Emerging Technologies for Hazardous Waste Management: An

Once exotic, many hazardous wastes are now commonplace. For example, estimates of their production rates in the U.S. were 680 million metric tons/y in...
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Chapter 1

Emerging Technologies for Hazardous Waste Management A n Overview 1

D. William Tedder and Frederick G. Pohland


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School of Chemical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0100 Department of Civil Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261-2294 2

Once exotic, many hazardous wastes are now commonplace. For example, estimates of their production rates in the U.S. were 680 million metric tons/y in 1986 according to Baker and Warren (1). Wastewaters comprise about 90% of these estimates. An accompanying summary detailed waste management practices in 1986, and estimated that about 1090 million metric tons of waste were processed in 1986. Fischer (2) presents a study using the data base generated by the Chemical Manufacturers Association. He estimates that in 1989, the U.S. chemical industry produced 6.17 million metric tons of hazardous solid wastes and 987 million metric tons of hazardous wastewaters. Fischer (2) also presents cumulative distributions of annual waste production for solids and wastewaters which show that most of the waste generators produce relatively small amounts. About half produced less than 122 metric tons of solid wastes in 1989. Nearly 70% of the 617 chemical plants surveyed did not produce hazardous wastewaters that year, and the average solid waste production rate was 10,000 metric tons/y. On the other hand, the average wastewater rate was 1.6 million metric tons/y, but about 70% of the plants generated virtually no wastewater. Thus, there are a few plants that generate relatively large waste streams, while many more generate much smaller ones. Based upon Fischer's study for the 1980s, the incineration of hazardous solid wastes appeared to increase steadily over that decade while treatment and disposal decreased. Most of these effects were due to changes at a few plants with large waste streams. Both studies find over 90 mass% of the wastes currently generated are aqueous, but neither study includes historical waste inventories. These latter quantities include significant amounts of solids (e.g., contaminated soils and sediments). Manahan (3) points out that hazardous wastes also arise from natural processes. Many significant hazards result from various organisms found in na0097-6156/93/0518-0001$06.00/0 © 1993 American Chemical Society In Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management III; Tedder, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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ture (4). The botulism toxin from Clostridium botulinum, for example, is one of the most acutely toxic substance known. Wastes from the food industry may include such hazards as aflatoxin Bi, produced by Aspergillus niger, a fungus which grows on moldy food, especially nuts and cereals. Hazardous grain molds include Cephalosporium, Fusarium, THchoderma and Myrothecium which produce trichothecenes (5). Among the alkaloids, nicotine is particularly toxic and prevalent in many wastes (6). Considerable research into biological warfare agents has focused on Clostridium botulinum and Bacillus anthracis which produce botulism and anthrax, respectively. Although not strictly natural products, biomedical wastes are significant both in the quantities and hazards they represent. They contain many infectious agents that occur naturally (7). Increasing environmental concerns are forcing waste generators to significantly modify waste management practices. The concentration limits in liquid and gaseous effluents are decreasing. Zero discharge is the goal for many priority pollutants, especially in aqueous wastes. Thus, there are clear needs for improved technologies to achieve these goals—either directly by decontamination or indirectly by recycle and process modification. Zero liquid discharge may become a reality in many instances. Waste management using separation technologies becomes more difficult and expensive as feed concentrations in the waste stream decrease. This is partly due to the fact that secondary waste production per mol of product recovered is inversely related to the feed concentration. Figure 1 illustrates this effect. It shows data for aqueous secondary waste production using ion exchange and solvent extraction technologies to recover heavy metals and fission products (8-17). Although secondary wastes can usually be concentrated, Figure 1 clearly indicates why the practical returns, and the incentives for using decontamination technologies, rapidly diminish with feed concentrations. As a consequence, this approach is not necessarily the best one. Alternatives include strategies to reduce waste generation rates, to facilitate wastewater recycle and reuse, to permit the implementation of alternative manufacturing chemistry, and to enable sludge reduction and reuse. These latter approaches are sometimes less obvious, but may be preferred from the systems viewpoint. Brandt (18) describes waste reduction in terms of the four Rs—reduction, reuse, reclamation, and recycle. Wastes may have value if they can be recycled or reused at the generation site, or if they are usable raw materials in another process. On-site recycle is particularly attractive if it also leads to higher product recoveries and waste concentration. In some cases, the waste has little intrinsic value, but recycle improves the overall process efficiency and the production of solid waste forms. Partly because of such complexities, several organizations have developed assistance programs (19, 20). Off-site disposal necessarily incurs transportation costs, but may be advantageous if the waste can be used as a raw material by another process, promotes energy recovery, or assists in pollution abatement or waste treatment. This latter strategy is often more complex than thefirstbecause the supply and demand are less likely to match.

In Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management III; Tedder, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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Hazardous Waste Management: An Overview

Feed Concentration, X, g-mol/L

Figure 1. Typical dependence of secondary aqueous waste production on feed concentration using solvent extraction and ion exchange to recover heavy metals and fission products. (Adapted from ref. 8.)

For many solid and liquid wastes, significant reductions are achievable by a variety of means. Simple accounting, inventory control, and more stringent disposal standards often yield significant waste reductions (21). In some cases, less hazardous raw materials can be substituted. A current example includes the on-going search for substitutes to chlorofluorocarbons for numerous dry solvent applications. At the other extreme, process modifications may be implemented to reduce waste generation rates and, finally, alternative treatment technologies (e.g., incineration) may be adopted. Constituents in municipal solids are among the more obvious candidates for recycle (e.g., metals, glass, paper, plastics, and rubber). Some of these constituents are not hazardous, but they are often found in hazardous mixtures (i.e., in a contaminated state). Such wastes may be segregated manually or by methods that exploit differences in physical properties such as density or magnetic susceptibilities. Increasingly, residential generators are being encouraged to segregate bottles and cans. Separation at the point of generation is less expensive, but still labor intensive. This approach can be effective, especially as an interim procedure, but a clear need exists for more efficient segregation technologies that are economical at centralized facilities (22). The contents of this volume focuses on selected waste management tech-

In Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management III; Tedder, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.




nologies that are under development. Since they are emerging technologies, neither process safety nor economic considerations are discussed in detail. Therefore, in most cases, additional research and development are needed before these aspects can be assessed with acceptable levels of confidence.

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Physical and Chemical Wastewater Treatment Improved technologies for managing wastewaters contaminated with toxic and hazardous substances are an important goal for many researchers. This emphasis is appropriate since over 90 vol % of hazardous wastes are primarily aqueous (/, 2). The papers in this section primarily review decontamination technologies (either separation and purification or detoxification by chemical reaction). It should be recognized, however, that water reuse and recycle is at least equally important, especially as acceptable discharge limits approach lower concentration levels. Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) for wastewater treatment have been discussed in earlier volumes in this series and they remain of interest here (23, 24). The fundamental chemistry is complex, even in well even for well defined systems. The hydroxyl radical upon which they are based can be generated by many catalytic and photolytic systems, and effectively used to degrade target pollutants. In Chapter 2, Ollis overviews earlier efforts and, by emphasizing photocatalysis, particularly Peyton's work (25), concludes that reactor design for these systems is still not well developed. Ollis focuses primarily on the use of ozone, hydrogen peroxide, ultraviolet light, and the catalytic system based on titanium dioxide (26). Supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) can also be used to generate the hydroxyl radical and oxidize pollutants. Tester et al. provide an in depth review of this technology in Chapter 3. It is of interest because many hazardous substances, including polychlorinated hydrocarbons, can be effectively oxidized under conditions that avoid the production of nitrogen oxides. Their contribution reviews critical technology components and operations as required for commercial-scale development. They also summarize fundamental research activities in this area. Although other uses of supercritical fluids have been studied [e.g., supercritical extraction with C 0 (27-30)], SCWO has clear advantages. These authors conclude that the basic idea is sound. Fenton's reaction can also be used to generate the hydroxyl radical through the reaction: F e + H 0 - F e + OH- + H O " (1) 2






The use of F e has not been as widely studied, but it can also catalyze the oxidation of organics. In Chapter 4, Pignatello and Sun compare herbicide mineralization in several related systems ( F e / H 0 , and the photocatalyzed systems Fe hi/, H 0 / h i / , and F e / H 0 / h i / ) . Initial rate studies indicated 3+









In Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management III; Tedder, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.



