Publication Date: September 16, 1974 ... Rafter, Employment Aids Office, Department of Membership Activities, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. ...
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EMPLOYMENT ADS INFORMATION ACS members who are UNEMPLOYED or are under notice of involuntary unemployment within 60 days are allowed one free nondisplay situation-wanted classification advertisement per issue for a period of six weeks; subsequent ads will be inserted every two weeks. The advertiser must state circumstances with name of company where last employed and date of termination. Each ad may not exceed 50 words (45 words plus fiveword box address or advertiser's name and address). Excess words charged at 25 cents per word per insertion. After six ads have run, the member may restart the ad by rewriting and resubmitting it restating the circumstances of his unemployment status. ACS members unemployed or those under notice of unemployment should send their announcement to Mrs. Audra Rafter, Employment Aids Office, Department of Membership Activities, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036. RETIRED ACS members are allowed three nondisplay ads in a calendar year if the conditions already stated are followed. Situations-wanted ads for part-time, freelance, or consulting work are excluded from this service to unemployed members. However, retired members

IMPORTANT NOTICE Various state laws against discrimination and the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibit discrimination in employment because of race, color, religion·, national origin, age, and sex (unless based on a bona fide occupational qualification). Help wanted and situations wanted advertisements on these pages are for readers' convenience and are not to be construed as instruments leading to unlawful discrimination.

POSITIONS OPEN NOTICE TO EMPLOYERS The following statement is printed at the request of the Council Committees on Membership Affairs and on Professional Relations, with the approval of the Council. An employer has an ethical responsibility to reply to each candidate who answers his advertisement in CHEMICAL & ENGINEERING NEWS. Furthermore, employers who reply to prospective employees advertisements should provide a reasonable statement of the nature of the position available.

may advertise for full- or part-time positions or consulting work. Additional insertions after the free ones may be made at 25 cents per word. Nondisplay insertions by EMPLOYED ACS members seeking full- or part-time positions or consulting work and all nondisplay insertions by Student Affiliates of the Society will be accepted at 25 cents per word for each insertion, no minimum charge. Requests for placement of situation-wanted ads must state ACS membership status, or whether the advertiser is retired (and 55 years of age or older) to ensure publication of the ad in the proper classification. Nonmembers are charged $1.25 per word, minimum charge $18.75. Ads submitted by employed members, student affiliates, and all nonmembers should be sent to Chemical and Engineering News, 50 West State St., Westport, Ct. 06880. In printing these ads, ACS assumes no obligation as to qualifications of prospective employees or responsibilities of employers, nor shall ACS obtain information concerning positions advertised nor of those seeking employment. Replies to announcements should carry copies of supporting documents, not original documents. Every reasonable effort will be made to prevent forward-

ing of advertising circulars. Employers who require applications on company forms should send duplicate copies. ACS expects each user of this section to consider himself morally obligated to acknowledge all replies to his advertisement.

RATES Display advertisements $118 per column inch (space unlimited). Lower rates on contract basis. Minimum display space, one inch, with inch units thereafter. Agency commission and cash discount allowed on display ads only. Standard setting $1.25 a word, minimum charge $18.75 each. Include five words for box address. Advertisements from outside the U.S. should be accompanied by information stating the New York bank which will issue a bank draft in U.S. funds. The advertisement will be run on the nearest publication date following receipt of the bank draft. SEND advertisements, with remittance to CHEMICAL & ENGINEERING NEWS, 50 West State St., Westport, Ct. 06880, to reach there no later than the deadline of 9 A.M. on Friday, 17 days preceding the date of publication.

and we will contact you at your convenience. GILMORE ENGINEERING, Dept. 1643, 342 Madison Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10017 Tel: 212-682-0680 CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DISCIPLINES MOVE UP to top opportunities now! Overwhelming demand nationwide. Ail salary levels. Manufacturing, management or technology. All fees, expenses paid. Send resume, salary and relocation in confidence. WILSON PERSONNEL, INC., 134 Montford Avenue, Asheville, N.C. 28801. 704/253-8792 Engineers Career Kit. Expert tips on resume preparation, interview techniques, and salary negotiations from the Southeast's largest technical recruiter. For details, write CONTINENTAL CONSULTANTS, P.O. Box 5675, Columbia, S.C. 29250. ENGINEERS: Technical recruiter seeks ChE's for fee paid openings, all locations. All inquiries confidential. SNELLING & SNELLING. Box 931, Asheville NC 28802 Chemists—Chemical Engineers—Bioscientists—New York's largest technical placement firm provides a nationwide service for chemical plastic, food, drug, cosmetic, metallurgical and related professionals. We specialize in all areas of R&D Engineering, Mfg., Sales, Q.C., Mkt ting. All fees are paid by client companies. Strictly confidential. Resumes invited. PATTON PERSONNEL, Dept. 20, 1472 Broadway, New York, N.Y.10036

CHEMISTS San Francisco Bay Area S y n t e x is o n e of t h e f e w C a l i f o r n i a c o m p a n i e s w i t h an on-site international research center. This m e a n s greater involvement a n d a more interesting work experience for t h o s e we employ. The Research and Development D e p a r t m e n t s of t h e I n s t i t u t e of Organic Chemistry are seeking competent synthetic organic c h e m i s t s . Q u a l i f i e d i n d i v i d u a l s will preferably be experienced in laboratory synthesis a n d be capable o f working independently. Educational requirements include a B S / M S or e q u i v a l e n t in C h e m istry. If t h e p h a r m a c e u t i c a l f i e l d i n t e r e s t s you, we invite you to forward your r e s u m e t o M r s . L. K o v a l , 3401 H i l l v i e w A v e n u e , P a l o A l t o , CA 94304. S y n t e x is a n e q u a l o p p o r t u n i t y employer.




PROCESS COMPUTER ENGINEER > 1959. 0v«r 1,000 client companies. We art graduate a engineer» working full-time for you. Send resume and I salary, history today or request confidential application:


Chemical Engineers!! WE, TOO, ARE SPECIALISTS!! A professional placement service EXCLUSIVELY for Engineers. Specialization in the chemicals, foods, drugs, health care, cosmetics, plastics, paper, OEM and related industries. From R&D thru manufg., engrg. or construction—we run the spectrum in your specialty! Our corporations assume all fees. Confidences STRICTLY Respected. Forward resume and details

Wisconsin based manufacturer of pulp and paper products has two exceptional openings for the computer oriented scientist or process engineer. The positions involve the maintaining and optimizing of software and hardware on very successful on-line installations controlling large paper machines. The successful candidate will initiate and coordinate investigations into problems; determine and verify process parameters; and train and communicate with others to promote maximum effectiveness of computer operations. Reports directly to the Technical Superintendent. Candidate should have a BS or MS in Engineering or Computer Science with academic training in control theory desirable. Working experience with process control computers required. Pulp and paper experience desired but not mandatory. Nekoosa Edwards, a leading manufacturer of business and communication papers, is located in an attractive central Wisconsin community with excellent schools and outdoor recreation areas. Please send resume to:


James C. Fox Personnel Representative Nekoosa Edwards Paper Company, Inc. 100 Wisconsin River Drive Port Edwards, Wisconsin 54469 A Great Northern Nekoosa Company An Equal Opportunity Employer

AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY EMPLOYMENT CLEARING HOUSE The Employment Clearing House operated at the national office is a contact medium for ACS members and student affiliates seeking employment and for employers seeking chemists and chemical engineers. CANDIDATES FOR EMPLOYMENT: Only members and student affiliates may use the free service. Information supplied by candidates on training, experience, and education is placed in a data system and this information is available on a nonconfidential basis to potential employers. Write the Employment Aids Office at the address below to request Clearing House registration forms, to submit, renew, or change a Situations Wanted Advertisement, or to request a search of newspaper "positions open" advertisements. Unemployed

members who need initial counseling and advice on employment matters may telephone collect (202) 872-4528. EMPLOYERS. Any employer needing chemists and chemical engineers may request a search of the file of candidates by telephone (202) 872-4528 or by writing to the address below. After specification of position requirements, a search of the complete file of candidate records

will be conducted. Copies of résumés of those who meet the specifications will be supplied at a cost of 50 cents each and there is a basic fee of $10 for each search conducted. Further contact with candidates of interest is at the option of the employer. The Society requires that users make no placement charges against applicants. Additional information is available.

