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EMPLOYMENT ADS INFORMATION ACS members who are UNEMPLOYED or are under notice of involuntary unemployment within 60 days are allowed one free nondisplay situation-wanted classified advertisement per issue. The advertiser must state circumstances with name of company where last employed and date of termination. Each ad may not exceed 50 words (45 words plus five-word box address or advertiser's name and address). Excess words charged at 25 cents a word. After six such ads have run, the member may restart the ad by rewriting and resubmitting it, restating the circumstances of his unemployment status. Ads from ACS Members unemployed or those under notice of unemployment should send their announcements to Mrs. Audra Rafter. Employment Aids Office. Department of Membership Activities. 1155—16th St.. N.W.. Washington, D.C. 20036. RETIRED ACS members are allowed three nondisplay ads in a calendar year if the conditions already stated are followed. Situations-wanted ads for part-time, freelance, or consulting work are excluded from this service to unemployed members. However, retired members

IMPORTANT NOTICE Various state laws against discrimination and the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibit discrimination in employment because of sex unless based on a bonafide occupational qualification. Help wanted and situations wanted advertisements on these pages are for readers' convenience and are not to be construed as instruments leading to unlawful discrimination.



INDUSTRIAL POSITIONS CHEMICAL SALES OPPORTUNITY International Leader in Water Treatment Industry has excellent career opportunity in technical sales and consulting service field. Good salary, commission, profit sharing, full expenses, car. Mature, promotable people preferred with technical background coupled with aggressive personable character. Previous sales experience not required. If interested submit detailed resume of experience and salary history to:

DEARBORN CHEMICAL DIVISION CHEMED CORPORATION SUITE 416 800 E. NW HWY-Palatine v I I I . 60067 An equal opportunity


TECHNICAL DIRECTOR Challenging position open with a rapidly expanding chemical mfg. company. Position requires record of accomplishment & experience in resins & specialty chemicals. Send resume with career objectives to: General Mgr. A Z Products Co., Div. of AZS Corp., P. O. Box 67, Eaton Park, Florida 33840.

may advertise for full- or part-time positions or consulting work. Additional insertions after the free ones may be made at 25 cents per word. Nondisplay insertions by EMPLOYED ACS members seeking full- or part-time positions or consulting work and all nondisplay insertions by Student Affiliates of the Society will be accepted at 25 cents per word for each insertion, no minimum charge. Requests for placement of situation-wanted ads must state ACS membership status, or whether the advertiser is retired (and 55 years of age or older) to ensure publication of the ad in the proper classification. Nonmembers are charged $1.20 per word, minimum charge $18.70. Ads submitted by employed members, student affiliates, and all nonmembers should be sent to Chemical and Engineering News. 142 East Ave.. Norwalk. Conn. 06851. In printing these ads. ACS assumes no obligation as to qualifications of prospective employees or responsibilities of employers, nor shall ACS obtain information concerning positions advertised nor of those seeking employment. Replies to announcements should carry

PLACEMENT BUREAUS Career, Resume, Job Guide—$3.50; Business Start-up Guide—$3.75; Both—$5.90. Research Services, Box 142, Huntington Beach, California 92648

copies of supporting documents, not original documents. Every reasonable effort will be made to prevent forwarding of advertising circulars. Employers who require applications on company forms should send duplicate copies. ACS expects each user of this section to consider himself morally obligated to acknowledge all replies to his advertisement. RATES Display advertisements $111 per column inch (space unlimited). Lower rates on contract basis. Minimum display space, one inch, with inch units thereafter. Agency commission and cash discount allowed on display ads only. Standard setting $1.20 a word, minimum charge $18.70 each. Include five words for box address. Advertisements from outside the U.S. should be accompanied by information stating the New York bank which will issue a bank draft in U.S. funds. The advertisement will be run on the nearest publication date following receipt of the bank draft. SEND advertisements with remittance to CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING NEWS. 142 East Ave.. Norwalk. Conn. 06851. to reach there not later than the deadline of 9 A.M. on Friday. 17 days preceding the date of publication.

Chemical Jobs' List. Weekly, 5 issues $ 5 / - . (Employers: Jobs advertised free.] Sridhar Clubs, Box 955, Hollywood, California 90028 Resume Kit—For Chemists and Engineers Free. Scientific Placement, Inc., Employment Service, 5051 Westheimer, Houston, Texas 77027

METABOLISM/RESIDUE ANALYSIS CHEMIST Industrial research laboratory located in Chicago offers a newly created position to qualified candidates to conduct metabolism and fate studies of radio-labeled pesticides in plants, animals, water, and soil followed by development of residue analysis methods. Requirements: B.S. with 2-3 years experience with liquid scintillation spectrometry or new M.S. with training in radiochemical techniques. Residue analysis experience (GLC, TLC) desirable. For confidential consideration of your qualifications, please send your resume together with current salary and requirements to: Personnel Manager 341 E. Ohio Street

Velsicol Chem. Corp. Chicago, III. 60611

An Equal Opportunity Employer

INDUSTRIAL POSITIONS CHEMICAL ENGINEER Degree in Chemical or Metallurgical Engineering and ten (10) years experience in electro-plating processes may qualify you for a technical position with a leading steel wire manufacturer. Excellent promotional opportunity. Send resume and salary requirements in complete confidence to L. E. Cochrane

Indiana Steel & Wire Company 2000 E. Jackson Street Muncie, Indiana 47302

ANALYTICAL CHEMIST QUALITY CONTROL MANAGER NYSE listed company needs analytical chemist with several years experience in organic chemical analyses. Must have broad knowledge in IR, UV, NMR, GLC, wet chemical and titrimctric methods. Supervisory experience necessary to build and expand existing quality control functions. Exceptional growth potential and benefits. For full details, contact in confidence: Mr. Roger Sacilotto, Production Manger Wayland Chemical Division Philip A. H u n t Chemical Corp. Lincoln, R. I. 02865 An Equal Opportunity Employer

AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY EMPLOYMENT CLEARING The Employment Clearing House is a year-round contact medium for ACS members and student affiliates seeking employment in the profession of chemistry and for employers seeking qualified personnel. CANDIDATES FOR EMPLOYMENT. Any ACS member or student affiliate may use the service at no charge. Application forms are available on request, and the information supplied on training, experience, and education will be placed on file in a data storage and retrieval system. This information will then be immediately available, on a nonconfidential basis.

to potential employers in search of scientific personnel. Members or student affiliates who desire application forms or other information may telephone the ACS Employment Aids Office, toll-free. 800-4248539. or write to the address below. EMPLOYERS. Any employer seeking qualified scientific personnel may request a search of the file of candidates by telephone (202-872-4528) or by writing to the address below. After specification of position requirements, a search of the complete

file of candidate records will be conducted. Copies of resumes of those who meet the specifications will be supplied at a cost of 50 cents each. There is a basic fee of $5.00 for each search conducted. (This fee will be waived if there are no suitable candidates on file.) Further contact with candidates of interest is the responsibility of the employer. The Society requires that users make no placement charge against applicants. Additional information on the service, including the data storage and retrieval system, is available on request.

American Chemical Society

For application forms, position description forms, and further details please write:


C&EN March 26, 1973


1155—16th St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Attn: Employment Aids Office


Continued growth and expansion has created several outstanding and unique opportunities for you to channel your chemical training and experience into a high potential career with a recognized leader in the industry.


Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry with several years industrial exp in modifying & evaluating man-made fibers as well as a sound appreciation of the market & commercial significance of the products to be developed. Will be involved in product development of additives for fibers & plastics; synthesis & incorporation into polymers of additives & modification of polymers for performance & property improvements.


Will have complete responsibility for synthesis & evaluation of novel organic chemicals for use as pesticides, industrial preservatives, etc. A Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry plus several years exp in synthesis of biochemically active chemicals is a prerequisite. A knowledge of microbiological techniques is desirable. If an environment conducive to growth and a company that recognizes & rewards individual performance is the catalyst you've been seeking...do not hesitate, send your resume & salary history in strictest confidence to:

NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT New growth opportunities present additional exciting technical challenges for a construction oriented division to enhance its successful growth record. Challenging growth opportunities for senior chemists and engineers in new product development are available. Responsibilities would include project planning, laboratory work, technical assistance and field testing of new products. We are seeking technical personnel with degrees in chemistry, material science, or chemical, structural, mechanical or civil engineering. Persons with experience in cement chemistry, waterproofing, insulation, roofing, fireproofing, cementitious coatings, acoustics, light weight concrete systems or coatings will be considered. These positions are located at our Massachusetts headquarters and our South Carolina laboratory. Salary is commensurate with ability and experience and corporate benefits and relocation programs are included. Candidates are requested to send a complete resume with present salary to Mr. J. T. Dombrowski.

MR. GARY KAPLAN Manager, Executive Recruitment


A subsidiary of

American Can Company P.O. Box 1104 Rahway, New Jersey 07065 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F

W . R. Grace & Co.


Construction Products Division

62 Whittemore Avenue Cambridge, Mass. 02140

An Equal Opportunity Employer

PROCESS ENGINEERS Immediate openings for chemical process engineers in process development, design, and process improvement. Qualifications should include a degree in Chemical Engineering with preferably 2-7 years experience. Successful applicants will locate at St. Louis, Michigan. Send resume in confidence to: Personnel Director MICHIGAN CHEMICAL CORPORATION 500 North Bankson St. Louis, Michigan 48880 Equal Opportunity Employer


CHEMICAL/ENGINEER * CHEMIST Senior person required with advance degree in chemical engineering or chemistry and experience & training in plastics technology to carry out process & product development of plastic plumbing fixtures & fittings. Write including salary requirements to: MR. G. L. McKIERNAN

AMERICAN STANDARD P.O. Box 2003, New Brunswick, N J . 08903 an equal opportunity employer

CHEMICAL/ BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING A leading Miami based manufacturer of clinical laboratory diagnostics, instruments and glassware is seeking individuals for our chemical and biological production operations. Requirements include chemical or biochemical engineering degree or chemistry related academic background with 2-5 years experience in clinical laboratory reagent or pharmaceutical manufacturing functions. Will also consider inexperienced recent graduate for training assignment. Competitive compensation and fringe benefits include profit sharing, retirement, educational reimbursement, health care and dental plans, etc. Please send detailed resume in confidence to D. F. Barber.