Hazardous Waste Management: An Overview 3+

that a favorable synergism occured when Fe and H 0 mixtures were irradiated. In Chapter 5, Vella and Munder compare potassium permanganate, Fenton's reagent, and C10 to oxidize substituted phenols. Theyfindthat chlorine dioxide is the mostflexibleof these oxidants, since it is less susceptible to interferences and more effective over a wide pH range. Potassium permanganate is similar to C10 , but it exhibits slightly greater interferences. Fenton's reagent only works well in a narrow pH range and is very susceptible to inhibitors and common scavengers for OH- (e.g., phosphate and carbonate). On the other hand, it is effective at the lowest concentrations of the three. They find that K M N 0 is less effective than Fenton's reagent, which is much less effective than C10 in reducing toxicity. The use of solid catalysts to enhance degradation rates is complicated by mass transfer considerations. Reactants must transfer from the bulk liquid phase to the catalytic site. In general, this involves diffusion through a boundary layer surrounding the solid particle, pore diffusion to the catalytic site, and the adsorption of reactants (31,32). The opposite path is followed by products, and either may become limited due to mass transfer rates. In situations where mass transfer controls, ultrasound irradiation may be helpful to reduce boundary layer thickness and enhance intrapore diffusion rates. Ultrasound may also enhance reaction rates if it increases the effective catalyst surface area (e.g., through pitting or fragmentation). In Chapter 6, Johnston and Hocking report accelerated photocatalytic treatment rates with ultrasound and T i 0 and U V to degrade chlorophenols. They find ultrasound enhances reaction rates in this system and suggest possible explanations. Water purification by adsorption and chemical treatment (e.g., flocculation) is well established technology, but its effectiveness in treating hazardous wastes is not as well defined. Reactive dye discharges, for example, are potential problems for the textile industry. When such discharges occur, they typically involve large volumes and present color problems in addition to their toxicities. Typical reactive dyes also have low vapor pressures and are, therefore, candidates for adsorption-based removal systems. In Chapter 7, Michelsen et al. evaluate this technology for the control of Navy 106 reactive wash waters from pad dying operations, and the use of chemical reduction to pretreat the more concentrated dye streams in the process. Theyfindthat it is more attractive to treat the concentrated wastes, and compare several alternatives. 2





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Biological Treatment Biological treatment is a traditional technology for maintaining water quality that isfindingnew applications in the treatment of hazardous wastes occurring as either gases or solids. The chemistry of biological systems is complex, however, and has the concomitant problem of biomass maintenance. This latter

In Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management III; Tedder, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.


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challenge may be particularly severe whenever biological agents are used to destroy or concentrate hazardous toxins. In Chapter 8, Eckenfelder and Norris provide an overview of the applicability of biological processes for the treatment of soils. Since the biodégradation of organic wastes (or "land farming") has been used in some form for many years, the paramount issues associated with its application to hazardous wastes are basically those that have been defined from years of wastewater treatment (i.e., temperature, pH, moisture, nutrient availability, oxygen levels, etc.). The primary focus of most aerobic bioremediation processes is the provision of adequate nutrients and oxygen, but additional considerations may arise in hazardous waste applications (e.g., in situ vs ex situ treatment, its use in conjunction with other remediation technologies, and the control of toxic effluents). Thus, the extent of bioremediation at any given site must be evaluated in light of overall needs and constraints. The effectiveness of bioremediation clearly depends on the susceptibility of the target pollutants. This vulnerability can be measured for individual species (e.g., using respirometry), but a combinatorial problem exists because of the numbers of pollutants, biological systems, and substrate matrices that need evaluation. There is, therefore, a need to develop predictive methods for estimating degradation kinetics using generalized methods. One approach, described by Tabak and Govind in Chapter 9, uses molecular structure and biodégradation relationships to define group contribution effects and thus estimate degradation rates. They conclude that this approach can be used to predictfirstorder kinetics and Monod rate constants. Hydrogen cyanide and its salts have numerous industrial applications. Cyanide-bearing wastes are toxic and must be managed. One approach, discussed by Shah and Aust in Chapter 10, uses Phanerochaete chrysosporium to mineralize potassium cyanide and salts of Fe, Cd, Cu, Cr and C r in soil and liquid cultures. They show that a pure lignin peroxidase from Ρ chrysosporium oxidizes cyanide using a pathway involving the cyanyl radical. This microorgan­ ism has the advantage of being relatively non-specific; it also degrades lignin and munition wastes, for example (53). Ground corn cobs can be used as the nutrient. Anaerobic treatment processes frequently involve toxic and hazardous sub­ stances. However, treated effluents may still contain unacceptable pollutant concentrations, and the biological factors which influence degradation rates are often poorly defined. In Chapter 11, Sathish et al. describe their efforts to develop better methods of quickly obtaining reliable kinetic measurements. They propose the use of a fixed-growth environment and well-defined media in which acclimated cultures are developed along with selected co-substrates. Goodloe et al. describe the anaerobic digestion of industrial activated sludge in Chapter 12. These sludges may be hazardous if they contain resid­ ual chemicals (e.g., phenols or heavy metals). Volume reduction and sludge 6+

In Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management III; Tedder, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.



Hazardous Waste Management: An Overview

disposal is often based on incineration, but anaerobic treatment offers a possible alternative that also produces a methane-bearing biogas that has fuel value. They conclude that polymer hydrolysis was not the rate-limiting step in their system, and were able to achieve about a 35% reduction in volatile solids with a hydraulic residence time of 15 days. Their minimum hydraulic residence time for stable operation was about five to seven days.

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Soil Remediation and TVeatment The widespread use of hydrocarbon fuels has resulted in significant contamination problems both in soils and sediments. Typically, waste oils are recovered by décantation, extraction, or evaporation with condensation. The most attractive means depends upon the waste matrix, oil concentrations, and their properties. However, the conventional means for oil recovery are generally not applicable for cleaning contaminated soils (34). When petroleum products are released to the environment, they tend to become adsorbed and chemisorbed onto soil particles. The primary factors are the relative permeabilities of the oil contaminants in the soil, their viscosities, and interfacial tensions. Secondary factors include the extent of oily contamination in the soil field and the areal distribution of oily pools. There are many alternatives for contaminated soil cleanup. As might be expected, each has strengths and weaknesses. Ex situ thermal treatment can be effective (35), for example, but also expensive and destructive to the soil. Ex situ chemical (36) and bioremediation (37) methods are often helpful for the remediation of specific pollutants, or classes of pollutants, but they too have disadvantages. In situ methods are often less traumatic to the soil ecology, but also much slower and less complete (38, 39). As an added complication, the most effective technologies are typically site specific and require extensive experimental testing to identify. Thus, real needs exist for better generic capabilities for soil cleanup that are more economical, easier to implement and have reduced environmental impacts. Just and Stockwell compare the effectiveness of in situ and ex situ technologies in Chapter 13. They focus on issues surrounding the cleanup of solventcontaminated soils, but their perspective is useful beyond that immediate problem. They compare low-temperature thermal treatment, radio frequency heating, steam stripping, vacuum extraction, aeration, bioremediation, soil flushing and washing. Both advantages and disadvantages of the technologies are discussed along with summaries of specific applications. Just and Stockwell conclude that a clear treatment choice often does not exist a priori. Greater progress will be made in a priori selection if a better and more fundamental understanding of soil chemistry and its interactions with pollutants exists. Toward that end, Goldberg presents a soil model in Chapter 14 that appears useful for describing metal adsorption on oxide minerals, clays, and soils.

In Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management III; Tedder, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.


