Elementary sold state physics (Kittel, Charles) - Journal of Chemical

Journal of Chemical Education · Advanced .... Elementary sold state physics (Kittel, Charles). Richard C. ... Published online 1 December 1963. Publis...
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BOOK REVIEWS covered (in 1774), was obtained later b.V the dehydrogenation of alcohol." The descriptive chemistry is generally aceurst,e and adequate, although ereept,ion may he taken here and there, as in t,lie statement that chlon,methane is made by the reaction of a n erluimolar mixture of methane and c l h i n e hen in fact a large excess of methane is used. Formic acid is described as heine mark from mrhon monoxide and steam, when the lmportsnt processes are two-step operatmns. Minor and irrelevant points are sometimes included. For example, the color, I,uiling point, and mebhod of preparation of ozone me given. %rain t,llenry and conf~rmntianare not taurlred upon nt all. Pml,lems of IUPAC nomenclature are not adequately handled. The student is given litt,le help in the construction of IUPAC names; apparently he is supposed t o learn by inference from examples. Un;~ccept,able hylridization of IUPAC wit,h other style names is found in names such as "1-hutyl halides," "isohutene," "t,he eight isomeric pentanols," and in the phrase "there are two n-butanols?' The questions a t the end of the elinpters are few and unimzginstive. I n short, while t,liis hook is chemically sound and modern in appror~ch,i t leaves something t o he desired in the way of org:misntion and palish.


FLOYD L. JAMES Miami Umiwmitu Orford, Ohio

Elementary Solid State Physics

C h w h Kiltel, University of Califomis, Berkeley. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1962. xi 339 pp. Figs. and tables. 15.5 X 23.5 em. $8.75.


"Elementary Solid State Physics" is a judiciously edited version of "Introduction to Solid Stste Physics." The reviewer can find little quarrel with the choice of material fur a. beginning one-semester course in the physics of solids. All the essential parts and the flavor of "Introduction" have Reen retained and there is sufiieient det:ail and references t o the original literature t o give depth t o blre trentment. The pml,lems a t the end of each ahapter me often t,sken over unchanged, hut the more difficult starred problems have not been included. Many of the derivations in the Appendix of "Introduction" have heen omitted. Considerable new material, including tunnel diodes, masers, and the strengtll of metal whiskers, has been included. Users of the second edition of "Introduction" may want t o use this more up-todate version a t the cast of using n less sophist,icated treatment. In comperison with AzarofI's "Introduction t o Solids" (reviewed in J. CHEII. ED., 38, ,586 [19611), "Elementary Solid %ate Physics" is much more mathemnt(Continwd on page A9741



Journal of Chemicol Education

BOOK REVIEWS ical and more concerned with the physicists's point of view rather than that of the materials scientist.

C. CARLSTON RICHARD Amojet-General Covoration Azusa, California The Chemistry of Rhenium

K . B. Lebedev, translated by L. Ronson in collaboration with A . A . Woolj. Butterworths, London, 1962. x 105 pp. Figs. and tables. 14 X 22 cm. $7.50.


This short volume differs from the previous monographs of Trihalat (1957) and Druce (1048) in that the main emphssis is on the occurrence, separation, and production of the element. The only chemistry considered is that related to production processes. Since the original Russian publication is based on the Literature up to 1959, this volume is already slightly out of date. Although naturally the Russian practice is emphaeized, the foreign literature is adequately covered. Information an the prediction, and discovery of rhenium are very hriefly covered in Chapter I. Chapter I1 contains considerable detail on the properties of rhenium metal, its alloys, oxides, and perrhenates; while the uses of rhenium are discussed in Chapter 111. Production data are also included in Chapter 111, although the date. for Russia are curiously missing. The geochemistry of rhenium and the recovery of rhenium from molybdenum sources are discussed in Chapter IV. The methods used for the extraction of rhenium compounds, complete vith flow sheets, are discussed in Chapter V. Chapter VI is devoted to methods of reduction to the element. Chapter VII briefly deals with the analytical chemistry. Although the reviewer cannot vouch for the accuracy of the translation, the English version certainly is readable. The average chemist probably will not he interested in purchasing this book unless he is specifically interested in this element.

EDWIN M. L*RBEN University of Wisconsin Madison

Phthalocyanine Compounds

Frank H . Moser and Arthur L. Thomas, Standard Ultramarine and Color Co., Huntington, West Virginia. ACS Monograph No. 157. Reinhold Puhlishing C o p , New York, 1963. xiii 365 pp. Figa. and tables. 16 X 23.5 cm. $18.


The only chromophore discovered to date in the 20th century is "Phthalocyanine." The name, coined by R. P. Linstead, means "rock oil dark blue." The authors have performed a major service by condensing its literature, to mid-April, 1962, into book form. Long lists of references follow each chapter. (Continued on page A976)



Journol of Chemical Education