DADE Div. American Hospital Supply Corp. P. O . Box 6 7 2 M i a m i , Florida 3 3 1 5 2 An Equal Opportunity Employer

SALES MANAGERS McKee Engineers and Constructors has a number of high and intermediate sales/marketing management positions in our world wide headquarters in Independence, Ohio and New York branch office. The Petroleum and Chemicals Division is seeking chemical or mechanical engineers possessing a minimum of 4 years sales experience in the engineering and construction of petroleum and/or chemical plants coupled with prior design/construction experience in those process industries. Applicants possessing the interest and above qualifications for domestic sales management should send resumes including salary history to: H. G. Haas, Jr. Manager



ARTHUR G. MC KEE AND COMPANY Cleveland, Ohio 44131 An Equal Opportunity Employer

SUPERINTENDENT RESIN MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT R e s p o n s i b l e position available f o r q u a l i f i e d a p p l i c a n t t o d i r e c t o p e r a t i o n of resin m a n u f a c t u r i n g d e p a r t m e n t . Prefer p r e v i o u s e x p e r i e n c e in t h e m a n u f a c t u r i n g of resins, v a r n i s h a n d latex. College g r a d u a t e w i t h c h e m i c a l engineeri n g or c h e m i s t r y d e g r e e p r e f e r a b l e . Excellent b e n e f i t s , salary a n d g r o w t h o p p o r t u n i t i e s p l u s a solid f u t u r e in a large, diversified organization. A p p l i c a t i o n c a n b e m a d e b y s e n d i n g r e s u m e of e d u c a t i o n a n d salary requirem e n t s . A l l replies will b e g i v e n p r o m p t a n d c o n f i d e n t i a l a t t e n t i o n . Write Personnel Department:


NATURAL PRODUCTS CHEMIST (Antibiotics) We seek an individual with demonstrated ability in the use of advanced physical techniques ("C & *H NMR, mass spectrometry, etc.) to solve structural problems related to antibiotics. Candidates must also have a strong background in organic chemistry and experience in the isolation of natural products. Research facilities located in suburban Philadelphia. Salary commensurate with experience; benefits program includes liberal relocation assistance. FRANCIS J. BESTON Director of Scientific Employment

S K Smith Kline & French & F Laboratories 1521 Sprint Garden Street Philadelphia, Pa. 11111 An Equal Opportunity Employer

GLIDDEN DURKEE DIV. SCM Corporation 11001 Madison Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44102 An Equal Opportunity Employer

SR. TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER Fluor Engineers and Constructors is looking for an imaginative, self-driven Sr. Technology Development Engineer with 10 years well rounded technical and business experience. This experience should have been gained in t h e chemical process industry a n d should include t h e areas of Process Design or Process Development including technical and economic evaluation of chemical, gas treating or refining processes. Other desirable experience would be plant technical services with some involvement in plant start-up or plant operations. Please send your resume with salary history t o : James L. Rhyner

FLUOR CORP. 2500 So. Atlantic Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif. 90040 Equal opportunity employer



A rewarding opportunity for a results-oriented Chemist with 1 year method development experience in an R&D lab. Will be involved in trace element analysis of raw materials and will work with sophisticated Instrumentation analysis in areas such as UV, IR & AA. Submit confidential resume with salary history to: MR. RICHARD HOFFMEYER

Immediate opening for PhD Chemist with experience in synthesis and characterization of single crystal materials to work in an expanding Magnetic Bubble Memory program.


Send resume to:

DIV. OF ABBOTT LABORATORIES 625 Cleveland Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43216 An Equal Opportunity Employer (M/F) Retired? Use your vast knowledge and experience consulting in the rubber and plastics industries. Specialists in processing, formulating and compounding are needed. BRAD ASSOCIATES, INC, Box 5312. Akron. Ohio 44313 Experienced Synthetic Chemist, B.S./M.S. for supervision of organic and biochemical preparations. Research Organics, Inc. 4353 East 49th St., Cleveland, Ohio 44125. 216-883-8025.

Dr. L Q. Bailey, MS/145 Central Research Laboratories Texas Instrraents Incorporated F.O. Bex 5116 Dallas, Texas 75222 TEXAS


AticruiAi nDonanikiiTv EMPLOYEF


ORGANIC COATINGS RESEARCH The Ferro Corporation has an immediate opening in Corporate Research for a researchoriented chemist or chemical engineer with a minimum of five years experience in industrial organic coatings. Research will be directed toward the pigmentation and evaluation of industrial coatings. Background in pigments, dispersions, formulations, coil coatings, paints, powder coatings, application techniques, and testing procedures is desirable. Salary commensurate with experience. Send resume in strict confidence to:

Chemical Engineer Reaction Kinetics/Catalyst Engelhard Industries, a world leader in development of catalysts for the petroleum industry and for pollution control, is seeking an M.S. or Ph.D. Chemical Engineer to work on process/production development. The successful candidate will have up to 5 years9 professional experience and demonstrated skills in the field of bench or pilot plant experimentation, reactor design and kinetic data analysis. Qualified applicants are invited to submit a resume of their experience and salary requirements in confidence to: Mr. W. Hansen. f

® - Ferro Corporation

INDUSTRIES 430 Mountain Ave. Murray Hill, N.J. 07974

One Erieview Plaza Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Attention: E. C. Porter An Equal Opportunity



An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F M/F

POLYMER CHEMIST Outstanding opportunity for Ph.D. with 0-3 years' industrial polymer experience to carry out creative polymer synthesis in packaging materials. Applicant should have experience or degree in polymer chemistry. Suburban laboratory near cultural and academic facilities. Send resume and salary requirements to: Mr. E. G. Glass, Jr. The Standard Oil Co. (Ohio) 0033 Midland Building Cleveland, Ohio 44115 An Equal Opportunity Employer

Symposium on

JOBS for Chemists and Chemical Engineers on TAPE from the Washington ACS meeting SPECIAL LIMITED TIME OFFER Cassettes or open reels: Members $10. Nonmembers $15. Order from: Society, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. ^ ATTN: A. Poulos ^


CHEMISTS—ENGINEERS HARTFORD AREA O n e of t h e m o s t d e s i r a b l e l o c a t i o n s in S o u t h e r n N e w E n g l a n d . N e w p o s i t i o n s in a h i g h l y i n n o v a t i v e , r a p i d l y g r o w i n g o r g a n i z a t i o n . A l e a d e r in t h e f i e l d of S p e c i a l t y A d h e s i v e s & S e a l a n t s f o r m e t a l , g l a s s , r u b b e r , & p l a s t i c s .

PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT CHEMIST To work on adhesive s y s t e m s E x p e r i e n c e in T h e r m o s e t t i n g p o l y m e r s r e q u i r e d Ph.D. p r e f e r r e d

PROCESS DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER T o w o r k o n t h e d e v e l o p m e n t a n d s c a l i n g of n e w p r o d u c t s a n d p r o c e s s e s f r o m b e n c h scale t o m a n u f a c t u r i n g E x p e r i e n c e in b a t c h t y p e p o l y m e r p r o c e s s e s d e s i r a b l e B.S. m i n i m u m

MATERIALS EVALUATION ENGINEER T o w o r k in m a t e r i a l s e v a l u a t i o n a n d s e l e c t i o n E x p e r i e n c e in d y n a m i c a n d f u n c t i o n a l t e s t i n g of p o l y m e r s a n d a d h e s i v e s y s t e m s required. B.S. n e e d e d Send r e s u m e a n d salary r e q u i r e m e n t s t o : D r . R. D. R I C H Technical Recruiting Coordinator

LOCTITE CORPORATION 705 N o r t h M o u n t a i n Road N e w i n g t o n , C o n n e c t i c u t 06111 Industrial Positions Open—Hot—Melts. B.S. with three plus years of experience and knowledge of composition, use and manufacture of thermoplastics. Mid-Atlantic location. Box 19-0-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 R&D Positions in Chemistry. Major international scientific instrument company has immediate positions for three persons: 1-Applications research in NMR, ESR area. Background in NMR, electronics, computers helpful, but not absolutely essential. 2-Applications research in GC-MS computer area. Background and training in these areas desirable, especially for quadrup l e MS. 3-Person to work in service-instrumentation area. Broad knowledge of instrumentation and ability to work with people absolutely essential. In all positions experience and interest in general instrumentation is essential. Location is in suburban N.J. area. Salary commensurate with training and experience. Box 2 1 D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Textile Chemicals & Dyes—Several openings with chemical mfg. clients. (1) Charlotte-tech service and applications (2) No. Jersey-product development (3) Philadelphia-Sales. Salaries to $17,000. ANDERSONTAYLOR, P.O. Box 21, Exton. Pa. 19341

Organic Scale Up—Midwest chemical mfg. client seeks B.S./M.S./Ph.D. Chemist or Engineer (dual degrees, ideal) with exp in synthesis, pilot and production of small quantity organics, reagents or diagnostics. Will serve on manufacturing staff. To $20,000. ANDERSON-TAYLOR. P.O. Box 21, Exton, Pa. 19341 Transition to Sales—Several Eastern Chemical mfg. clients seek product development or tech. service chemists for Technical Sales Training. Candidates should have 2 to 4 yrs. industrial work experience and sales aptitude. To $14,000. ANDERSON-TAYLOR. P.O. Box 21. Exton. Pa. 19341 Industrial Chemist—Leading specialty chemical manufacturer requires a chemist with textile and/or industrial background for research position on West Coast. Applicant should have up to five years experience in dyeing and printing. Please send resume and salary requirements to: Box 19-C-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Resins and Coatings—Chemist or engineer, advanced degree preferred, 5 years experience in formulations of thermosetting resins, adhesives, encapsulants, flexible

tion. Write Dr. C. G. Venier, Chemistry Department. TCU, Fort Worth, Texas 76129. An equal opportunity employer.

Technical Sales/Marketin; If you have a degree in Chemical Engineering; or feel comfortable in this field; and have three to five years experience in technical sales... We offer an unusual opportunity to make key contributions to our relatively young, steadily growing company. We are the leader in a unique technology and many of our products are meeting critical needs in the electronic, chemical and utility fields. If you are interested and think you qualify, please write to Mr. Alfred LaGreca, Personnel Department. MILLIPORE CORPORATION BEDFORD, MASSACHUSETTS 01730 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F

miLLIPORE elastomerics, filled composite compounds, for electrical and functional uses. Must be energetic, product and problem solving oriented, and willing to get hands dirty. Excellent opportunity with dynamic fast growing materials company. Box 33-D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Chemist to teach physical chemistry, physical chemistry laboratory, and general chemistry. Forward vitae and research interests to Dr. Alvinn Shinn, Associate Dean, Division of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, The William Paterson College of New Jersey, Wayne, New Jersey 07470. An equal opportunity employer.

