Ellipsometric Approach for the Real-Time ... - ACS Publications

sin (2Δ2ω) - i sin(2RH. 2ω) cos(2Δ2ω) + i cos(2RH. 2ω)]×. [ep. 2ω es. 2ω ](1). ePMT#1. 2ω. ) (NAes. 2ω,A + NBes. 2ω,B)[cos(2Δ2ω) + i cos...
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Ellipsometric Approach for the Real-Time Detection of Label-Free Protein Adsorption by Second Harmonic Generation [J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 5001-5007]. Mark A. Polizzi, Ryan M. Plocinik, and Garth J. Simpson* Several of the equations in this publication contained typographical errors. Page 5002. The correct expression for eq 1 is given by the following:

e2ω PMT#1 ) N


] [ ]

0 0 × sin (2∆2ω) - i sin(2R2ω ) cos(2∆2ω) + i cos(2R2ω H H ) e2ω p e2ω s


The correct expression for eq 2 is given by the following: 2ω,A + NBe2ω,B )[cos(2∆2ω) + i cos(2R2ω e2ω PMT#1 ) (NAes s H )] +

+ NBe2ω,B )[sin(2∆2ω) - i sin(2R2ω (NAe2ω,A p p H )] (2) The correct expression for eq 3 is given by the following:


e2ω PMT#1 ) NB

e2ω,B [cos(2∆2ω,A) + i cos(2R2ω,A s H )] 2ω,A 2ω,A [sin(2∆ ) i sin(2R +e2ω,B p H )]



Page 5003. The correct expression for eq 5 is given by the following:


cos(2∆2ω) + i cos(2R2ω H ) ) 2ω 2ω es -sin(2∆ ) + i sin(2R2ω H ) e2ω p


The erroneous equations reported in the original publication were purely typographical errors and were not used in any of the calculated values summarized in Tables 1 and 2 or in the generation of Figures 2 and 3. JA042833L 10.1021/ja042833l Published on Web 12/30/2004



J. AM. CHEM. SOC. 2005, 127, 1058

10.1021/ja042833l CCC: $30.25 © 2005 American Chemical Society