Emission Switching of 4,6-Diphenylpyrimidones: Solvent and Solid

Aug 2, 2012 - Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Florida International ... that emission of diphenylpyrimidones can be modulated by four factor...
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Article pubs.acs.org/JPCA

Emission Switching of 4,6-Diphenylpyrimidones: Solvent and Solid State Effects Edward Adjaye-Mensah,† Walter G. Gonzalez,‡ David R. Bussé,†,§ Burjor Captain,† Jaroslava Miksovska,‡ and James N. Wilson*,† †

Department of Chemistry, University of Miami, 1301 Memorial Drive, Coral Gables, Florida 33146, United States Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Florida International University, 11200 SW Eighth Street, Miami, Florida 33199, United States

S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: The photophysics of 1-ethyl-4,6-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)-2(1H)-pyrimidone (1) and 1-ethyl-4,6-bis(4(dimethylamino)phenyl)-2(1H)-pyrimidone (2) were investigated to determine the mechanisms of emission switching in response to protonation. UV−vis and steady state emission spectroscopy of the protonated and unprotonated forms across a range of solvents reveal the polarity dependence of the vertical excitation energies. Emission lifetimes and quantum yields show the solvent dependency of the excited states. Emission enhancements were observed in polyethylene glycol solutions and in the solid state (both thin film and single crystal), demonstrating the role of intramolecular rotation in thermal relaxation of the excited states. TD-DFT calculations provide insights into the excited state geometries and the role of intramolecular charge transfer. The collected data show that emission of diphenylpyrimidones can be modulated by four factors, including the identity of the electron-donating auxochrome, protonation state, solvent polarity, and viscosity.

INTRODUCTION Fluorophores are invaluable tools as sensors, imaging agents and probes of biological systems.1−4 Their utility is often a result of high sensitivity toward specific analytes or variations in their chemical microenvironment that may be manifested as changes in photophysical parameters such as emission wavelength, intensity or emission lifetime.5 Fluorescent pyrimidines are a class of highly responsive, multisensing probes6 that have found applications as nucleoside analogs7 and metal ion sensors.8,9 Although the pyrimidine moiety alone exhibits optical transitions at relatively high energies, chemical modification allows tuning of absorption and emission to more useful energies through extension of conjugation and introduction of auxochromes. Extending the conjugation of the pyrimidine core can be accomplished via benzofusion or addition of a rotatable aryl group; examples of the former include the expanded nucleobases of Kool10 and Moreau11 whereas the latter are typified by the pyrimidine constructs reported by Tor12 and others.13,14 We recently reported a series of phenylpyrimidones that exhibit large proton-induced enhancements in molar absorptivity (i.e., hyperchromicity) as well as substantial bathochromic shifts in their absorption maxima.15 These chromic shifts are coupled to changes in emission and two specific constructs, 1 and 2 (Figure 1) are of particular interest. Though they are nearly identical in their structure (differing only in the identity of the electron-donating auxochrome) and exhibit similar chromicity upon protonation, their emission response was found to be exactly opposite: 1 © 2012 American Chemical Society

Figure 1. Left: general structure of 4,6-diphenylpyrimidones showing the donor−acceptor−donor π-system and possible internal rotational modes. Right: chemical structures of the specific 4,6-diphenylpyrimidones studied, 1 and 2.

functions as a “turn-on” probe when protonated whereas 2 is quenched in several organic solvents. Although the chromicity of these fluorophores can be rationalized on the basis of the HOMO−LUMO gap and allowability of the vertical electronic transitions, the switchable emission cannot. Herein we report the results of a combined empirical and theoretical investigation into the underlying photophysical processes governing the ON/OFF behavior of diphenylpyrimidones. Received: April 17, 2012 Revised: July 24, 2012 Published: August 2, 2012 8671

dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp3036956 | J. Phys. Chem. A 2012, 116, 8671−8677