For application forms and further details write:

A m e r i c a n C h e m i c a l Society 1 1 5 5 — 1 6 t h St., N.W. W a s h i n g t o n , D.C. 20036 A t t n : E m p l o y m e n t Aids Office

CREATIVE PROCESS DESIGN EN6INEER Research & Development of Phillips Petroleum has an opening for a process design engineer who has the ability and creativity to make conceptual designs and economic analyses for new petroleum and petrochemical processes to guide directions on research and development projects at Phillips Petroleum Company's centralized research and development center in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Prefer graduate Chemical Engineer with minimum of two years experience. Send resume of education and experience to: A. K. Musgrave Phillips Petroleum Company 387 Frank Phillips Building Bartlesville, Oklahoma 74004 An Equal Opportunity Employer

PROJECT ENGINEERS/ ASSOCIATE STAFF ENGINEERS Handle Projects for Hooker from Design Through Construction & Start-UP For this attractive career opening, at least 2-5 years of experience in project or plant engineering is required, with chemical or petrochemical process industry background essential. A BS Jegree, ChE or ME, is essential. Familiarity will be needed with proj- ' ect planning, design, and management; process and equipment design; capital cost estimating, budget control; purchase of equipment, plant construction, and start-up. Your outlook with Hooker is excellent, based both on our technological leadership and strong growth pattern, and our breadth of market—we are a major company, serving many industries. The position will be at our outstanding headquarters facilities, in the pleasant Niagara Falls-Buffalo area, which affords a wide choice of good living. Please send resume, including salary history, in confidence to Mr. Guy B. Clemens.


An open letter to employed Chemists and Engineers

IS IT A BAD TIME TO CHANGE JOBS? Recent issues of C&E News and other recruitment media contain a large number of job advertisements. Yet, for many companies, these ads are not attracting sufficient numbers of qualified applicants. It's not to difficult to figure out why. Newspapers are full of bad news. Inflation, economic uncertainty, possible recession, raw material shortages, record high mortgage interest rates. The list goes on. From the individual standpoint, job security is paramount—even a job which is not completely satisfying. Even a job where opportunities are limited. Maybe you feel this way. The memory of layoffs of Research personnel is too recent. Why change jobs? In your present job you've built a track record. What if you change jobs and your new employer has a layoff? Will you be among the first to go just because you are the last person hired? Because you haven't had a chance to prove yourself? These are valid concerns. But they don't apply to all potential employers. And they shouldn't keep you from looking for a company which offers the unique combination of growth and stability. We feel that Betz Laboratories is such a company. Maybe you've never heard of Betz. Who are we? And what's so special about us? We'll skip the prose and give you the facts. Betz is a 70 million dollar a year specialty chemical company employing 1700 people. Our business is supplying chemicals and "know-how" to solve problems in industrial water treatment, process control and pollution abatement. We're the largest and fastest growing company in our field. Betz has been in business since 1925 and has never had a layoff. Our sales and profits consistently average increases of over 15% per year. And, since 1969 the Betz R&D Department has almost doubled in size. Interested? Betz needs a few especially capable people to help us continue our growth. Positions are available now for individuals at the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. levels. Present needs include Physical Chemists, Analytical Chemists, Chemical Engineers (product oriented), Bio-Chemists and Microbiologists to work in applied research and product development. All positions require a minimum of 2-5 years of industrial experience. We feel we have something special to offer. If you agree, we would like to hear from you. Send a letter or resume outlining your education, experience and salary requirements in confidence to Stuart W. Longworth, Manager of Professional Employment.

EHTTS Trevose, Pennsylvania 19047

M.P.O. Box 728, Niagara Falls, New York, 14302 An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F

An Equal Opportunity Employer M / F


Subsidiary Occidental Petroleum Corp.

Sept. 16, 1974 C&EN



International Senior Technical Representative

Foote Mineral Company h a s an immediate opening for a Chemical Sales Engineer to work out of t h e Corporate Headquarters in Exton, P a . T h e position involves t h e technical selling of Foote's complete line of products, the establishment of Sales Forecasts and t h e furnishing of technical applications a n d process information. The acceptable candidate should have a degree in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering and 2 to 4 years experience in Chemical Sales.

ION EXCHANGE The Rohm and Haas Company is seeking a chemical engineer to develop and expand the international market and sales of ion exchange resins, adsorbents, liquid ion exchangers, flocculants, water treatment chemicals and systems in all areas outside the United States. Responsibilities will include: • Development of equipment designs and process sequences; planning, developing, and directing the preparation of engineering proposals that would be used in new applications of existing and new products. • Maintaining close contact and providing product application, commercial and technical assistance to our subsidiaries and their customers. • Maintaining close contact with all levels of our Research Department. Applicants should have a minimum of a BS in chemical or mechanical engineering with 4 years training in water treatment fundamentals and application with emphasis on ion exchange. Sales experience would be useful but is not essential. Position requires international travel. The Rohm and Haas Company offers competitive salaries based on qualifications as well as an excellent benefits program. Position will be located in Corporate Headquarters, Philadelphia, Pa. Interested applicants should send a resume of education, experience, salary history and requirements in complete confidence to: Mr. John Mapes Recruiting and Placement #6974 Rohm and Haas Company Independence Mall West Philadephia, PA 19105

ROHM HflflS An Equal Opportunity


Foote offers an excellent benefits package and salary commensurate with background a n d experience. Interested applicants are invited to send resume along with salary history to :


FOOTE MINERAL CO. ROUTE 100 EXTON, PA. 19341 Equal Opportunity Employer

Consulting: THE Business for Professionals A MUST for any professional in science or engineering who wants to use his professional skills in starting his own business and who wants to decide whether he should make the attempt and where and how to go about it. This analysis report, written out of the twenty-year experience of a professional who became a successful consultant at age 34, deals with the questions of (1) What is a consultant? (2) Why be a consultant? (3) Who may (or may not) become a consultant? and covers the subjects of (4) best skills and attributes (5) best locations and fields (6) earnings and (7) best method for getting started. Shows how larger opportunities can be developed beyond ordinary consulting. Finally, a complete case history is given on the starting, by a novice consultant, of a successful business operation based on consulting. 81 pages plus appendix; $25.00 postpaid or send $1.00 for table of contents and summary—this amount applicable to later purchase. Available exclusively from U.S.EXIMPORT Inc., Gorham, Maine 04038.

CHEMIST W i l l plan and administer p r o grams of contract research in area of modern experimental physical chemistry. Ph.D. o r equivalent. Salary: $ 1 7 , 4 9 7 to $ 2 6 , 8 7 8 , d e p e n d i n g on qualifications.


Send resume or Standard Form 1 7 1 by September 3 0 , 1 9 7 4 t o :

GROUP LEADER ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Excellent opportunity for qualified manager to direct a well experienced analytical team. R e sponsibilities include defining t h e scope and methods t o be used t o accomplish objectives a n d development and improvement of analytical techniques or methods—both chemical and instrumental (including spectrographic) for all materials used by the company. Position reports t o Manager of Technical Operations a n d requires advanced knowledge of instrumental techniques. Successful performance would normally require a P h . D . or equivalent and a demonstrated record of technical achievements in the area of analytical chemistry and management of technical personnel. I N Q U I R E ABOUT J O I N I N G A W I N N I N G T E A M ! For further information send your resume including salary history in full confidence to: JOHN A. DURRELL, PERSONNEL MANAGER



C&ENSept. 16, 1974


Director of Civilian Personnel Attn: E. Roadman Office of Naval Research 8 0 0 North Quincy Street Arlington, Virginia 2 2 2 1 7 An Equal Opportunity Employer

Chemist-Latex with experience in one or more of the following areas: Dipping compounds, adhesives, carpet and textile applications. Preferred candidate will have broad experience including product development and technical service activities. Challenging career opportunity with growth potential. Reply in confidence. Box 20-C-9, ACS., 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C 20036

PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH WILLIAM H. RORER, INC., a pharmaceutical manufacturing subsidiary of RORER-AMCHEM, INC., which is located in suburban Philadelphia, currently has two challenging positions available in its Research Division.

BIOANALYTICAL CHEMIST This position in our Drug Metabolism Dept. requires a candidate with a BS or MS Degree and 3 to 5 years' experience in gas chromatographic analysis of drugs and metabolites in biological fluids. Strong interest and capability in the development of analytical methodology for the bioavailability of new drug molecules is a necessity. Experience in isotope studies in animals and humans is desirable.

ANALYTICAL CHEMIST Requirements for this position include a BS or MS Degree and several years of experience in analytical pharmaceutical chemistry and strong background in separation techniques, functional group analysis and instrumentai analysis. Specific job duties will include analysis of raw materials, in-process formulations and dosage forms as well as stability studies. If your background is aligned with either of the positions listed above, we would welcome the opportunity to review your qualifications. Address replies to: EMPLOYMENT MANAGER



Process/ Project Engineers Several openings exist in our production departments for Process/Project engineers with a minimum of a B.S. in Chemical or Mechanical engineering and at least 3 - 4 years experience in the petro-chemical or related industries.

Process Engineering Group Leader One position exists in our technical services department for a chemical engineer with eight to ten years direct experience in the petro-chemical industry who has the capacity and desire to lead a technical group.

