Pliofilm in M i l i t a r y Equip
NEED BETTER MECHANICS IN YOUR MILL Skilled men are growing scarce — mech anized war demands specialists in every Line in the field and in direct armament production. You need modern equrpmeni that will perform unfailingly — take up the slack and increase production, even with a less skilled working force.
FAMILIER in peacetime as wrapping for fVuit and other perishables, thin sheets of glossy, \vaterpr«»of film are now speeding the flow of airplane* and other military equipment t«» the I". S. Army ami Navy. Chemists of the (ioodyear Tire & Rubber Co. in cooperation with engineers of t h e Peerless Photo Products Co., Shoreham, L. I., X. Y., have developed an emul sified Pliofilm which has the property of maintaining its exact size under all con ditions of wetting and handling. This new product, known as Transphoto film, is being used throughout the airplane and similar industries to hurry the fabrication of templates for war-expanding factories everywhere in the United States, and is saving thousands of precious man-hours previously needed t o make the templates. It is said to be highlv superior in accuracy to any process used before. The Transphoto template process can be adapted also to producing similar lay outs on masonite, plywood, and similar nonmetaUic surfaces if the material is coated first with a special zinc base paint. In one instance of the use of the Pliofilm process, a total of 108 shop templates were reproduced from IS master layouts in ap proximately 300 hours, representing a saving of 1,100 man-hours over the time which would have been required by previ ous methods. Plastic Replacement for Rubber TELESCOPING a decade of normal research and development to nine months, the plastic interlayer for automobile safety glass has been converted into a versatile replacement for rubber in numerous mili tary applications, the Plastics Department of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. a n nounced. Raincoats, bags for transporting drink ing water to soldiers, hospital sheeting, life rafts and belts, food bags, water-proof and oil-resistant suits for sailors, and surgical plaster will be made from a fabric coated with **Butacite" polyvinyl acetal resin, in stead of rubber.
bottle washers, plating tanks, humidi fiers, hot water storage tanks, boiler feed water control, etc. Filter Paper A N O T H E R new grade has been added to the line of Hank brand filter papers, pro duced bv Henrv E. Jacobv, 205 East 42nd St., New York. Ν. Υ., and will be designated as N o . 850. I t was developed primarily for filtering intravenous and subcutaneous injectables. Suggestions Save Time and Materials E I G H T thousand man-hours and more than 125,000 pounds of scarce steel will be» saved because of the ingenuity shown re cently by four war workers at the General Electric Co.'s plant at Schenectady, Ν. Υ. The four men headed a group of 60 em ployees of this plant which received awards totaling SI,575 in one week re cently for suggestions which speed war production. Approximately S 100,000 has been paid out by General Electric this year for 11,000 suggestions adopted.
Cutting Oils D E V E L O P M E N T of a new line of cutting oils which will help speed the American battle of production b y increasing ma chine productivity in war industries is announced by the Standard Oil Co. of Indiana, Chicago, 111. The new cutting oils permit faster speeds and new methods of tooling, closer tolerances in sizes and finishes, and in creased use of alloy steels which have lower machinability ratings than the metals commonly encountered. Productioneers T H E name "productioneers" for soldiers in overalls has been coined b y the LinkBelt Co., Chicago, 111., which issues a house organ known as t h e Link-Belt Proauctioneer.
N e w Plant of Farrel-Birmingham C o .
In the newer plants of i k e process indus tries, you will find a surprising" number of Prater Installations. They are there be cause they were sold on a guaranteed basis of capacity per Horsepower and control of quality. May -we d o the same for you. PRATER PULVERIZER COZMPA^TY 1825 S. 55th Ave., Chicago, EU.
Please send me complete information on Prater Processing Equipment Name Address City
j y J_L^ U \ L
Wdll/'Vi ,H-_*g',< Π Jinr ir ; IhV : #;·£& ^ j i » s w i i - A*. Tar: · ^ r - ^ y v
COMPLETED and in partial production five months after site excavation was started, the new plant of the FarrelBirmingham Co., Buffalo, X. Y., records another triumph of cooperation between industry, governmental agencies, and the building contractor in the interests of speeding the war effort. Virtually a duplicate of the original building of the company and now operat ing in conjunction with it, the new struc ture is a modern plant containing 150,000 square feet. Direct Current M o t o r - O p e r a t e d Valves X HE direct current motoroperated valves of the B a r b e r - C o l e m a n Co., Rock ford. III., have been designed for two-position (on oft) control of steam, w a t e r , or g a s . T h e majority of types avail able may be used for oil or brine. The valves are suitable for use on heat ing and cooling coils.