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


Our primary motivation was to understand the molecular basis of the contrasting emission response (OFF-ON vs ONOFF) of 1 and 2 and more generally how these responses might be incorporated into functional fluorescent probes based on the arylpyrimidone framework. We focus first on the two highly emissive species, the protonated form of 1 (1H+) and the neutral form of 2, by examining their ground and excited states across a range of solvents utilizing UV−vis spectroscopy, steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy and fluorescence lifetime measurements. Inspection of the molecular architecture of these diphenylpyrimidones suggests several means for modulating their emission response. First, the π-system consists of an electron withdrawing pyrimidone core with two pendant, electron-donating phenyl arms. This arrangement can be viewed as a donor−acceptor−donor (D−A−D) π-system that may exhibit intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) states upon photoexcitation. Second, both phenyl arms may rotate, which can limit effective conjugation of the π-system and influence the optical properties of the chromophore. These structural details suggest that diphenylpyrimidones should be responsive not only to protonation but also to solvent polarity and reduced molecular rotation. The solid-state (thin films of 1, 1H+, 2, and 2H+ and crystals of 1) optical properties provide additional insights into the role of rotational relaxation following photoexcitation. TD-DFT calculations at the 6-31G* level provide further details of the relevant molecular orbitals involved in the optical transitions and the likely modes of quenching that render 1 and protonated 2 (2H+) nonemissive under most conditions. Though we were primarily focused on exploring the contrasting emission responses observed for 1 and 2, we observed several similarties in their optical properties, as well. These results demonstrate that, despite the relatively simple architecture of diarylpyrimidones, their emission response is governed simultaneously by multiple factors that contribute to their performance as optical reporters. The insights gained into the photophysical basis of “turn-on” and “turn-off” emission guide their use as fluorescent probes as well as the development of biologically relevant fluorophores.2

polarization effects were also applied with SAINT+. An empirical absorption correction based on the multiple measurement of equivalent reflections was applied using the program SADABS. The structure was solved by a combination of direct methods and difference Fourier syntheses, and refined by fullmatrix least-squares on F2, by using the SHELXTL software package.18 Crystal data, data collection parameters, and results of the analysis are in Table 1.

EXPERIMENTAL SECTION Steady-State Absorption and Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Spectroscopy and HPLC grade solvents were utilized for all spectroscopic measurements; all path lengths were 1 cm. UV−vis absorption spectra were obtained on a Perkin-Elmer Lambda 35 UV−vis spectrometer using chromophore solutions of 10−20 μM. Fluorescence studies were performed on a Perkin-Elmer LS55 fluorometer. For determination of Φem, solutions were prepared to an optical density of less than 0.05 to minimize inner filter effects. Perylene in cyclohexane was used as a reference for quantum yields.16 Fluorescence lifetimes were obtained on a frequency-domain lifetime spectrometer ChronoFD from ISS exciting at 370 nm using POPOP or 1,4bis(5-phenyloxazol-2-yl)benzene (scintillation grade) in ethanol as a standard. Crystallographic Analyses. Colorless single crystals of 1 suitable for X-ray diffraction analyses were obtained by evaporation of solvent from a dichloromethane/methanol solvent mixture at 25 °C. The data crystal was glued onto the end of a thin glass fiber. X-ray intensity data were measured by using a Bruker SMART APEX2 CCD-based diffractometer using Mo Kα radiation (λ = 0.710 73 Å).17 The raw data frames were integrated with the SAINT+ program by using a narrowframe integration algorithm.17 Corrections for Lorentz and

Compound 1 crystallized in the monoclinic crystal system. The systematic absences in the intensity data were consistent with the unique space group P21/c. With Z = 8, there are two formula equivalents of 1 in the asymmetric crystal unit. All nonhydrogen atoms were refined with anisotropic displacement parameters. Hydrogen atoms were placed in geometrically idealized positions and included as standard riding atoms during the least-squares refinements. Computational Methods. All calculations were carried out utilizing the Guassian ’09 suite of electronic structure modeling software.19 Ground state geometries were calculated by DFT with the B3LYP functional at the 6-31G* level in the gas phase and three solvents (cyclohexane, chloroform, and methanol).20 Excited state geometries were optimized by TD-DFT at the 321G* level in the gas phase and the selected solvents. The atomic coordinates obtained from crystal structure of 1 were used as the starting geometries for the protonated and unprotonated forms of 1 and 2. The vertical excitation energies were obtained from TD-DFT calculations with B3LYP functional at the 6-31G* level. Molecular orbitals were visualized using the GuassView 5 program. The coordinates of the ground state and excited state gas phase optimized geometries are provided in the Supporting Information.