Most of these positions result from the technical expansion of our plant near New Orleans· This situation presents significant opportunity for advancement to talented personnel. Send replies giving education, personal data and salary requirements to:

500 Virginia Drive, Ft. Washington, Pa. 19034 An Equal Opportunity Employer

SENIOR PLASTIC LAMINATES ENGINEERS] A leading Massachusetts manufacturing firm has several outstanding career opportunities for individuals to work in cooperation with a group responsible for the installation of a state-of-the-art plastic laminating process. One of the persons selected will gain full technical responsibility for the manufacturing process. Some travel will be involved. Applicants should possess a BS in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering or Chemical Engineering or the equivalent combination of education and experience. In addition, all candidates should possess at least 5 years of appropriate industrial experience. If you are a person of energy, vision and imagination and desire the challenge or participation in an aggressive organization, please send us your resume in complete confidence. Our company offers a complete range of fringe benefits plus excellent salary commensurate with education and experience. All of our employees know of this opening. Please forward your resume to: Box 45-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., Washington, D.C. 20036

Employment Manager

American Cyanamid Company 10800 River Road Westwego, Louisiana 70094 An Equal Opportunity Employer Wl/F

SENIOR CHEMICAL ENGINEER Excellent opportunity for a Chemical Engineer with 3-10 years industrial experience in as many of these fields as possible. (In order of interest to us): 1—Chemical and polymer process development and cost estimating. 2—Small pilot plant design, supervision and optimization. 3—Heat transfer research: waterside enhancement and fouling inhibition. 4—Enclosed space comfort conditioning: cost effective energy conservation. 5—Pollution control of manufacturing facilities. Join the Chemical and Environmental Section of the Corporate Research Center in a Northwest suburb of Chicago. Multiple diversified tasks await the innovative engineer who will take responsibility for a project conception, planning and development through the transition through production. Send complete resume, including salary history in confidence, to Mr. C. C. Robinson,

B0RG WARNER CORPORATION Roy C. Ingersoll Research Center Wolf and Algonquin Roads Des Plaines, Illinois 60018



An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F

An Equal Opportunity Employer

Sept. 16, 1974 C&EN



Opportunities for Career Achievement in a Rewarding Technical Community Scientists of marked creativity, who wish to expand their authoritative standing in their fields, will find unusual career attractions at the Celanese Technical Center in Summit, New Jersey. While growing steadily in all its diversified areas, Celanese is also implementing a strong long-range program of new product, process and business development. These positions offer key independent responsibility in broad-based programs, carried out through a project-oriented functional matrix system and through direct involvement with operating units. They present outstanding opportunities for wide exposure, interdisciplinary work, personal recognition and advancement. Salaries are fully commensurate, and benefits are excellent. Spacious physical facilities are well-equipped with advanced and often specially-built equipment. The Center's rewarding professional climate includes many internal seminars and other activities, with publication and advanced studies encouraged. Send resume in strict confidence, including salary requirements, to Director of Technical Employment, Celanese Summit Technical Center, Box 1000, Summit, New Jersey 07901.


ADVANCED ENGINEERING COMPOSITES R&D Opportunity for highly experienced specialist to become key member of product development group implementing strong program to build Celanese leadership in the developing markets for graphite and other composites. B.S., M.S. or Ph.D. in Chemistry, Ch.E. or material science, with authoritative knowledge of applications, formulation, fabrication, evaluation. POLYMER SYNTHESIS R&D Opportunity for independent achievement in broad-based programs involving vinyl and condensation polymers for wide range of applications, including fibers and coatings. Ph.D. in Polymer Chemistry with strong experience in advanced organic polymer synthesis mechanisms and procedures. COATINGS APPLICATIONS R&D Challenging opportunity for strongly supported marketing-oriented applications research and broad internal & external contact in uv-, radiation- and photo-curable coatings for all applications. Ph.D. with 3 years experience in polymer systems technology applicable to coatings. Must be astute communicator with strong personal presence.



Chemical Engineers . Process Engineering Group Leader — BS or M S - C h E w i t h 8 t o 12 y e a r s d i v e r s e e x p e r i e n c e in R & D p r o c e s s d e s i g n or process engineering. C a p a b l e of c o ­ o r d i n a t i n g projects f r o m b e n c h scale t h r o u g h c o m m e r c i a l d e s i g n . Desire ex­ p o s u r e t o b e in I n o r g a n i c C h e m i s t r y .

. Research Chemist — BS or M S in C h e m i s t r y w i t h 2 t o 5 y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e in R & D p i l o t o p e r a t i o n s a n d / or p r o c e s s d e v e l o p m e n t , p r e f e r a b l y in inorganic specialty chemicals. If y o u r b a c k g r o u n d is i n o n e of t h e s e areas, we w o u l d like t o discuss oppor­ t u n i t i e s in o u r n e w R & D f a c i l i t y l o c a t e d o n L a k e Erie in t h e v a c a t i o n l a n d of t h e midwest. Send resume containing education, work experience a n d current salary level t o : S a l a r i e d P e r s o n n e l Mgr.

Vulcan Materials Co.

LABORATORY MANAGER Chemical mfg. client located in a desirable suburb of a large Eastern city seeks a B.S. or M.S. in Chemistry with min 8 years exp. much of which should be in the management of 12 or more people in a Quality Control, Service or Chemicals Testing laboratory. Should demonstrate superior management skills. Salary to Iow20's. For discreet inquiry contact: Gene Taylor

Metals Division


P.O. Box 720 S a n d u s k y , Ohio 44870 An Equal Opportunity Employer

P.O. Box 21, Exton, Pa. 19341 (215) 363-1600

BS/MS Analytical knowing IR, UV, TLC, GC Need three years industrial experience. Learn textile appli­ cations! $14.5M. F. S. Kirkpatrick, Consultants, Inc., 220 Lenox, Westfield, New Jersey 07090

Postdoctoral position available starting November 1, 1974 for Biochemist. Research in protein Biosynthesis mechanism. Send resume to Dr. S. Chladek, Michigan Cancer Foundation, 110 E. Warren, Detroit, Michigan 48201

Chemist, B.S.—Development and process work. Ex­ perience preferred but not necessary. Send resumes' Mineral Pigments Corporation, 7011 Muirkirk Rd, Beltsville, Md. 20705 or call Mr. Aliah (301) 725-2400

Plastics Tech Service—Chemist or Engineer with poly­ mer background. 15% travel, excellent future, to $17,500. Contact: N. V. Pomplas, PRO EM PERSON­ NEL, 78 Mill Road, Hatboro, Penna. 19040

A n Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F Business Analyst MBS or MBA candidate with under­ graduate technical degree. Position involves analysis of marketing and business problems at corporate staff level. No experience necessary. Send resume to Dr. William Copulsky, W. R. Grace & Co., 1114 Ave. of Americas, New York City 10036


To ensure a high return on your ad, we recommend: 1. Be specific—describe the job qual­ ifications as completely as you can. 2. Sign your company name. 3. Answer all inquiries from appli­ cants.

NEW ANALYTICAL OPPORTUNITIES AT ALUED CHEMICAL CORPORATE RESEARCH The dynamic new environment in research at Allied Chemical has created the need for the following special skills in the Chemical Physics Department of the Chemical Research Center in Morristown, N.J. These positions offer opportunity for growth and career development, with liberal compensation and excellent employment benefits. Chromatography Section Leader


A PhD in chemistry is required with a minimum of 5 years experience in the application of chromatographic techniques to analytical problems arising in research and support operations.

Required is BS or MS degree with a m i n i m u m of 1 year's experience in the application of G.C and L C . to solution of analytical problems.

Analytical Chemist

Infrared Spectroscopist Requiresa minimum of a BS degree and 5 years industrial experience in infrared analysis. Experience in analyses of polymers is preferred and a background including organic functional group analyses, gas analyses and ultraviolet spectros copy will be useful.

êR^ical Corn Wet Milling Industry Ass't. Tech. Director

BS or MS degree required in Analytical Chemistry with a m i n i m u m of 2 years experience in chemical analysis. Familiarity with A.A., Emission Spectroscopy, Electrochemical and wet methods of analysis preferred. Our modern, multi-disciplinary research center is located in an attractive suburban rural area of northern New Jersey, convenientto metropolitan New York. Send resume and salary requirements in confidence to: Assistant Manager, Employee Relations, Allied Chemical Corporation, Corporate R&D, P.O. Box 1021R, Morristown, New Jersey 07960. An equal opportunity employer, M/F


A leading processor of agricultural products has an immediate opening for an Assistant Technical Director for its corn wet milling operations.

Join an expanding and diversifying company— an organization which emphasizes the fundamental chemical engineering approach—where you will have an opportunity to contribute all of your ideas and talents.

Responsibilities include supervision of quality control and product development. Additional responsibilities include providing assistance to production and technical sales service.