Adhesive Chemist. Must have broad applications experience with emphasis on water based adhesives. Preferred candidate will have technical service experience and be capable of laboratory management. Challenging opportunity in pleasant surroundings. Reply in confidence. Box 29-B-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Postdoctoral Research Associate. Excited state processes in transition metal complexes. Will involve flash photolysis and pulsed laser techniques. Send resume and two letters of reference to Dr. J. F. Endicott, Department of Chemistry, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan 48202


Fellowships in interesting, relevant polymer research at the Polymer Institute, Chemical Engineering Department of University of Detroit. Leading to Master or Doctor of Engineering degrees. Stipends $250-300 per month, plus payment of tuition fees. Send resume to: Dr. D. Camp, Chairman, Chemical Engineering Dept., University of Detroit, Detroit, Michigan 48221

Faculty Positions: The Department of Chemistry at California State University at Sacramento (CSUS) is seeking an Inorganic and a Bioorganic chemist with Ph.D.'s at the Assistant Professorship level starting Fall, 1973. The Inorganic position will require the development of an undergraduate course directed towards future elementary and high school teachers. In addition, the candidate should have significant research training in the synthesis and characterization of inorganic compounds. The Bio-organic position requires research training in any of the following fields: kinetics, bio-, photo-, or pharmaceutical chemistry. All materials must be received by April 16 and should include a complete resume, transcripts, and specific ideas for teaching and research. Three letters of recommendation should be sent directly. CSUS is an equal opportunity employer; women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Please send all materials to: Dr. C. R. Hurley, Department of Chemistry, California State University, Sacramento, Sacramento, California 95819 Graduate Teaching Assistantships: $3936-4326 for nine months. United State academic experience required. Equal opportunity employer. Dr. Robert I sensee. Graduate Advisor, Department of Chemistry, San Diego State, San Diego, California 92115 Assistantships for study leading to M.S. in Chemistry or Biochemistry. $2480 to $3510 per year. Write: Graduate Advisor, Chemistry or Biochemistry, California State University, Long Beach, California 90840 Lipid Research—Asst. or Assoc. Professor. Effective summer 1973, permanent position to conduct and direct research on lipids in areas such as, but not limited to, lipoproteins, biomembranes, steroids. Salary $14,000-$18,000/12 months, depending on qualifications. Send curriculum vitae, employment and research information, publication list and 3 references to: Box 20-D-3. C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 before June 1. Applications from minority groups and women welcomed. Post Doctoral Fellowship—Organic Photochemistry; Dr. B. F. Plummer, Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, 78284; begin May 1, 1973; send vitae and 2 letters of recommendation. Laboratory instructor, M.S., general chemistry; small liberal arts college, desirable Rocky Mountain region. Women and minority group members encouraged to apply. Resume and three letters of recommendation to Dr. Martin Fuller, Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado 81301 Biochemists—Several postdoctoral positions available immediately in areas of antibiotic biosynthesis, enzyme purification, and related areas. Send curriculum vitae to: Dr. George J. Schroepfer, Jr., Chairman, Department of Biochemistry, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77001 Assistant Professor, Ph.D. for Fall 1973. Post-doctoral experience in Physical Chemistry preferred. Physical


C&EN March 26, 1973

Postdoctoral position in x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy beginning late summer or early fall, 1973. Send resume and letters of recommendation to Professor T. D. Thomas, Radiation Center, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331. Selection will be made without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Organic Laboratory Director: Lecture and supervise organic laboratories during the academic year, excluding summers. Women and minority applicants welcomed. Salary $8000-8500. Contact: Dr. William Scouten, Chemistry Department, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa. 17837 Permanent Faculty Position, Clinical Chemist, September, 1973. Recent Ph.D., strong analytical background. Expected to develop doctoral level research program in clinical chemistry and teach at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Clinical chemistry program affiliated with Cleveland Clinic. Frank J. Bockhoff, Chairman, Department of Chemistry, Cleveland. State University, Cleveland, Ohio 44115 Post-Doctoral Research Associate to work on kinetics and mechanism of inorganic reactions. Choice of projects involving "fast" and "slow" kinetics of various hydrolysis, formation, and substitution reactions of complexes of Cr(III) and Rh(lll). Competitive salary appropriate to experience. Send resume to: Dr. Gordon M. Harris, Chemistry Department, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo. New York 14214 Assistant Professorship, Analytical or Biochemistry. Available Fall 1973 for a recent Ph.D. with postdoctoral experience. Applicants with research interests in radiation chemistry preferred. Application deadline April 15, 1973. Send resume with references to Chairman, Department of Chemistry, The University of Mississippi, University Ms. 38677. The University of Mississippi is an equal opportunity employer. Assistantships, Fellowships for M.S., Ph.D. candidates. Summer appointments available. All areas chemistry, biochemistry. Excellent research facilities, vigorous staff. Competitive stipends, tuition waived. No application fees. Admissions, Chemistry Department, SIU, Carbondale, IL 62901 Assistant Professor of Biochemistry with background and interests to support a developing program in the Chemistry of Behavior. Send resume, three references, and statement of research interests to Dr. W. B. Smith, Dept. of Chemistry, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas 76129. TCU is an affirmative action /equal opportunity employer. Postdoctoral Fellowships leading to Ph.D.: Small, active, well-equipped department specializing in organic, physical, inorganic, and Chemistry of Behavior. Stipends $3600 to $4200 for twelve months, plus free tui-

Graduate Appointments in Biochemistry leading to Ph.D. Degree. Analyst positions permit nine hours courses per semester and 1/3 time for thesis research in Biochemistry or in Analytical Biochemistry. Analytical background required. Experience in Pesticide, Vitamin, Drug or Antibiotic Analyses helpful. Starting stipend $6,000 annually Tuition Free. B. Axelrod, Head Dept. of Biochemistry, Purdue University. Lafayette Ind. 47907. An equal opportunity employer. Analytical Chemist—B.S. with strong analytical background and 0-4 years experience for qualitative and quantitative analyses in regulatory laboratory. Two positions available immediately-Pesticide formulations and feed/feed additives. Instrumental background preferred. Competitive salary commensurate with training and experience. Applications must be received by April 15. 1973. Submit resume and transcript to Dr. B. Axelrod. Head Department of Biochemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907. An equal opportunity employer. Graduate Teaching Assistantships of $3600.00 for M.S. and Ph.D. Candidates in Analytical, Inorganic organic, physical chemistry and interdisciplinary work on medicinal and environmental problems. Excellent instrumentation, library and other research facilities. For information contact Dr. D. J. Wilson, Depart, of Chemistry, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. 37235 An equal opportunity employer.

SITUATIONS WANTED (ACS Members) Ph.D. Physical Chemist—My background includes extensive experience in directing interdisciplinary teams in R&D on catalysts and catalysis (chemical process, refinery, air pollution control) and on display materials and devices. Thorough knowledge of solid state chemistry, surface science, and kinetics. Skilled in objective analysis of research needs, planning, scheduling, and costs. Proven record of innovation, coordination, and administration directed toward corporate goals. Available for growth opportunity. Box 300-D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Patent: Chemical engineer seeking position in Patent Department while obtaining law degree. Box 301 -D-3. C&EN, Easton. Pa. 18042 Rubber Chemist: B.S. 1965. 21 credits—M.S. New England locations. Rubber compounding; golf balls, bowling balls, footwear. Epoxy resins. Synthetic latex. R&D, quality control, production management, shipping, purchasing, supervisory experience, new plant startup, patents. Travel. Will relocate. Box 302-D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Inorganic/analytical chemist, Ph.d. 1969. Seek industrial position. Age 33. Post-doctoral research. Teaching and research experience in photochemical reaction, reaction kinetics, coordination chemistry, aerosol particle measurement, inorganic, organic, instrumental analysis. Box 303-D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Chem.E.: M.Ch.E. experienced, manufacturing process studies, single, male, principals. Box 304-D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Qualified Sales Engineer seeks contact with outstanding enterprise for development of sales activities in Brazil. Branch: Medical and/or industrial instrumentation. Please refer to: K. D. Heeren—P.O. Box, 1703, Sao Paulo, Sp. Inorganic/Analytical Chemist: 43, B.S. Pollutio analyses; copper solvent extraction; methods developmentmine samples, uranium plutonium, refractory alloys, rare earths, iron, steel, coal. Instrumental techniques —classical wet, spectrophotometric, atomic absorption, gas chromatographic, polarigraphic, ion exchange, EDTA analogues, vacuum fusion, electrolytic. Supervisory experience. Publications—laboratory manual. Prefer analytical development. Box 306-D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Coating Chemist: M.S. nineteen years experience in research/development; expert in formulating and defining epoxies and most types of coatings, paints, mastics, caulks and adhesives. Box 307-D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Consultant, rubber, urethanes. Laboratory, manufacturing problems. Box 309-D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Product and Process Development. Current assignment medical disposables and devices. Experience in compounding, extrusion and forming. Production oriented. Background in coatings, adhesives. Box 310D-3. C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Inorganic Chemist, Ph.D. 1967. Background in transition metal chemistry, synthesis, magnetism, theory. Six years industrial experience in chemistry of fiberglass products. Wants R&D position. Prefers Southern New England. Resume on request. Box 312-D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Chemical/Biomedical Engineer. Ph.D. 1971. Background in mathematical modeling, computers, heat flow, control. Post-doctoral experience. Adaptable.