Table 1. Crystallographic Data for 1 empirical formula formula weight crystal system lattice parameters a (Å) b (Å) c (Å) β (deg) V (Å3) space group Z value ρcalc (g/cm3) μ (Mo Kα) (mm−1) temperature (K) 2Θmax (deg) no. of obs (I > 2σ(I)) no. of parameters goodness of fit max. shift in cycle residuals:a R1; wR2 absorption correction, max./min largest peak in final diff map (e−/Å3)

C20H20N2O3 608.71 monoclinic 15.9181(7) 15.8933(7) 13.9220(6) 101.478(1) 3451.7(3) P21/c (No. 14) 8 1.295 0.088 296 53.0 5247 458 1.014 0.001 0.0393; 0.0985 multiscan 0.9930/0.9640 0.140

R = Σhkl(||Fobs| − |Fcalc||)/Σhkl|Fobs|; Rw = [Σhklw(|Fobs| − |Fcalc|)2/ ΣhklwFobs2]1/2, w = 1/σ2(Fobs); GOF = [Σhklw(|Fobs| − |Fcalc|)2/(ndata − nvari)]1/2. a


dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp3036956 | J. Phys. Chem. A 2012, 116, 8671−8677

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


Figure 2. (a) Absorption and emission spectra of 1H+ in selected solvents showing the negative solvatochromatic effect. (b) Linear regression analysis of the λmax,abs (●) and λmax,em (▲) of 1H+ shows first-order dependence (R2 = 0.92 and 0.93, respectively) on solvent ET(30) values,20 whereas λmax,abs of 1 (■) does not. (c) Quantum yields of fluorescence (Δ) are linked to solvent polarity, and average emission lifetimes (◆) correlate well (R2 = 0.91) with solvent polarity. (d) Absorption and emission spectra of 2 in selected solvents. (e) Linear regression analysis of λmax,abs (■) and λmax,em (▲) of 2 correlates (R2 = 0.90 and 0.91, respectively) with ET(30) values, whereas λmax, abs of 2H+ (■) does not. (f) Quantum yields of fluorescence (Δ) show a second-order dependence (R2 = 0.90) on solvent polarity values and average emission lifetimes (◆) exhibit a similar effect.

Table 2. Photophysical Parameters for 1, 1H+, 2, and 2H+ cpd 1 1H+













λmax,abs (nm) λmax,em (nm) λmax,abs (nm) λmax,em (nm) Stokes shift (cm−1) Φem τavg (ns) τ1 (ns) α1 τ2 (ns) α2 λmax,abs (nm) λmax,em (nm) Stokes shift (cm−1) Φem τavg (ns) τ1 (ns) α1 τ2 (ns) α2 τ3 (ns) α3 λmax,abs (nm) λmax,em (nm)








400 482 4250 0.43 2.73 0.57 0.25 3.46 0.75 371 419 3090 0.03 1.69 0.25 0.38 2.51 0.41 10 0.20 495

401 477 3970 0.41 1.82 0.37 0.31 2.47 0.69 378 444 3930 0.20 2.9 0.18 0.32 2.92 0.40 11.3 0.26 494

396 463 3650 0.44 1.58 0.75 0.57 2.68 0.43 384 457 4160 0.40 4.31 0.18 0.25 2.79 0.45 10.5 0.28 494

390 461 3950 0.01 1.51 0.65 0.79 5.36 0.19 379 491 6020 0.35 3.5 0.26 0.48 2.83 0.27 11.7 0.23 494

390 457 3760 0.07 0.88 0.25 0.44 1.38 0.56 387 501 5880 0.28 4.28 0.21 0.41 2.86 0.28 11.9 0.29 498

387 451 3670 0.03 0.69 0.35 0.79 2.02 0.20 391 514 6120 0.05 4.17 0.15 0.60 2.89 0.18 11.3 0.20 494


304 412 394 465 3880 0.12 0.986 0.386 0.358 1.32 0.644 393 504 5600 0.22 0.76 0.58 0.94 3.91 0.05

340 408 399 495 4860


473 635

395 507 5590 10−3


399 508 5380

observed for 1 and 2H+. 1H+ exhibits negative solvatochromism, with an absorption maximum of 400 nm in cyclohexane, shifting to 386 nm in methanol. Negative solvatochromism suggests that the ground state of 1H+ is more polar than the excited state.22 In a polar solvent such as methanol (ET(30) = 55.5 kcal/mol−1), the ground state is stabilized more than the excited state, leading to a hypsochromic shift relative to cyclohexane (ET(30) = 31.2 kcal/mol−1). This effect is readily explained by the cationic nature of 1H+, which should be