Openings are available lowing areas:

Applicants should have Ph.D. degree in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering and a minimum of five years experience in corn wet milling industry. Company offers excellent starting salary, fringe benefits and growth potential. Interested applicants should send resume and salary requirements in confidence to: Box 52-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 A n Equal Opportunity Employer

at our Baton Rouge location in the fol-


For design and evaluation work on chemical processes. For identifying plant process improvements and executing plant test programs. For approximately one year training assignment in manufacturing technical services prior to assignment in plant operations supervision.

Well qualified chemical engineers with 0-5 years experience are invited to submit resumes of academic and professional experience to: A. J. ROBICHAUX


ETHYL CORPORATION P.O. Box 341, Baton Rouge, La. 70821 An Equal Opportunity


Sept. 16, 1974 C&EN


ATTENTION Company Recruiters Personnel Directors Just Published 572 resumes of 1975 graduates—7Φ each COLLEGE CHEMISTRY SENIORS, INDUSTRY EDITION is 572 resumes of majors in chemistry (478), chemical engineering (71), and related disciplines (23) who will graduate next June and are looking for jobs in industry, government, etc. Price $40 per copy from Special Issues Sales American Chemical Society 1155—16th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 36

C&EN Sept. 16, 1974

ACADEMIC POSITIONS The Chemistry Department of Wayne State University is looking for a few very talented chemists as additions to the permanent staff. Our department has a strong re­ search commitment with modern facilities and equip­ ment, but also expects all staff to excel in execution of their instructional obligations. While we will consider seriously any truly outstanding applicant, we will give special consideration to those whose research experi­ ence and interests lie in one of the areas of Analytical Chemistry, Membrane Biochemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry, Surface Chemistry or Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry (esp. main group, solid state, or with an orientation to catalytic reagents). Al­ though we are most interested in adding staff at the be­ ginning assistant professor level, we will entertain appli­ cations from exceptional individuals whose qualifica­ tions would require a more advanced appointment. Applicants should submit resume, statement of re­ search interests, three letters of reference and aca­ demic transcripts to Prof. J. F. Endicott, Chairman, Faculty Search Committee, Department of Chemistry, Wayne State University, 125 Chemistry Building, De­ troit, Ml 48202. Wayne State University is an equal opportunity-affirmative action employer and applica­ tions from minority groups and women are encouraged. Research on Pesticide Degradation in Tobacco Smokes. Research Associates Ph.D. (8,200). Write: N. M. Chopra A & Τ State University, Greensboro, North Carolina 27411


Chemical Engineers Varied opportunities for professional responsibility and career growth in a highly active and diversified environment are offered by the Research and Engineering Department at ARCO Chemical's suburban Philadelphia headquarters. Working on a wide range of new and improved petrochemical specialties and intermediates— and servicing the increasing number of ARCO Chemical's wholly-owned, affiliated and licensed operations worldwide—these positions will be of unusual interest in terms of both products and processes. Openings at levels commensurate with qualifications are currently available in the following areas, for BS and MS Chemical Engineers with up to 10 years experience,

Postdoctoral Positions available in purification and chemical study of marine toxin and antitumor com­ pounds. Send resume and references to: Dr. Yuzuru Shimizu, Department of Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island 02881. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Minorities and women are encouraged to apply·

PROCESS DESIGN...including scoping and detail design specifications.

Teaching and Research Assistantships—available Jan­ uary 1975 to qualified candidates for the M.S. and Ph.D. Stipend: $3600, 10 mos. Summer support available. Opportunities in all areas of Chemistry. Fellowships also available. Write: Chairman, Chem­ istry Admissions Committee, Department of Chemistry, Lexington, Kentucky 40506. Equal Opportunity Em­ ployer.

DEVELOPMENT LABORATORY PROGRAM PLANNING.. .including process analysis and economic evaluations.

Postdoctoral Position The synthesis and analysis of Nnitrosomines. Experience and knowledge of ESR, or­ ganic synthesis, UC label techniques, and high pres­ sure liquid chromatography desirable. To begin No­ vember 1974; application deadline: 10/28/74. Apply: R. E. Lyle, Department of Chemistry, Parsons Hall, Uni­ versity of New Hampshire, Durham, N.H. 03824. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Postdoctoral organic mass spectroscopist with inde­ pendence and imagination to develop procedures for identifying previously unexamined, toxicologically signif­ icant environmental residues. 1 October 1974. Dr. Matthew Meselson, Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology., 16 Divinity Avenue, Harvard University, Cam­ bridge, Mass. 02138 Associate Professor or Professor in Organic Chemistry The Department of Chemistry of the University of Penn­ sylvania invites applications from men and women suit­ ably qualified to fill a senior position in organic chemis­ try. Applicants must have an outstanding research record and be currently pursuing a vigorous research program in organic chemistry. Biographical data, in­ cluding publication list and names of at least three ref­ erences should be sent to Dr. Michael P. Cava, Depart­ ment of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadel­ phia, Pennsylvania 19174. The University of Pennsyl­ vania is an equal opportunity employer. Postdoctoral Endocrine Biochemist, available now. Research on mechanisms and regulation of steroid biosynthesis. Resume and two letters to: Dr. S. Lieberman, Dept. of Biochem. Columbia Univ., New York 10032 Postdoctoral Position available October 1. Synthesis of potential pancreas-specific carcinogens. Strong back­ ground in organic synthesis required. T. J. Curphey, Department of Pathology, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755 MASS SPECTROSCOPIST (ASSISTANT PROFESSOR). Applications are invited for a position as Assistant Pro­ fessor in the Department of Pediatrics and Pharmacolo­ gy at the University of Colorado Medical Center. Can­ didates are expected to have a Ph.D. in Organic Chem­ istry and at least 3 years postdoctoral experience, pref­ erably in the biochemical applications. The successful applicant will be required to keep charge of a Clinical Organic Chemistry Laboratory and to work in the areas of inborn errors of metabolism, toxicology and steroid metabolism. Send curriculum vitae to Dr. Donough O'Brien, Department of Pediatrics, University of Colora­ do Medical Center, 4200 E. 9th Av., Denver, Colo., 80220. The University of Colorado is an equal oppor­ tunity and affirmative action employer; female and mi­ nority persons are urged to apply. Postdoctoral/Teaching position available from Septem­ ber, 1974. Gas Phase laser photochemistry and the comparison of these results with condensed phase ma­ trix-isolated photochemistry; time-resolved UV and IR spectroscopy. Inquiries should be sent to W. A. Guillory, Department of Chemistry, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112—Affirmative Action Employer.


MANUFACTURING TECHNICAL SERVICE...process support to present and future commercial operations. For prompt and confidential consideration, send resume including salary requirements to: Technical Employment, ARCO Chemical Company, Box 85, Glenolden, Pa. 19036. An equal opportunity employer, m/f

ARCO Chemical Company Division of AtlanticRichfieldCompany

GROUP LEADER Materials Science Research T h i s is a n e x c e l l e n t o p p o r t u n i t y t o m a n a g e a s m a l l g r o u p of s c i e n t i s t s d o i n g r e s e a r c h in m a t e r i a l s w i t h p a r t i c u l a r e m p h a s i s o n u t i l i z a t i o n a n d p r a c t i c a l a p p l i c a t i o n of p o l y m e r s . T h e s u c c e s s f u l c a n d i d a t e s h o u l d h a v e a n a d v a n c e d d e g r e e in p o l y m e r s c i e n c e or a l l i e d f i e l d w i t h a t l e a s t 5 y e a r s p r a c t i c a l e x p e r i e n c e in f o r m u l a t i n g , f o a m i n g a n d / o r o t h e r poly­ m e r u t i l i z a t i o n b a c k g r o u n d s , a n d h a v e t h e c a p a b i l i t y of m a n a g i n g a n R / D t e a m f o r prac­ t i c a l r e s u l t s . C o m p e n s a t i o n will b e c o m m e n s u r a t e w i t h c a n d i d a t e ' s b a c k g r o u n d . E x c e l l e n t c o m p a n y p a i d b e n e i f t s p a c k a g e a n d l i b e r a l r e l o c a t i o n a l l o w a n c e . W e a r e lo­ c a t e d in B e a c h w o o d , O h i o , a g r o w i n g e a s t e r n s u b u r b of C l e v e l a n d . S e n d r e s u m e in c o n ­ fidence to: Personnel Administrator

HORIZONS RESEARCH, INC. 23800 M e r c a n t i l e R d . B e a c h w o o d , Ohio 44122 An Equal Opportunity Employer

ACADEMIC POSITIONS Postdoctoral position available immediately to study high pressure infrared and ultraviolet spectroscopy of various salt solutions. Time-resolved spectroscopy of the gaseous products resulting from infrared flash heat­ ing. Inquiries should be sent to W. A. Guillory, Depart­ ment of Chemistry, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112—Affirmative Action Employer. Postdoctoral Positions (2)—available immediately. In­ organic photochemist for research in solar energy con­ version; physical chemist to study catalysis of methanation. Annual salary $8,500. Send resume and two reference letters to Professor D. Davis (inorganic posi­ tion) or Professor L. Ames (physical position), Depart­ ment of Chemistry, Box 3C, New Mexico State Univer­ sity, Las Cruces, New Mexico 88003. An equal oppor­ tunity/affirmative action employer.