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Their constant capacitance model provides a molecular description of adsorption phenomena using an equilibrium approach. It is based on a rational soil model that requires the definition of surface species, chemical reactions, equilibrium constants, surface activity coefficients, and mass and charge balances. This model is an extension of work by Schindler and Stumm (40-42) that is based on four essential assumptions: (a) all surface complexation occurs within the inner spheres, (b) anion adsorption occurs via a ligand exchange mechanism, (c) the aqueous species activity coefficients are defined using a constant ionic medium reference state, and (d) a linear relationship exists between surface charge and potential. The predictions from this model are encouraging. In Chapter 15, Marsi and Evangelou present a model describing the effects of brackish solutions on chemical and physical behavior in temperate region soils. They study the effects of three variables: (a) ionic strength, (b) the sodium adsorption ratio and (c) pH on the Vanselow exchange coefficient, the adsorbed ion activity coefficients, and the dispersion and saturated hydraulic conductivity relationships. In studying two soils, they find that these variables regulate saturated hydraulic conductivity by clay dispersion and swelling. Chapter 16 is a contribution by Sato et al. that examines the applicability of Fenton's reagent for the treatment of soils contaminated with perchloroethylene and polychlorinated biphenyls. It complements the discussions of Fenton chemistry found in Chapters 4 and 5 for aqueous systems. Their laboratory results suggest that Fenton's reagent may be useful for ex situ decontamination. Under their conditions they were able to achieve reasonable mineralization rates.

Treatment of Volatile Compounds In situ soil wash solutions and groundwater may become contaminated with volatile organics. These waters are easily treated by air stripping to remove the volatiles, but the pollutants still require management to avoid an air pollution problem. In addition, many industrial processes emit volatile pollutants that require abatement. Air venting with activated carbon adsorption, for example, is one commonly-used method for controlling worker exposure and volatile emissions. However, it suffers from the disadvantage that adsorption beds must either be regenerated or periodically replaced. In the former case, the volatiles must still be managed on site. In the latter, volatiles must be controlled off site. Chemical reaction, particularly oxidation, represents one possible avenue for detoxifying many airborne volatiles. In Chapter 17, Shaw et al. describe the use of Pt, PdO, and M n 0 for the destruction of methylene chloride and trichloroethylene. A 1.5% Pt on 7-alumina catalyst, either on a cordierite monolith or as a powder, completely oxides 200 ppm of trichloroethylene in air at 500 °C and space velocities of 30,000 v/v-h. A PdO catalyst is about equally 2

In Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management III; Tedder, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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Hazardous Waste Management: An Overview

effective at 600 °C, but produces highly chlorinated byproducts whose generation rates are reduced by the presence of hydrogen sources (e.g., water or methane). Alternatively, volatile organics may be photo-oxidized in air using ultraviolet light. In Chapter 18, Blystone et al. discuss this option by using a xenon flashlamp as the radiation source. They report apparent quantum yields and first order rate constants for several chlorinated species (e.g., trichloroethylene, perchloroethylene, chloroform and methylene chloride). Species with higher absorbances have higher destruction rates. The destruction rates in some mixtures may exhibit favorable synergistic interactions. They conclude that the application of this technology to groundwater treatment via air stripping is possible. A third option for the destruction of volatile chlorinated organics in air is discussed by Krause and Helt in Chapter 19. They examine the use of a microwave discharge plasma reactor at atmospheric pressure to destroy trichloroethylene and 1,1,1-trichloroethane. They find that either species can be destroyed using either oxygen, water, or 0 and H 0 vapor mixtures as coreactants using an argon carrier. Both the extent of reaction and the product distribution depend upon the power input to the reactor; the primary products are CO, C 0 , HC1, C l , and H . Apel et al. discuss a fourth method for promoting the destruction of toxic vapors in Chapter 20. Their approach usesfixed-bedbioreactors in which a suitable microorganism is immobilized on an inert support. They studied the degradation of methane, trichloroethylene, and/7-xylene using methanotrophic bacteria, and find that gas-phase bioreactors appear to offer significant potential for the cleanup of selected gaseous effluents. They also point out that this technology is in competition with conventional aqueous-phase bioreactors, and that solutes with higher aqueous solubilities may be treated more effectively as liquids. 2