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Solution Spectroscopy. The absorption and emission spectra of 1 and 2 were obtained for both the neutral and protonated (1H+ and 2H+) forms in solvents with a range of polarities. The absorption maxima obtained in cyclohexane, toluene, chloroform, acetone, 2-propanol, ethanol, and methanol are plotted as a function of ET(30) values in Figure 2.21 Pronounced solvatochromic effects were observed for 1H+ and 2 (Figure 2), but little or no solvatochromism was 8673

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


2H+ was not found to be emissive in PEG or in any other solvent investigated.

stabilized in a polar solvent. Photoexcitation may result in a redistribution of charge from the electron donating methoxyphenyl arms that leads to a less polar excited state. For 2, a positive solvatochromic effect was observed with an absorption maximum of 371 nm in cyclohexane, shifting to 395 nm in methanol. Positive solvatochromism indicates the excited state of 2 is more polar than the ground state. This is not unexpected given the molecular architecture of 2, which possesses a strong electron-donating dimethylamino group coupled to an electron withdrawing pyrimidone core. This arrangement should contribute to an excited state with significant intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) character that would be stabilized in polar solvents such as methanol. We next examined the emission spectra of 1H+ and 2 (Table 2). The solvent-dependent emission spectra of 1H+ and 2 follow the same trends observed in the absorption spectra; a negative solvatochromic effect was found for 1H+ and a positive shift in the case of 2. For 2, the effect was especially pronounced with a shift of 95 nm between cyclohexane (λmax,em = 419 nm) and methanol (λmax,em = 514 nm). This large bathochromic shift supports the notion that the emission of 2 is a result of an ICT-like excited state. The hypsochromic shift found for 1H+ was less pronounced with a difference of only 31 nm between cyclohexane (λmax,em = 482 nm) and methanol (λmax,em = 451 nm). Solvent polarity also influences the quantum yields of photoemission (Φem) and emission lifetimes (τem). Although 1H+ exhibits good quantum yields in relatively nonpolar solvents such as cyclohexane, toluene, and chloroform with Φem ranging from 0.41 to 0.44, in polar solvents 1H+ is only weakly emissive with a quantum yield of photoemission of 0.07 in 2-propanol and emission was almost undetectable in methanol. The average emission lifetimes follow an identical trend, ranging from 2.7 ns in cyclohexane to 0.7 ns in methanol. The solvent influence on the emission intensity of 2 differs from the effect seen for 1H+ (compare Figure 2c,f). The emission intensity of 2 peaks in moderately polar solvents, such as chloroform and acetone, with lower quantum yields found in cyclohexane and methanol or ethanol. As 2 was predicted to possess an excited state with ICT character, the quenching observed in the most polar solvents is expected, owing to strong solvent stabilization and subsequent thermal relaxation. The weak emission observed in cyclohexane (and to a lesser extent in toluene) may also be due to the ICT character of the excited state which is poorly accommodated by less polar solvents. Emission lifetimes follow a similar trend (Figure 2f), peaking in moderately polar solvents, CHCl3 and 2-propanol, with lower values in cyclohexane and higher polarity solvent such as ethanol and methanol. The rotational freedom of both the phenyl arms as well as the dimethylamino auxochromes could contribute to energy losses that result in deexcitation. This effect has been noted in similarly constructed propeller-shaped fluorophores with rotatable arms. Reduction of rotation in the solid state leads to so-called aggregation-induced emission (AIE).23 The rotational freedom of the pendant aryl groups is limited in solvents with greater viscosity, as well. In solutions of polyethylene glycol (PEG), the emission of 1H+ and 2 was significantly enhanced relative to solvents with similar ET(30) values; quantum yields of photoemission in PEG are 0.11 and 0.22 for 1H+ and 2, respectively. Though 1 is essentially nonemissive in most solvents investigated (Φem < 0.005), in PEG, emission was clearly evident (Figure 3) with an emission maximum of 398 nm and a quantum yield of 0.04. In contrast,

Figure 3. Photograph of illuminated (λex = 354 nm) vials of 1H+ (top row) and 2 (bottom row): (a) cyclohexane; (b) toluene; (c) CHCl3; (d) acetone; (e) 2-propanol; (f) ethanol; (g) methanol; (h) PEG. The effect of solvent on both λmax,em and Φem is evident. The effect of PEG in enhancing Φem for unprotonated 1 is also shown (i).