Assistant Professor—Biochemistry, Fall 1975, perma­ nent position for Ph.D. in Biochemistry with bachelors degree in chemistry, and research specialty in Physical Biochemistry (Nucleic Acids), Enzyme Kinetics or Bioregulation. Post doctoral experience necessary, teaching experience desirable. Undergraduate and graduate level teaching duties; supervision of M.S. the­ sis research. Submit complete vitae, three letters of reference, and a written description of research plans, before October 15, 1974, to: Dr. R. D. Bauer, Chair­ man, Department of Chemistry, California State Univer­ sity, Long Beach, CA 90840. CSULB is an Equal Op­ portunity Affirmative Action Employer. Postdoctoral Associates: Iron porphyrin and hemeprotein chemistry. C. E. Castro, Nematology Dept., Uni­ versity of California, Riverside, CA 92507

Sept. 16, 1974 C&EN


SITUATIONS WANTED (ACS Members) NOTICE TO MEMBERS SEEKING EMPLOYMENT The Council Committees on Membership Affairs and on Professional Relations with the approval of the Council have issued the following statement: "A member who advertises in the Situations Wanted Section of CHEMICAL & ENGINEERING NEWS has an ethical responsibility to reply to each employer who responds to the member's advertisement."

Organic/Analytical Chemist: M.A. 1974. Female. Thesis research in general organic synthesis. Some experience in natural products synthesis. Broad background in analytical techniques. Familiar with AA, chromatography-gas, column, thin and thick layer, spectroscopy—-IR, NMR, MS, ion exchange, and others. Available immediately. Will relocate. Betty I. Dunbar, 4038 LaFayette Road, Jamesville, New York 13078 Physical Chemist, Ph.D. 1970; with extensive experience in application of ion exchange resins. Have had experience in sugar refining, water and wastewater treatment, and heavy metals separation. This includes softening, deionizing, color removal, dealkalizing, etc. Available immediately, will relocate. Box 404-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Aerosol Food Chemist: Master Science physical chemistry 1950; Master Science Food 1973. As Chief Aerosol Chemist, organized, set-up, and directed aerosol laboratory. Seven year's experience toiletries, aerosols, chemical specialties. Cosmetic formulation experience, 3 years. Capable assuming full responsibility in aerosol laboratory. Available immediately. Box 405-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Applied Industrial Research. Physical Organic Ph.D., 48. Polymers, films, active surfaces. Specialist gas discharges. Widely published. Box 406-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Innovative and Energetic Medicinal/Organic Chemist: Ph.D. 1970. Experience includes pyrolysis of organic compounds, drug design, synthesis (nuclosides, cyclic nuclotides and heterocyclic compounds), cancer research and instrumental analysis (NMR, MS, HPLC, GC, Col. Chrom). 10 publications. Seeking industrial R&D or teaching position. Box 300-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Application/Development/Tech. Service Chemist. Ph.D. 20 years varied experience in physical & inorganic research, process and product development. Now wish to work in Applications & Formulations or Technical Service departments. Prepared for short training if required. Box No. 301-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Japanese Patent Technical Translation $15-20/page. $10/hr., Free estimation. Box 302-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Outstandingly Successful Organic Research Chemist, Ph.D., created multimillion dollar new product sales for major U.S. chemical firm. International reputation. Specialties include novel heterocycles and applications to pharmaceuticals, pesticides, dyes, and other products. Seeking position in research-minded organization anywhere. Box 303-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Organic Chemist: Ph.D. Three years post-doctoral experience in vinyl monomer and polymer synthesis, reactions and characterization of polymers, polymer applications as sustained release preparations, stationary phases in chromatography, chelating resins. Strong background in synthesis and analytical methods: IR, NMR, MS and chromatography including HLPC. Seeks industrial position. Box 304-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Personable Organic Chemist: Desires product development and/or technical service position with large Eastern company. Ph.D. 1972. Currently involved in polymer product development with large company. Box 305-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. Analytical Chemist: M.S. 1968. In-depth industrial NMR. Also IR, UV, C2Pc, TLC. Separations, wet and Thermal Methods. Polymers, additives, organics, fibers, finishes, surfactants, textile chemicals. Box 306-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Versatile Organic Chemist: Postdoctoral experience in synthetic peptides—enzyme models and photolabile amino acid derivatives, industrial experience in medicinal chemistry, polypeptides-polymers, and anticorrosion paints, Swiss experience in steroids, publications, (317) 637-6193 or Box 307-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Analytical-Physical: Ph.D. Extensive experience in instrumental and physical methods, in-stream monitoring, pollution, radiochemistry, diffraction methods, material science and glass technology. Productive management to interface with functional divisions. Can innovate, organize, follow through programs and enhance profitability. Seek R/D or plant position. Publications. Box 400-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Biochemist/Organic Chemist: Ph.D. 1958. Synthesis and biochemistry experience. Sixteen years in academic and medical research. Some teaching. Twenty-one publications. Seeking assistant professorship or responsible position in medical/pharmaceutical research. R. J. Dummel, 38 Aquavista, San Francisco, Ca. 94131 Organic Chemist: Ph.D. 1970. Seeking R&D position. Experienced in isolation, structure determination, and synthesis of natural products; synthesis and electrooptical studies on nematic liquid crystals; purification of commercial dyes and synthesis of dyes for dye lasers; supervisory and managerial experience. Box 402-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036


C&ENSept. 16, 1974

Consumer Product Testing, Quality Control. Ph.D. 11 years. Department Head. Foods, Cosmetics, Drugs, Toiletries. Plant Inspections, Regulatory Liaison, Vendor Relations, USP, NF, AOAC, Wet/Instrumental Analysis. Toxicological, Microbiological, Physical Testing. Box 407-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Food Scientist in Chocolate, Confectionery, Fats and Oils offers services as either consultant or technical specialist. Ph.D. Basic and applied research. Product, process, and production machinery development. Quality control. Product analysis. Formulation. Packaging. Technical service. Close collaboration with management, sales, production, and engineering. Kenneth E. McCloskey, 318 Canyon Dr., N., Lehigh Acres, Florida 33936. (813) 369-5485 Food Technologist, Ph.D. with established record of leadership and technical expertise with numerous products and processes including meats, cereal, fruits, vegetables, canning, freezing and instantizing. Eighteen years industry and government experience. Desire position in management, production, or R&D. Box 409C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Forensic Chemist: M.S. Forensic Science, Sept. 1974, B.A. Chemistry; Experience in federal crime laboratory, summer 1973, mostly instrumental analysis (IR, GC, PGC, NAA, and X-ray fluorescence). Interests—analysis of non-biological evidence, analysis of drugs. Seeks position in crime laboratory. Box 410-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Hard-Working Analytical Chemist: B.A. wet and dry methods with modern instrumentation, I.R., U.V.—VIS. Seeks work in Q.A. or Q.C. Willing to relocate. David Robinson, 10540 N.E. 4 Ave., Miami, Florida 33138 Medicinal Chemist, Ph.D. 1971. 2 years postdoctoral experience. Background includes 13 years experience in the syntheses and drug design of anticancer drugs. Eighteen publications. Seeks position in industry or medical institution with advancement possibilities. New York metro area only. No agencies please. Box 412-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Product Development Manager: Fifteen years of increasingly responsible experience includes Product Development, Quality Control, Technical Service, Organization and Planning, Marketing, Sales, Supervision, Innovative Ideas, and Thermaset and Thermoplastic resins and adhesives. Prefer New England area. M. J. Darnowski, 70 Miscoe Road, Worcester, Mass. 01604 (617) 753-7683 Soviet trade: Chemical and Engineering Executive. Univ. Calif. (Berkeley) Ph.D. Fluent Russian. Fortune top 50 background in petroleum, chemicals, polymers, minerals, nuclear, graphic arts. Eleven years of Soviet expertise. High level contacts. Can help spark your communications link for technology and product sales in U.S.S.R. Box 414-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Versatile Chemist-Chemical Engineer: Strong business background—20 years experience in development of new products and application methods, technical service/sale, R&D, market appraisal and new technology. Epoxies, natural and synthetic rubber, polymers for sealants, potting and encapsulation, coatings, equipment, domestic and abroad. Box 415-C-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Analytical Chemist: B.S. plus, 1970, Highest Honors, G.P.A. 4.0. Seven successful years experience in commercial analytical lab. Versatile instrumentation and wet analysis background. Specialty in gas chromatographic detection of pesticides. Prefer S.F. Bay area. Available immediately. Mary Lukes, (415) 967-2041, 230 Arriba z2, Sunnyvale, California 94086 Organic Chemist: Ph.D. 1974, U. of Illinois. Industrial R&D experience in high-pressure catalytic hydrogénation. Excellent academic record. Strong synthetic

