properties were probed. It is shown from this work that well behaved polymeric materials incorporating aniline trimers can be prepared, these trimers can be addressed electrochemically within such polymeric systems and the behavior o f the trimer within the polymer does not differ significantly from that within the model compounds. II. Experimental 1. Materials. M o d e l 1 was prepared previously and the synthetic aspects reported in (34). The solvent used for C V and uv-vis studies was acetonitrile (Aldrich, spec, grade) and the electrolyte used were tetraethylammoniumperchlorate ( T E A P ) and tetrabutylammoniumperchlorate ( T B A P ) , which were recrystallized prior to use from methanol/water and dried for 12 hours at 110 °C under v a c u u m The solutions were acidified with perchloric acid (Aldrich, double distilled) to a concentration o f -0.01 M .

2. Instruments and Characterization. Solution characterization was conducted using a Cary 3 and Cary 5 spectrophotometers, and a custom-made P C controlled voltammeter. Cyclic voltammetry was performed in a jacketed glass container with an inner volume o f - 2 0 m L . The cell was fitted with a Teflon lid through which holes had been drilled to accommodate the electrodes ( B A S 2013 M F working, Pt wire counter, and A g wire quasi-reference electrode) and a nitrogen or argon gas bubbler. N o internal standard was used to give an absolute reference for the Em potentials (i.e. N H E ) and so all values are versus A g R E . Spectroelectrochemical spectra were collected using a quartz cell o f known design (36) and Cary 5 uv-vis-nir spectrophotometer. During the experiment the potential was varied between 0.2 and 1.1 V while spectra were taken at suitable increments. 3. Film preparation. Polymers (10 mg) containing various amounts o f trianiline unit were dissolved in 1 m L o f N,N'-dimethylformamide ( D M F ) . T o the polymer solution was added a drop o f 1 % D M F solution o f toluene sulfonic acid. The polymer solution turned to green immediately after acidified. The polymer films were obtained by spincoating the acidified solution onto the I T O glass followed by drying at 150 °C in vacuum


The polymer films characterized in a strong acidic electrolyte composed o f T E A P and perchloric acid in acetonitrile. III. Results and Discussions 1. Electrochemical Behavior of the Model Compound. P A N I has alternative phenylene-amine units in its main chain and forms conjugated structure upon oxidation. But it is not the case in TANI-polyimide. According to a proposed mechanism (23) for the electrochemical redox reaction o f the aniline oligomers the redox process o f T A N I diirnide unit is presented in Scheme 2. Since amino groups at the ends o f T A N I segment are capped by the imide the oxidation may only occur at the central part, a structure o f phenylenediamine. Thus there are two oxidized states i.e. cationic radical by losing one electron and diirnine by losing two electrons. The diamine (reduced form), cationic radical (first oxidation form) and diimie (second oxidation form) i n TANI-polyimide are very similar to the leucoemeraldine, emeraldine salt and perrrigrariiline in P A N I . In TANI-polyimide there is no oxidation state like emeraldine base i n P A N I . Therefore the electrochromic behavior may be simpler than that o f PANI.

Scheme 2. Proposed redox states o f trianiline segment The C V o f 1 (Figure 1) shows two redox couples corresponding to the two redox active nitrogen centers similar to that o f the dimer prepared by Shacklette (23).


The reactions believed to occur during the C V experiment are given in Scheme 2. Only quasi-reversibility o f the redox couples was demonstrated, as the anodic and cathodic peak to peak separation was 90 m V for couple I and 70 m V for couple II. The slow kinetics o f 1 are likely due to the influence o f the proton exchange between the amine groups and the solution, which is integral to the redox reaction. The Em potentials were 740 m V and 910 m V for the redox couples I and II (respectively). These two potentials were found unchanged with varied scan rate when the scan rate was lower than 100 mV/s.


i— i — | — i — i — i — i — j — i — i — i — i — | — i — i — i — i — | — i — i — i — jr — i — i — i — i — | — i — i — i — i — | — i r -






1.2 1.4

Potential (V)

Figure 1. C V o f model compound 1 (acetonitrile, -0.5 M E t N C 1 0 , H C 1 0 ) 4



The spectroelectrochemical spectrum for 1 is shown in Figure 2. The fully oxidized, blue compound (Scheme 2 - C ) , possesses a strong transition at 580 nm which corresponds to a charge transfer transition between the benzenoid and quinoid units, similar to that o f permgraniline-PANI described by Goff (15). The yellow, fully reduced, compound (Scheme 2 - A ) shows two transitions at 300 and 400 nm as well as a very broad transition at 750 nm. Regardless o f the oxidation state the compound possesses a high energy phenyl it -> 7t* transition, likely centered in the terminal phenyl groups, as well as those o f the in the trimer in the leucoemeraldine form.