Despite their structural similarity, the solvent dependent optical spectra reveal several key differences between 1 and 2. First, the solvatochromism observed in the absorption spectra suggests that 2 possesses a relatively polar, ICT-like excited state, whereas emission from 1H+ is the result of less polar excited state. The emission spectra and associated quantum yields lend further support to this notion as 1H+ is emissive in less polar solvents, whereas 2 displays the strongest emission in moderately polar solvents. This trend is most clearly seen when parts c and f of Figure 2 are compared and in the photographs of illuminated solutions (Figure 3). A comparison of the absorption spectra of 1H+ and 2 shows that the energies of these electronic transitions are similar ranging from 3.1 to 3.2 eV for 1H+ and 3.1 to 3.3 eV for 2. This is clearly the case for the chloroform solutions in Figure 3, which are essentially indistinguishable. For most chromophore cores, inclusion of a dimethylamino substituent typically leads to lower energy optical transisitions than methoxy substitution.23 With similar energies for 1H+ and 2, it is likely that both methoxyphenyl arms of 1H+ are conjugated through the pyrimidone core, thereby lowering the energy of the HOMO−LUMO transition, whereas only a single (dimethylamino)phenyl arm contributes in the case of 2. Solid State Spectroscopy. In the solid state, the rotation of the phenyl arms is predicted to be reduced and may lead to emission from 1 and 2H+, which were not observed to be fluorescent in solution.24 Thin film absorption and emission spectra obtained for 1 and 2 in the neutral and protonated states are shown in Figure 4. The thin film absorption spectra closely match those obtained in solution with the absorption maxima of the protonated forms bathochromically shifted relative to the neutral forms; this effect is clearly seen in Figure 4a as protonation of colorless 1 produces a yellow film, whereas yellow films of 2 turn deep red. A similar shift is seen in the emission spectra of 1 and 1H+: the neutral form emits blue, whereas the protonated form emits green. The thin film emission observed for 1 is similar to that observed in PEG and reinforces the notion that quenching observed in most solutions is due to the rotational freedom of the pendant 8674

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


methoxyphenyl) arm shows a marked twist (52°). This suggests that only the 4-(4-methoxyphenyl) arm shares significant π system overlap with the pyrimidone core and, as a consequence, the lowest energy optical transitions are likely localized to this conjugated donor−acceptor subunit. As the crystal emission spectrum correlates very well with spectra obtained from thin films and PEG solutions (Figure 2b), it appears that similar lumophores are present in all three cases. Thus, the quenching observed in solution is likely linked to rotation of the 4-methoxyphenyl arms. TD-DFT calculations (vide infra) provide further insight into the molecular orbital contributions to the photoluminescence and solvatochromicity of 1H+ and 2. Calculations confirm that for the unprotonated form of 1 (and 2) the lumophore is limited to the pyrimidone core and the 4-phenyl arm. Furthermore, these calculations suggest alternate modes of emission switching that render 1 and 2H+ nonemissive under most conditions. Quantum Chemical Calculations. DFT and TD-DFT calculations reveal details of the structural and molecular orbital (MO) contributions to the electronic transitions observed in the absorption and emission spectra. The geometry of 1 obtained from the X-ray crystal structure was utilized as a starting point for all calculations. The ground state geometry of 1 calculated at the 6-31G* level in the gas phase and solution show very good agreement with geometry of the crystal structure. Small twist angles, ranging from 0.4° to 15°, are predicted between the pyrimidone core and 4-(4-methoxyphenyl) arm, compared to 7° observed in the crystal structure; larger twists, ranging from 57° to 64°, are predicted for the 6(4-methoxyphenyl) arm compared to 52° observed in the crystal structure (Table S1, Supporting Information). Figure 6 depicts the calculated transitions between the S0 and S1 states for 1, 1H+, 2, and 2H+ along with the relevant molecular orbitals, energies, and oscillator strengths. Several aspects of these transitions correlate very well with the experimentally determined properties and provide further insights into the mechanisms of emission switching. First, the calculated excitation energies are well matched with the experimentally determined values (Figure 7, Table S1, Supporting Information). The negative solvatochromic effect observed for 1H+ and the positive solvatochromic effect observed for 2 are mirrored in the solvent-dependent TD-DFT calculations. Second, the solvent dependent chromicity suggested a more polar excited state for 2. This is consistent with the highly localized molecular orbitals involved in the lowest energy electronic transition (Figure 6), which results in significant charge displacement producing a CT excited state. Finally, the TDDFT optimized geometries also provide good qualitative agreement with the observed solvent dependent emission quenching. One of the most striking features of these molecules is the contrasting emission response to protonation with 1H+ enhanced relative to 1 in most solvents and 2H+ quenched in all solvents and thin films compared to 2. The quantum chemical calculations accurately account for this switching behavior and provide a clear picture of the underlying mechanisms. Although photoexcitation of 1 from the S0 to S1 state is predicted as an allowed transition, twisting of the 4methoxyphenyl arms produces a relaxed S1 “dark state” as deduced from the low oscillator strength of the corresponding S0 to S1 transition in the gas phase, cyclohexane, and chloroform. In methanol, significant oscillator strength (f = 0.65) is predicted for the lowest energy excited state