and spectroscopic background. Publications. Desire industrial or governmental research position emphasizing organic synthesis. Location open. Available immediately. Box 401-B-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Ph.D. Organic/Analytical. B.S. Pharmacy. Extensive experience in synthetic and analytical chemistry, drug assays, clinical assays, and method development. Experienced with high pressure liquid chromatography, G.C., UV, NMR, thin layer and column chromatography. Experienced in organization of quality control laboratories. Ten years teaching. Seeking laboratory supervisory position or a position in R&D with chemical or Pharmaceutical company. Box 403-B-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Research Chemist—Analytical, Biomedical and Pharmaceutical: Many years industrial, hospital and other, laboratory and management experience. Masters— chemistry with distinction. Many research and 'new methods' papers. Inventor new anti-TR compound. Versatile, innovative and team spirited. Leadership qualities. Will relocate within North America. Box 418-A-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Participating Manager and Leader of Analytical Chemistry. Organic and Inorganic; Instrumental and Classical—including trace analysis. Publications. Midwest preferred. Box 302-B-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Organic/Polymer: Ph.D., 1963. Results conscious, profit oriented, extensive polymer products experience —High performance plastics, polyester technology (process, end uses), adhesives, polyurethanes, fire retardants, polymer composites and specialty chemicals. Bench scale syntheses and modifications through scale up. Research to profit motivated product reality. Supervisory experience. Box 305-B-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Physical Chemist: Ph.D., 1974. Graduate research experience in surface chemistry, dye chemistry, polarization spectroscopy, and single crystals (esp. silver halides). Also experience with circular dichroism measurements and optically active systems. Seeks R&D position. Publications. William D. Pandolfe, 902 Ridge Road, Wethersfield, Connecticut 06109 Analytical Radiochemist/Chemical Engineer. Ph.D. 1970; 32 years old, postdoctoral experience, have publications; experience; neutron AA, x-ray florescence, programming, radioactive tracers. Good knowledge in instrumentation. Work on pollution problems and NAA in medicine. Seek industrial R&D or academic position. Available immediately. Will relocate. No agencies. Box 407-B-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Business Planning-Market Research: Experience includes: Manager of business planning and marketing research departments. Commercial development of new products/expansion of existing lines. Financial and capital investment analysis. Acquisition and divestment planning and analysis. Technological forecasting and R&D commercial guidance. B.S., Ch.E., M.I.T.; M.B.A., N.Y.U., Box 410-B-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Enthusiastic graduate: B.S. in Chemistry 1974. Interest in water and wastewater chemistry. Seeks employment in this or related field. Prefers non-urban environment. J. P. O'Brien, 455 West Cook, Springfield, Illinois 62704. Phone (217) 528-2788 Information Systems Analysis/Design: Extensive government, commercial experience R&D design, installation of systems and techniques for chemical structure and property, toxicology, cancer, patent information. Text processing; user requirements studies; on-line/ batch, large/mini computers. Computer languages, foreign languages, chemical line notations. Ph.D. organic. Fifty publications. Box 413-B-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Personable, adaptable, well traveled organic chemistry prof seeks technical liaison position related to pharmaceuticals, health, petrochemicals or energy. Industrial experience in bio- and clinical chemistry. Academic experience in administration, workstudy, health science and international programs. Box 415-B-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Technical Manager: Pragmatic, flexible Ph.D. M.B.A. with broad managerial experience can help spearhead your drive for new and increased profits. Diverse experience and training includes surfactants, textiles, foam, urethane elastomers, rubber and papermaking technology, various latex systems, frothed foam systems, and products based on urethane foam. Box 417-B-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 PROCESS DEVELOPMENT in organic synthesis. Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry/B.S.Ch.E. Five years industrial experience that including detail design, start-up and manage small plants in addition to R&D. Will relocate to a larger city in southeast or east. Box 311-A-9, ACS. 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Analytical Manager: M.S. Speciality trace element analysis of superalloys, foods, and the environment. Analytical R&D supervisor. Experience with a variety of rapid instrumental (or classical) determinations of 75 elements, as well as intermetallic and organic compounds. Will Relocate. Box 400-A-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Wanted: Position as Chem. Lab. Manager, Ph.D. 1972. Analytical Chemistry, M.B.A. Candidate. Available due to company reorganization. Married. Will relocate. Box 317-A-9, ACS., 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Dyestuffs/Pigments Chemist: Ph.D., Strong background in synthesis and process development. Patents and publications. Seeking challenging R&D assignment. Box r318-A-9, ACS., 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Biochemist: Experienced in enzyme isolation methods; all types of chromatography and most instrumental analyses. Six publications. Two years experience in supervision of up to ten technicians. Both academic and industrial background. Broad range of research projects. Prior security clearance. Location open. Robert 0. Quesenberry, Box 369, Hinton, W.Va. 25951 Physical Chemist: Ph.D. 1972. Strong background in crystal growth and dissolution of minerals, application of inhibitors in water treatment, electrolyte solution, chemical kinetics, surface chemistry, radiation chemistry. M.S. Radiochemistry. Publications. Seek R&D position or government laboratories. Box 402-A-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Chemist: B.S., China born and educated. Mandarin speaking. U.S. Citizen, twenty years food industry experience in U.S. Desires to be negotiator or representative in China trade of foods, drugs, herbs, seeds, saplings, fibers, fertilizers, chemicals, farm machinery including trucks, oil drilling equipment. Box 403-A-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20035 Crystal Grower, Inorganics, Metallurgy. Ph.D. 1974, married, U.S. Citizen, 4 years experience in military R&D (growth and characterization of single crystal materials), experience with T.E.M. and X-ray diffraction. Publications. Desire R&D or teaching position. Resume upon request. Box 404-A-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Quality Control, Formulation, Development: Industrial and agricultural chemicals, cleaning compounds, paint removers, etc. 10 years of experience, B.S. Preference California. Box 405-A-9, ACS, 1155 16th St. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Research and Development Administrator/Chemist: Ph.D. 1965 (Organic, Analytical). Diversified experience in pharmaceutical, agricultural, flavor and fragrance industries. Specialist in government regulatory affairs including F.D.A., E.P.A. Unusual record of accomplishment, cooperation with engineering, production and marketing. Current position—Manager Analytical and Governmental relations. Box 406-A-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Perfumes/Cosmetics/Chemical Specialties: Broad experience in fragrance creation and evaluation; toiletries research and development, household product and detergent formulation. Chief perfumer, laboratory director and consultant to prominent companies. Seek responsible position. Box 409-A-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Process or Technical Service Engineer: M.S.Ch.E. 1968. Young aggressive and economy minded. Experience (Polymer/Adhesives) in production supervision, process engineering, product development, scaleup pilot plant, purchasing and technical service. Technical skill to excel at long range planning. Box 408-A9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

relocate. Available immediately. Box 403-D-8, ACS 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Polymer/Carbohydrate Chemist: Ph.D. Excellent diversified background. Extensive polymer research. Synthesis of monomers and vinylpolymers, copolymerization, kinetics and mechanism, endgroup and thermal analysis, degradation and solution properties of polyelectrolytes. Synthesis of carbohydrates and derivatives, chromatographic techniques, characterization, biological membrane transport. Publications. Seek R&D position. Box 404-D-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W'., Washington, D.C. 20036 Chemist: Ph.D. Graduate and postdoctoral research experience in instrumental, chromatography, and synthetic applications as related to bioorganic, organic, biochemistry, and analytical chemistry. Industrial and academic experience. Publications. New areas of endeavor considered. Seek industrial or government. Box 405-D-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W. Washington, D.C.20036 Chemist/Materials and Processes Engineer. Twenty years experience with adhesives, adhesive bonding, plating, electroless deposition, corrosion and elastomers. Familiar with military and federal specifications. Have written fabrication procedures and specifications for aerospace hardware. Prefer metropolitan Detroit area. Box 406-D-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Environmental Chemist: B.S. 1970. Extensive experience in development of instrumentation for continuous water quality monitoring. Application of Mini Computers to laboratory automation and data analysis. Three years experience in methods development for trace metals analysis using all phases of A.A.S. Box 410-D8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Environmental Engineer: Ph.D. Chem. Eng. 1974 (Aug), experimental thesis in removal of toxic metal ion from water. Interested in applied research and development work and environmental impact studies. Balanced chemical engineering background with a strong emphasis on trace metal ion analysis. Location open. Box 411-D-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 R&D Chemist: Experienced in lubricants, rust preventives, flame retardants. Strong record (15 years specialization) in power transmission fluids including development of new products and quality assurance programs. Box 413-D-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Analytical/Environmental Chemist: B.S. 1969. Industrial experience and post-graduate study. Instrumentation includes: GC, UV, IR, NMR, and AA. Will relocate. Available immediately. Box 400-C-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Chemical Engineer: Ph.D., August 1974. age 28, married, experimental thesis in high pressure vapor-liquid equilibrium of hydrocarbon mixtures. Interested in applied research and development work. Balanced chemical engineering background with a strong emphasis on mathematical modelling. Location open. Box 401-C-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Organic Chemist: Ph.D. 1971. Postdoctoral research in analytical biochemistry and cancer pharmacology. Experienced in organic synthesis, chromatographic techniques, and instrumental analysis. Box 402-C-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Technical Administrator: An enthusiastic and effective leader in technical marketing, research, planning, administration and personnel development seeks new opportunities as research manager or V.P. assistant. Ten years experience in several chemical fields available to solve your technical problems. 40; Ph.D. 1965 Stanford, M.S. 1960 MIT. Box 410-A-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

