Emersor Stearic Acids...refuse to fraternize with Oxygen - C&EN

Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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E m e r s o r Stearic Acids Oxygen, as you know, is one of the friendlier elements. But there are times when a more stand-offish attitude would be appreciated... especially when close association with it yellows your product, ruins its consistency and turns it rancid. Emersol 132 (triple-pressed grade) and Emersol 120 (double-pressed grade) are what you might call "oxygen snobs." With the steadfastness of a Puritan, they firmly resist oxygen's approaches. This straight-laced character of Emersol Stearic Acids is your comforting assurance that your products will retain their delicate, pleasing color through

r e f u s e t o fraternize w i t h Oxygen (and you benefit)

processing, storage and use—that their texture will remain smooth and ap­ pealing—and that they will not develop rancidity. In addition to their remarkable resistance to oxidation, Emersol 132 and 120 offer clear-cut advantages in color, color stability and uniformity. In fact —a little extra everything except price. We invite you to prove these statements to your own satisfaction in your j









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products. Request an evaluation sample and ask for our 24-page Emeryfacts " E m e r s o l Stearic Acids." W r i t e D e p t . C-9B.

FATTY ACID DIVISION Emery Industries, Inc., Carew Tower, Cincinnati 2, Ohio VQpco!ene 0ivisiontlos AngeleSf

California. Export Division, Cincinnati, Ohio

Emery Industries (Canada) Ltd., London. Ontario