68 1.0









Wavelength (nm)

Figure 2. Spectroelectrochemical generation o f oxidized model compoud 1 in acetonitrile (1.0 M BU4NCIO4, H C 1 0 ) . 4

2. Electrochromic Behavior of the Polyimide Containing Trianiline (TANI) Segments. T o exam their electrochemical and electrochromic properties all films were made from three copolyimides 2-4 and the homopolyimide 5 respectively. The cyclic voltammograms o f copolyimides 2-4 and the homopolyimide 5 displayed two distinct reversible waves and displayed no significant difference in electrochemical behavior. Therefore, only the results for the copolyimide containing 20 % T A N I will be discussed in detail. The C V curve from this copolymer is shown in Figure 3. O f significance is the position o f the first oxidation wave, which occurred at higher potential (near 800 m V ) than those (ca. 300 m V ) o f reported aniline dimer and tetramer without the terminal amine substituents (23). This can be rationalized by considering the electronwithdrawing imido group, which exerts a stabilizing influence, towards oxidation, over the trimer. Moreover, there is a difference between TANI-polyimide and P A N I in the

Figure 3. C V o f copolyimide 2 film on I T O glass in acetonitrile (1.0 M Et NC10 , HC10 ). 4




oxidation mechanism. Specifically, only one electron is transferred in first oxidation o f TANI-polyimide forming a cationic radical while two electrons are transferred in the case o f P A N I forming emeraldine salt or emeraldine base depending on p H . The electrolyte effect on the electrochemical behavior o f the polyimide film in acetonitrile solution was examined with different perchlorate salts. The difference among the voltammograms obtained in acetonitrile solutions containing L i C 1 0 , N a C 1 0 , Et4NC10 , Bu4NC10 respectively was very small. This suggests that these cations are not directly involved in the redox process o f the polyimide films. Comparing with the electrolyte effects the acidity level o f the electrolyte solution plays more important rules in the electro-activity o f the polyimide film. Similar to that for polyaniline a strong p H dependence in electrochemical behavior o f the polyimide containing aniline trimer segments was observed i n acetonitrile solution. Lower acidity ( concentration less than 1 x 10" M ) gave only the first oxidation peak indicating the second oxidation is more p H dependent. B o t h first and second redox pairs appear when the concentration o f H C 1 0 ranges from 1 x 10" to 1 x 10" M . The uv-vis spectra o f the TANI-polyimide film were recorded in-situ during redox cycling. Spectra for the three oxidation states are presented in Figure 4. The diamine (reduced form) has no absorption in visible region, possessing only the expected phenyl ring centered n -> n* transitions. T w o transitions appeared when the first oxidation occurred, one at 390 nm and the other at about 780 nm, arising from the cationic radical (i.e. similar to those o f the bipolarons in P A N I ) . The intensity o f these two transitions decreased during the second oxidation, accompanied by the appearance o f a new transition at 580 run. A t this point the film visibly turned dark blue, attributable to the generation o f the diirnine form o f the trimer. The intensity changes at 390, 580 and 780 nm were monitored when the film was cycled between the boundary potentials o f 0.7 and 1.3 V (Figures 5 and 6). In this potential range, the trimer is electrochemically switched between the cationic radical and diirnine forms. In Figure 5, A is the triangle wave potential applied on the cell, whereas B , C and D are the visible absorption's as a function o f time at the various wavelengths mentioned. 4








It is important to mention that the polymer film showed apparently reversibility at high potential up to 1.3 V . There is no new peak appear between the two oxidation waves. The C V curves are exactly overlapped and the absorption intensity at all the three wavelength mentioned above were reversibly switched with the potential. The large intensity change observed and reversibility observed in the traces is promising with respect to the E C potential o f these materials since these are precisely the properties which lead to high contrast and long cycle life in real world E C applications. I V . Conclusions A trianiline ( T A N I ) , N,N'-bis(4'-arninophenyl)-l,4-phenylenediarnine, was successfully incorporated into a series o f high molecular weight, film-forming, electroactive polyimides. Their electrochromic behavior and reversible electrochromic switching behavior was observed. A s well, no significant difference in the electrochromic properties between these copolymers was observed. Comparison to P A N I and the aniline oligomers revealed that these electroactive polyimides showed relatively high oxidation potentials. The oxidation resistance o f TANI-imide can be attributed to the electron withdrawing terminal imide groups.


Wavelength, nm

Figure 4. Spectroelectrochemical generation o f oxidized copolyimide 2 film o n I T O glass in acetonitrile (1.0 M E ^ N C I C U , H C 1 0 ) during the cycling. 4



0.2 -I







Time, Second

Figure 5. Absorption change o f oxidized copolyimide 2 film on I T O glass in acetonitrile (1.0 M Et4NC10 , H C 1 0 ) within the first 6 cycles at 390 ( B ), 580 ( C ) and 780 ( D ) driven by the potential change over time ( A ). 4



Figure 6. C V of copofyimide 2 film on ITO glass in acetonhrile (1.0 M EtjNClO^ HC10 ), first 6 cycles from 0.7 V - 1.3 V . 4

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