versatile. Seeks growth opportunity in industrial R&D process engineering. Box 313-D-3, C&EN. Easton, Pa. 18042 Technical Manager—M.S., Ch.E./Chemist. 36 years diversified R&D. Successful product development includes emulsion polymers, ABS, foamable polystyrene, monomers. Fields—plastics, adhesives, paint, rubber, textiles, paper. Vigorous, innovative self-starter, profit oriented. Can handle R&D through production startup. Presently, Technical Director. 2-3 year assignment desired. Box 311-D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Analytical Chemist: B.S., age 30. Experienced in the development of new analytical methods while maintaining routine services to research. Have technical service and quality control abilities. Knowledgeable in GLC, LC, IR, UV and wet methods. Desires a position within 200 miles of Pittsburgh. Box 400-D-3, C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042 Bio-Organic Chemist: M.S. August 1971. 5 years experience in government research laboratory in kinetics; organic synthesis; instrumentation. 9 publications. Desires R&D position in government/industry/research institute. Prefer midwest location. Box 401D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pennsylvania 18042 Engrg Mgr/Con: PE, Ph.D., ChE, 30 yrs broad base very heavy experience in process analysis, development, design & control, automation, computer control, instrument development, sales support; environmental & waste treatment systems, petrochemicals, refining, nuclear. Box 402-D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Process Engineer, MSChE. 10 years industrial experience in Polymers and Pharmaceutical R&D. Pilot plant and lab proc/prod development, plant scaleup and troubleshooting. Wide process experience in batch and continuous processes, economic analysis. Seek challenging process development position. Will relocate. No agencies. Box Number 403-D-3 C&EN, Easton, Pennsylvania 18042 Inorganic Chemist with experience in petroleum research seeks a responsible position in industrial catalysis or inorganic chemicals. Experience includes desulfurization and catalyst preparation. Knowledgeable in exhaust emission catalysis. Academic training in transition metal chemistry. Supervisory duties will be accepted. Available immediately. Box 404-D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Inorganic/Analytical Chemist, 34, Ph.D. Post-doctoral experience. Synthesis, characterization and chemistry of inorganic/organometallic compounds (including transition metals); metal hydrides. Experience in methods development, wet, instrumental (IR, UV, Visible, NMR, AA, GC) and radio-chemical techniques. Coordination chemistry, metal-ligand equilibria, solvent extraction. Publications. Seeking academic or R&D position. Box 405-D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Inorganic/Analytical Chemist: Ph.D. 1970. Experience in kinetics and mechanisms, and materials analysis. Wet and instrumental techniques; AA, UV, VIS, IR, DTA, TGA. Useful products from inorganic wastes. Reactions of calcium compounds. Also transition metal complexes. Seeking permanent industrial position. Available immediately. Box 406-D-3. C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Organic Chemist, M.S., 1953. Extensive experience in the synthesis of new biologically-active compounds. Some synthesis of surfactants and scale-up to pilot plant. Publications. Desires industrial or academic position in organic synthesis. Willing to relocate. Box 407-D-3. C&EN, Easton. Pa. 18042 Organic R/D Chemist, M.S., with excellent experience in Thermoset Resins from the bench scale to the Production. Supervisory experience, versatile. Prefer Northeast, but will relocate anywhere. Write to 4597 Washington Street, Roslindale, Boston, Mass. 02131 Organic/Medicinal Chemist: Ph.D. 1971, two years experience in synthesis, process development and quality control of perfume chemicals. Publications in synthetic, organometallic and heterocyclic chemistry. Experience using: gas, thin layer and column chromatography; IR; UV; VIS; NMR. Desires industrial position in New Jersey-New York City area. Box 409-D3. C&EN. Easton, Pa. 18042 Organic/Polymer Chemist, Ph.D. Three years university teaching, seventeen years industrial research, involving synthesis, analysis, application of thermosetting resins used for adhesives, fire retardents, surface coatings, finishes in wood, textile industries. Experience in instrumental analysis, IR, UV, NMR, thermal chromatoraphic methods. Available immediately. Box 410-D.C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042


Female Physical/Inorganic Chemist: Ph.D. 1971 with sixteen years teaching experience in undergraduate organic, biological, instrumental, general, and physical chemistry and in physical science seeks academic position. "Research in the preparation of inorganic compounds and their spectroscopy. Publications. Box 411-D-3, C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042

properties and process capabilities. Widely used Weissenberg Rheogoniometer and Instron Capillary Rheometer. Familiar with GPC, Osmometry, IR, NMR, GC, and DSC. B.S. Chemical Engineering, M.S. Ph.D. Polymer Science & Engineering. Available immediately. J. Wang; 6 Kamins Circle, Amherst, Massachusetts 01002 Adhesive Chemist: B.S. Extensive supervisory and formulating experience in all phases of water based adhesives, resin, hot melt, starch, dextrine, etc. High ratio of product sales. Box 414-D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

justment, photocopying coatings, wet and instrumental analysis, testing, semi-conductors, reaction kinetics, desires R&D or analytical position. Publications, patents, writing skills. Degrees in Ch.E., analytical and physical chemistry. Presently eastern residence. Box 428-D-3. C&EN, Easton. Pa. 18042 Engineering & Construction Sales-Marketing 25 years refinery, petrochemical, and industrial gas experience. Chemical Engineer with process design background. Recently with consulting organization involved energy crisis oroblems. Box 329-D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Chemist: senior level, manager, or supervisor—rubber, urethanes—product development, applications, plant problems. Box 415-D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Analytical Chemist: M.S. 1968—10 years broad industrial experience. Creative problem solver, Organics & Polymers; NMR, IR. X-Ray, Separations, Thermoanalytical, Trace Analysis, and Wet Chemical. Box 303-C-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Chemist, M.Sc. (1972, Brown Univ.): seeks non-research, consumer contact oriented position in industry; single, personable, aggressive, anxious to get started; extensive background in experimental physicochemical methods, some analytical training, basic research in dielectric, viscosity studies; multi-level teaching experience; interested in environmental chemistry/products. Box416-D-3. C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Analytical Chemist: BS Chemistry: Background in infrared spectrometry, gas-liquid chromatography, and related chemical instrumentation, wet chemical analysis of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, quality control of petroleum products, heat treat and chemical surface treatment of metals. William M. Suhy. 456 Burritt ve., Stratford, Conn. 06497, (202)-375-7563

Chemist-geologist with nine years academic training and eighteen years in faltering industries enjoying the fight to keep them above water as R&D chemist (five years) and quality control manager (twelve years) in chemical fiber, paper, and woven felt areas abhors welfare retirement at 52. Box 417-D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Analytical/Organic Chemist: M.S. (eq.) 1968. 4.5 yrs. pharmaceutical analytical research (wet & instrumentation) 3 yrs. heterocyclic & organometallic synthesis. 3 yrs. grad. teaching assistantship. Desire academic or industrial position. Resume & references on request. (201) 247-3082 David P. Chang, 32 Hardenberg St., New Brunswick, N.J. 08901

Chemistry Teacher: Ph.D. Organic 1970. Experienced in presenting interdisciplinary approach to general chemistry. Excellence in communicating scientific concepts. Experienced teaching students for whom English is a second language, and applying limited materials to diverse laboratory exercises, seek appointment concerned with developing interdisciplinary chemistry curriculum. Box 418-D-3. C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Analytical-Radiochemist. Chemical Engineer with Ph.D. in science, 30 years old, 6 years research experience (2 post-doctoral), very familiar with instrumental and wet technics, Fortran I, II and IV; done some work in colloid chemistry, water pollution and analysis of tracers in biological materials. Seek any position (also postdoctoral). No geographical limitation; available immediately. Have publication. Box 402-C3, C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042

Director, Corporate: Internationally known authority in beverage, food field, also well experienced pharmaceuticals, coatings, textile dyes, finishes, and industrial chemicals. Clear-thinking, perceptive chemical engineer and financial analyst, with in-depth comprehension all levels of corporate problems can make significant policy contributions to chemical or allied industry enterprise. Box 419-D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Biochemist, Ph.D. 9 yrs, experience including GC and other chromatography, radioimmunoassays, fluorometry, electrphoresis. development of clinical test procedures, synthesis, amino acids, steroids, enzymes, supervision, teaching, instrumentation. Will consider any opportunity. Available immediately. Prefer San Diego area. Jerry Albert, 5202 Cobb Place, San Diego, Calif. 92117

Disposable Nonwoven Market Specialist—Ten years diversified experience in nonwoven product development and market studies. Visited numerous European and US manufacturers during 1972. Recently completed reports covering worldwide activity in disposables and technology with research directions and predictions. Recommended products, processes, license possibilities. Experienced Consultant. Box 420-D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Inorganic Ph.D., 1970, Analytical minor. Seeks Industrial or Government R&D position. Inorganic and Organometallic syntheses, transition metal and rare earth compounds, glow discharge syntheses, fluorochemicals and direct fluorination. Box 405-C-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Energetic, Goal Oriented Chemist, married, 28, Ph.D. May 1973 from one of the top ten chemistry departments is looking for a challenging and rewarding career in advertising, public relations, etc. in the chemical industry or related sector. Box 421 -D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Printed Circuit Engineer: 8 years experience in flex circuit and Multi-Layer Mfg. R/D in process development, worked with customers Q.C. and sales on problem solving in design. Cost reductions through better purchases of materials. Broad background as Safety Director in Chemical processing. Patents awarded in three separate fields. Box 422-D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Profits Low—Costs High? Turn around chemical executive. Proven capability high level manufacturing/ technical management. Demonstrated leadership, cost reductions, solve managerial/technical problems. Develop practical organizations using initiative and fore-sight. Chemical engineering/business administration education. Box 423-D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Organic Chemist: Ph.D. 1960. Two years postdoctoral. Varied industrial R&D experience in new product development. Synthetic background in amines, organometallics, sulfones and surfactants. Seeks challenging position in industry, university or government laboratory. Publications. Available immediately. Thomas C. Muller, 312 Park Avenue, East Orange, New Jersey 07017; (201)675-4584 Physical Chemist—Ph.D. 1968. Berkeley postdoctoral experience. Experimental thermodynamics. Correlation of physical and thermodynamic properties with structure. Experience in literature survey and data evaluation for organic and inorganic compounds. Author of data book and other publications. Phone 201572-2507 or write Box 408-C-3, C&EN, Easton. Pa. 18042 Physical/Inorganic/Surface Chemist Ph.D. (Yale). Extensive experience supervising research and technical service projects on pigment dispersions, coatings, degradation of paint films, reprographic coatings, electrodeposition and related fused-salt processes, high-temperature inorganic compounds. Strong interest mineralogy. Patents, publications, Phi Beta Kappa. Box 409-C-3, C&EN. Easton, Pa. 18042