Curing the DTs, or Hair of the D09 That Bit You T H E gloom that heavy water brings Will quickly vanish, like smoke rings, If ethyl firewater flows In due dilution, 'neath your nose. With Tritium, the plot now thickens. We've complications, like t h e dickens: HtO, D a 0 , T*0, HDO, HTO, DTO. But alcoholic vapors here Once more relieve a prospect drear. Tritium has a predilection For alcohol, as per this diction: C 2 H 8 OH 4- DTO = C*H*OT + H D O Thus alcohol the D T cures— N o inebriety endures. JEROME ALEXANDER 50 E A S T 4 1ST S T . . N B W Y O B K , Ν. Υ.
Fuel Conservation Π Ρ Η Β Office of Price Administration, Washington, D . C , in an effort to stimulate discussion on fuel conservation and thereby save valuable fuels that might otherwise be wasted, has sent to selected organizations a letter requesting coopcration. A leaflet on "How to Heat Your Home with Less Fuel This Winter" has also been issued, together with information on the fuel prospect, b y states, heating plant efficiency, and conversion. The chemist is in a particularly favor able position to be of service in this work, by familiarizing himself with the actual conditions and acting as a source of reliable information. He can thus help people t o reach a proper decision as to their pro cedure under the circumstances and to appreciate the seriousness of the situation.
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LININGS JK O R a l o n g t i m e t o c o m e processing a p p a r a t u s m u s t o p e r a t e efficiently a t p e a k capacity. To do so, t h e e q u i p m e n t m u s t incorpo rate materials, engineering skill a n d w o r k m a n s h i p of t h e highest order.
Coffee Bags M a d e from Colombian Fibers Γ Λ
| Η Ε American republics are experimenting with native fibers for the manu facture of bagging to be used for coffee, sugar, grain, and other agricultural com modities in place of Indian jute. An im portant result of this research has been the development of fique fiber in Colombia, where t h e 1941 output totaled about 38,50G,000 pounds, compared with about 23,000,000 in 1940. Some 4,000,000 bags of coffee are now reported going into ex port in Colombian-made sacks.
Chemical engineers have recognized these essential characteristics in Stebbins Linings for successfully h a n d l i n g acid, alkali a n d corrosive liquids, gases a n d v a p o r s i n a "wide r a n g e of equipment.
Short Course in Coal Utilization Π Π Η Ε papers presented at the sixth short course in coal utilization, held at the University of Illinois from May 21 to 23, 1941, have been collected into a 112-page booklet, Circular 4 3 , which is available at fifty cents a copy from the University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. It includes 14 papers that present technical and practical in formation pertaining to coal and its ef ficient utilization.
By e m p l o y i n g S t e b b i n s Serv ice, p l a n t o w n e r s a r e a s s u r e d of a d e s i g n a c c o r d i n g to latest engineering prac t i c e , m a t e r i a l s specifically adapted to operating condi tions and superior construc tionUnder a l u m p s u m c o n t r a c t , S t e b b i n s Service provides all m a t e r i a l s a n d labor with a n unqualified g u a r a n t e e of c o m p l e t e s a t isfaction.
Chemists in Civilian Defense A N ARTICLE on "War Gases, the Chem"^^ ist's Part in Civilian Defense", illus trated with molecular models of mustard gas, adamsite, phosgene, chloropicrin, and lewisite, is the lead-off in the latest issue of The Laboratory, published by the Fisher Scientific Co., Pittsburgh, Penna. The war gases are briefly described, with direc tions for first aid treatment and decon tamination.
3 1 ELLON INSTITUTE, Pittsburgh, Penna.,
is distributing gratis to all interested specialists who request them copies of a publication entitled "Structure and Antipneumococcic Activity in the Cinchona
2 0, N O . 2 1 - N O V E M B E R
lliglJGPOODS "TDD l^TEfi^BItnB ( B î M »
10, 1 9 4 2
MICROMETRIC CONTROLS F o r all compressed cylinder gases. Adjusted so fine t h a t a full s t r e a m or as few as five or ten bubbles a m i n u t e m a y be o b t a i n e d from a full-pressure t a n k . Details in Bulletin N-112 YOUR DEALER OR
HOKE, Inc., 585 Eagle Ave., New York
Λ MERICAN MonoRail Overhead Handling -^ Equipment r e d u c e s idle machine time, avoids d a m a g e to equipment a n d goods in tran sit, eliminates multiple handling and coordinates handling with process. It enables you to plan exact schedules of production. American MonoRail Equipment is en gineered to meet the particular require ments of each individual job. Let an American MonoRail Engineer show you how it can be done in your plant. No obligation — write today.
THE AMERICAN MONORAIL CO. 13122 A t h e n s Ave.
A Cleveland, Ohio
A d l v e r t i s t i i g C e p ^ 7 ïïBzm&t m a k e ss t r i p t& t i i e U . S. C©M©®I*© O f f i c e §€0
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