EM SCIENCE - Analytical Chemistry - ACS Publications - American

EM SCIENCE. Anal. Chem. , 1987, 59 (3), pp 194A–194A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00130a758. Publication Date: February 1987. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Anal...
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PITTCON 10:20 (535) Characterization ot Alkyl Phase Selectivity for the Separation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons—L.C. SANDER. National Bureau of Standards. S.A. Wise 10:50 (536) Stationary Phase Heterogeneity and the Kinetics of SorptionDesorption in HPLC—D Β MARSHALL. University of Idaho, J.W Burns

11:25 (546) Use of Optical and X-Ray Absorption Techniques as Probes for Structure-Activity Relationship—P.V. KHADIKAR, UTD Chemistry, P.T. Malshe 11:45 (547) Estimation and Typification of Collagen in Different Animal Types—M.A DESMUKH, Bhopal University, P.K. Shrivastava, R. Prakash

11:20 (537) Time Resolved Fluorescence Studies of Molecular Interactions at Reversed-Phase Silica Surfaces—J.M HARRIS, University of Utah, A. Wong. M.L Hunnicutt, J.W. Carr

Biochemical Analysis II

Computer Augmentation of Chromatography and Spectroscopy

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Wednesday Morning, Chelsea AB, Trump Plaza B. Evans, Jr.. Presiding Dionex Corporation

8:30 (538) Microcrystalline Cellulose Triacetate-Analytical and Prepara­ tive Separations of Optical Isomers with Pharmaceutical Interest—J N. KINKEL, E. Marck, P. Knoll

8:30 (548) Applications of a UV/Vis Spectra Library in HPLC—A DR0UEN Hewlett-Packard GmbH, L. Jarke. L. Huber 8:50 (549) Kinetic Detection Method for Thin-Layer Chromatography— C.A, CORCORAN, Virginia Commonwealth University, S.C. Rutan

8:50 (539) Membrane Separation of Water-Soluble Proteins—W LI, Texas Tech University, D.W. Armstrong 9:10 (540) The Role of Carbonic Anhydrase in Nitrification Bacteria—J D PAZ, Polytechnic University, R.R. Cardenas 9:30 (541) Manual Solid Phase Affinity Peptide Sequencing—ML ST0LOWITZ. Analytichem International. B.A Paape. Ε A. Kasciki, D.D. Blevins 9:50 (542) Determining the Critical Micelle Concentration of Surfactants Using a Binary Mixing System—S.C. G0HEEN. Bio-Rad Laboratories. R.S. Matson 10:10


10:25 (543) Studies of Peptides Using Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry—R.C. WILLOUGHBY, Extrel Corporation, S, Mitrovich, J.D. Buchner 10:45 (544) Computer-Assisted Prediction of Globular Protein Structure— E.V. TRIPODI. University of Georgia, J.A. de Haseth 1105 (545) Automation of DNA Sequencing: β Ray Direct Detection Method—Κ NAGAI, Hitachi Ltd.. T. Shimada, J. Tokita, K. Watanabe, R. Nakano. T. Sumitani, H Kanbara, Y. Teranishi, F Hishinuma. J Chuken

9:10 (550) Correction for Temperature Variations in Kinetic Methods of Analysis—S.C RUTAN, Virginia Commonwealth University, C.A. Corcoran 9 30 (551) Multicomponent HPLC Analysis Using an Adaptive Kalman Filter—MR KOENIGBAUER, University of Delaware, S.D Brown 9:50 (552) An Investigation into the Sources of Noise and Extra-Column Effects in Chromatography Using Signal Processing Software—S D FRANS, Spectra-Physics, Inc., V. Nau 10:10 RECESS 10:25 (553) Shape-Related Parameters and the Prediction of HPLC Retention Indexes of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons—R H R0HRBAUGH, The Pennsylvania State University, PC Jurs 10:45 (554) Numerical Deconvolution of Gas Chromatographic Using Jansson's Method—P.B. CRILLY, Hewlett-Packard Company

11 05 (555) Curve Fitting with Confidence - A Sophisticated Solution to an Analytical Laboratory Problem—J Κ HURWITZ

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