MS Organic Chemist: 1974. Seeking industrial position in research and product development. Research thesis in imine chemistry. Experience in synthetic organic, nmr and ir. Prefer East Central location. Available immediately. Box 403-C-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, DO. 20036

Want R&D career: Product development, formulation, cost reduction, effects of additives, coatings, or other results-oriented work. Prefer pioneering new or growing commercial areas, interacting with manufacturing and marketing. Four years industrial experience in the above; Ph.D.; B.S.: high honors and distinction in chemistry. Audrey Knauer, P.O.B. 174, Neenah, Wisconsin 4956

Polymers/Organic: Ph.D., Synthesis, development, polymers, copolymers, fluorocarbons, polystyrenes, fluids, organophosphorus chemistry; polymerization, molecular, chemical, structural characterization; thermal, flame resistance, aging, and environmental aspects of plastics and fibers. Industry-government R&D project leader, originator, supervisory, administrative experience. Reports, publications. Will relocate. Robert E. Donadio, 103 Butterfield Circle, North Syracuse, N.Y. 13212; phone 315-458-7284

Biochemist: Ph.D. 1966. Industrial experience in metabolic fate of agricultural chemicals and veterinary pharmaceuticals, also nutrition and endocrinology. Experience in liaison with regulatory personnel and supervision of laboratory personnel. Publications in drug metabolism, nutrition, radiation biology and laboratory animal techniques. Available immediately. Box 401D-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Practical Polymer Chemist: Over fifteen years experience developing polymer/resin systems meeting diverse application requirements in dental materials, coatings, electrical areas. Self-reliant, lab through production. Many products/improvements on market. Primarily seeking small company/division' having, or desiring to set up vigorous R&D program. Box 407-C8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Organic/Organometallic Chemist: Ph.D. Organic synthesis, R&D, supervise research. Industry, Government, or Teaching (JR. 4 year, or graduate). Pharmaceutical, petrochemical, antiknock, monomers, agricultural products. Organo Pb, Hg, AI etc. Lead & Mercury pollution. Instrumental techniques. New Reactions, 20 publications, patents, grant research. Box 402-D-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

B.S. Chemistry, B.A. French: 1973: Recent graduate seeks position in R&D or analytical laboratory. Experience in American pharmaceutical and French metals research labs. Read technical German. Excellent scholastic record. Enthusiastic and creative. F. W. Whipple, 35 Vermont Avenue, Binghamton, New York 13905

Polymer Chemist: Ph.D. 1965. Broad experience in polymers including polyolefins, vinyl and polyurethanes. Some experience in environmental control and quality control. Experience in use of various instrumental methods including thermal methods, chromatography, spectroscopy. Prefer Gulf coast R&D position, but will

Physical/Catalytic Chemist: Ph.D. 1973. Seeks R&D position. Postdoctoral and thesis research in catalysis. Experience with vacuum systems, GC, IR, thermal analysis, x-ray, and mass spectrometry. Publications. No geographical preference. Married. Available September 1, 1974. Presbury B. West, 34-509 North McKinley, Athens, Ohio 45701

Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopist: Ph.D. Strong background in ESR, NMR, and ENDOR, including spectrometer design and modification. Experienced in vacuum techniques, cryogenics, matrix isolation, glassblowing, and FORTRAN programming. 6 years teaching experience. Publications. Available immediately: industrial/academic. G. Pearson, Chem. Dept., UICC, Box 4348, Chicago, Illinois 60680. (312) 996-8585 Accomplished Manager. Inventive Scientist Engineer: B.A., B.Eng, Ph.D. (organic, polymer), postdoctoral (carbohydrates). Created new products, processes used on massive scale. Wood, grasses-pulping, bleaching; starch, alcohol, protein processing; papermaking, specialty papers, coatings; clays, talcs, bentonites. Materials science, fine particle technology. Box 410-C-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Manager: Available due to merger. Excellent experience in textile manufacturing. Man-made knit fur fabrics, heat fusible woven, nonwoven interlinings. Also chemical manufacturing of surfactants, process aids, lubricants. Successful track record has included administration, sales/marketing, R&D. Principals seeking Action—profits write Box 411-C-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Marketing/Sales Management: M.S.Ch.E. Seeks line or staff position. 17 years experience in sales, product management, sales management, marketing. Full Monomers, Polymers, Intermediates, Pigments. Market: Paint, Adhesives, Paper Coating, textile, non-wovens, flexible packaging. International experience. Box 412-C-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036 Proven Problem Solver: with acknowledged management potential, Ph.D. in chemistry, publications, accomplishments in solid state chemistry, molten salts, electrochemistry, glass chemistry, analytical chemistry, light-emitting diodes, doped glasses, integrated circuits, thin films, seeks to conduct and direct materials R&D. Prefer Eastern U.S. Box 414-C-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Sales Manager: Custom molded injection and structural foam parts. Years of experience in plastics and resin raw materials for end-user r OEM approvals. Knowledge major plastic users, appliance, computer, automotive industries. Seeking molder or material supplier interested in increased sales, profitability and product approvals. Box 415-C-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Steroid Chemist: Ph.D. Extensive experience in the chemistry of different groups of steroids including vitamin D on synthetic and analytical sides and also in isolation and utilization of Natural Steroids. Some experience in nonsteroidal alicyclic compounds. Many publications. Desire industrial or research center position. Box 416-C-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Biochemist/Nutritional Research/Teaching: M.Sc. Biochemistry, August, 1972. Five years research experience, two years teaching experience in foreign university. Seeks long-term position. Prefer AcademicResearch Institute, Industry. H. Zeidan, 7004 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, La. 70118 Physical, Analytical, Water Chemistry: Ph.D. Experienced in water chemistry, water and waste water treatment and recovery by reverse osmosis and conventional treatment equipment, characterization of reverse osmosis membranes, development and application of analytical methods, fuel cell, advanced battery systems, aqueous and fused salt electrochemistry for the determination of reaction mechanisms and kinetics. Water treatment experience obtained in the lab and in the field with pilot plant equipment. Box 403-B-8, ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Enzymes-Quality & Process Control: B.S. Chemistry. More than 30 years in supervisory and managerial positions in manufacturing wide range of microbial, plant and animal derived enzymes for use in food, pharmaceutical and misc. industries. Extensive background in quality control, quality and cost optimization, FDA regs. process scale up, etc. Box 406-B-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Genera! Chemist: Ph.D. 1972 organometallic electrochemistry. Broad experience in organometallic, organic, inorganic synthesis. Well experienced in spectroscopic methods. Three year diversified R&D applications: photoconductors, sensitizers, electropolymerization, novel photo processes, sedimentation, quality control. Ten years undergrad teaching: organic, analytical, general. Box 407-B-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 International Marketing Executive: Experienced in all phases of technical marketing, exporting, agentship of chemicals and specialty products. Six years in Far East. Also experienced in petroleum, fuel additives, cleaners and manufacturing. Formulations corrosion inhibitors, petroleum additives. (914)725-4328, 300 Central Ave., B-6, Hartsdale, New York 10530 M.S. Chemistry, May 1974: Thesis on enzyme purification and electrophoretic study by zymogram technique. Seek position as chemist or biochemist. Will relocate. Box 410-B-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Product Development Chemist, Ph.D., Chemical Engineering. Experience in applied research and development of polymers for paper and industrial coatings and