Revamping Your Laboratory? Consider this new model (1972) M.S. graduate Analytical Chemist. Academic background in NMR, IR, UV-Vis, pH, Polarography, paper and gas chromatography etc. Willing to relocate, single, age 32. Two years industrial experience in non-routine procedures. Box 424-D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Adhesion R & D . Elastomers including building sealants, rocket propellants, silicones, polyurethanes, polybutadienes. Interfacial reactions, radiation cure, ATR spectroscopy, all adhesion test methods. Especially adept at relating polymer chemical structure to adhesive properties. Patents, publications, oral presentations. Experienced organic chemistry Ph.D., fluent German. Box 410-C-3 C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Surface Chemist/Metal Finishing/Water Treatment— Fifteen yearsof broad industrial experience; Ph.D., Consultant, Director of R&D, Product Mgr., and Research Supervisor. Electroless and electrolytic plating, industrial electrolytic processes, corrosion, plating on plastics, organic coatings on metals, industrial waste water treatment. Patents, book, publications. Prefer Calif, or Southwest. Box 425-D-3. C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Biophysical/Physical Chemist, Ph.D. 1969. Research experience in chemical kinetics, calorimetry application in organic reactions. Presently engaged in transport studies using model membrane systems by spectrophotometry & radioactive measurements. Two years teaching experience in U.S. Seeking Industrial or Academic research position. Open location. Age 29. Box 411-C-3. C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Toxicologist M.S. Chemistry. 15 years analytical biochemistry experience. 7 years clinical experience. 3 years teaching experience. MT (ASCP) eligible. Box 426-D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Building Materials, 20 years, conception-development; processes, products, product usage and evaluation; air felting, wet felting, molding, composites; inorganics, organics, fibers, aggregates, binders, cements, ceramics, plastics; insulation, fire and sound control; Ph.D. physical chemistry, chemical engineering; supervisory or staff position; Ronald Cotts 9456 Connell, Overland Park, Ks 66212

Physical/Analytical Chemist. Ph.D. Research and development experience in the field of aqueous solution chemistry with recent emphasis on pollution control problems. Experienced in adsorption, ion exchange, mass transport, new filtration methods, and many analytical techniques. Box 412-D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Short Sleeved Lab. Chemist with long experience in Brass & Bronze smelter, presently working with malleable iron foundry. Some academic background in metallurgy and Chem. Engineering. Also experienced in heavy acids and fertilizers seeks position. Box 427-D-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Polymer Rheologist/Engineer: Experience with Theological techniques for the evaluation of polymer materials

Chemist: Broad industrial, government, academic experience: colors, cosmetics, instrumental shade ad-

Carbon Chemist 17 years production, manufacture, research, Plant Design in graphite. Knowledgeable in chlorine cells, & impregnation. 3 years procurement inspection automotive, ammunition, Japan. Desire employment in carbon or metal fabrication fields: produc-

March26, 1973 C&EN


tion, purchasing, personnel, safety, OSHA, or environmental, economic evaluation. Age 5 1 . A. Paul Banner, 1512 E. Sugnet, Midland, Michigan 48640 Chemist. Experience in environmental science in water quality and air quality. Analysis of highway materials with such techniques as atomic absorption, infrared, ultra-violet, and flame spectroscopy with some knowledge of gas-liquid chromatography and thermal analysis. Varied experience in thermochemistry, polymer chemistry and nuclear chemistry. Publications. Ph.D. No geographical preferences. Box 414-C-3, C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042 Chemist-Administrator R and D background. Experienced in hiring, training and supervision of laboratory personnel, also budget preparation and control. Strong background in instrumental inorganic analysis, particularly atomic absorption and colorimetry. Have developed rapid, automated instrumentation and methodology for previous employer. What are your needs? Box 415-C-3C&EN, Easton. Pa. 18042 Chemical Engineer—Experience in process development, product development, commercial development, economic analysis, technical planning, market development. Management oriented. Problem solver with background in polymers, petrochemicals, metal alkyls, specialty organics. Seek any responsible position. Location open. No agencies. Box 416-C-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Coating Innovator—technically oriented, creative innovator with broad management and sales background. Heavy vinyl, urethane, corrosion resistant and product finish formulating background. Recent powder sales and technical service. Looking for technical direction or general management of progressive coatings company preferably in Northeast. Box 417-C-3, C&EN, Easton. Pa. 18042 Computerized Organic Chemist desires opportunity to apply his long experience and up-to-date education to the solution of your problems. Experience includes synthesis, analytical research, natural products, pesticides, gas chromatography, corrosion, electronics, product development, abstracting, translating. Read Chinese, Russian, French, German. Speak BAL, FORTRAN, COBOL. Frank Ross. 631 N. Taylor Ave.. Oak Park. III. Telephone (312) 848-9824 Far Eastern Prognostications/man of action: skilled language, technical; culture. Ph.D. Honors Experience: lasers in chemistry, inorganic elastomers, volatile fluorides, etc. (1980 kawasesoba) yen:doru = 10:1 ika. Box 419-C-3, C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042 Generalist and Specialist. Heavy experience in physical and analytical, especially Mass Spectrometry. Many papers—subjects analysis, instrumentation, isotopes, mass, gas chromatography and statistics. Teaching, managerial and research assignments. Interested only in Faculty or responsible Industrial appointment. Box 420-C-3, C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042 Market Development BSChE—Sixteen years PVC plastic experience. Problem-Opportunity solver. Effectively relates market needs into new product development and sales programs. Seeks rewarding position—personal growth opportunity. Possess energy, drive, communicative skills. Goal oriented. Will travel extensively and relocate in South-South East. Box 421 -C-3. C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042 Materials Scientist/Physicist: Ph.D. 1971 (Brown). Two years postdoctoral appointment. Extensive experience in solid-state synthesis and crystal growth. Chemical vapor transport, Bridgeman and flux growth. X-ray powder diffraction, Laue, Debye-Scherer. Magnetic, electrical, optical. TGA, density and thermoelectrical measurements and interpretation. High and low temperature systems design. Also experienced in design of electrooptical equipment, far UV-infrared. Publications. Box 422-C-3. C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042 Photographic-Xerographic Development Scientist, MS 1952. Organic/polymer background. Broad in depth experience with light sensitive systems including organic and inorganic photoconductors and sensitization. Solvent coating know-how of film and paper coated reprographic products. Process scale-up from laboratory to manufacturing. Available immediately. Box 423-C-3. C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042 Plastics Market Development Specialist B.S.Ch.E. Diversified experience with plastics materials and products, packaging films, chemicals, operations, processes, equipment. Background in market and product development, product management, technical service, sales. Resident of northern New Jersey. Box 424-C-3, C&EN, Easton. Pa. 18042 Plastics Manager: Over 20 years process experience with thermoplastics, extrusion, film, sheet, blow molding, thermoforming; polyolefins, vinyls, styrenes; technical service, production, process R&D. product management; resins, machinery, operations. Foreign work experience. B.S. in Ch.E. Reg. Prof. Engr. Publications, patents. Happy to relocate, no agencies, please. Box425-C. C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042 Process Engineer, B.S., CH.E. Six (6) months, Electroplating and Printed Circuit Manufacturing. (2-1/2) years, Process Development, Process-Scale Up. Pilot Plant Work. Good records in Improving Productivity. Available immediately. Box 426-C-3. C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Product Development/Technical Service Chemist. Experienced in both organic synthesis and polymerization


C&EN March 26, 1973

Northeastern Location—Development Chemist/Chemical Engineer. Strong in urethanes, polymers, elastomers, glass reinforced plastics, resins, their compounding, manufacturing, and applications in foams, adhesives, coatings and structures. Good background in testing and material properties. Supervisory experiProduct Market Manager with process and business ence. Box 415-B-3, C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042 development history. Experience with synthetic fibers, polymers, film. Background in pilot plant. R&D, techni- Plastics and Elastomers: B.Ch.E., 52. with 28 years cal service, venture analysis, skilled in problem solution broad and varied experience seeks position in technical and profit improvement. BS. will travel and relocate. service, compounding consulting, applications, develBox 428-C-3. C&EN. Easton, Pa. 18042 opment, marketing, etc. in either, both or allied field. Well versed in polymers, raw materials, ingredients Present location Indiana. Box Textile Chemist Ph.D. 14 years of broad experience in and additives, etc. the areas of Dyeing, Printing and Finishing. Several 417-B-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 publications and patents. Excellent references. Prefer position in Research and teaching at graduate level. Progressive chemical and management experience in Box 429-C-3. C&EN, Easton. pa. 18042 USA and South America. . . . chemist, production engineer, plant manager, then manufacturing manager with B.S. Analytical Chemist—Methods development using full P & L responsibilities. Special background in fine wet and instrumental techniques, especially Gas chro- chemicals, parenterals and finished pharmaceuticals. matography. Production trouble-shooting. Experience Successfully designed and built complete plants, redein rubber, polymers, fuel, water pollution. Resume on signed and modernized others. Knowledgeable and request, available immediately. Phone (614) 425- able to work with regulations of many countries. Box 418-B-3, C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042 1251. Box 401-B-3. C&EN. Easton, Pa. 18042 techniques. Acrylic and urethane areas; prepared coatings, films, adhesives, laminates. Organic intermediates, pharmaceutical compounds. Desire position to advance into management. Box 427-C-3. C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042