Selected Mixed Waste Treatment Applications Mixed wastes can possess both radiological and chemical hazards. Mixed wastes containing organic species may undergo radiolysis and the continuous or intermittent release offlammablegases (e.g., C H 4 or H ). Examples include high-level liquids in the Hanford Underground Storage Tanks and solid transuranic wastes at Idaho and Rocky Flats. In such cases, there is an added incentive to stabilize the wastes (e.g., by destroying the organic species or separating them from the radioactive components). As a further complication, the treatment of mixed wastes invariably requires extensive precautions to protect workers. In Chapter 21, Hickman et al. describe an electrochemical process for treating mixed wastes. Variations using this or similar redox chemistry have been 2

In Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management III; Tedder, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.




studied for many years (43-47), but their applicability and utility are still often overlooked. In the case of mixed wastes, it is particularly interesting in that: (a) carbonaceous species (either solids or liquids) are oxidized more readily than refractory metal oxides, (b) refractory metal oxides (e.g., PUO2) can be ionized and dissolved, and (c) the corrosive properties of higher valence species can be eliminated by the addition of excess reductant. The first property enables the selective removal of many organics, the second provides a way to recover and concentrate the metals, and the last allows greater freedom to use less expensive materials of construction. Hickman et al. use a semipermeable membrane to partition the anolyte and catholyte solutions. In some cases, however, a membrane is not required and this is another advantage in waste handling systems. In cerium and nitric acid, for example, C e exists as H Ce(N0 ) and is not attracted to the cathode. Chapter 22 provides an evaluation of polyethylene encapsulation of lowlevel wastes. Kalb et al. describe theirfindingsbased on the investigation of specific failure mechanisms (e.g., biodégradation, radiation, chemical attack, flammability, etc.) Polyethylene was found to be extremely resistant to each of these potential failure modes under anticipated storage and disposal conditions. Polyethylene is highly resistant to microbial degradation and attack by aggressive chemicals. Radiation doses through 10 rad increase crosslinking and improve strength and other physical properties. They conclude that polyethylene waste forms exceed minimum performance standards established by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Environmental Protection Agency for commercial low-level wastes and hazardous wastes, respectively. 6+

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Summary Hazardous wastes are a continuing problem in today's world, increasing in both quantity and toxicity. At the same time, government regulations to restrict their disposal and release are becoming more stringent. Moreover, since wastewater concerns are most prevalent, they will continue to dominate efforts for management and control. Separation and destruction technologies can be helpful in decontaminating waste streams. On the other hand, decontamination and discharge may not be the best long-term strategy, since many of the traditional technologies are inefficient for managing trace contaminants. Waste stream recycle and pollution prevention may be more attractive, especially as release limits continue to drop and design criteria change and become more stringent. As a consequence, there are still many research opportunities to develop innovative technologies that are more effective. MacNeil, for example, reviews membrane applications in detail (48). Those which enable the regeneration and recycle of reagents are of particular interest. In some cases, the incremental waste management

In Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management III; Tedder, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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Hazardous Waste Management: An Overview


costs can be offset by reduced net reagent use in waste-generating process, and Thornburg et al. provide one example for recovering nitric and hydrofluoric acids from spent pickling liquors (49). Biological waste treament processes exhibit considerable potential because of their low cost and relatively benign characteristics. Microorganisms will continue to play important roles in water purification through such techniques as immobilization on beds, and the exploitation of their naturally occurring bioaccumulative properties. Their abilities to oxidize and reduce various species should not be overlooked, as these abilities can be exploited to either liberate or precipitate metals. They also have useful applications in soil treatment and air pollution control. Waste recycle and process integration will become increasingly important, and they often offer the greatest opportunities for utilizing existing equipment and capabilities. While specialized unit operations can provide new and improved alternatives, it is the overall system performance that determines the effectiveness of any given waste management plan. Process synthesis and integration are particularly important in the area of pollution prevention, but it is essential to have an overall strategy and a clear vision for each application. In general, the best approaches will convert wastes into assets, reduce resource consumption and production costs, and provide more robust and competitive production and marketing networks. Improvements in waste management can also improve product recovery and promote reagent reuse, and these factors should always be considered in the development of an overall plan.

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In Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management III; Tedder, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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In Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management III; Tedder, D., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1993.

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Hazardous Waste Management: An Overview


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