Sept. 16, 1974 C&EN


plastic films. Development of photographie products, specialty papers, coated abrasives, electrostatic toners. Patents, commercial products. Desire senior position in applied research or product development. Box 413-B-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Organic R&D Chemist: M.S. Versatile with excellent experience in the production of thermoset resins seeks a position in the environmental, analytical or organic field. Available immediately. No agencies please. V. Zale, P.O. Box 524, Niagara Falls, N.Y. 14302 Polymer Chemist: Ph.D. Extensive experiences in polymerization, processing, characterization, rheological work, equipment design, Experiences with coatings, thermoplastics, and rubber. After an idea for highest efficiency in R/D. Deeply involved in an invented painting system which has many important advantages; detailed R/D plan ready for discussions. Box 406-A-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Administrator/Coordinator, twenty-five years accomplishments cosmetics, toiletries, specialties, aerosols. Product, process, packaging devt., manufacturing, systems, procedures, overall phases product introduction. Dedicated, cost minded innovator, service-oriented. Ph.D. credits, languages. Currently Lab Director, seeks challenge fully utilizing extensive experience. Available immediately for relocation. Morris Kenigsberg, 113 Country Club Ct., Danville, III. 61832

diazo chemistry, kinetics, organic synthesis, quality control. Expert on various types of membranes and membrane testing methods. Box 411-B-7, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Physical Chemist. Ph.D. Seeking industrial R&D position. Experience in chemical kinetics, photochemistry, surface chemistry, and the computer simulation of reaction kinetics. Also experienced in the planning, funding, and supervision of research projects. M.S. in nuclear chemistry. Location open. Box 413-B-7, ACS, 1155 16th St., Washington, D.C. 20036 Physical-Analytical Chemist: Ph.D., 1970. Diversified experience includes molecular spectroscopy, organic, inorganic and polymer synthesis. Industrial experience in product development with supervisory responsibilities. Outstanding communicative skills. Academic honors, publications, postdoctoral experience. Seeks industrial or governmental position. Available immediately, will relocate. Box 414-B-7, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Physical Chemist/Chemical Engineer: Experienced in combustion, thermodynamics, kinetics, statistical analysis, polymer grafting. Publications. Box 415-B-7, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Chemist: Ph.D. 44, 25 years experience in analytical and synthetic organic chemistry, chromatography, spectroscopy, electroanalysis, clinical chemistry, 8 publications, languages, looking for interesting and responsible position. Box 409-A-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Polymer Chemist: M.S. Excellent diversified background. Emulsion suspension mass polymerization. PVC Polystyrene acrylates polyolefins, copolymers compounding latexes, resins, coatings. Physical testing. Strong Organic. Laboratory, pilot plant process development. Patents, Production problems. Quality Control. Customer Service. Supervisory experience. Business courses. Languages. Available. No agencies please. Box 417-B-7, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Food & Dairy Industry Consultant and Liaison Representative: New technology appraisal, literature, retrieval, licensing and patent development, and quality control and FDA-liaison. Specialty areas: milk, vegetable and microbial (single-cell) proteins, immobilized enzymes and enzyme engineering, texturization, ultrafiltration, and food fermentation processes. Box 413-A8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Biomedical Engineering/Physical Chemist: M.S. physical chemistry 1970. Successful experience in development of biocompatable materials, implantable devices, and production methods of same. Prefer manufacturing oriented position with biomedical company but will accept development work. Will relocate. All replies acknowledged. Box 419-B-7, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Process Research-Organic, Polymer, Organometaliic: Diversified experience in specialty chemicals and polymers from bench-scale synthesis and modification through scale-up. Process improvement and in-plant trouble-shooting, Graft polymers, tin and silane intermediates, polyurethanes, epoxies, carboxylics, polysulfides and silicones. In NYC/NJ area but relocatable. Box 417-A-8, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Chemist: Ph.D. (London) 1965. Experience in treatment of metal finishing and plating effluents and purification of industrial wastewater. Four years research experience in electrochemistry and catalysis in Canada and Germany. Diversified industrial R&D experience in England. Publications, languages. Permanent resident, U.S.A. Relocate. Seeks industrial position. Box 420-B-7, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.20036

Organic Chemist: Ph.D. Broad organic background. Experienced in the synthesis of aromatic and heterocyclic compounds, in antibiotics and in teaching. Eight publications. Seeks industrial or academic position. Call (804) 282-9581 or write Box 404-D-7, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Coatings Chemist/Technologist: B.S. Polymer synthesis. Extensive experience in polyurethanes, polyesters, alkyds, epoxies, etc. From bench through production. Technical service, formulation. Patents. Available immediately. Box 421-B-7, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

International Chemist: 30 years with major companies, petroleum and petrochemicals, U.S.A., Europe, Africa, Latin-American, seeks position in lab. installation and start-up, R&D, quality control, sales liaison. Permanent position preferred, but will consider short-term assignments as adviser or representative. Will locate or travel anywhere. Box 408-D-7, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Plastics/Coatings Development Chemist/Engineer: M.S. Chemistry. Many years experience in reactive polyurethanes, polyesters, epoxies, acrylics, phenolics, reinforced plastics, thermoplastic nylons, coatings, (powder, liquids), urethane foams, matched metal die and pulltrusion molding, laminating, casting. Desires plastics or coatings development position. No geographical limitations. No agenices. Box 422-B-7, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Synthetic Organic Chemist: Ph.D. 1966. Highly motivated, commercially oriented individual with proven track record. Seven years experience in product and process development. Adept at basic and applied research, yield and cost optimization studies and pilot plant and plant supervision. Strong instrumentation background. Publications. Box 412-D-7, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Analytical Inorganic Chemist: Teaching & post-doctoral research experience. Publications. Seeking any suitable position. Presently teaching at Mid-Atlantic University. Available July 1974. Box 401-B-7, ACS, 1155 16th St., Washington, D.C. 20036 Bioengineering/Biophysical Chemistry: Ph.D. Materials Science and Engineering (Biomaterials), M.S. in Physical Chemistry. Hydrogel applications, implant materials, surface modification, interfacial phenomena statistical mechanics, polymer and metal characterization. Instrumentation: DSC, IR, NMR, UV, Mechanical Testing, Etc. 11 publications. Seek Industrial R&D. Box 403-B-7 ACS, 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Versatile Inorganic/Physical/Analytical: Ph.D. 1970. Postdoctoral, Catalysis and surface Chemistry. Also high temperature chemistry and materials, some medical research. EPR, X-ray, GC, MS, Adsorption, and High Vacuum. Excellent with instruments. Broad interests, including energy problems. Industrial, educational or governmental position wanted. Available immediately. Box 406-B-7, ACS, 1155 16th St., Washington, D.C.20036 Organic/Inorganic Chemist. Catalysis. Ph.D. 4 yrs. industrial experience in catalyst preparation, characterization, and evaluation. Process variables. Thorough researcher, results oriented. Marvin Klotz, 7040 West Tenth Street, Indianapolis, In. 46224 Physical Chemist: Ph.D. 1967. Broad industrial experience in physical, analytical, and organic chemistry encompassing such areas as cellulose chemistry, coatings, qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis,


C&EN Sept. 16, 1974

Midwest Sales: Many years experience selling refractories to steel, aluminum, copper, glass investment casting and electronic industries-also surface active agents, detergents, specialty chemicals and emulsifiers to major soapers, janitor supply, cosmetic and insecticide formulators. Seeks Midwest sales or manufacturers representative position. Box 425-B-7, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

SITUATIONS WANTED (Retired Chemists and Ch.E.'s) Chemical Safety Consultant. Chemical Engineer with 21 years experience in chemical/petrochemical safety, available for chemical hazard surveys, process safety audits, site inspections, safety program reviews, chemical safety instruction, etc. Familiar with Safety and Health regulations affecting chemical manufacturing, handling, transportation and use. William S. Wood, 1076 Dunvegan West, West Chester, Pa. 19380 (215) 692-2160 A recently retired and highly experienced Ph.D. Chemistry Professor wishes to find a full or part-time teaching position in general chemistry in a university or college. No location preference. Box 416-B-9, ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

MISCELLANEOUS Advertising of classifications not included in Directories on preceding pages PUBLICATIONS —SALE,


Chemical Abstracts Vols. 25-57, inclusive, with indexes. Bound. Reasonable offer accepted. O. Grummitt, 601 Canal Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44113


Joe Stelmoschuk Traffic Manager Tempo Advertising, Inc.

"Tempo Advertising is one of the nation's leading advertising agencies specializing in recruitment advertising for technical personnel. "Quite bluntly, I keep my job at Tempo through Chemical & Engineering News. 'Our ads in C&EN produce the best response by far for the majority of our clients' technical openings, because chemists and engineers know it's their help wanted marketplace; because C&EN has twice the circulation and readership of any other CPI magazine; and because (unlike newspapers) C&EN never buries our ads beneath an avalanche of non-chemical employment ads." Call 203-226-7131. Ask for Nancy Brewster.



This section includes: CHEMICALS EXCHANGE—Chemicals, Resins, Gums, Oils, Waxes, Pigments, etc.: EQUIPMENT MART —New and Used Equipment, Instruments; Facilities for Plant and Laboratory; TECHNICAL SERVICES—Consultants ; Engineering, Testing, Professional Services.

Advertising Rates: Space rate is $100 per inch. Lower rates available on contract basis. An "inch" advertisement measures %" deep on one column. Additional space in even lineal inch units. Maximum space—4" per Directory per issue. Set ads due 21 days in advance of publications; plated ads, 17 days.

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