Chemical Engineer seeks position in research, development, or process improvement. Ph.D. 1971, 2 years experience. Prefer Southeast or Gulf Coast. Box 402-B-3. C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042 Unusual Chemical Engineer—B.Ch.E. 1965. Multilingual. 3 years international experience as technical liaison with legal and marketing. Over 3 years experience in product development adhesive tapes and technical support to production. Desires industrial or gov't position. No agencies please. Call (503) 926-7011 or Box403-B-3, C&EN. Easton, Pa. 18042 Organic Chemist 17 yrs. experience. Studied carboxylation of olefins, chlorination and nitration of paraffins, chloromethylation of aromatics. and sulfonation of olefins. Have had supervisory experience and have obtained 12 patents and wrote 10 articles. Desire position in R&D but will consider related fields. Box 405B-3. C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042 Organic Specialities Chemist: Supervised laboratory responsible for R&D. Tech Service, Q. C. Developed test methods, technological forecasts, sales literature, and coordinated with sales, manufacture, purchasing. Exper. surfactants, polymers, additives, stabilizers, corr. inhibitors, dispersions. Seeks supervisory position in industrial laboratory. Box 406-B-3. C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Ph.D. Physical Chemist with varied experience in high temperature, inorganic synthesis: fibers, films and composites. Most recent work on electrical properties of sintere ferroelectric materials. Desire industrial supervisory R&D position. Available immediately. Principals only. Box 407-B-3. C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042 Physical Biochemist. Biocompatible polymers, protein analysis and modification, binding to biological membranes, photo-chemistry, advanced physical techniques. Ten years experience with varied applied and basic projects at non-profit institute, four years industrial polymer experience. Publications, good academic credentials. Box 408-B-3, C&EN. Easton, Pa. 18042 Polymer Chemist: Recent Ph.D. with no industrial experience. Preparation, study of polyurethane thermoplastic elastomers based on polycarbonate prepolymers. Synthesis of polycarbonates. Catalytic oxidation and hydrogenation of hydrocarbons. Age 30, married. Available immediately, will relocate. Industrial R&D desired. Box 409-B-C. C&EN, Easton. Pa. 18042 Clinical Chemist—Master's Plus. 15 years' experience in instrument and methods development, industrial and hospital laboratory management. Patents. Lecturing. National Registry. Business courses, good communications. Conscientious self-starter. Northern New Jersey-Metropolitan New York. Box 411-B-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 $1.000.00OFF IF HIRED WITHIN THIRTY DAYS? Electrochemist: Development of plating solutions and new techniques for precision plating. Thin films, alloys, electronics plating, special plating machines and ancilliary equipment. Waste treatment and pollution engineering. Many years experience in all areas. East Coast preferred. James Wright, 2032 Calle Serena, Fullerton, California 92633 Junior Chemist has B.S. in Pharmacy and several years experience in quality control and R&D benchwork with small Massachusetts drug firm. Will relocate if necessary. Box 413-B-3. C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Marketing/Sales: Successful pro. B.Ch.E., MBA. Outstanding credentials. Plastics, Chemicals, Coated Fabrics. Business management, profit responsibility, people motivator, commercial development, marketing research. NYC area resident seeking affiliation with growth-oriented organization desiring regional sales management or a corporate headquarters opening with a progressive, dynamic firm. Box 414-B-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Plastics/Coatings Development Chemist/Engineer. M.S. chemistry. Many years experience in reactive polyurethanes, polyesters, epoxies, acrylics, phenolics, reinforced plastics, thermoplastic nylons, coatings (powders, liquids), urethane foams, matched metal die and pulltrusion molding, laminating, casting. Desires plastics or coatings development position. East or Midwest. No agencies. Box 416-B-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Vinyl Chemist (BS Chemistry). Seven years experience with PVC dip. spreader, expanded, calender and extruder compounds. Auto.coated fabrics, wall coverings, gloves, etc. HEAVY VINYL TECHNOLOGY. Extensive formulating, plant compounding and process innovation. Contact now. Box 419-B-3. C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042 Environmental Instrumentation & Services. Five years experience with top firm in market and product development of instrumentation systems for monitoring air and water pollutants. Established service subsidiary. Conducted market surveys, established business plan and directed development programs. Profit and goal oriented. Ph.D. 1967. Box 400-A-3, C&EN, Easton. Pa. 18042 Goal Oriented Chemist (M.S.)—Engineer, with extensive bench, process (comm'l) development, and manufacturing experience. Ability to translate experience cross-fields. Adaptable to independent, team, or supervisory assignments. Available immediately. Will relocate, travel. Box 401-A-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Physical/Inorganic chemist experienced in undergraduate education but ready to take on other responsibilities as well. I'm not a specialist but have a Ph.D. (1966) and experience in surface interactions and infrared spectroscopy. Geographical location not important. Kenneth H. Brown, 714 Headley Ave., Lexington, Kentucky 40508, Phone 606-252-1814 Organic Chemist, Ph.D. 1971, 1 year postdoctoral experience, successful manager of small business 1-1/2 years. Experienced in wide variety of synthetic techniques, route and process development, kinetics, instrumental analysis. Will relocate, available May 15 or sooner if necessary. Box 404-A-3, C&EN. Easton, Pa. 18042 Physical Chemist, Ph.D. 1966. Seeks academic/industrial position. Background in theoretical chemistry, molecular spectroscopy (instrumentation, application of IR, Raman), and computer programming. Postdoctoral and teaching experience. Publications. Available immediately. No agencies. Box 405-A-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Plant Management/Engineering Management: 28 competent years of experience in manufacturing management, product development, process/project engineering. Chemical areas include specialty organic and fine chemicals, fats & oils, hydrocarbons, resins. Profit-conscious, business-oriented producer seeks responsible growth position. B.S., Ph.D., PE. Box 406-A-3, C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042 Coatings Formulator: B.S. Organic chemistry, M.E.S. Rubber technology. Coatings, adhesives, paints, plastics, rubbers, resins, films, papers, textiles, specialty organics. Polymerization, compounding, extrusion, calendering, molding, laminating, printing, converting. Product development, process engineering, production scheduling, technical management, sales service, equipment procurement, acquisition evaluation, project work. Patents, publications. Box 407-A-3. C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Process/Project Engineer: M.S. Ch.E. 1972 (U.C. Berkeley). Age 24 years, single. Canadian immigrant. Recent graduate with background in process design/ develop and air pollution control. Seeking permanent position. Available immediately. Phone (413) 2568842 or write Hari B. Gupta. 8 Bedford Court. Eco-Hill, Amherst, Massachusetts 01002 M.B.A./Chemical Engineer with 24 years varied experience in q . c , process control, equipment evaluation, purchasing, personnel, production, marketing, special projects, and management seeks position which will utilize technical and business background. Will relocate. Walter Hoener, 10225 Rahning Drive, St. Louis, Mo. 63127 Analytical Chemist. B.A. 64. Extensive experience in soil and fertilizer analysis. Have worked in methods development last three years. Familiar with both wet and automated instrumental methods. W. C. Johnson, Jr., 8295 Valley Stream Drive, Jonesboro, Georgia 30236 Formerly Overqualified Ph.D. Biochemist (age 45)— now stale and suitably underqualified after three years

of non-employment, seeks humble beginner's job. Ten years med. school teaching, research (cancer, brain, heart, reproductive bio, nutrition). Finances prevent relocation from West Coast. Box 412-A-3, C&EN, Easton. Pa. 18042

Perseverance—Determination Highly Motivated—Results Oriented Chemist—Marketing technical service and R&D. Adhesives coatings resins, plastics, pollution problem solver. Work exceptionally well with people all levels. Please state exactly your needs in first letter. Box 425-A-3. C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

Chemist B.S.: 19 years experience in the application of "wet end" additives for pulp and paper. Coating Technology and ink formulation. Desire position in laboratory concerned with the development of products and procedures for application in the paper industry. Available immediately, will relocate prp'erably Northeast. Box 409-A-3. C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042

International.—Experienced in all phases of commercial development, venture analysis, market research. Specialty chemicals including fire-retardant additives, metal treatment and pollution control chemicals. M.S. in Chemical Engineering and MBA credits. Box 427A-3. C&EN, Easton. Pa. 18042

Elastomer Chemist—Twenty years polymer experience. Mechanical molding, dip molding, extruding, calendering, coatings, adhesives. Most elastomer types, gum and latex, also polyethylene, PVC plastisol, unsaturated polyester, epoxy resins. Nine years Management and Supervisory; also applications, development, technical service, sales. I know the elastomer business. Box 413-A-3. C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Versatile Chemist: (Multidisciplined). Experience gained in Radiation resistant fluids. Electro-optical effects, Liquid Crystals, Silicones, Fuels formulation, Exhaust emission reduction, Flame retardants, Plastics, Stabilizers, Thermal Analysis, Successful commercial developments, Cost control and reduction, Engineering economics, Computer programming, Patents, Math skills, and OSHA compliance. No agencies, please. Robert J. Lisanke, 22 Ilex Lane, Liverpool, New York 13088 (315)652-7112 Process Improvement Chemist, primarily in natural products refining; patents, fluent German. Sig Muller, Box 681, Chula Vista. California 92012 Organic Analytical Toxicologist Ph.D. 1964 desires academic, industrial, or practicing toxicology position. Eight years university level teaching experience, two years as chief toxicologist large metropolitan area plus considerable administrative experience. Many publications in carbohydrate chemistry area and experience in industrial drilling fluid additives. Sought position may combine any of the above. Box 416-A-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 R&D Manager, Innovative Chemical Engineer, Ph.D.Ch.. (1960). Over seventy Patents/Publications. Eleven years management experience. Successfully commercialized new products, processes. Diversified experience: fuels, lubricants, additives, specialty chemicals, petroleum processes, petrochemicals, catalyst development, automotive emissions and pollution control. Desires research, R&D management position with progressive company. Box 417-A-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Biochemist-Physiologist, A.B. (1954) + 3 years graduate school: medicine, physiology. Thirteen years medical research experience: drug, hormone, enzyme biochemistry; electronic physiological analysis of heart, lung Electronic technician, expert chromatographer, radioactive tracer handler, enzyme activity assayist; interested in food chemistry, electrophysiology, design of prostheses. Publications. Box 418-A-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Product Development Chemist 25 years varied experiences in R&D ranging from packaging, cosmetic formulation to corrosion control. Strong Microbiological background with recent experiences in Environmental Control. Registered Professional Engineer, patents, publications, etc . . . Box 420-A-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Coating/Organic Chemist, Ph.D. 1972, seeks industrial R&D, academic teaching, and post-doctoral position. Research areas include organic synthesis, mechanism, kinetics, structure elucidation, and isomer separation. Three years industrial experience in resin preparation and coating formulation. Knowledge in modern instrumental analysis. Box 421 -A-3, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 If your profits weren't up to expectation, consider employing the aggressive physical chemist. M.S. 1969, MBA partially completed. My three years experience in process R&D in basic and inorganic chemicals can help you get your earnings up. Willing to relocate. Principles only. Box 422-A-3, C&EN. Easton, Pa. 18042 Physical Chemist, Spectroscopist, Ph.D. 1942. Wants position in industry, university, or college. Thirty years widely-diversified experience in large research laboratory major chemical, drug, consumer-product corporation; research fellow since 1967. 25 Technical publications, 14 U.S. patents. See Amer. Men (and Women) of Science or request resume. Robert F. Stamm, 13 Hackett Circle N., Stamford. Connecticut 06902 Pharmaceutical Chemist, Industrially experienced in R&D, pilot operations, manufacturing scale up and trouble shooting: packaging, quality control and regulatory affairs. Human and veterinary pharmaceuticals, Ethical and OTC. Additional post-grad background in biochemistry, pharmacology, biochemical engineering and law. Box 424-A-3, C&EN, Easton. Pa. 18042 PHYSICAL CHEMIST, Ph.D. 1965. VERSATILE, INNOVATIVE. Experience in pollution abatement and vinyl polymers and fire retardant urethane foams. Studies included novel ion-exchangers, novel activated carbon adsorbers and polymerization kinetics and polymer characterization. Patents, publications, honors, and references. Seeks challenging senior scientist R&D position. Box 410-D-2, C&EN. Easton, Pa. 18042