Figure 4. (a) Photographs of UV illuminated (λex = 354 nm) films (top row) and films under ambient light (bottom row). (b) Absorption and emission spectra of 1 and 1H+. In the solid state (both thin film and single crystal) and viscous PEG solutions, 1 is emissive due to restricted rotation of the phenyl arms. (c) Absorption and emission spectra of 2 and 2H+ in films with emission of PEG as a reference.

methoxyphenyl arms. Thin film emission of 2 also closely matches that observed in solution; it is also interesting to note that weak emission could also be detected for the protonated form (2H+), which was not observed in any solution measurements. The emission maximum is centered at 635 nm, bathochromically shifted by approximately 125 nm relative to the neutral form. Crystallographic analysis of 1 provides some insight into the molecular details that govern the optical properties (Figure 5) of this chromophore. The 4-(4-methoxyphenyl) arm is slightly twisted (7°) relative to the pyrimidone core whereas the 6-(4-

Figure 5. (a) X-ray crystal structure of 1 showing the 4-(4methoxyphenyl) arm to be effectively coplanar with the pyrimidone core. (b) The twist angle is 7°. In contrast, the 6-(4-methoxyphenyl) arm is twisted 52° (c), effectively limiting π-conjugation with the pyrimidone core and opposite phenyl arm. 8675

dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp3036956 | J. Phys. Chem. A 2012, 116, 8671−8677

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A


Figure 6. State energy diagrams, optimized geometries, and contributing molecular orbitals for 1, 1H+, 2, and 2H+ obtained from DFT and TD-DFT calculations. HOMOs are mapped on the S0 states, and LUMOs are mapped on the corresponding S1 states. Energies (eV) of the S1 state correlate very well with the experimentally determined excitation energies. Thermal relaxation following the vertical excitation produces nonemissive or “dark” states for 1, 1H+, and 2H+ with negliglible oscillator strengths (calculated from the S0 to S1 transition). For the protonated species, 1H+ and 2H+, a TICT-like state results due to rotation of the 6-phenyl arms. Values shown are for gas phase calculations; parameters for cyclohexane, chloroform and methanol are summarized in Table S1, Supporting Information.

1H+ is also predicted to undergo rotation and thus produce a TICT-like dark state ( f = 0.0003) that is likely responsible for the quenching observed in polar solvents. The enhancement observed in PEG and thin films reflects the reduced rotational freedom that largely eliminates this nonradiative pathway. The emission of 2 was greatest in solvents of moderate polarity and was attenuated in the most polar and nonpolar solvents. Unlike 1 and 1H+ where the excited state may relax to a nonemissive “dark-state”, the thermally relaxed S1 state of 2 is predicted to have significant oscillator strength. This is likely due to the greater electron-donating ability of the dimethylamino group that enhances conjugation to the electronwithdrawing pyrimidone core. The more polar excited state predicted by both solution spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations is probably poorly accommodated in less polar solvents, leading to emission quenching. This is partially confirmed by the lower oscillator strength predicted by TDDFT calculations in cyclohexane ( f = 0.82) versus chloroform ( f = 1.03). TD-DFT calculations also predict an emissive state in methanol, which is not supported by fluorescence spectroscopy but may be due to hydrogen bonding not accounted for in the solvent model. The predicted geometries of the S1 state differ only in the rotation of the 6-(4-(dimethylamino)phenyl) arm relative to the pyrimidone core. Thus, the observed emission enhancement in PEG is properly attributed to the reduced motion of the phenyl arm. It is interesting to note that the HOMO is largely localized to the 4-(4-(dimethylamino)phenyl) arm. This is likely due to the strong electron donating ability of the dimethylamino group that is able to stabilize the electron-withdrawing pyrimidone core without the contribution