Analytical Chemist—Ph.D. 1972. Extensive research in atomic absorption spectroscopy (flame and flameless) for trace elements analysis (environment and petroleum). Knowledge of instrumental methods (GC, IR, Mass. Spec. etc.). Supervisory experience. Publications. Fluent languages. Age 29. Box 400-D-2. C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Analytical Chemist. PhD. Diversified experience. Supervision. Strong background in atomic absorption, emission spectrography and mass spectrometry. Experience and interests in biological and medical effects of toxic trace metals and other environmental pollutants. Teaching of undergraduates and medical students. Especially interested in academic, government or industrial position with opportunity to do medical R&D. Box 401 -D-2, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Analytical Chemist, B.S., age 26, 4-1/2 years as assistant supervisor of analytical lab (over 200 chemical and physical methods); also methods development, purchasing, computer calculations; IR, AA, GC. GPC. LC. UV. Coulter Counter, wet methods. Will relocate; available immediately. J. G. Mancini, 1302 Main St., Aliquippa, Pa. 15001 Analytical Biochemist, Ph.D. 1970. Two years Postdoctoral Fellow. Publications. Interests are physical methods in biochemical research. Can teach courses in instrumental methods, plant and animal biochemistry, and organic chemistry. Seeks only an academic position with teaching and research opportunities. Box 403-D-2. C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Analytical/Polymer Chemist: B.S. 1966. Three years experience in the chemical laboratory with IR. UV, GC, GPC. DTA. and TGA. Characterized photo-polymers and commercial plastic materials. Studied the properties of silicone rubber (RTV), adhesion of epoxy resin and Polymerization of Butadiene. Will relocate. Available immediately. Phone (201) 795-4190 or write B. S. Patel, 68 Washington St., Hoboken, New Jersey 07030 Biochemist, Ph.D. Seven years head of research section studying intermediary and energy metabolism in animal tissues. Experienced in cell fractionation. Isolation and characterization of respiratory enzymes of animals, plants and bacteria. Have taught biochemistry, biology and microbiology. Institute or academic research desired. Box 405-D-2. C&EN, Easton. Pa. 18042 Chem. Engr. Ph.D. 1960. Experiences include applied R&D of vinyl monomer, petrochemicals, PVC (bench, micro-plant, pilot plant); operation and engineering of petroleum refining. Kinetics, catalysis, computer. Patents. Publications. Desires process research and development. Location south or southwest. Seeks permanent position. Box 406-D-2. C&EN, Easton. Pa. 18042 Organic Chemist, strong background in modern synthesis. Industrial experience in synthesis of dyes, chromogenic compounds, pigments, intermediates, pharmaceuticals, surfactants. Academic experience in synthesis of heterocycles. metal complexes, organosilicon chemistry. Instrumentation. Imaging systems. Publications, patents, Ph.D. Desires R&D or academic position. No agencies. Box 408-D-2, C&EN. Easton, Pa. 18042 Physical Chemist: Ph.D. 1971. Strong background in thermochemistry and mass spectrometry. Working knowledge of GC. IR, instrumental analysis. Postdoctoral experience in kinetics studies. Desires industrial/ academic research position. Available now. Box 411-D-2. C&EN. Easton, Pa. 18042 Physical/Inorganic Chemist; MS + 3 years. Strong background in instrumentation with knowledge of organometalic synthesis. Michael R. Childers, P.O. Box 1201, College Station, Texas 77840 Polymer Chemist, Ph.D. 1967. Four years industrial experience high temperature aromatic polysulfone synthesis, graft copolymer synthesis, thermoplastics with elastomers, development of microporous film laminates for medical applications. Competitive product testing and evaluation. Customer contact. Patents. Desire R&D of polymers. Box 413-D-2. C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Chemistry-Medical/Science-Radiation/Biology: B.S.. B.A.. M.S. plus. Graduate Honor Student 3.6/4.0 over 74 semester hours graduate work. Civil Service GS11 (389B,416,421.424). Isotopes research, radiation, tumor cells, spectrometers, cancer. Honorably discharged. Age 39. Desire research, teaching, management. 1613-74th St., Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140 Phone 414-657-3702 M.B.A./B.S. CHEMISTRY. Managerial experience in business and technical planning and administration, budgeting, technology and venture development, product development, petrochemical research. Can work

effectively with people at all levels. Creative, innovative. Patents, publications. Seek challenge as research administrator; business and technical coordinator or planner; or venture developer. Box 416-D-2. C&EN. Easton, Pa. 18042 Market/Product Development Specialist with heavy background in market research and overall management. Expert in powder coatings technology, application, and markets. Wide experience in coatings and corrosion control. Background in product management, technical service/sales. Patents. AB (Chemistry). Willing to relocate. Box 417-D-2. C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042 DIRECTOR OF R & D: Seasoned industrial Ph.D. chemist with record of supervising successes in process development, catalysis, monomers, polymer additives and organic specialties. Sensitive to costs, good judge of technical talent, strong leader and creative. Seek important supervisory assignment in progressive organization. Want to see the evidence? Box 418-D2. C&EN, Easton. Pa. 18042 SOLID STATE CHEMIST, Preparative and Physical Inorganic background. Ph.D. Experienced in powder preparations and single crystal growth by electrolysis, flux, Bridgman, chemical vapor transport. Physical techniques include powder and single crystal x-ray structure determination, magnetic, electrical, optical properties of transition metal compounds, DTA-DSCTGA phase equilibria studies. Seeking industrial position. Box 420-D-2, C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042 Technical Manager in Europe, age 39. chemist, Ph.D. (1961. Germany). Broad experience in polymers, rubbers, product and process development, manufacturing, cost control, technical sales, licensing, technology transfer. Many patents, languages. Background in business administration. Seeks management position in ECC countries. Prefer Germany, will travel. Box 422-D-2. C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042 Versatile Chemical Engineer (B.S.. M.S.). Industrial Engineer (M.E.A.) and Fuels Engineer (Petroleum refining. Kinetics and Catalysis. Fossil fuels development. Ph.D.—1973). Experience in hydrocracking. desulfurisation, coal hydrogenation. economic evaluation, process engineering, design and development. U.S. Permanent Resident. Will relocate. Box 424-D-2, C&EN. Easton, Pa. 18042 Biophysical Chemist: Ph.D. Two years post-doctorate seven years government research (principle scientist research director), seven years as professor and Chemistry Dept. Chairman. Important work on structure of DNA; research also in starch synthesis, water and protein structure, bionutrition, and various diseases. Available immediately. Box 425-D-2, C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042 ANALYTICAL/CLINICAL CHEMIST. Ph.D. Strong desire, aptitude and background to plan and conduct relevant, independent research, product, process and method development. Extensive experiences in wet and instrumental techniques: Automated analysis. UV. DTA, IR. GC. TLC. AA. radiochemical methods, physical and inorganic chemistry. Teaching, supervising, publications. Box 401-C-2, C&EN. Easton, Pa. 18042 ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTS. Physical and Analytical Chemist. Ph.D. 1947. Experience in (1) mass spectrometer applications to analysis, (2) rranagement of analytical service laboratory including wide variety of instruments, (3) design of scientific instruments. Seeks employment which uses his experience in one of these three areas. Box 402-C-2. C&EN. Easton, Pa. 18042 Biochemist Ph.D. 1970. Experienced in modern methology in analytical biochemistry, drug metabolism, clinical chemistry, plant growth regulators, carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids & lipids. Strong background in organic chemistry, microbiology & nutritional chemistry. Seeking academic, industrial or laboratory position. Box 403-C-2. C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042 Biochemist/Inorganic, MS 1965. Seeks employment in clinical instrument sales and/or maintenance, or as demonstrator of automated equipment. 10 years experience in research and clinical laboratories. No agents please. (219) 838-1522. William H. Geer. 2715 Hart Road. Highland, Indiana 46322 Chemical Engineer/Chemist: 30. Ph.D. 1972 in Ch.E. Strong inter-disciplinary background in process R&D. design, scale-up and bench-scale organic svnthesis. 3 year full-time experience in fine organics & pharmaceuticals. Desire position in commercial development or process development with growth potential and wide range responsibilities. Call 201 783-9254 Box 405-C-2, C&EN. Easton, Pa. 18042 Chemist/Chemical Engr., B.S.Ch.E., M.S. Chem.. M.S. (Polymers). 23 years experience anal, chem., process chem.. process eng.. pilot plant, evaporator technology, water desalination. Wants tech. sales and eng/customer services for packaged water-treating plants. Travel, relocate. Box 406-C-2. C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042 Organic Chemist, Ph.D.. 1967 (age 31) desires industrial R&D position. Five years postdoc experience in a major University on the total synthesis of biological active compounds. Experienced in natural products and terpene chemistry. Instrumentation: IR. NMR. UV. ORD, CD, Mass Spect with GC. GLC. and high pressure chromatography. Several publications. Permanent Resident. Resume and references on request. Will relocate. Box 413-C-2. C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042

March 26, 1973 C&EN


Chemical Engineer, Ph.D. Wants any responsible level with small company or supervisory with large. Experienced both executing and supervising R & D , technical service to manufacturing and sales, analytical control, and pollution control, and pollution control for fertilizers, minerals, salts, plastic films, chemicals, and petroleum industries. Salary completely flexible. Box 407-C-2, C&EN. Easton, Pa. 18042 Inorganic Chemist, Ph.D. 1970. 2-1/2 years industrial experience in organometallic synthesis, organosilicon polymers, and films. Pilot plant process and development experience. Familiar with current instrumentation and techniques. Publications. Seeks industrial R&D position. No geographical preference. Available immediately. Box 408-C-2, C&EN, Easton. Pa. 18042 ORGANIC/ANALYTICAL CHEMIS—Ph.D. 1969. 1 year postdoc. Experienced in Organosulphur Chemistry, Stereochemistry, instrumentation (GLC, NMR, AA, IR, UV, CD and ORD), organic synthesis, petrochemicals, and pesticide and water analysis. Seeks a position in a research laboratory or teaching in a small university or college. Will relocate. Box 409-C-2, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Organic Chemist, Ph.D. 1967 (Purdue), desires industrial R&D or academic teaching position. Four years industrial research experience in synthesis of monomers for high temperature stable polymers; two years as post-doctoral fellow in natural products synthesis, including anti-cancer agents. Resume and references on request. Box 410-C-2. C&EN. Easton, Pa. 18042 Organic Chemist, Ph.D. 1966. Two years experience in protein including the fractionation techniques of protein chemistry, ion-exchange chromatography, starch gels, bioassays. Two years experience in synthetic organic chemistry. Desires responsible position in industry, research institute or government. Box 411-C-2, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Organic R&D Chemist, Ph.D. with three years of industrial experience in process improvement, batch and continuous process development, and pilot scale production. Extensive NMR, IR, and GC experience. Desire industrial position in applied research or production or applications/marketing position of instrument manufacturer. Available immediately. Box 412-C-2, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Organic Chemist: B.S. 40 graduate credits. Diversified experience in synthesis, research, process development, upscaling. Organic intermediates, pharmaceuticals: quaternary ammonium compounds, UV reactive monomers, diverse coatings experience. Trained plant operators quality control. Desire firm with opportunity to advance into technical management. Prefer N.Y.-N.J. metro.. Puerto Rico. Box 414-C-2. C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042 ORGANIC/MEDICINAL CHEMIST, Ph.D.. 1968. 32. Seeks industry/government R&D position. Post-doctoral R&D experience. 1 year with government. 3-1/2 years with reputed pharmaceutical company. Nine years diversified experience in organic synthesis. Well versed in modern spectroscopic methods, structurebiological activity correlations, pharmacological liaison. Publications. Patents. Salary, location open. Available immediately. (201) 846-9350. Box 415-C-2, C&EN, Easton. Pa. 18042 Polymer Chemist: Ph.D. Experienced in ethylene and free radical vinyl polymerization. Product development of ABS resin; oxidized high density polyethylene and polyimides. Stabilization of polyolefins and ABS resins. Publications; 12 patents granted; patents pending. Desire position in research and/or product development. Box 416-C-2. C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042 Polymer-Organic Chemist, six years diversified industrial experience in areas such as coating/ink polymers, electropolymer chemistry and technology, plastic additives, polyelectrolytes, polymer characterization, electrophotographic systems and suspension polymerization etc. Ph.D. 1968. Desires research and/or research administration in industry. Prefers East or Midwest. Box 417-C-2, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042

keting, sales, production. Pa. 18042

Box 421 -C-2, C&EN, Easton,

Marketing/Commercial Development/Sales—M.B.A. (1968) Marketing, B.S. Chemistry, 10 years experience-marketing, sales and laboratory preparation of research grade chemicals. Experience in marketing and sales of speciality chemicals to the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Seeks position in market or commercial development, technical service or sales. Box 422-C-2. C&EN, Easton. Pa. 18042 Organometallic-Inorganic Chemist. Ph.D. 1969. Three years postdoctoral work. Extensive research experience in the fields of organosilicon chemistry; the hydride (transition metal as well as main group hydrides), fluorine and fluorocarbon chemistry. Isomerization studies by NMR of 5-coordinate compounds. Publications. Seeks industrial or academic position. Available immediately. Box 423-C-2, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Surface Active Agents specialist seeks research management position with industry involved in manufacture and applications of surfactants and detergents. Profitable accomplishments. Publications and Patents. Box 424-C-2, C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042 Teaching position desired by Ph.D. in Biochemistry. 20 years applied research on food products and nutrition. Some teaching at all college levels. Interested especially in programs for freshmen non-chemistry majors and applied science programs. Any location. Box 425-C-2. C&EN. Easton. Pa. 18042

COIL COATINGS/GENERAL INDUSTRIAL FINISHES: Graduate chemist experienced in laboratory design, organization, and supervision. Broad experience in R&D, formulation, quality control, technical service, and market development. Thoroughly familiar with utilization and preparation of performance specifications and test procedures. Prior experience with photographic products. Box 420-C-2, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 CHEMIST—MATERIALS, Ph.D. Seeking technical or managerial employment in which my training and talents can promote growth and profits. Initiator with record of achievement. Extensive background in metals and non-metallics with emphasis on practical uses. Prefer R&D, but experienced in pollution control, mar-


C&EN March 26,1973

This section includes: CHEMICALS EXCHANGE—Chemicals, Resins, Gums, Oils, Waxes, Pigments, etc.: EQUIPMENT MART —New and Used Equipment, Instruments; Facilities for Plant and Laboratory; TECHNICAL SERVICES—Consultants: Engineering, Testing, Professional Services.



Management—Production/Technical, degrees. Several years experience as Production and Technical Director for latex foam rubber, vinyl plastisols, carpet and textile coatings, belting, hose and molded goods. Box 427-C-2, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Pharmaceutical Analyst: Applied research. Methods development, and non-routine control assays. Two research papers on new colorimetric methods published. Translation of German, French, Italian, and Spanish chemical literature into English. Glassblowing of small chemical apparatus. Seeks laboratory position with a pharmaceutical firm. Available immediately. Box 428-C-2. Easton, Pa. 18042 Coating/Organic Chemist, Ph.D. 1972, seeks industrial R&D, academic teaching, and post-doctoral position. Research areas include organic synthesis, mechanism, kinetics, structure elucidation, and isomer separation. Three years industrial experience in resin preparation and coating formulation. Knowledge in modern instrumental analysis. Box 418-B-2, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042 Organic Polymer Chemist: Ph.D., age 32, family, Varied Experience. Rigid Urethane Foam, coatings, strong knowledge of General Urethane Chemistry, thermal degradation studies, kinetics. Analytical work. TGA, DTA, IR. Resin synthesis, fire retardants, versatile. Would consider Sales, Versatile. Available immediately. Box 406-D-1. C&EN, Easton. Pa. 18042

SITUATIONS WANTED (Retired Chemists and Ch.E.'s) Director production, R&D sales, polymer self starter, creative, Ph.D. & Ch.Eng. Strong in Organic synthesis, Surfactants, formulation, marketing, characterization of Polymers: acrylic, epoxy, urethane. polyester, silicone, rubber, vinyl, polyimid, emulsified resins: extrusion & plastics. Heavy exp in Coatings, Adhesives. laminants: paints; to glass metal, textile, paper, electrical, printing fields, many patents & publications. Consultant or employment. Box 308-D-3. C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042




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• ROBINETTE • RESEARCH LABORATORIES, INC. Industrial Research • Consultation Technical Surveys • Product Development Textile Processing Technology Chemical Market Research Btrwyn, Pa. Nlai«ra 4-0601 A I M Codt 215 Member, Amer. Council Ind. Labs., Inc.



ORGANIC ANALYSIS elements, groups, mol. weights, spectra separations and identifications custom analytical investigations


Air Pollution Control, B.Ch.E. 1958. Last six years developing air pollution control processes, equipment, and instruments. Prefer New Jersey or New York City. (201) 246-2388. 117 Donaldson Street. Highland Park, New Jersey 0890 Applications Chemist M.S. Organic, practical, business oriented. Extensive R&D and New Product Development with polymers, adhesives, polyurethanes, paint, paper coatings, barrier coats, building materials, laminates, nonwovens, gelling agents, fire retardants, industrial phosphates, water clarification. Organic and Inorganic Process Development. Seeks R&D, Product Development or Technical Service. Will relocate. (314) 527-3078. Box 419-C-2, C&EN, Easton, Pa. 18042


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For Sale—Bound volumes of Modern Plastics 19571964, $200.00 and Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 1946-1969, $300.00. Contact: Mrs. R. Spitzer. Mameco International, 4475 E. 175th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44128 Wanted New or Used Vols. 1-6 Elderfields Heterocyclic Compounds. Librarian, Syntex, S.A. Investigacion, Apartado 10-820. Mexico 10. D.F.

YOUR ANNOUNCEMENT in Technical Services can carry YOUR MESSAGE to the readers of the leading publication in the chemical process industries. CHEMICAL & ENGINEERING NEWS Advertising Office: 142 East Ave. Norwallc, Conn. 06851


Continued from page 43 and have thus performed a service to our Society and its members. This is the first time I have felt impelled to write the editor during my long membership in ACS. In my opinion, too much valuable space is devoted to personal "gripes" and extreme, biased views, many of which are unsound and disregard essential facts. I suggest that the directors establish guidelines for the content of such communications. This would eliminate letters no* worthy of publication, and save the additional space devoted to replies by aroused members. I do not think there should be any place in our ACS publications for views that are mainly political, that disregard essential facts, are even remotely subversive, or that contravene basic principles of Americanism. Arthur J. Franks Butler, Pa.

Airco Industrial Gases 18 Gimbel Hammond Farrell & Walsh, Inc. Amax-Climax Molybdenum Division 6 The Harry P. Bridge Company American Gilsonite 42 Ross Clay Advertising Bee km an Instruments-SID Division N. W. Ayer/Jorgensen/MacDonald, Brinkmann Instruments, Inc Blatt Advertising, Inc. Chevron Chemical Co. Industrial Div McCann-Erickson, Inc. Climax Molybdenum Company—A Division of AMAX The Harry P. Bridge Company

DIRECTORIES Chemical Exchange Classified Advertising Technical Services

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Edward P. Blanchard, Jr., President; Thomas N. J. Koerwer, Executive Vice President, 142 East Ave., Norwalk, Conn. 06851. (Area Code 203) 853-4488 ADVERTISING



Edward P. Blanchard, Jr.

WASP males unwanted SIR: Is it being too cynical to ask how your "Important Notice" preceding the "Positions Open" section of C&EN reconciles with numerous employment ads that have appeared in recent issues? I refer to statements such as "We are committed to hiring women. . . ." and "Applications invited, particularly from women. . . ." How close is this to saying, "WASP males need not apply"? There seems to be a new hypocrisy developing in which it is socially unfashionable to discriminate against women while it is not unacceptable to practice the opposite discrimination. An uncomfortable feature of Women's Liberation as an organized movement is that, though paying lip-service to equality, it consistently seeks to deal with the injustices women experience by reversal of roles. Thus it is really not discrimination that is the evil but rather discrimination against women. And it is apparently not chauvinism (sisterhood, etc., etc.), but rather male chauvinism, that needs correcting. I venture to doubt that a responsible woman wants to be hired because she is a woman. It would seem regrettable to do anything but preserve a true meritocracy in the chemical profession (even though it could cost me my job). David G. DeWit, Ph.D. Rock Island, III.

No evidence SIR: ACS or its publications should not be taking part in the Shell-OCAW dispute (Feb. 2 6 ) . Your statement that "the union has the stronger case" is unsupported by a shred of evidence. What is the safety record at Shell? Do they not have labor-supervisor teams now, and what is wrong with them? Your comment appeals to me as irresponsible. A. H. Batchelder Santa Rosa, Calif. SIR: Your editorial (Feb. 26) favoring OCAW in its labor negotiations with Shell Oil smells like Alan Nixon. Regardless of the merit of the position of either side it is not a proper function of ACS to become involved in highly controversial affairs of this nature. To do so is contrary to the interests of our Society. L. P. Elliott Berkeley, Calif.

E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co. (Inc.) N. W. Ayer & Son, Inc.


SALES REPRESENTATIVES tEastman Kodak Company Rumnll-Hoyt, Inc. *Ethyl Corp Gaynor & Ducas Advertising

13 F2


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March 26, 1973 C&EN