Figure 7. Calculated (TD-DFT, 6-31G*) absorption maxima correlating well (R2 = 0.97) with observed absorption maxima in cyclohexane, chloroform, and methanol.

conformation, suggesting this state should be emissive; however, solution spectroscopy indicates that this is not the case. This difference may be attributed to the solvent model, which accounts for multipolar interactions but not hydrogen bonding interactions. From the molecular orbital diagram it is clear that the allowed transition can be characterized as a π−π* transition in contrast to the n−π* transition for the nonemissive form. The rotation of the phenyl arm is reduced in PEG solutions, thin films, and crystal forms, which limits relaxation to the nonemissive S1 state and dramatically enhances emission. 1H+ exhibited strong emission in less polar solvents (e.g., Φem = 0.44 in cyclohexane) and significant quenching in polar solvents. Vertical excitation produces an excited state that is less polar than the ground state and is well accommodated in less polar solvents. However, the 6-(4-methoxyphenyl) arm of 8676

dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp3036956 | J. Phys. Chem. A 2012, 116, 8671−8677

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A

of the 6-phenyl arm. This short conjugation length explains the relatively small difference in energies observed for the absorption and emission wavelengths of 2 versus 1H+. In contrast, both 1 and 1H+ see significant contributions to the HOMO from both phenyl arms. Protonation of 2 results in emission quenching that is readily explained by relaxation of the vertically excited S1 state to a nonemissive TICT state. The spatially segregated molecular orbitals limit the strength of this transition ( f < 0.001).

CONCLUSION Our investigation into the emission switching of 1 and 2 reveals that rotation of the phenyl arms is the key factor in accessing relaxed, “dark” states by modulating conjugation with the pyrimidone core. This is most clearly evident in the case of 1, which is quenched in most solvents, but emissive in viscous solutions and the solid state. For the protonated species, 1H+ and 2H+, rotation of the 6-phenyl arm also results in a nonemissive TICT state as predicted by TD-DFT calculations. Solvent polarity also plays a role in emission switching through stabilization of the excited state as seen in the solvent dependent quantum yields of photoemission for both 2 and 1H+. Finally, the strength of the electron-donating groups on the phenyl arms dictates the extent of the electronic interactions between the phenyl arms and pyrimidone core. Our primary motivation was to explicate the contrasting emission response of 1 and 2 to protonation and it appears that this effect is limited to a narrow window of solvent polarities as the emission of 1H+ is significantly quenched in solvents with ET(30) values above 41 kcal mol−1. Understanding the molecular details governing switchable emission of arylpyrimidones serves to guide the development of fluorescent probes incorporating these structural motifs. Their polarity and viscosity sensitivity may be harnessed to generate fluorescent analogs of biologically relevant pyrimidines that report binding events, changes in biomacromolecular conformation or solvent interactions. ASSOCIATED CONTENT

S Supporting Information *

Packing diagram and crystallographic axes for 1; energy diagrams for S1−S3 excited states and optimized molecular geometries for 1, 1H+, 2, 2H+. This information is available free of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org.


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Georgetown University, Washington, DC 20057-6724.


The authors declare no competing financial interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by a grant from the American Cancer Society, 98-277-07 (J.N.W.). J.M. acknowledges the support of National Science Foundation (MCB 1021831) and the James & Esther King Biomedical Research Program (Florida Department of Health). We thank Dr. R. Prabhakar (UM, Chemistry) for helpful discussions regarding quantum mechanical calculations. 8677

dx.doi.org/10.1021/jp3036956 | J. Phys. Chem. A 2012, 116, 8671−8677